11 Witney - Hanborough - Oxford Mondays to Saturdays notes M-F M-F S M-F M-F Witney Market Square stop C 06.14 06.45 07.45 - 09.10 10.10 11.15 12.15 13.15 14.15 15.15 16.20 - Madley Park Co-op 06.21 06.52 07.52 - - North Leigh Masons Arms 06.27 06.58 07.58 - 09.18 10.18 11.23 12.23 13.23 14.23 15.23 16.28 17.30 Freeland Broadmarsh Lane 06.35 07.06 08.07 07.52 09.27 10.27 11.32 12.32 13.32 14.32 15.32 16.37 17.40 Long Hanborough New Road 06.40 07.11 08.11 07.57 09.31 10.31 11.36 12.36 13.36 14.36 15.36 16.41 Eynsham Spareacre Lane 06.49 07.21 08.20 09.40 10.40 11.45 12.45 13.45 14.45 15.45 16.50 Eynsham Church 06.53 07.26 08.24 08.11 09.44 10.44 11.49 12.49 13.49 14.49 15.49 16.54 17.49 Botley Elms Parade 07.06 07.42 08.33 08.27 09.53 10.53 11.58 12.58 13.58 14.58 15.58 17.03 18.00 Oxford Castle Street 07.21 08.05 08.47 08.55 10.07 11.07 12.12 13.12 13.12 15.12 16.12 17.17 18.13 notes M-F M-F S M-F M-F S Oxford Castle Street E2 07.25 08.10 09.10 10.15 11.15 12.15 13.15 14.15 15.15 16.35 16.35 17.35 17.50 Botley Elms Parade 07.34 08.20 09.20 10.25 11.25 12.25 13.25 14.25 15.25 16.45 16.50 17.50 18.00 Eynsham Church 07.43 08.30 09.30 10.35 11.35 12.35 13.35 14.35 15.35 16.55 17.00 18.02 18.10 Eynsham Spareacre Lane 09.34 10.39 11.39 12.39 13.39 14.39 15.39 16.59 17.04 18.06 18.14 Long Hanborough New Road 09.42 10.47 11.47 12.47 13.47 14.47 15.47 17.07 17.12 18.14 18.22 Freeland Broadmarsh Lane 07.51 08.38 09.46 10.51 11.51 12.51 13.51 14.51 15.51 17.11 17.16 18.18 18.26 North Leigh Masons Arms - 08.45 09.55 11.00 12.00 13.00 14.00 15.00 16.00 17.20 17.25 18.27 18.35 Madley Park Co-op - 17.26 - 18.33 18.41 Witney Market Square - 09.00 10.06 11.11 12.11 13.11 14.11 15.11 16.11 17.33 - 18.40 18.48 notes M-F Oxford Castle Street E2 18.20 Botley Elms Parade 18.30 Eynsham Church 18.40 Eynsham Spareacre Lane 18.44 Long Hanborough New Road 18.52 Freeland Broadmarsh Lane 18.56 North Leigh Masons Arms 19.05 Madley Park Co-op 19.11 Witney Market Square 19.18 M-F = Mondays to Fridays S = Saturdays only departs between 10 and 20 minutes later during term time arrives between 7 and 17 minutes earlier during vacations SERVICE CHANGES FROM JUNE 1 Service 11 operated largely without subsidy by Stagecoach 1635 journey from Oxford extended beyond Freeland to North Leigh on Monday to Friday and to Witney on Saturday Current 1713 journey from Freeland to Oxford on Saturday withdrawn Now departs from Castle Street Stop E2 in Oxford Stagecoach Oxfordshire Bampton - Standlake - Eynsham - Oxford 18 Mondays to Saturdays notes S M-F Clanfield Institute 06.55 - - - - - - - - - - Bampton Square 07.00 09.05 10.05 11.05 12.05 13.05 14.05 15.05 16.05 17.10 - Aston High Street 07.06 09.11 10.11 11.11 12.11 13.11 14.11 15.11 16.11 17.16 17.16 Aston Cote Road 07.07 09.12 10.12 11.12 12.12 13.12 14.12 15.12 16.12 17.17 17.17 Brighthampton 07.11 09.16 10.16 11.16 12.26 13.16 14.16 15.16 16.16 17.21 17.21 Standlake Business Park ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ 17.22 17.22 Standlake High Street 07.15 09.21 10.21 11.21 12.21 13.21 14.21 15.21 16.21 ↓ ↓ Standlake Heyford Close 07.19 ↓ 10.25 ↓ 12.25 ↓ 14.25 ↓ 16.25 ↓ ↓ Northmoor Red Lion 07.26 09.28 ↓ 11.28 ↓ 13.28 ↓ 15.28 ↓ ↓ ↓ Bablockhythe Ferry Turn 07.29 09.31 ↓ 11.31 ↓ 13.31 ↓ 15.31 ↓ ↓ ↓ Stanton Harcourt Harcourt Arms 07.33 09.35 10.30 11.35 12.30 13.35 14.30 15.35 16.30 ↓ ↓ Sutton 07.37 09.39 10.34 11.39 12.34 13.39 14.34 15.39 16.34 17.29 17.29 Eynsham Church 07.41 09.43 10.48 11.43 12.38 13.43 14.38 15.43 16.38 17.33 17.33 Cassington A40 Turn 07.50 09.48 10.43 11.48 12.43 13.48 14.43 15.48 16.43 17.38 17.38 Oxford George Street 08.20 10.04 10.59 12.04 12.59 14.04 14.59 16.04 16.59 17.58 17.58 notes S M-F S M-F S M-F M-F Oxford George Street B1 08.20 10.05 11.05 12.05 13.05 14.05 15.05 16.05 16.05 17.15 17.15 18.05 18.05 Cassington A40 Turn 08.35 10.20 11.20 12.20 13.20 14.20 15.20 16.20 16.28 17.35 17.40 18.25 18.30 Eynsham Church ↓ 10.26 11.26 12.26 13.26 14.26 15.26 16.26 16.38 17.41 17.46 18.31 18.36 Sutton 08.42 10.31 11.31 12.31 13.31 14.31 15.31 16.31 16.43 17.46 17.51 18.36 18.41 Stanton Harcourt Harcourt Arms ↓ 10.34 11.34 12.34 13.34 14.34 15.34 16.34 16.46 17.49 17.54 18.39 18.44 Bablockhythe Ferry Turn ↓ ↓ 11.38 ↓ 13.38 ↓ 15.38 16.38 16.50 ↓ ↓ 18.43 18.48 Northmoor Red Lion ↓ ↓ 11.41 ↓ 13.41 ↓ 15.41 16.41 16.53 ↓ ↓ 18.46 18.51 Standlake Heyford Close ↓ 10.40 ↓ 11.40 ↓ 14.40 ↓ ↓ ↓ 17.55 18.00 --R-- --R-- Standlake High Street ↓ 10.44 11.50 12.44 13.50 14.44 15.50 16.50 17.02 17.59 18.04 18.55 19.00 Standlake Business Park 08.45 ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ Brighthampton 08.46 10.46 11.52 12.46 13.52 14.46 15.52 16.52 17.04 18.01 18.06 18.57 19.02 Aston Cote Road 08.50 10.50 11.56 12.50 13.56 14.50 15.56 16.56 17.08 18.05 18.10 19.01 19.06 Aston High Street 08.51 10.51 11.57 12.51 13.57 14.51 15.57 16.57 17.09 18.06 18.11 19.02 19.07 Bampton Square 08.58 10.58 12.05 12.58 14.05 14.58 16.05 17.05 - 18.15 18.20 19.10 19.15 Clanfield Institute - - - - - - - - - --R-- --R-- --R-- --R-- M-F = Mondays to Fridays S = Saturdays only R = serves this point on request c = connects with service 19 to or from Clanfield and Carterton SERVICE CHANGES FROM JUNE 1 Service 18 continues unchanged Stagecoach Oxfordshire Carterton - Bampton - Witney 19 Mondays to Saturdays notes M-F M-F Carterton Broadshires 06.43 07.43 08.48 09.48 10.48 11.48 12.48 13.48 14.48 15.48 16.48 18.08 - Carterton Crossroads 06.45 07.45 08.50 09.50 10.50 11.50 12.50 13.50 14.50 15.50 16.50 18.10 - Alvescot Memorial 06.49 07.49 08.54 09.54 10.54 11.54 12.54 13.54 14.54 15.54 16.54 18.14 - Black Bourton Memorial 06.52 07.52 08.57 09.57 10.57 11.57 12.57 13.57 14.57 15.57 16.57 18.17 - Clanfield Institute 06.56 07.56 09.01 10.01 11.01 12.01 13.01 14.01 15.01 16.01 17.01 18.21 - Bampton Square 07.00 08.00 09.05 10.05 11.05 12.05 13.05 14.05 15.05 16.05 17.05 18.25 19.15 Bampton Bushey Row 07.02 08.02 09.07 10.07 11.07 12.07 13.07 14.07 15.07 16.07 17.07 18.27 ↓ Aston High Street 07.08 08.08 09.13 10.13 11.13 12.13 13.13 14.13 15.13 16.13 17.13 18.33 ↓ Aston Cote Road ↓ ↓ ↓ 10.14 ↓ ↓ 13.14 ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ Brighthampton ↓ ↓ ↓ 10.18 ↓ ↓ 13.18 ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ Ducklington Village 07.16 08.16 09.21 10.26 11.21 12.21 13.26 14.21 15.21 16.21 17.21 18.41 ↓ Witney Market Square 07.25 08.25 09.30 10.35 11.30 12.30 13.35 14.30 15.30 16.30 17.30 18.50 19.30 notes M-F Witney Market Square 07.00 08.40 09.40 10.40 11.40 12.35 13.40 14.40 15.35 16.55 17.55 18.50 