Eorm Aoo ..vol1._QMB No. 2070-00"" opp Identifier Number United Stetes Registration Environmental Protection Agency Amendment & EPA Washington. OC 20460 259579 ~t/ Other Application for Pesticide - Section I ,. CompenvlProduct Number 2. EPA Product Manager 3, Proposed etaasifieation 10088-97 Marion Johnson o None 0 Restricted 4. Company/Product (Name) PM. Insect Repellent Towel 10 5. Name and Address of Applicant (Include ZIP Code) 6. Expedited Reveiw. In accordance with FIFRA SectiOn 3(c)(31 Athea Laboratories, Inc. (bUn, my product is similar or identical in composition and labeling P.O. Box 240014 to: EPA Reg. No. _______________ Milwaukee, WI 53224. o CJJ.ck if this is II n.w _dd'B5$ Product Name Section - II Amendment ~ Explain below. 2] Finel printed label. in repsonse to NOTIFICATION o Agency letter dated o Resubmission in response to Agency letter dated _______ o -Me Too" Application. fEB 26 2001 o Notification - Explain below. o Other - Explain below. Explanation: Use edditionel page(sl if n&ce5S8ry. (For section land Section 11.1 See attached page Section - III 1. Material Thill Product Will Be 'ackaoed In: Child-Resistant Peckaging Unit Peckeging Water SoNbte Packaging 2. Type of Container DVes rJ Vo. o V.. No ~::~c ~No 0 o No Glass If "Yes" No. per If "Yes" No. per t/ Peper • C8rtifica tion must Unit Packaging wgt. container Package wgt container Other (Specify) ________ 1 be submitted ~ 3. location of Net Contents Information 4. Size{s) Retail Container S. location of Label Directions 4.5" X 6" Label and Container ~ lab.1 ~ Container B 6. Manner in Which Label is Affixed to Product UthOgr~h ~ Other Silkscreened t/ Peper glued § Stenciled Section - IV 1. Contact Point (Camp/BtB ifBms dirBctly below for identification of individual to b. contact.d, if necessary, to proCflS$ thi$ application.) Name Title Telephone No. (Include Area Code) Troy Munson Regulatory Compliance Specialist 414-354-6417 f-----.-------------_______L- ____________-'-- __,,~'-'-' ,-' ,-;' ,--------j Certification 6. Ubtd'AppI(cati<ln I certify that the statements I have made on this form end an attachments thereto are true, accurate and complete. "• rlec«ved. I ecknowledge that any knowlinglly false or misleading .utement may b. punis~e by fine or imprisonment or {Stamped) both under appliceble law. ( ( , : ' , 3. TItle -&>-;, Regulatory Compliance Specialist 2. Siun;r J72-------~ " ·" . • • " 4. Typ~ Nome 6. Date ....... • Troy MUnson ..... January 31, 2001 • .. .. • EPA Form 11570·, (Rev. 3-941 Previous editions ara obsolete. PRECAUTIONARY STATEMENTS INSECT HAZARDS TO HUMANS AND DOMESllC ANIMALS Towels apply repellent where you need it most. CAUTION Will not stain dothes or fabric. REPELLENT Will not stain dothing or fabrics. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF INFANTS Stain-free fonnula will not harm clothes. AND YOUNGER CHILDREN TOWEL Repellent fonnula will not stain clothes or fabrics. Instruct older children in the proper use of this product. No excess spray with towels to harm decorative plants. Do not apply to lips or get into eyes. In case of contact Repels Mosquitoes. Biting Flies • • No~ Easy-to-use towels apply repellent in one-step. with eyes, flush with water. Chiggers. Ticks. Deer Flies. Stable Apply repellent in one easy step - tear off towel and PHYSICAL OR CHEMICAL HAZARDS :::;;$~~ . Flies. Black Flies. Gnats and Fleas wipe. Do not use or store near heat or open flame. % ~ on Exposed Skin Surfaces. Portable canister goes anywhere. • sB~'lI Repels Most Biting Insects Portable canister goes anywhere bugs are found. STORAGE AND DISPOSAL Repels Insects For Hours. Portable IS-count canister can be take anywhere. Do not """"""'" water. food or feed by stonge and disposal. Portable IS-count canister easily fits in pockets. STORAGE: Do not store where children or arimaIs may gain , ACTIVE INGREDIENTS Portable 4O-count canister can be taken anywhere. N.N-diethyl-m-toluamide .................. 