Ed Reiss Library Collection This collection can be found in the Main Office of the Department of Engineering Sciences and Applied Mathematics in Tech M426. BOOKS Author(s) Title Year of Publication A Abramowitz M., Stegun I., Editors Handbook of Mathematical Functions 1965 Abramsom H.N. An Introduction to the Dynamics of Airplanes 1958 Achenbach J.D. Reciprocity in Elastodynamics 2003 Achenbach J.D., Pao Y.H., Tiersten Report of the Workshop on Application of Elastic Waves in Electrical Devices, Non-Destructive H.F. Testing and Seismology 1976 *Agnew, R. P. Calculus: Analytic Geometry and Calculus, with Vectors 1962 Akhiezer N.I. The Calculus of Variations 1962 Albers V.M. Underwater Sound 1972 Albers V.M. Underwater Acoustics Vol II 1967 Alfrey Jr. T. Mechanical Behavior of High Polymers 1948 Allen D.N. de G. Relaxation Methods 1954 Andrews D. An Introduction to Atmospheric Physics (2nd Edition) 2010 Apostol T.M. Mathematical Analysis: A Modern Approach to Advanced Calculus 1957 Arbocz J, Potier-Ferry M, Singer J., Tvergaard V. Lecture Notes in Physics 1985 *Arkin H., Colton R.R. An Outline of Statistical Methods 1939 Arnold L., Jinqiao D. Stochastics and Dynamics 2001 Ash E.A., Paige E.G.S. Rayleigh-Wave Theory and Application 1985 B Baily C., Comte-Bellot G. Turbulence 2003 Barrat A., Barthelemy M., Vespignani A. Dynamical Processes on Complex Networks 2008 Barton M. Fundamentals of Aircraft Structures 1948 Batchelor G.K., Moffatt H.K., Worster M.G. Perspectives in Fluid Dynamica 2003 Bellan P.M. Fundamentals of Plasma Physics 2006 Bellan P.M. Fundamentals of Plasma Physics 2008 Bellman R. Stability Theory of Differential Equations 1953 Bennett, A. Lagrangian Fluid Dynamics 2006 Bennett A.F. Inverse Methods in Physical Oceanography 1992 Berg P.W., McGregor J.L. Elementary Partial Differential Equations 1966 Bergman S., Schiffer M. Kernel Functions and Elliptic Differential Equations in Mathematical Physics 1953 Bird, Armstrong, and Hassager Dynamics of Polymeric Fluids Vol 1 1977 Biskamp D. Magnetohydrodynamic Turbulence 2003 Bland D.R. The Theory of Linear Viscoealasticity 1960 Blass G.A. Theoretical Physics 1962 Bleich F. Buckling Strength of Metal Structures 1952 Bliss G.A. Lectures on the Calculus of Variations 1946 Bocher, M. Introduction to Higher Algebra 1907 Brand L. Vector and Tensor Analysis 1947 Brent R., and Zimmerman P. Modern Computer Arithmetic 2010 Brink D.M., Broglia R.A. Nuclear Superfluidity: Pairing in Finite Systems 2005 Brown J. W., and Churchill R. Complex Variables and Applications 2009 Brown J. W., and Churchill R. Complex Variables and Applications: Student's Solutions Manual 2009 Brown W.S. ALTRAN: User's Manual 1971, 1977 Bruhn E.F. Analysis and Design of Airplane Structures 1949 Brutsaert W. Hydrology: An Introduction 2005 Buhler O. Waves and Mean Flows 2014 An Elementary Treatise on Fourier's Series and Spherical, Cylindrical, and Ellipsoidal Harmonics, Byerly W.E. with Applications to Problems in Mathematical Physics 1893 C Calvert M. The Mechanical Engineer in America, 1830-1910 1967 Cesari L. Asymptotic Behavior and Stability Problems in Ordinary Differential Equations 1971 Chalendar I., and Partington, J. Modern Approaches to the Invariant-Subspace Problem 2011 Chang H., and Yeo L. Electrokinetically Driven Microfluids and Nanofluidics 2009 Chen S-S. Flow-Induced Vibration of Circular Cylindrical Structures 1985 Chow S-N., Hale J.K. Methods of Bifurcation Theory 1982 Chung, T. J. Computational Fluid Dynamics (2nd Edition) 2010 Chung, T. J. General Continuum Mechanics 2007 Churchill R.V. Fourier Series and Boundary Value Problems 1941 Churchill R.V. Introduction to Complex Variables and Applications 1948 Churchill R.V. Operational Mathematics 1958 Claerbout J.F. Fundamentals of Geophysical Data Processing 1976 Clay C., Medwin H. Acoustical Oceanography: Principles and Applications 1977 Collins M.D. Applications of Boundary Layer Theory to Underwater Acoustics 1988 Committee on the Application of Mathematics Computational Modeling and Mathematics Applied to the Physical Sciences 1984 Conkwright N.B. Differential Equations 1934 Naval Hydrodynamics: Unsteady Propeller Forces, Fundamental Hydrodynamics, Unconventional Cooper R.D., Doroff S.W. Propulsion 1968 Craik Wave Interactions and Fluid Flows 1990 CTR - Center for Turbulence Research Studying Turbulence Using Numerical Simulation Database - XI 2006 CTR - Center for Turbulence Research Annual Research Briefs - 2006 2006 Cucker F., Zhou D.X. Learning Theory: An Approximation Theory Viewpoint 2007 Cussler E. L. Diffusion: Mass Transfer in Fluid Systems (3rd edition) 2009 D Dalton C., Denison E., eds. Fluid Mechanics in the Petroleum Industry 1975 Damelin S. B., and Miller Jr. W. The Mathematics of Signal Processing 2012 Date A.W. Introduction to Computational Fluid Dynamics 2005 Dauxois T., Peyrard M. Physics of Solitons 