Ducklington Village 07.06 08.47 09.47 10.47 11.47 12.42 13.47 14.47 15.42 17.05 18.05 18.57 Brighthampton ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ 12.50 ↓ ↓ 15.50 ↓ ↓ ↓ Aston Cote Road ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ 12.55 ↓ ↓ 15.55 ↓ ↓ ↓ Aston North Street 07.14 08.55 09.55 10.55 11.55 ↓ 13.55 14.55 ↓ 17.14 18.14 19.05 Aston High Street 07.15 08.56 09.56 10.56 11.56 12.56 13.56 14.56 15.56 17.15 18.15 19.06 Bampton Bushey Row 07.21 09.02 10.02 11.02 12.02 13.02 14.02 15.02 16.02 17.21 18.21 19.12 Bampton Square 07.23 09.05 10.05 11.05 12.05 13.05 14.05 15.05 16.05 17.25 18.25 19.15 Clanfield Institute 07.27 09.09 10.09 11.09 12.09 13.09 14.09 15.09 16.09 17.29 18.29 - Black Bourton Memorial 07.31 09.13 10.13 11.13 12.13 13.13 14.13 15.13 16.13 17.33 18.33 - Alvescot Memorial 07.34 09.16 10.16 11.16 12.16 13.16 14.16 15.16 16.16 17.36 18.36 - Carterton Crossroads 07.39 09.21 10.21 11.21 12.21 13.21 14.21 15.21 16.21 17.41 18.41 - Carterton Broadshires 07.42 09.26 10.26 11.26 12.26 13.26 14.26 15.26 16.26 17.46 --R-- - Shilton Park Trefoil Way - 09.31 10.31 11.31 12.31 13.31 14.31 15.31 16.31 17.51 - - Carterton opp Broadshires - 09.36 10.36 11.36 12.36 13.36 14.36 15.36 16.36 17.56 - - Carterton Crossroads - 09.38 10.38 11.38 12.38 13.38 14.38 15.38 16.38 - - - Carterton Broadshires - 09.41 10.41 11.41 12.41 13.41 14.41 15.41 16.41 - - - M-F = Mondays to Fridays R = serves this point on request c = connects with service 18 to or from Eynsham and Oxford SERVICE CHANGES FROM JUNE 1 Service 19 continues unchanged Stagecoach Oxfordshire Carterton - Lechlade - Swindon 64 Mondays to Saturdays Broadshires Health Centre - 09.40 11.40 14.45 16.40 Carterton Black Bourton Rd 07.34 09.45 11.45 14.50 16.45 Carterton Corbett Road 07.36 09.47 11.47 14.52 16.47 Kencot WI Hall 07.42 09.53 11.53 14.58 16.53 Broadwell The Chilli Pepper 07.43 09.55 11.55 15.00 16.55 Langford Crown 07.45 09.57 11.57 15.02 16.57 Filkins The Lamb 07.48 10.00 12.00 15.05 17.00 Little Faringdon Turn 07.52 10.03 12.03 15.08 17.03 Lechlade Market Square 07.58 10.08 12.08 15.13 17.08 St John’s Priory Caravan Park ↓ 10.10 ↓ ↓ ↓ Coleshill Radnor Arms ↓ 10.18 ↓ ↓ ↓ Highworth Swindon Street 08.10 10.25 12.18 15.23 17.18 Lower Stratton Rat Trap 08.18 10.31 12.24 15.29 17.24 Swindon Bus Station 08.35 10.40 12.32 15.37 17.35 Swindon Bus Station bay 18 08.45 10.45 13.45 15.45 17.45 Lower Stratton Rat Trap 08.53 10.53 13.53 15.53 17.55 Highworth Swindon Street 09.00 11.00 14.00 16.00 18.02 Coleshill Radnor Arms ↓ ↓ 14.07 ↓ ↓ St John’s Priory Caravan Park ↓ ↓ 14.15 ↓ ↓ Lechlade Market Square 09.10 11.10 14.20 16.10 18.12 Little Faringdon Turn 09.15 11.15 14.25 16.15 18.17 Filkins The Lamb 09.18 11.18 14.28 16.18 18.20 Langford Crown 09.21 11.21 14.31 16.21 18.23 Broadwell The Chilli Pepper 09.23 11.23 14.33 16.23 18.25 Kencot WI Hall 09.25 11.25 14.35 16.25 18.27 Carterton Corbett Road 09.29 11.29 14.39 16.29 18.30 Carterton Crossroads 09.32 11.32 14.42 16.32 18.32 Broadshires Health Centre 09.35 11.35 14.45 16.35 - Until construction of Carterton’s new Market Square is complete, Thursday services towards Swindon will depart from Carterton Town Hall and not serve Corbett Road in either direction.
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