THE LONDON GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 21, 1902. 7813 most be sent to the said Messrs. Baker, Lees westerly direction along that railway from the and Co. western end of the platforms of Stepney Green Dated this 17th day-of November, 1902. Station. For and on behalf of the Promoters, The intended Railway No. 3 and works will POWER and TRACTION Ltd., pass from, into, or through, the following BAKER, LEES and °Co., 54, Parliament- parishes and places, or some of them, viz.:— street, Westminster, Solicitors and • The parishes and extra parochial places of Parliamentary Agents. Precinct of Old Tower Without, District of the Tower, Liberty of the Tower, St. Botolph lu Parliament.—Session 1903. Without Aldgate, Holy Trinity Minories, METROPOLITAN DISTRICT RAILWAY. Mile End Old Town and St. Mary White- (Works.) chapel, in the metropolitan borough of (Railways and Works (Earls Court to Ham- Stepney, in the county of London; St. mersmith, Mansion House Station to White- Matthew Bethnal Green, or St. James chapel) ; Compulsory Purchase of Land Bethnal Green, in the metropolitan borough and Easements; Appropriation of Subsoil; of Bethnal Green, in the county of Underpinning, &c.; Openings in Whitechapel London; the parishes of Holy Trinity the and Mile End Roads ; General and Incidental Less, St. James* Garlickhithe, St. Thomas Powers; Separate Capital and Undertaking; Apostle, St. Michael Paternoster Royal, Transfer of certain Powers to Great Northern, St. John the Baptist Walbrook, St. Mary • Piccadilly and Brompton Railway Company ; Bothaw, St. Swithin London Stone, St. Mary Agreements with London United Tramways Abchurch, St. Martin Orgars, St. Clement (1901) Limited; Additional Capital; Pay- Eastcheap, St. Michael Crooked-lane, St. Mar- ment of Interest out of Capital; Amendment garet New Fish-street, St. Leonard Eastcheap, of Acts.) St. Andrew Hubbard, St. Benet, "St. Georgo "VTOTICE is hereby given, that application is Botolph-lane, St. Mary-at-Hill, St. Margaret JL1 intended to be made^to Parliament in Pattens, St. Dunstan-in-the-East, Allhallows the ensuing Session by the Metropolitan Barking, St. Botolph Without Aldgate, in the District Railway Company (hereinafter called city of London. " the Company ") for an Act (hereinafter called To authorize the Company to cross, stop up, " the intended Act") for the following or some close for traffic, alter, remove, divert and inter- of the following among other purposes (that is fere with, temporarily or permanently, any roads, to say) :— streets, alleys, courts, squares, highways, foot- To authorize the Company to make and main- paths or places, railways, bridges, gas and water tain the railways, subways and works hereinafter mainSj sewers, culverts, subways, drains, pipes, described, or some part or parts thereof, with all telegraphs, telephones, pneumatic, hydraulic or proper sidings, stations, platforms, shafts, lifts, other tubes, wires, electric lighting and other stairs, tunnels, subways, roads, approaches, apparatus or other works, conveniences and junctions, signals, wires, cables, generating and appliances within or adjoining the aforesaid transformer stations and plant, apparatus, depots, counties, cities, metropolitan boroughs, urban machinery, works and conveniences connected districts, parishes and other places or any of therewith or incidental thereto (that is to them, and to appropriate, without payment, and say) :— use for the purposes of the intended railways Railway No. 1, in the parish of St. Mary and works the subsoil and undersurface of any Abbotts, Kensington, in the metropolitan lands, streets, roads, squares, highways borough of Kensington, in the county of Lon- and places under, along or across which any of don, commencing by a junction with the railway the proposed railways and works are intended authorized by the Metropolitan District Railway to be made. Act, 1897 (hereinafter referred to as "the Act To authorize the Company to deviate from of 1897"), at the commencement thereof, the lines or situations of any of the railways, 50 yards or thereabouts measured along the subways and works within the limits of lateral Company's railway in a north-easterly direction deviation shown on the plans hereinafter men- from the eastern face of the bridge carrying tioned or as may be defined by the intended Knaresborough-place over the Company's rail- Act, and to deviate from the levels of any of way and terminating under the Company's the works shown on the sections hereinafter existing railway under the western end of the mentioned to such an extent as may be platforms at their Earls Court Station. authorized by or determined under the powero Railway No. 2, commencing in the parish of of the intended Act. St. Mary Abbotts, Kensington, at the point of • To authorize and provide for the under- termination of the intended Railway No. 1, pinning or otherwise securing or strengthening hereinbefore described, and by a junction there- of any houses, buildings or works which may with passing through the parish and metro- be rendered insecure or affected by any of tho politan borough of Falham, and terminating in intended works, and whether such houses, the parish and metropolitan borough of Ham- buildings or works are or are not intended or mersmith at the southern end of the Company's required to be taken for the purposes thereof. Hammersmith station under the bridge carrying To incorporate with and extend and make Great Church-lane over their railway. applicable, with or without modification or Railway No. 3, commencing in the parish of alteration, to the intended railways and works Holy Trinity the Less, in the city of London, all or some of the provisions of the Metropolitan by a junction with the railway authorized by the District Railway Acts, 1864 to 1902, with Act of 1897 at the point of its termination in reference to the mode of construction of the that parish under the eastern end of the intended railways and -works, the retention and Mansion House Station of the Company, and sale of lands, the power to deviate and underpin, terminating in the hamlet of Mile End Old and all other usual provisions, and so far as may Town, in the metropolitan borough of Stepney, be necessary to alter and amend the provisions in the county of London, by a junction with of those Acts with reference thereto. the Whitechapel and Bow Railway at a point To empower the Company, on and subject to 18 chains or thereabouts measured in Ja such terms and conditions as may be prascribed No. 27497, 2 0.
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