8 RAHWAY RECORD, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1927 ton, t»:- Cirmpbellv street,: and -made. thrown carelessly Into Jftie car, de- terrace, has returned to her studies at Miss Mary Roouey, ot 16 Broolcfleld turned to their liome from Scotland," stroyed the Ford touring nir of'John" SOCIAL AND PERSONAL the State Normal School at Montclair. place haa been spending-a--vacation where they spent two months. plans to have the Sunday school, which has been cloned during tho sum- Brennan, of 7 Fulton street, nt two in -New York, Vermont and Mnssa- o'clock.'...Sunday morning as tho ma- THE WEATHER,, Mrs. George W. Xlingqs, of Central —l£»»d IIulius,—uf-M:iln' street. anJ- -yhuseUs ' • ' >;,-, j\inT n,lpnthnl nnd Miss Catli- Stib25to4!rejJ5r8 avenue, left last evening for several MaroM Johnson, of Central avenue,' erlne Loughlin, formerly of this city, for the—later, formal opening to take chine was standing- near the lunch ~ T63ay: Fair; ~ THE RECORD weeks' stay with her parents at Tun-leave this week for Browa University, Mrs. Mary Coventry, Mr. and Mrs.but more. recently ot lielninr, were- place on rally day, October 2. Mrs. WUROU at 322 St. George nrenuo, where jjtal Va. Tomorrow:' Fair. L together with Robert Albisser, of Main Fred Coventry, Mr. and Mrs. Harley visitors here Sunday. A. A. Hopkins was elected treasurer Urcnnan is employed. Tho fire caused an(l jBeje._..a..show- IS THE VOICE street, who is a candidate for the var-Coventry, and. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Pe- and Frank Crue, secretary, to fill the A general alarm to be turned In from A number from Railway (feuncil, Xo. sity fimtbnll team. Albisser was all-terson, of Roselle, formerly of this vacancy caused by tho resignation of room display and you OF THE COMMUNITY 8S4, Royal Arcanum, attended the out- Joseph Colucci, of the- Y. M. C. A., Box 02 and the entire fire- department sta'tii-;a<-i;lt> three years ago at Hall- city, and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ball, of. will leave Rahway soou to take up Benjamin L. Crue, who has moved responded. Snvcu and a half gallons will find lovely pieces. ing at Cllffw.ood Beacli, held jointly way Iliyli. Brookline, Mass., are spending two to Brooklyn. Members expressed by Westfield, Roselle and Metucheu, duties with the General ChemicarCo., ot chemicals were used to extinguish weeks on a motor trip through Wilmington. Del. He was formerly their regret at the loss of Mr. Crue. together with Railway Council, on Sat- who has served tho Milton Chapel the uhize. The loss was $75. urday afternoon. Miss Catherine Reed, daughter of Cumi<ln. connected with- Merck & Company, E.PUCC1 Mr. and Mrs. C: E. Reed, of Central and Johnson it Johnson, faithfully all his life and has been RAHWAY, UNION COUNTY, N. J., FRIDAY AFTERNOON, SEPTEMBER 23,1927 TWELVE PAGE* . Mrs. Mary A. Crane, of Amityville, an important factor In ita welfare. WILL HAVE CARD PARTY. PRICE THREE CENTS avenue, returned to her studies at the Thursday night. the Ladles' Aid So- A number of students graduated Centenary Collegiate Institute, at L. I., has been the guest of Mr. and Refreshments were served after the 69 Central Avenus Saturday from the Simplex Training Mrs. Joseph Coppola and her daugh- ciety of the y.lon Lutheran Church llar-kensack. yesterday. Mrs. Fred Yorke and family, at 25 ter. Miss Stella, of 1IM 1'ierpont business meeting and a social time Rahway, N. J. School of the Western Union, located, East Milton avenue. was enjoyed. Those- present "were: will have, .a public card .party at the STUDENTS ORGANIZE GHOSTS STALK THROUGH RUINS la.Use Savings Bank Building, corner' stro*t. left recently for a visit in Phila- Richard J. Morton, Mrs. William II. home nf Mrs. J. H. Flaihuiar.n, at 7 of Main and Monroe streets. They in- The annual election of officers of delphia. S1ART MOVE Railway. Council, Knights of Colum- Mrs. Charles Rand, of 122 Seminary Waters, Miss Dora Price, Mrs. A. A.Brown place. ____ WITH TOY PISTOL AND A SHEET cluded iliss Catherine Mover, ot Sha- avenue, has returned from a three Hopkins. Mrs.1 Maynard Mundy, Mrs. CITY COUNCIL APOLOGIZES ron, Pa.; Miss Jane Zaleska, of Newbus, will take place tonight. UNDER "HOME ROOM weeks' stay at Flemington. Milton Chapel Elects Crue. Miss Irene White and Miss iElOJIE OFFERED Britain, Comii; Miss Verna Huber, of Laura Jones. - Bethlehem, Pa.; Miss Elizabeth Ham- Money to loan on bond and mort- A sextette of ghosts whose nebulous startled couples have hurried away. gage. Workmen's Building & Loan Mrs. C. W. Hancock anil daughter. And Plans for Opening mond, of Newcastle, Pa.: and Miss forms have,' beeu reported sliding sad' Tales spreap d throughout the city that EoseT Drieliiianr orXe'wark. BoUy,ofl7Mp i FIRE- DESTROVS-CAR