• - _ _ u Faff* ff—Thor*. Peb. 8. 1988 Florida Awaiting Report On Harrison's Activities JACKSONVILLE (UPI) - Flo­ Identified Harrison by a photo rida authorities awaited new re- graph, a ring he wore and a ,torts from Arizona today on the white streak in hia hair. baffling disappearance of an al­ Mrs. Schcnid said llarritoo ap­ leged amnetia victim who turned peared lo know where he was up alive tail month after a con­ going, and talked of hating seen vict confessed killing him. a horse race In Phoenix oo a The blrarre caae look on new previous occasion. aapecta Wednesday when a sccre- Harrison, meantime, has gone tary told police in Phoenix, Aril, lo his father's home In Taylors that Jamra E. Ilarrtaon, 32. had ville. 111., for a real, lfa Mid he been on a but from Lo* Angelea did not remember any bus ride the lame day he regained hta from Lo* Angrlca lo Phoenix. memory In Phoenix. Local police said they were MarrUon. of Indian River City, holding off action until more in­ diuppearrd on a business trip to formation U gathered. Jacksonville Oft. 7. He turned up Jan. 23 laying he had been suf­ fering from amnetia and had no State Race Tracks idea what had happened to him during the three loti months. To Keep Six-Day GET AWARDS — C. H. Turk. gencriit traf- hcccn June*. assistant chief operator. The However, during that time, a Running Program flc manager for Southern Bell in Florida, two Sanford women received the awards California convict, Roy V. Olson, presents Vail Awards for life-saving to Mrs, yesterday afternoon. TALLAHASSEE (UPI) - Flo- confessed to murdering Harrison rida'i race track* will continue Audrey Patterson, operator, and Mrs. Re- (Herald Staff Photo) while another man looked on. Ol­ son, who later repudiated hn story, to operate.- on a six day hast* •aid llarrlien had picked him up Inslrad of changing to a proposed hitchhiking. five day wrek. Services Are Set For Frank Meisch Raring Commission Chairman In Ariiona. Detective Lt II.rb The rosary will he said for Mvj Clifton Avc with his dsugh- John Ring of Miami told legisla­ Frank Meisch at Mil 6 tonight in ert Neal said Sira. Judith Schcnid, tors Wrdncaday that knocking off ter. Mr*. Larry Hartiflrld. He » ** LAST SHOWING a secretary for a legal firm, re­ Gramkow Funeral Home. a retired farmer and last week one day of racing a wrek would Mr. Meisch died of a hurt at­ ported Wednesday that she talk­ stretch the racing period out to sold the lavt of his land holdingv OPEN 12:15 ed lo Harrison on a hut en route tack Tuesday night in Jacksonville. compete with Northern traeka, Funeral sen ices will be held at in Sanford. ORANGES FROM SANFORD—Official* of Sanford resident and brother of Marvin lo Phoenix only a few hours be­ coating Florida tracks heavily. GET MORE OUT OF fore hla memory returned. She !l a. re. tomorrow In All Houls Survivors include hia wife, Mrs Aacot Manufacturing Corp- and Sanford Meltzer, manager of the local plant; a out- Rep. W. C. Herrell of Miami Catholic Church The Rev. Richard Helen Brandt Meisch, Jackson LIFE GO OUT TO A Sprinp, who questioned Ring Manufacturing Co. displayed orungc# stamp­ tomer, and Milton Ratner, a partner in the J. Lyons will officiate. Interment v|lle; one ton, Frank R Meisch, MOVIE ed “Sanford, Florida," at the annual show during hearings on lh« Commis­ will b* In All Soul* Cemetery. Jacksonville; one daughter, Mr*. firm. The orange* brought fine publicity to Murder Charged sion budget her*, said he haarltly of the two firm# in New York. Here, left to Members of Holy Nam* Society Ilartvfirld; three brothers. Nick Sanford. They were given out during a re­ backed the commissioner's view*. will >>« p*ll!>«arrr*. Meisch, Jacksonville; J o s e p h )Thunderous blasts tight, are Jerry MHtxcr, aalca representa­ To Army Private Ring said M iam i'i mild weather Mr. MrUch died at thr agr of Meisch, Sanford; Peter Meisch, tive for Sanford Manufacturing, former cent extreme cold wave in New York. SKOUL, Korea <UPI>-Th* US this winter hat hurt attendance 67. Hr came to Sanford in IVU Viandc-n, Luxembourg; five grand­ r 01 uorn ciutatu- fc— ■■ ■■ --------- —------------------ ------------ - ■— Army announced It has preferred at Hialeah. Tha cool weather and moved to Jacksonville two children and several nieces aod court marital charges of premedi­ drives tourist* from the hearhe* years sen He resided there at ne phew*. Longwood tated murder and attempted inur to (rack*. Ring said He pointed Robert W. Brown der agaisst Pte. Kenneth M out that tn the Brat days of the Burke, 2f, of Del Rio, Tex. Hialeah meet, revenue fell 137.000 The Army said Rurkr is alleged under the same period last winter Honor Roll Students Receive Awards to hava shot and killed Pvt. when Southern Florida esperlcn Week-end Special Dies In Hospital Frank Galgano. 