*OS**JTS CO. HISTORICAL ASSS.. TBn 6 SE£89LP B 9 L » *» B»J» ; . t. +&; ■ ^ * * ■ ** *4-™ -sr- ^ r ~ f 5 ?i - j ‘ T h i s W e e k COVERING T o n u n n or One Section BOLHtiU tUDIWR MARLBORO, MATAWAN A N D . 1 6 P A G E S MATAWAN BOEODQI ll« n b « i B l » l Y E A R 3 r d " W E E K M u h I MATAWAN, N. I, THURSDAY, JU L Y 16. 1959 IUw jww y »ir«i> Aatodattw SlnyU Copy Tan Cwli Union St Tract Studied As Site St, Thom as’ Church Has Groundbreaking Ceremony Marlboro Twp. Committee Adopts For New Matawan High School Plant Building Code; Referendum Rejected ; Engelhard! Report Revitad To Reduce Mass Opposition Of Two Prior Attempts Size O f Building To Borrowing Pow er Fails To Develop; Moving On Futl-jAcre Mstawan Township Board of Marlboro township' adopted a Education Thursday received a Taxpayers Meeting Plan Class Reuhlon building code Thursday, On (wo new study on its high school plans, prior occasions in th* past 10 revised by Dr. N. L./Engelhardt M rt. Jean G rim m , secretary, an* Matawan High School, Class of years when codes w,r* presented, Jr., flew York, their educational nouaces the Matawan Township 1991 wllf hold Its flv«-yesr clasa they were howled down by mass consistent, to^llt the proposed Taxpayers Association will meet reunion Saturday, Sept. IS. For objections of hundrada ol people structure within the >2,400,000 bor. Tuesday at 8 p.m. at the Bayview further Information, contact M lu at public hearings. Thursday Ihe tvwisg power available. Tlje board Presbyterian Church houaet Cliff- Peggy O'Neill, Lo 8-1893 or Mrs. objoctlona were tew apt) waged • also authorized its attorney to seek wood Beach. ' . Joan (C am pbell) M auro, Lo MS-II). losing fight. Option on a <7,39 acre tra ct on George Franklin, on* ipoctator, ~ Union St.nfar Its intersection with believed the code bore ao closely ' Ravine Dr. The land adjoins Rose Jolin It Garey Superintendent on personal property rlghte it Hill Cemetery. ’. ihould not be passed without ■ an The decision on land came after aoprovlng referendum, Msynr the board had considered three New Councilman Named In Madison Cliarles T, MsCu* told - th* ; sites . studied, by It, architects, .olected officials on the governing Finne, Lymtn t Finne, Elizabeth. Named To Replace Chose N.V. College body felt a sufficient (ampllng ot ■' There waa a large tract on the Floyd VanBrakle Faculty- Member public feeling o u provided by the i «tft side of Atlantic Ave. con- •mount of objection .*t a.. hearing i sldered. Tht archiiects found' that Matawan Mayor Ralph R. Den- Madlson Townshlp Board of Bd- tnd they were iatlsflisd ihls on* , -itUtJPProph to lt was by » small ol* Tuesday night appointed John ucatlon cho*e a new superinten­ nielthe majorlty'a will.. “ , ’ . fefldge oyer the railroad .and lt R. Garey, 33-year-old former mem­ dent pf schools Tueaday. He Is Dr, Fred vonRodeck, another *peeta- presented drainage problems. It ber ot tha Mauwan Township W illiam J, Sample, 47, a member tor, called the aod* "fantastic" also was not as central as the Board of Education, to fill a va­ of the ficulty of tho New York and declared 11 served no purpose other two tracts discussed, In the cancy t on the Matawan Borough State Teacher* College at Oawego. but to harass Ihe “little man" and architect's opinion! The second Council caused by the announced He was offarsd s two-yeir con­ run up hia costa of owning prop­ tract considered, tha Siano tract, resignation of Councilman Floyd tract a f (12,100 per year p lu , 1300 erty. Mr. vonRodeck found that im ^fatawan Rd. was ruled out VanBrakle, . per 'year Inter-,ystem travel on- the code referred to "buildings" because there are no water maliis Mr.. VanBrakle announced his pente*. and only once |o "towellings," so going to the land. There also would plans to resign from the council Dr. Sample was chosen from 14 that Ita value In controlling large h»ve. to be road building Into the last month. The councilman, elect­ applicant, Interviewed by the scale housing projects was dubious. pifcperty, .the architects notfed, and ed to th e post In N ovem ber 19SS, hoard. The position waa made va­ Defends Skepticism . they did not Ilk; the approach said he plans to move to Manas- cant In June when Dr. Eugene W. John Dreader, another spectator, tcjrost the marahes st Aberdeen quan with his family by Sept. 1, Shronk, who still had a year to go defended Mr. vonRodeck'e skep­ . JW- ■■ • . He had' served, as water depart­ of hi* two-year contract, resigned ticism. Welter Hills, chslrmsn uf . Served By V i te r M ain ment chairman.