N°21 - December 2016 MEKROU PROJECT - SIGNIFICANT PROGRESS IN THE IMPLEMENTATION - GOOD APPRECIATION OF STAKEHOLDERS Let's discover... the Water Museum in Burkina Faso Special issue on “Mekrou Project” “Water for Growth and Poverty Reduction Content ADVISORY COMMITTEE Pages EDITOR ’S WORD MEKROU PROJECT : Water for growth and poverty reduction 3 2016 A DVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING SESSION Mekrou Project Coordination Global Advisory Committee Meeting in Cotonou 4 THE FRAMEWORK AGREEMENT The Advisory Committee updates on the progress 5 MID -TERM PROJECT ASSESSMENT Analytical narrative of the project implementation 6 Pilot Projects 12 SIGNING THE FRAMEWORK AGREEMENT Promoting the political dialogue for the joint management of the natural resources of the Mékrou Basin 14 LET'S DISCOVER ... What do the various stakeholders think of the Mekrou project and its mid-term results? 16 LET 'S DISCOVER ... THE WATER MUSEUM : A sanctuary for the development of the water resource 21 Running Water N°21 - December 2016 Running Water N°19 - December 2014 2 “Water for Growth and Poverty Reduction BeNiN - B uRkiNa FaSo - N iGeR in the Mekrou Transboundary Basin” Editor’s word Mekrou Project Water for growth and poverty reduction roject management is a thrilling tions in relation to the concrete results thing when despite difficulties you of the Project. P feel that things are progressing numerous studies have been carried and reaching out to results. The project out and validated in each country and «Water for growth and poverty reduc - the data collected are being integrated tion in the Mekrou transboundary to serve as a basis for the different sce - basin» has demonstrated to be a real narios to build the models that will be tool for cross-border integration and proposed as decision-making tools. cooperation between the three basin The global Coordination Mechanism of countries (Benin, Burkina Faso and the Project is functional and gives all the niger) but also throughout the niger regional dimension to the management River basin. of this project whose results are much awaited by all the actors. We have all The meeting of the Regional contributed to raising interest and Consultative Committee of the global expectations and together we must con - Coordination Mechanism on 12, 13 and tribute to proposing real solutions to 14 October 2016 in Cotonou made it satisfy these expectations. possible to realize the commitment of the countries and the main actors in the i would like to thank all those involved countries for the implementation of this in the implementation of this project. To project. This was a high-level meeting this end, allow me to express a special with the Secretaries-general of the min - mention to the States which demon - istries in charge of water in Burkina and strate every day the total consideration niger and the various national directors. they take of this project in their nation - Pr. Abel AFoUDA This meeting, which allowed the differ - al agenda. i should also like to acknowl - chair GWP-WA ent actors to exchange and agree on edge the praiseworthy and highly the main concerns, was also the occa - appreciated efforts of the niger Basin sion to establish a roadmap to mark the Authority (nBA), which has integrated signing ceremony of the Framework way for a fruitful and happy end of the the Mékrou Project into its work pro - Agreement. The document of the project. The remarkable and distin - gram. i would like to thank and wel - Framework Agreement is published in guished presence of the new come the commitment of all those full in a separate document which will Chairperson of the African network of involved in public administration, scien - accompany this issue. Basin Organizations (AnBO), together tific and technical research institutions We wish you a good reading! with the Project Manager for the project and civil society to support people for the Strengthening of institutions of whose well- being is the goal of all our Transboundary Water management actions. Organizations in Africa (SiTWA) shows a continental focus on the expected Our partnership with the Joint Research results of the Mékrou Project. Center (JRC) of the European union allows the implementation of the The involvement of the Regional Project offering an opportunity for col - Coordination of users of niger basin laboration and sharing between natural Resources (CRu / Bn), the inter - researchers from the north and their GWP secretariat - West Africa est and availability as well as the sus - colleagues from the South to propose Ouaga 2000, Av. Charles Bila Kaboré tained support of the main sponsor of appropriate tools for decision-making 05 BP 6552 Ouagadougou 05, Burkina Faso this project, mainly the Commission of for the integrated development of the Telephone : +226 25 36 18 28 the European union, are all encouraging Mekrou basin. This project, it should be +226 25 48 31 93 elements around the implementation of remembered, is a research project and