ZEN CULTURE Anyone who examines the Zen arts is immediately struck by how modern they seem. The ceramics of 16th-century Zen artists could be interchanged with the rugged pots of our own contemporary crafts movement; ancient calligraphies suggest the monochromes of Franz Kline or Willem de Kooning; the apparent nonsense and illogic of Zen parables (and No theater and Haiku poetry) established the limitations of language long before the theater of the absurd; 400-year-old Zen architecture seems to be a copy of modern design ideas such as modular sizing, exposed woods, raw materials, bare walls, uncluttered space and a California marriage of house and garden. Zen values experiencing things over analyzing them. Perhaps if we can take the power of direct perception, sharpened by the devices of Zen art, back to everyday activities, we will find a beauty in common objects that we previously ignored. Selected Reviews The notoriously grumpy Kirkus Reviews said, “Thomas Hoover has a considerable gift for expressing his appreciation and understanding of various arts associated with Zen. These are deftly treated, with a concise synopsis of the historical development of each; and together Hoover’s discussions provide an excellent introduction to the aesthetics of Japanese culture.” Library Journal said, “Hoover covers the ground in an easy and informative way, describing the origins of Zen itself and the Zen roots of swordsmanship, architecture, food, poetry, drama, ceramics, and many other areas of Japanese life. The book is packed with facts, the bibliography is excellent, the illustrations few but most appropriate, and the style clear and smooth. A most useful book for all collections.” Asian Studies declared, “Highly recommended. ZEN CULTURE moves easily from the political climate that gave rise to Zen to the cultural areas – art, architecture, theatre, literature, flower arrangement, design, archery, swordsmanship – where Zen has manifested itself.” As for the influence of the Zen aesthetic, the Houston Chronicle said, “Hoover suggests we need only look around. Modern furniture is clean, simple lines in unstained, unadorned woods. And that old fad became a habit, houseplants. These are all expressions of ideas born with Zen: understatement, asymmetry, intuitive perception, nature worship, disciplined reserve.” “Highly recommended,” said The Center for Teachers of Asian Studies. “Western intellectuals have tried to represent the height of Buddhist mysticism within the pages of mere books, reducing an ineffable experience into a written report. Predictably such attempts have failed miserably. ZEN CULTURE by Thomas Hoover comes the closest to succeeding,” said Hark Publishing. “ZEN CULTURE, concerned as it is with the process of perception as much as with actual works of art, can open our sense so that we experience anew the arts of both East and West, ancient and modern.” declared the Asian Mail. And to go multi-media, NYC-FM in New York said, “Hoover takes us on a grand tour of Zen archery and swordsmanship, flower arranging, drama, food, gardening, painting, poetry, architecture. His book is essentially one by a connoisseur.” BOOKS BY THOMAS HOOVER Nonfiction Zen Culture The Zen Experience Fiction The Moghul Caribbee Wall Street Samurai (The Samurai Strategy) Project Daedalus Project Cyclops Life Blood Syndrome All free as e-books at www.thomashoover.info Throughout the entire Far East of China, Korea, and Japan, we see the system of a unique culture which originated in the sixth century, reached its meridian in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries and began to decline in the seventeenth century, but which is still kept up in Japan even in this day of materialism and mechanization. It is called Zen Culture.” SOHAKU OGATA, Zen for the West ZEN CULTURE Thomas Hoover Random House New York Copyright © 1977 by Thomas Hoover All rights reserved under International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. Published in the United States by Random House, Inc., New York, and simultaneously in Canada by Random House of Canada Limited, Toronto. ISBN 0-394-41072-6 Manufactured in the United States of America Key Words: Author: Thomas Hoover Title: Zen Culture Zen History, Haiku, Zen, Ceramics, Archery, Landscape Garden, Stone Garden, Ink Landscape, Zen Architecture, Sword, Katana, No Theater, Noh Theater, Japanese Tea Ceremony, Tea Ceremony, Flower arranging, Ikebana, Zen Ceramic Art, Raku, Shino, Ryoanji-ji PERMISSIONS Grateful acknowledgment is made to the following for permission to reprint previously published material: AMS Press, Inc.: Two three-line poems from page 75 of Diaries of Court Ladies of Old Japan; Doubleday & Company, Inc.: Eight Haiku poems from An Introduction to Haiku by Harold G. Henderson. Copyright © 1958 by Harold