ly-lhrouKU-the-rulns-ofrthe-oid-P'ratt hdb The FOR LEONARD'S UTTERANCE OrncerTariineaeis ;-ghosts-r r turned from Militia Point, Nova Fim of unknown origin, although he- St. Paul's Day School- y Estate the past several nights have report was verified by youths seeking Will be Financed by Many Arnrngements are about complete Remodeling of the police station in Scotia. Chapel met Friday night at the homo f been captured. The. Incredible teat a thrill. • tor the celebration of the on'e hunMai- n street is being rapidly com- of the superintendent, Richard J. Mor-lloved to have started from a cigarette waa performed by Patrolman Joseph Residents recalled the numerous pleted and a formal opening with in- Water Commissiunur- and-ilrs.—EtU. Grades up to High School Government Devised Here to Ertniog School Head ' Kelly. But the story Cooperating Clubs Lints DiedTrom Joy |LoB£hlin'Regrets Aspersion on dred and first anniversary of the Eben- win Haliday, of Trussler place, have similar reports o[ past years-. Located 6 czer A. M.-E. Churcl], located in Cen-spection by citizens is promised by Love blossoms In lonely unhallowed in what, was "formerly a thinly pop- Says Letter from Wife i ».,«.. .»» tral avenue. The celebration .which David M. Roll, Jr., chairman of the returned from Blue Mountain Lake, in Expert Teachers Modern Methods Resemble Student Coun- places. That is* why the charred Building Committee, within the next the Adirondacks. where they spent With the opening of the'-Evening ulated section and what is still con- Francis Lints' sudden death In! will be in the form of special services Vocational School on October 3 an ruins of the Pratt, home, tho old barn sidered away from town, the very The first • step toward the erection Negro Race Attributed to two weeks. three weeks. BE PREPARED cils of Colleges falling into decay and the lone of a Community Building to serve as a Aberdeen, Scotland, September 11, oc-| and social events, will open Thurs- Has one or two vacancies.—Apply quickly added educational opportunity will bo estate itself gavo credence to the curred in the_yostibule_.o£-ii--cliur»;h, I— 4th Ward Councilman fhadpwed by tall trees are visited headauarters--for Tall-fratornal, -civic day, September 22. and continue.until storiea.. .:: ..... according to word-received herc.-by-j September 25. Sunday the. second Mr. and Mrs.-J. B. Cleaver, of Maple Mr. and Mrs. George.II. Cowie anil dl nightly by couples In- Police" iuvesiigatedj hut were "uri- and "patriotic organizations "arpre^ 7 terrace, and Lester E. Hall, of 24 family, of 135 Elm avenue, have re- Driven from tho streets by the sent without homes ot their own wasbis daughter,-Mrs. Edwin Payne, of' ..-Quarterly meeting-of-t.ho-ciiurcli was •Met-homes. ha succesful for a -time. Finally fratrol- tFFICERS ELECTED -tevor^ hove."repalrcd_ju_Lhl!TjE Ilian Kwlty-wa* senTon) rr liy ittirlVriV-DUnmrs Host. —&eld-wiih-speclal- services in-moinin.g- -Phone 886 or_336vW —Heart fanurSTcfaTisea by tfle excite-")" "litornoon :iD(t cveiiini;. Jitate in offering s u< rambling estate. a report that the ghosts had fired a CS1, Veterans of Foreign Wars at hinds --on—Saturday; iracllcal -gun,-or-that-they-had-beeri fired at. their meeting Tuesday night. ment of yjsiting old friends and places courses throuRlritis eVenTiij; "program. - They fpnr nn prll ripqpltp the logcni] after a lapse of thirty years was given . _ Jlr.aiid Mrs. W. C. Clarke have re- By diligence he captured six figures. A committee will be appointed to .Mrs.- William H. Wright., of Central "_F. -X^ Honio Iloom Rule," a system under In order that the work may be ofthat the place is haunted. Neither do as the cause- of the man's death. " The Thomas -J. Loughlin, president of ~svGHUC'~]ori "Saturday ~Tor-a~«'Be];"'iil hninn 1"S Wosr Mlltnn ;• it'll students and tcachura will to- they shudder when they recollect They turned but to be. hO5-s with- a call a meeting ot all organizations that terraee. the most, practical nature, the Board „.„ „„.„ nu. me >»•».« sheet and a toy pistol. Hailed be- Information came from his wife, who City Council, made public apology at- •Yankee Lake, X. T.' avenue, after spending the summer at that the big barn was the scene ljnighl_ivJ.g.h_to_parUclpate. At this -waa—witlt-him-at—the—time: :—:— Applecroft Cottage, Lake George, eMost T Filiicatl(ia-liaR-M)saKetl-Hie-larser{:ttro-mrlcfdCK mid that. rheTffWiieTsTIeir lore Judge James H. Kearney, Jr., in tJi6"councll"meetimr"Wedne5da>^nlght Tho Al >lla -;'ui!'-.:i btnly was Introduced In Rah-modern (,-arage of Henry Albisser at meeting ..a- way will be found to se-• James D. Lints, a son, was sched- for remarks derogatory to the colored TV Ti Priostlev left l Gamma Phi met last N.
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