Email [email protected] the project whose results to date are as such aims to prepare the ground for Site Web: www.gwpao.org very encouraging. a good planning of development actions. The appeal of the riparian pop - Managing editor Concrete results include the signing in ulations relayed by their representatives Prof. Abel AFOudA december 2015 by the Ministers in and the States for a second phase with charge of Water of the 3 countries field actions will be analysed with the executive Director (Benin, Burkina Faso and niger), but necessary attention. That is why my dam MOgBAnTé under the watchful eye of their col - special thanks go to the Eu Commission coordination leagues from the other 6 States of the which is funding the implementation of Sidi COuliBAly nBA, of the Framework Cooperation this project. Agreement for the Promotion of Political Drafting team dialogue in the Mekrou Basin. The three This issue of Running Water reports on Corneille AHOuAnSOu Sidi COuliBAly countries, if need be, demonstrate their the results of the 2016 meeting of the commitment and thus express the high Consultative Committee of the global Printer level of expectations of their popula - Coordination Mechanism as well as the SyC. : +226 78 78 02 32 - 76 66 70 19 3 RRuunnnniinngg WWRauatntenerirn SgNp W°ea1ct9iea r-l N-D° eD2c1ee c-m eDmbeceberem r2b 0e2r10 4210 4 1 6 Special issue on “Mekrou Project” “Water for Growth and Poverty Reduction 2016Advisory Committee Meeting Session Mekrou Project Coordination Global Advisory Committee Meeting in Cotonou he opening ceremony of the 2016 session Meeting of the T Regional Advisory Committee of the Mekrou Project global Coordination Mechanism was held in Cotonou on Wednesday, October 12, 2016 under the patronage of the Minister of Energy, Water and Mines of Benin represented by his Water Resource Technical Advisor, Mr. Safari BOuREiMA. Taking the floor, the Chairman of global Water Partnership West Africa (gWP-WA), Pr. AFOudA Abel pointed out that « due to climate hazards [water] started to be scarce so that with regards to the increasingly grow - Groupe picture of participants ing demand and given the pressure impact of climate change, solutions project scheduled for december 31, exerted on it to meet the so diverse replicable and/or applicable in other 2017. legitimate needs of our populations sub-basins.» whose numbers are increasing every Mr. luca BuSETTO, representative of day, it is our duty to seek better the European Commission indicated understanding and accordingly pro - Manuel FulCHiROn, representative that « the work carried out so far has pose consensual tools for its proper of the global Water Partnership not been easy but the determination and efficient management especially Organization (gWPO), explained the of the various stakeholders involved in this transboundary context.» philosophy that underpinned the in the project implementation helped establishment of gWP as a stakehold - develop a basis on which we must er platform twenty years ago, to help together keep building a water The representative of the niger Basin meet countries in the good gover - resource management system that Authority (nBA), Mr. Robert nance of water resources and then addresses the various sector and dESSOuASSi, on behalf of Madam, help them achieve the Mdgs and environment challenges in view of the Executive Secretary excused, stat - Sdgs to enhance the livelihoods of establishing a sustainable growth and ed that « the Mekrou Project objec - populations. a consequent improvement of living tives perfectly align with the overall conditions in the Mekrou river basin .» niger basin development strategy”. He was followed by the representative He hoped that “the project will enable of the Joint Research Centre (JRC) of to develop proper ways to manage the European union, Mr. Cesar CAR - Finally, Mr. Safari BOuREiMA, repre - water resources by providing ade - MOnA-MOREnO who noted the spe - senting the Minister of Energy, Water quate and appropriate solutions to the cial nature of this meeting proceeding and Mines of Benin, in his opening the last meeting before the end of the address, thanked all the partners of the Mekrou Project and specially the European Commission which is fund - ing it before « calling out to all organ - izations involved in the management of this project to keep searching for additional financial and human quality resources, in order to make it a suc - cessful and thus impact the rest of the world in similar environments. » Approximately seventy persons attended this Advisory Committee meeting of the Mekrou Project global Coordinating Mechanism. View of particpants of the meeting sidi coUliBAlY Running Water N°21 - December 2016 Running Water N°19 - December 2014 4 in the Mekrou Transboundary Basin” BeNiN - B uRkiNa FaSo - N iGeR The Advisory Committee updates on the progress The Mekrou Project has irre - regarding what is still to be versibly embedded into the done.
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