G. Henderson; The Hokuseido Press Co. Ltd.: Poem on page 35 of The Kobin Waka- Shu, translated by H. H. Honda. Poem on page 82 of History of Haiku, Vol. II by R. H. Blyth; Penguin Books Ltd.: A tanka from 'Ise Monogatari' by Ariwara Narihira. Reprinted from page 71 of The Penguin Book of Japanese Verse, translated by Geoffrey Bownas and Anthony Thwaite (1964). Copyright © 1974 by Geoffrey Bownas and Anthony Thwaite; Shambala Publications, Inc. (Berkeley, California): Poems on pages 15 and 18 of The Sutra of Hui-Neng; Stanford University Press: Poem on page 91 of An Introduction to Japanese Court Poetry by Earl Miner; Charles E. Tuttle Company, Inc.: Three lines of verse from page 130 of The Noh Drama; University of California Press: Four-line Haiku poem from page 104 of The Year of My Life: A Translation of Issa's Oraga Haru, translated by Nobuyuki Yuasa. Copyright © I960, 1972 by The Regents of the University of California. Acknowledgments THE AUTHOR'S THANKS go to Anne Freedgood for editing the manuscript and for her many helpful suggestions; to Professor Ronald F. Miller for critical advice on things Western, ranging from art to aesthetics; to Professor Gary D. Prideaux for introducing the author to both Japan and Japanese linguistics; to Tatsuo and Kiyoko Ishimoto for assistance in interpreting Japanese architecture; and to others who have graciously reviewed the manuscript at various stages and provided helpful suggestions, including Julie Hoover, Lynn Grifo, Anna Stern and Ellen O'Hara. I am also grateful for guidance from Professors Shigeru Matsugami and Takashi Yoshida, formerly of Tottori University, and from the garden artist Masaaki Ueshima. The insights of yet others, lost in years of questioning and research, are acknowledged here in spirit if not, unfortunately, in name. Japanese Chronology JOMON CULTURE (2000 B.C. [?]-ca. 300 B.C. ) YAYOI PERIOD (ca. 300 B.c-ca. A.D. 300) MOUND TOMB ERA (ca. A.D. 300-552) ASUKA PERIOD (552-645) Buddhism introduced (552) Chinese government and institutions copied EARLY NARA PERIOD (645-710) LATE NARA PERIOD (710-794) Japan ruled from replica of Chinese capital of Ch'ang-an built at Nara (710) Bronze Buddha largest in world dedicated at Nara (752) Compilation of early poetry anthology Manyoshu (780) Scholarly Buddhist sects dominate Nara HEIAN PERIOD (794-1185) Capital established at Heian-kyo (Kyoto) (794) Saicho (767-822) introduces Tendai Buddhism from China (806) Kukai (774-835) introduces Shingon Buddhism from China (808) Last mission to Tang court ends direct Chinese influence (838) Tale of Genji written by Lady Murasaki (ca. 1002-1019) Honen (1133-1212) founds Pure Land, or Jodo, sect (1175) Taira clan takes control of government, ousting aristocracy (1159) Minamoto clan replaces Taira (1185) KAMAKURA PERIOD (1185-1333) Warrior outpost in Kamakura becomes effective capital (1185) Eisai (1141-1215) introduces koan-oriented Rinzai sect of Zen on Kyushu (1191) Minamoto Yoritomo (1147-1199) becomes shogun (1192) Hojo clan assumes real power in Kamakura (1205) Shinran (1173-1262) founds rival Amidist sect called True Pure Land, or Jodo Shin (1224) Dogen (1200-1253) founds zazen-oriented Soto Zen (1236) Nichiren (1222-1282) founds new sect stressing chants to Lotus Sutra (1253) ASHIKAGA PERIOD (1133-1573) Hojo regency ended; Kamakura destroyed (1333) Emperor Godaigo briefly restores imperial rule (1334) Ashikaga Takauji (1305-1358) ousts Godaigo, who establishes rival court (1336) Takauji becomes shogun, beginning Ashikaga era proper (1338) Muso Soseki (1275-1351) convinces Takauji to found sixty-six Zen temples throughout Japan (1338) Landscape gardens evolve to reflect Zen aesthetic ideals Ashikaga Yoshimitsu (1358-1408) establishes relations with Ming China (1401) Zeami (1363-1443), encouraged by Yoshimitsu, creates No theater Golden Pavilion built by Yoshimitsu (begun 1394) Sung monochromes imported, inspiring re-creation of Chinese schools (fourteenth century) Yoshimasa (1435-1490) becomes shogun (1443) Onin War begins, to devastate Kyoto for ten years (1467) Silver Pavilion built by Yoshimasa; Zen architecture (1482) Tea ceremony begins to take classic shape as a celebration of Zen aesthetics Sesshu Toyo (1420-1506), greatest Japanese landscape artist Abstract stone gardens appear (ca. 1490) General anarchy envelops country (ca. 1500) Portuguese discover Japan, introduce firearms (1542) Francis Xavier arrives to preach (1549) Ashikaga shogunate overthrown by Oda Nobunaga (1534-1582) MOMOYAMA PERIOD (1573-1615) Nobunaga begins unification of Japan (1573) Nobunaga assassinated (1582) Hideyoshi (1536-1598) assumes control and continues unification (1582) Sen no Rikyu (1520-1591) propagates Zen aesthetics through tea ceremony City of Edo (Tokyo) founded
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