Vol. III. APRIL, 1901. No. 8. BRISBANE GRAMMAR SCHOOL MAGAZIN E. Urisban : 8 ()'T IDGI: I lNTIN(; ('()., ITI , 9 (,)l;l.l:N STlIi:r. 1901. I Sehool nstitutions. ' ."Srwol C(nvniittc HoN. TREASURER ... ... ... I . T. I'. jO S I)ELEGATES To ,).C.A. M SSRS. T. JE.n. S, (. ; ( uSS, .. (:O, A\ SCRICKET CAPTAIN II. I'F\' i' FOOTBAri.. CAl.PTAIN (. \\'. ROE , COMMIrTTE'rE C . rJ..DiN,. E. T. CAMI'HI. I., (z. (HAH\AM , (Other Captains. 2NU CRICKET CAPTAIN . ... S. M.ATI\ S3RD ,, .. ... S1sI , \ 4TH ., ... C. KH S. 2NI> IOOTHAI.I. CAPTAIN ... N El.I . I, S3RD ,, ,, . \ KI S. 4TH ,, ,, ... .. ..... L I . il Librarians. E. T. C ,\,iPHI: I,. Bl'RESS l.(;i.S.. M.llagazine. S*' EDITOR .. E. T. C(.AMPII i SMANAGER .... ... MR. T. J. K. CARSOS j Cadet Corps. MAJOR ... ...... .. MR. R. H Roo. CAPTAIN. .. .. ... .. MR. (;. GR(OSS i LLEL'TENANTS C. \\. R OE, J. I). O()'HAGAN, G. (RAHAt1. C (. N.N.MI.ES. ; COI.OUR -SRGEANTS ... .. L. \\II.IAMS, C. L i SERGFANTS ... I'. l'TL.ER, J. A. CAMPHEI.I., I). MACANSI, ., IH. \V'II.SON, H. CRovis, E. H l',. i L. E. ()SHORN, J. S. ROBERTSON CORPORALS P. JJ.URI, H. MI'RRA, H. A. HVI.r1., C. BERNAYS, J. 1). LAVARACK, C. PENNEFATHER. A.A . .r'o. P. McCoR. LANCE-CORPORALS R. MARTIN, T. MARTIN, C. S. MCDONAI.D, AI (i. R. C~uAOND, E. GRIENvIEI.D Krisbane iGrammar School-' * MAGAZIN. - Published I hrvc I tints a Year. \',,. III. .\I' IL, l.,oi. No. 8. sul.criptions. Is. ld per annum. ,r Is 9 d. posted, are payable to the Husiness Manager, T. J. K. ( AHSoS. lo,\s (;iammar School 'I i1i lEditor \ill \\elc,me cintrilbiutions or corresps ndence fotim present ,r past memlbers of the School. ,uliscrili ers are reliiestled to inform the iHusiness .aiin.ier ,(t any change of Addlress. Cdi/orial. S INCE our la.st isuc, a chlunge ha, been effected in the editoral staff. S. Wilson, the late editor. having left school. Our readers wi'l notice that the articles in this issue are. for the most part, ,ry concise. This is owing to the large amount of news we have re'eived. and the limited space at our d isposal. In January last we, with the world in general, passed through a season of sorrow occasioned by the loss of our beloved Sovereign. Queen Victoria. At the services held in Her memory in the various c'hurches on February 2rid, our school was represented bh a squad of ('adets under Captain C(ross. We have welcomed Mr. Roe back from liis lengthy but well-earned holiday, and the articles re'ating to this (\wnt should he found very interesting. Since his return. \I:. Ko, has. on various occ'asions, spoken of his experiences in England. (Of most importance to us as a school, however, was his statem,.nt wihen int, ri\' wi d bi a represent- ative of the " C'ourier.' On that oc;ision he stated that. on the whole, the Australian Schools were quite upl to ti'e standard of th FEnglish Schools. This statement was further si rtengthened i) the success of Claude Roe at the Oxford University. wh :: lhe won the Balliol Col- 4 Brisbane Grammar School Magazine. lege Scholarship for Matllhematic, one of the muost uoveted prises at the University. With regard to our Scholluol Work, Mr. Roe thinks that steady progress is being made ii all the dept.larluents. .A very) interstmg letttr will be tound in this issue from iRol 3uldrcwod, the great Australian wrttr, author of 'Robbery Under Arms,' " Squatters Dream, etcr., and our readei s are advised to take paricular notice of it. The sporting items are numerous, ow,\ing to the amount of cricket news. The cricket teams have, on the whole, had a very successful season, but the football teams ar determined to do better. We again remind the past and present boys that we will gladly welcomne contributions fromn them, it the wil onl) send theII along. N the absencte ot Mr. Ro.. \ ho was .n his well-earned holiday, Mr. Bouslield, the Acting Head, Master. presented hs report for the y)ear 1poo. Intit he statl thth thel average daili) attendance for the )year was 215 "r 94 pr' cent. ol the niimber oin the roll. This aVerage was about th samet a s ,hato 1899. I'he number of boarders had increased Ircmll8 tic, 29. ('lauetI KRoes successes in the Senior for 1899, and at Oxlord w~cr. mntmionel . the former has already been reported. In the Senior Ior i9 oo the. li\te candidlates who entered , n.were uctce'rssful, with an a\,rage of nline subjects