23, of Miami, and red unusually cold weather. re* sponsored dance for teenagers By Jo llammond to have severely wounded HP-4 Ring added that attendance at numbered over 130 last Friday Rol-ert W. Brown, 8a, died In Phone VA M is t Philip B. Mead, 18, at Lancaster, the dog tracks, which ran at night when Uit event was held In Seminole Memorial Hospital at I flilrty-one Lyman student*, Pa. night, I* good. the Park. adca 7-12, were presented certi- 6MB a. m yesterday after a ling­ The shooting* occurred Jan. 23 Kale awards placing them nn the Wmnrra of the fast dame were ering Illness. while Burke wa* standing guard Semester Honor Roll. Named Janice Weslmore and Richard He wat lorn May T, 1902. In at Sth Army Headquarter* (ropi US undents were: Bonnie McCanns and Jo Ann Nix and Louisville, Ky , and cam* to San. According to the Army, Burkr Allen, Aldene Cole, Patty Hollis, Gerry Girard look the alow dance ford six months ago from Orlando Bred five bullela from hi* .43 Carole Lurarelit, David Strvrnton. prise. caliber pistol at point blank range LaMar Perry— 12th grade; Mcr- Serving a* chaperone* were Mr. A retired empluya of Dalson into the cab of • truck In which i Van Pelt, Rob Bennett, James and lira. David Grice, TYnii Dairies, Mr Brown resided in San­ Galgano and Mead were riding. uste, John Kennedy, Mary Ann Ricks, Dick Zartman. Gerry Tetre ford with his brother-in-law, G "Burke rrportedly shot Mead Effenningcr—11th grade ault, Mr. and Mra. L. B. Hopkins, M. Willla, on West k’Bth Si Other because of a previous dispute Beverly Curtin, William Mak Don llro»n. Bill and Marge l-a- survivors Include four sisters in helwren the two men," the Army er, Patty Morgan—loth grade; lire* and visitnn, Mr. and Mrs aaid. Darlene Shea. Judy Wright. Paula Ralph Monger and Police Chief law, Mra, J. C. Spradley, Ttfton, Andrews, Dawn Uarne*, Jon Claude Layn and Mra. Layo. Ga ; Sirs. Delia Taylor, Orlando; Ftmmcl. Patricia Wilah, David Tourlvt Club Sirs. Carrie Weeks and Sirs. Ruby Blanchard. Carolyn Haynie, Nan The Longwood Tourist Club will Grawlord. l>oth of Bakersfield, end Deaths •y Letourneau—ninth grade lie hoit. Wednesday, Fell. II, at his step mother in-law, Mr*. C. M.W YORK tU I'l) - Bertrand BATHROOM Jennifer Jordon, Betty Khld, a shuffleboard tournament meet­ M Willla. Robinson. 70, a dramatist who Sandra Unlry, Irene Beak, Marion ing with the Lake Helen club at Kuncral services will be held at collaborated with Howard Lindsay Helm—eighth grade; Donna Mc­ the local park. 10 a. m. Saturday in Bruton l u- on three comedies, died Wednes­ The Coy, Glenda Payna, Marcia Ly- A chicken dinner, moderately nrral Home. The Rev, H. M. Snow day nf a stroke. Welcome Wagon SCALES •a *—seventh grade. priced, will lie served .hy commit­ of Pmeercst Assembly of God County Firemen Meet tee members Mrs. Arthur Rrhaef Church will officiate, liurtal will CLEARWATER. Fla ( U P lt - Hostess In Seminole County Firemen rep fer, Mrs oils f-ee. Mrs Ben follow in Greenwood Cemciery, Jotrph M. O'Mahoney. 74. former Will Knock on Yuur Door resenting the tlx departments of Law* and Mrs. F. W. Fales. Orlando. secretary of the New York Ccn with Gift* A Greetings Assorted Sanford. Lake Mary. Cavsclbrrry, The public Is invited. Iral Railroad, died Wednesday of from Friendly Husincsa $ 2 9 5 Longwood, Oviedo and Altamonte 1111 f lub Met copal church, Feb tt, at R p m a Sir -Vr Colors Home Bem-instration club mem- Neighbors and Your Springs held thrtr .January meet Metnlwr* will meet for a cov­ Civic and Social kig at the local park. Iwrs met today at the library ered dish vupp- r at the Parlsti NEW YORK tU P D -M ri Both • fct«H vt<tMf »• s«a# Tamm Urr, Del j ml, vice pre I hall at in :30 a m for their Hall. Monday, Feh. tt, at <1: 10 Wood Gavian, 33, an associate Welfare Lenders Sent of disrtrict six of the state monthly business and prugram, p. m. professor of education at Brook­ 'Wadi'jizeic On th* occasion of: association, was guest speaker. Mrs Charles Morrison spoke on Personals lyn College and author of several * Hiatt■#(■**• ala*MtfC tltten Muvtea on fire fighting were "Furniture Selections and Ar­ Ralph Pelrr* rmillnurs lo con textbooks, (tied Tuesday night aft­ Chang* of resident# shown and an open discussion rangements". valesre salisfaclorlly. er a long illness. Arrival* of Ntwcomtra lo Feature No.
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