- . • for heilth reasons. Dr. Simple th* committee that framed the Tha third sl(e, the.one on Unioo In semi-retirement,-Mr. Garoy hsi boon asked to assume his new code, noted that It did control de­ Sl.t w u found to ba served by a serves ss Deputy Grand Se?retarV wit sa of Aug, 10. Jsm e, Msloney velopment In that nu more than - aU-lnch water main, The architects of Grand Lodge F.&A.M., at Tren­ ‘The Rev. Walter A. French, paator ol-St. Thomas' Church, Old Michael P. McCorrlstln, Trenton, who presided at the ceremony. ia* been acting luperlntendent 10 building permits can be Issuod noted that It-had the higher ele­ ton. Before he retired nearly two Bridge, (center), -turns the first spade ol soil for the construction ot Others are R. V. Moran, atchllect) Mayor John L. Chamberlain, JVladl- •Ince Or, Shronk resigned. •t on* tlm*. Th* devoloper cinnoi aim Township, and Mayor Louis F. May jr.. East Brunswick Township, vation and in only one corner was years ago. Mr. Garey, a resident tha aew church la 01d Bridge. On the left Is the Rt. ReV.-Msgr, A graduate of John Adams apply for ( second set uf 10 per­ • section of it low so as to con­ of the borough for the pa«t,24 High School, Cleveland, Ohio. mit* until th* foundations for Uie front a drainage problem. They years, was a supervisor at ' the Vote No Payment C orps Wins 31 Medals Dr. Simple w u graduated from flrat 10 are approved. Then the found It was part In the borougb A ft M Karagheuslan Co., Free­ Madison Park Parents Fear Effect Adalbert College, Western Reserve frame Structure of the building nn and part In the township. hold carpet manufacturing Arm. A total ef it medal* for m - University, with an A. B, Degree th* flrit 10 must be up and enclos­ 'vjttowever, it was acknowledged A ctin g on Um Joint recom­ Native Ol Slaw cellene. In style and pertprm-' in 1933, lie received hi* A, M ed before h* can start to eroct tw i’nract also had Its drawbacks. mendations o< the township at­ Born In Washington, Mr. Garey Of Wright Case Oil Pupil Attitudes ence wat won by members et Degree from Western Reserve In foundations under Ihe second 10 Michael F. Kidzus, a spectator, torney and auditor, the Mata­ waa educated in Elizabeth Public tbe Guadalcanal Cadele, sponsor­ 1937. ' permits. Mr. Hills explained this believed the Siano tract offered wan Township Committee yes­ Schools,, graduated from tbe New increased Hostility To $on>, Daughters, - ed by the Guadalcanal Pest protected the township against the the^better drainage, having a large terday voted unanimously RecelvtZ Pb. D. In (IU York Institute of Traffic and at­ against payment of four bills, 474S, Veterans ot Ferelsn Wars, builder going bankrupt and leav* gplly down which rain water would At M atawan, Other High Schools, Seen He also mended Columbia Uni­ tended New York University submitted by former township Matawan Township. Th* contest Ing a large number. ot empty flow to the marsh below/ Mr. versity Summer School, Ohio Slaty School Of B usiness: H e Is a di- Madison Park parent,, Infuriated most likely what I* tha ususl thing, will held In Toma River under foundation hplM or tall, construct- , Kidzus said he .was a mineralogist collector and treasurer,' Charlea Summer School,, Ashland Coll— J . K elly. a farewell address from tba prin­ the ausole** et the Ji and fild pot think that the land by alighting remark, attributed to Bi-wltng The Bills,, submitted for serv- cipal ,.. " , ■' ■ - v*. , at the Unloe St. alte would sustain W illiam W right, W anantafS*,. »reW .leaa n te n d e r e d . sts. t r e a s iy e t .cad.-. a school. He advis'd the architects prtnclpat |n Old Bridge*, lifrjw -ily - » tor. services .July I, l and I as " ‘Only thfs tlme. the grsduatlng Tbs Xorp* *lso„jr*s,.««*rd*d (n lOJJ. .; mfnlmunj. c»/llpg helght, T h li wa* .*WW verting addtvs»-<» their; sons -and csllotl too low a celling by critics : cnnm w -nnif ■«««*'# "the water d a a i'c a m * tn for isom e Crtirl state­ tropV f«r *M«nf UghMl Dr. Sample began Jh(* loschlng 3}W.-- w v « > ~ - daughters In the sixth, seventh and point* woti by 11* numbers. department, were In OM amounts ments. I will glva fun a few high­ career at Roosevelt' School, Oar- Of the code. Mr. Hills defended 11 Th* medal* w*r* received tor Of 8 2 3 , f lM , SI1.SS and fl.iS .
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