each. J. G. Aver)y * brought credit to himsell aitn,the School by winning the lirst exhibi tion, and also the Major Sc'hcclarshil at Ormon College. For the Junior 21 out of Jo candilate~ iassed, with ai aaverager of 5.95 sub- jects teach. I1'. '. Calow secure.l thet ( ;t rman Medlal. Mr. Bousie'd txplainelt that the reason of our ill-succress ;as compared with the Senior lExamii. was that the time was fr too .sit rt to l)rel)are for am exami. in which the stanclarl Ias so, hgh andt the competition so, great. Iuring last year 13 bos entered foi the ('ivil Service Exam.. and onl c,e failed, while one qualilied for entrane to the Pcst ()flice. ('. Davis entered tor the l.aw Exami. and, headed the list. The ('alets have inc'reasel from 90 to 5o. alnd were unler Captain (;.ross' omnimanc during the. absentce f lMajor Re,.. Turning to, the sec ial lilte of the Schol. Mr. Hcuistil said that he lid not remember tI har eneen such activit in ('rickt amtd Foo Icall. Arch. Denni. ;was. mentionedl as having Iben selectee I as full-l,cak to, the Inter colonial Football 'I'eam. which visite S\clIney last Jul. The Cricket and 'I'Teniinis teams also came in fur their share ,f praise. In con clusion, Mr. Housfieli thankedl his ,cileagues for their suppl,,rt durin. his six months' office as Head Master. Aftlter a short speech by Hi. sxce'llenie\ thIe Governr. anl nIcth er by Sir SamutIl Griffith, the pr, ceedings terminated. Br:sbam' rantni ar Sch,' .lla. :inc. 5 SI MII(k AM) Jli\l)R EXAMS. 'The Senior took place in Novembtr last 1-i\c, bo\ entered frowi 1 ltSchot l . all ,ofw\hom \ere su'C,.si ul . J . ; A, rv se4tlurei the ist. l hhi"io. t. The I ,llowingi a lisT ,fthe. n.im.li s ot tlh candiidates witth tlir passes :-- J. I;. Atr (NI) 4 A s. 4 H' . 2 ( A. L(.Dailson (NI) 2 A'., 4 Ifs. 4 ( ". (.. ".Mal c )ona1lel- 2 A s. ,3hi. I I'. .1.\. Parker (.I'--: A s. 4 I\,. 4 (" . C. Sa(stnrl (.I) -. I,,s, 7 ("s. .I1ATRI L'.A It)\ HO\ liRS. .Ilatii. .i.d (t'.is -A--\w ry. Parker ", i (d'l. NsMero ii.hna.d. (ireek, 211n1 t'lass--Avery. MJ'iDalI ; 3r 1 Cla.s-P'arke.r. lren4T h. -t(' lass- -Ai r,. M D. uiinal : 2.1i l (',.ss--l';Irker. Mat limati's. iil C('lass-l)a\ielsni. J. (. Aerr\ alsi nbtainedI the Miajii,r S'hlarship at <)rmniid ( "llege. In tleh Jtnior. ht.li l in Jiln last. 21 I.1iilir ,tLs ,i1 ol 3o Wtre su ccessiul. ''he1t-Iollowing are t he naies <1 tli sui''t .ssl ul 'andi- ,lates :--- Bal. Hutler. Calow. J. ('aminj tell. CrIts. (1halsmitli. Graham. Higlett. Hisck. Jackson. J. S.. Jons. A. E.. Kingslbur.. S.. lMcNab. nMarks. Mils. C. ...N( Morhous. W'ils.,n. P. \.. I \ilet. .. Par- sns. Smith. J. .. T''ait. ()f these J. S. Ja,'ksnii was the misti stti esstul can lidlates. He ,btainedl A's in History. Arithmetic. ;eometr Hs in (Geography. English. German. Latin, Greek. 1. F. (.'alow secured the ;German Medal, Ihle 'uoly med al awarded to (qu'eenslaril. Departure of Mr. Flint. At the end of last year Mr. Flint was aippointed Headi Master at Ipswich Grammar School. in the place o1 Mr. C('ameron. who huid resigned. From Mlidlwinter to Christmas he was here. and short though the time was. he gained many friendls. We hope to see him again when the I.G(;.S. boys ome down for cri'ket at the end of April. and lhe is sure to reCteive ; hearty welco'me. We al Wish him t.verv suc'cess in his new sphere. Mr. Roe's Return. On February 2nd Mr. Roet returned to Brisbane after a holiday of nearly eight months. He was met at the Roma Street Station by a number of )OldBos. who gave him a hearty welcome home. On the School. and delivered the 4 th February he'resumed his duties at his quarterly address. He then stated that luring his trip ht had 6 Brisbanec rammar Scoo/ Magazne. visited many of the old English schools. The most noticeable feature in the great schools was the great respect that the students showed towards their masters, and the many little courtesies they paid them. At the same time Mr. Roe pointed out that he dlid not wish to impl that the Queensland boys were behindhand in this respect. ()n the contrary, there was no more goodness of heart and earnest neso ot spirit than was to be Ifoundl in the boys of Queenslandl. Referring to the lifticulties under which we work here, in th matter of linances, as compared with the English schools, Mr.
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