2006 Davis, Huppert, Muller, Worster Interactive Dynamics of Convection and Solidification 1992 De Bruijn N.G. Asymptotic Methods in Analysis 1961 Den Hartog J.P. Mechanical Vibrations 1947 Denman E.D. Coupled Modes in Plasmas, Elastic Media, and Parametric Amplifiers 1970 Denn M. Polymer Melt Processing 2008 Dettman J.W. Applied Complex Variables 1965 Dickey R.W. Nonlinear Elasticity 1973 Dorn W.S., Bitter G.G., Hector D.L. Computer Application for Calculus 1972 Drazin, P.G. Nonlinear Systems 1992 Drazin, P.G. and Johnson, R.S Solitons: An Introduction 1989 Drazin & Reid Hydrodynamic Stability 1981 E Easthope C.E. Three Dimensional Dynamics 1958 Eisenhart L.P. An Introduction to Differential Geometry with Use of the Tensor Calculus 1947 Eisman P.R. Geometric Methods in Computational Fluid Dynamics 1980 Epstein P.S. Textbook of Thermodynamics 1937 Erdelyi A. Asymptotic Expansions 19xx Erdelyi A. Operational Calculus and Generalized Functions 1962 Ewing W.M., Jardetzky W.S., Press F. Elastic Waves in Layered Media 1957 F FAG Kugelfischer Georg Schafer KGaA Rolling Bearings and Their Contribution to the Progress of Technology 1986 Faltinsen, O.M. Hydrodynamics of High-Speed Marine Vehicles 2006 Flatte S.M, Dashen R., Munk W.H., Watson K.M., Zachariasen F. Sound Transmission Through a Fluctuating Ocean 1979 Felsen L.B. Transient Electromagnetic Fields 1976 Ferry A., Kuchemann D., Sterne L.H.G. Progress in Aeronautical Sciences, Vol II: Boundary Layer Problems 1962 Feshenko S.F., Shkil' N.I., Nikolenko L.D. Asymptotic Methods in the Theory of Linear Differential Equations 1966 Feynman R.P. Statistical Mechanics: A Set of Lectures 1972, 1979 Finkbeiner D.T. Introduction to Matrices and Linear Transformations 1960, 1966 Frazer R.A., Duncan W.J., Collar A.R. Elementary Matrices and Some Applications to Dynamics and Differential Equations 1952 Frenkiel F.N., Landahl M.T., Lumley J.L. Structure of Turbulence and Drag Reduction 1977 Freudenthal A.M., Boley B.A., Liebowitz H. High Temperature Structures and Materials 1964 Freudenthal A.M. The Inelastic Behavior of Engineering Materials and Structures 1950 Fridman A. Plasma Chemistry 2008 Friedrichs K.O. Pseudo-Differential Operators: An Introduction 1968 G Gad-el-Hak M. Large- Scale Disasters; Prediction, Control, and Mitigation 2008 Gale D. The Theory of Linear Economic Models 1960 Galin L.A. Contact Problems in the Theory of Elasticity 1961 Gangolli R.A., Ylvisaker D. Discrete Probability 1967 Gebhart, Jaluria, Mahajan, Sammakia Buoyancy-Induced Flows & Transport 1988 Gentile, Jr. J.A. Compendium of Drug Therapy 1984, 1985 Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Notes from: The Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute, Part I 1969 Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Notes from: The Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute, Part II 1969 Ghiaasiaan, M. S. Two-Phase Flow, Boiling, and Condensation in Conventional and Miniature Systems 2007 Gnedenko B.V., Khinchin A. Ya. An Elementary Introduction to the Theory of Probability 1962 Goldman, S. Frequency Analysis, Modulation and Noise 1948 Granger R.A. Fluid Mechanics 1985 Graustein W.C. Differential Geometry 1935 Graustein W.C. Differential Geometry 1949 Gray Animal Locomotion 1968 Gray M.W. Calculus with Finite Mathematics for Social Sciences 1972 Green A.E., Adkins J.E. Large Elastic Deformations and Non-Linear Continuum Mechanics 1960 Green A.E., Zerna W. Theoretical Elasticity 1954 Greenspan The Theory of Rotating Fluids 1968 Gregory, R. Douglas Classical Mechanics 2006 Grinstein F.F., Margolin L.G., Rider W.J. Implicit Large Eddy Simulation 2007 Gross B. Mathematical Structure of the Theories of Viscoelasticity 1953 Grunbaum F.A. Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences 1972 Guckenheimer J., and Holmes P. Nonlinear Oscillations, Dynamical Systems, and Bifurcations of Vector Fields 1983 Guillemin E.A. Theory of Linear Physical Systems 1963 Gupta S.C. The Classical Stefan Problem: Basic Concepts, Modelling and Analysis 2003 Gutenberg B., ed. Internal Constitution of the Earth 1951 Guterman M.M., Nitecki Z.H. Differential Equations: A First Course 1984 H Haberman R. Mathematical Models: Mechanical Vibrations, Population Dynamics, and Traffic Flow 1977 Hadamard, J. Lectures on Cauchy's Problem in Linear Partial Differential Equations 1952 Hahn, W. Theory and Application of Liapunov's Direct Method 1963 Hale, J. Oscillations in Nonlinear Systems 1963 Hale, J.K., LaSalle J.P. Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems 1967 Halmos P.R. Finite-Dimensional Vector Spaces 1958 Harary, F. A Seminar on Graph Theory 1967 Hardy G.H. A Course of Pure Mathematics 1952 Hausmann E., Slack E.P. Physics 1935, 1939 Hayashi C. Nonlinear Oscillations in Physical Systems 1964 Haythornthwaite
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