Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA Vol. 70, No. 1, pp. 71-75, January 1973 Alteration of Ribosomal Protein S4 by Mutation Linked to Kasugamycin-Resistance in Escherichia coli (ribosomal proteins/ribosomal RNA/reconstitution/phosphocellulose chromatography) ROBERT A. ZIMMERMANN*, YOSHIKO IKEYAt, AND P. FREDERICK SPARLINGt§ * D~partement de Biologie Mol6culaire, Universit6 de Gen6ve, 30, Quai de l'Ecole-de-Medecine, CH-1211, Geneva 4, Switzerland; and t Departments of Medicine and Bacteriology, University of North Carolina School of Medicine, Chapel Hill, N.C. 27514 Communicated by Cyrus Levinthal, October 20, 1972 ABSTRACT An alteration in the chromatographic We report experiments that confirm many of these findings. mobility of 30S ribosomal protein S4 from two kasugamy- In contrast to Helser et al. (7, 8), however, we have found that cin-resistant (ksgA) strains of E. coli was observed. The locus determining this alteration frequently cotrans- two ksgA mutants possess an altered 30S subunit protein as duced with ksgA but could be separated from it by trans- well as undermethylated 16S RNA. Both of the mutants were duction and conjugation. Since the structural gene for obtained by nitrosoguanidine mutagenesis and are probably protein S4 is thought to lie some 30 min from ksgA on the double mutants. The altered protein has been identified as E. coli chromosome, the product of the newly-identified or structural gene may modify protein S4. We propose to designate this S4 (9) p4a (10). Several reports have described gene ramB. changes in protein S4 (11-14) resulting from mutations in the Reconstitution of 30S subunits from RNA and protein cluster of ribosomal protein genes near strA (12-15). The gene components of ksgA ramB and ksgA+ ramB+ strains dem- for alteration of protein S4 that we describe is shown to be onstrated that ribosomal resistance to kasugamycin was close to, but separable from, ksgA, and is therefore at a con- due to altered 16S RNA and not to altered protein S4. The altered 16S RNA was undermethylated, and a methyl- siderable distance fromn strA on the E. coli chromosome. The ating enzyme that acts on 16S RNA from ksgA strains implications of this finding are discussed. was present in ksgA+ but not in ksgA strains. MATERIALS AND METHODS Resistance to the aminoglycoside antibiotic, kasugamycin Bacterial Strains. Bacterial strains are listed in Table 1. results from alteration of the 30S ribosomal subunit in The kasugamycin-resistant strains in which altered protein Escherichia coli (1). The gene for ribosomal kasugamycin S4 was found were selected on tryptone-yeast extract plates resistance (ksgA) is closely linked to leu and maps near containing 1 mg of kasugamycin/ml after nitrosoguanidine 0.5 min on the E. coli chromosome (1-3). By contrast, loci mutagenesis (16) to the extent of 10% survival of exposed determining ribosomal resistance to the aminoglycosides, cells. Spontaneous kasugamycin-resistant mutants were streptomycin and spectinomycin, have been placed in the selected on the same plates containing 250 lsg of kasugamycin cluster of 30S and 50S ribosomal protein genes near strA at per ml. Kasugamycin was a gift of Bristol Laboratories. 64 min (see ref. 4), and in both cases, antibiotic sensitivity or Strains were designated ksgA if the locus for kasugamycin resistance is mediated by specific ribosomal proteins (5, 6). resistance cotransduced 90% with pdxA, and if cell-free The unusual map position of the ksgA locus suggested a novel extracts were resistant to kasugamycin (2). Strains were mechanism for kasugamycin resistance (1). designated ksgB if they contained a locus for kasugamycin In a recent report, Helser, Davies, and Dahlberg demon- resistance that was located between 30-35 min on the E. strated that resistance to kasugamycin is attributable to an coli chromosome, and if cell-free extracts were sensitive to alteration of the 16S RNA component of the 30S subunit (7). kasugamycin (2). Transductions were performed with phage Specifically, the 16S RNA from resistant mutants lacks Plkc by standard methods (17). methylation of two adjacent adenine residues that are both dimethylated in the RNA of sensitive strains. The same Chromatography of Ribosomal Proteins. Growth of cells, authors later found that ksgA+, but not ksgA, bacteria con- preparation of ribosomal proteins, and chromatographic tain an enzyme that dimethylates the relevant adenine resi- analysis were performed as described by Zimmerman et al. dues of "resistant" RNA and that 30S particles reconstituted (11) with two exceptions: cells were labeled with either from such RNA after in vitro methylation are sensitive to [3H]- or ['4C]amino-acid mixtures (New England Nuclear the drug (8). Moreover, the enzyme acted only on under- Corp.) and high-capacity phosphocellulose (Mann, 1.1 methylated 16S RNA from kasugamycin-resistant mutants meq/g) was used for chromatography. and not on mature 16S RNA from sensitive strains, 23S RNA, Preparation of Ribosomal Components for Reconstitution. or protein. It was concluded that the product of the ksgA gene Cells were grown to mid log-phase in tryptone-yeast extract is a methylating enzyme that modifies 16S RNA at some broth and harvested after pouring on ice. Ribosomes were time during maturation of the 30S subunit. prepared as described (18), except that no DNase was used. Ribosomes were not washed in high-salt (0.5 M NH4Cl) buffers. 30S and 50S subunits were prepared by suspension of § To whom reprint requests should be sent. pelleted 70S ribosomes in standard buffer [10 mM Tris HCI 71 Downloaded by guest on September 29, 2021 72 Biochemistry: Zimmerman et al. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA 70 (1978) TABLE 1. Strains of E. coli K12 used TABLE 2. Reconstitution of SOS ribosomes from total protein and 16S RNA Strain Source Genotype Reconstituted 30S JC411 W. K. Mass* F-; argG met leu his strA ribosomes Incorporation cpm (% JC12 W. K. Mass* HFr; purC met control) FS131 Nitrosoguanidine As JC12 but ramBI ksgAl9 16S Total ug of kasugamycin per ml mutagenesis RNA protein 0 50 100 FS157 Nitrosoguanidine As JC12 but ramB2 ksgA23 ksgB1 mutagenesie S S 607 367 (61) 289 (48) FS215 Recombinant from As JC411 but his+ ramB2 ksgA23 S R 503 251 (50) 179 (35) FS157 x JC411 R S 324 281 (87) 220 (68) FS216 Recombinant from As JC411 but his+ ramB2 ksgBl R R 357 288 (81) 290 (73) FS157 x JC411 FS232 Transductant of As JC411 but leu+ ramBI ksgAl9 30S ribosomal subunits were reconstituted as described in JC411 from Methods and assayed for activity in poly(U,G)-dependent FS131 [P4C]valine incorporation in vitro. Reaction mixture (100 pl FS233 Transductant of As JC411 but leu+ ramB2 ksgA23 total) contained 0.7-0.8 A26 units each of reconstituted 30S par- JC411 from ticles and 50S subunits, 10ul of S-100 fraction, 10 pg of poly(U,G) FS157 (1:1, Miles Laboratories), 8 mM Mg acetate, 0.01 mM [14C]- Q13 W. Gilbert via met tyr pnp-13 valine (50 pCi/pmol, New England Nuclear Corp.), and other M. Nomurat components as described (18). S indicates component derived from FS240 Spontaneous As Q13 but ksgA3O strain JC411 (ksgA+ ramB+); R indicates component derived from mutant strain FS232 (ksgAI9 ramBi). FS241 Nitrosoguanidine As Q13 but leu mutagenesis FS242 Transductant of As FS241 but leu+ ksgA23 gation on a 5-20% linear sucrose gradient in TAS buffer for FS241 from 9.5 hr at 21,000 rpm in an SW27 rotor. Ribosomes and sub- FS157 units were stored at -70° in standard buffer containing 10 mM MgC12. * Dept. of Microbiology, New York University School of Med- The 16S RNA and total 30S ribosomal protein fractions icine, New York, N.Y. were prepared by phenol extraction and ureag-LiCl treatment, t Institute for Enzyme Research, Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison, respectively (20). Reconstitution of 30S subunits from Wisc. 16S RNA and total 30S proteins was performed according to Traub and Nomura (20). The RNA precipitate resulting from (pH 7.6)-30 mM NH4C1-6 mM 2-mercaptoethanol] con- treatment of 30S subunits with urea-LiCl was also used and taining 0.3 mMI MgCl2, followed by dialysis against TAS was as active as that prepared by phenol extraction. buffer [20 mM Tris HCl (pH 7.6)-100 mM NH4Cl-1 mM Fingerprint Analysis. [14C]Methyl-labeled oligonucleotides MgCl2-0.5 mM EDTA-4 mM 2-mercaptoethanol] for 3-4 hr from 16S RNA were prepared and fingerprinted (21). at 0° (19). Subunits were separated on discontinuous 0.2-1.0 M sucrose gradients (19) by centrifugation in an SW27 rotor for 20 Methykation. 23S core particles from 30S subunits (22) were hr at 27,000 rpm. 30S and 50S subunits were precipitated with methylated by enzymes prepared from 8-100 fractions and 0.6 volume of ethanol (19), and further purified by centrifu- from the 1.0 M NH4Cl supernatant of washed 70S ribosomes (8); S-adenosyl-['H ]methionine was purchased from New England Nuclear Corp. RESULTS .1. :.: i i 1500 1. AI Altered Ribosomal Protein S4 in Certain Kasugamycin- Resistant Strains. In our early efforts to identify the ribosomal I I00o .I looo l component altered in kasugamycin-resistant strains of :11 E. coli, 'H- and "C-labeled 30S subunit proteins from JC411 0 0 j.., I. (ksgA+) and FS215 (a ksgA23 recombinant derived by con- 500 jugation of JC411 with FS157) were compared by cochroma- tography on phosphocellulose columns. Fig. 1 demonstrates that one 30S protein from the mutant eluted at a significantly o -O 50 100 150 200 250 300 lower salt concentration than its counterpart from the FRACTION NUMBER wild-type strain, whereas the elution positions of all other 30S FIG. 1. Elution profile of 30S total proteins from 3H-labeled proteins from the two strains coincided.
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