11.71 % access. Portable 4O-count canister easily fits in pockets. Other isomers ............................0.62% PESTICIDE AND CONTAINER DISPOSAL: Securely I N-Octyl bicydoheptene dicarboximide ........3.52% Use towels at work or play. wrap original container in several layers of newspaper and I Di-n-propyllsocinchomeronate .............. 1.76% Soft. durable 12" x 12" towlette. discard in tn>h. I INERT INGREDIENTS ........•............. ~ Non-greasy Insect repellenL Read all directions before using this product. TOTAL ....•.......•....•................100.00% Portable. resealable packaging. It is a violation of Federal law to use this product in a manner inconsistent with its labeling. EPA REG. NO. 10088-97 EPA EST NO. 10088-WI-1 DIRECTIONS FOR USE 65288-WI-2 Tear open envelope, remove towel; open, and wipe or rub liberally on all exposed skin areas avoiding eyes and mouth. Repeat when insects become annoying. For ticks • Made with aloe to keep skin smooth and soft. ~,,~~ and chiggers, also apply liberally to shoe tops, socks and ~ith • Formulated with aloe to keep skin smooth around openings of dothing. Repeat using a fresh towel and soft. when necessary. • Contains alow to keep skin smooth and soft. €Ib • Made with aloe. a skin softening agent. Do not apply over CUts, wounds or irritated skin. Do not aloe • Formulated with aloe. a skin softening agent. Tear open envelope. remove towel; open. and apply to eyes and mouth and do not apply to the hands of • Contains aloe, a skin softening agent. wipe or rub liberally on all exposed skin areas young chndren. Do not apply directly on face. Use just avoiding eyes and mouth. Repeat when enough repellent to cover exposed skin and/or clothing. Contains: 40 • 6" x S" Premoistened T owelettes insects become annoying. For ticks and Do n:Jt 'jse u~.d~~ dotning. Avoid overexposure. Contains: IS· 6" x S" Premoistened T owelettes chiggers. also apply liberally to shoe tops. Frequ\,.~t' re.app~icati.>i. and saturation is unnecessary for Contains: I • 12"x 12" Premoistened T owelette socks and around openings of clothing. Repeat effecti~l~ess·. ',~~tel ','e.:urning indoors. wash treated skin using a fresh towel when necessary. with soap and water. Wash treated clothing. Use of this KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN 1540-013101 product ma¥ cau,se skin r~actio~s in rare cases. If you ""T1 :z: iu~,>ect that: 10~ o~ your c~iU i~ r~.lcting to this product. CAUTION rn 0:> Manufactured By: Ha .. h .:realed s~in ar,d i..aU.yoJr·]ocal poison control If Swallowed: Call a physician or Poison ~ c..!nter. t; ;lou gc to the' d.Jcto~,' ~ke this repellent with Control Center immediately. ~ ATHEA LABORATORIES INC. C") you. If In Eyes: Flush with plenty of water. 0-"" P. O. Box 240114 Get medical attention if irritation persists. ~ ~ Milwaukee, WI 53224 Avoid contact with plastics, such as eyeglass frames. and 2 o such fabrics as acetate rayon. z ~ ATHEA LABORATORIES, INC. January 31, 2001 Document Processing Desk (NOTIF) Office of Pesticide Programs (7504 C) U. S. Environmental Protection Agency Attention: Marion Johnson (10) Ariel Rios Building 1200 Pennsylvania Ave., N.W. Washington, DC 20460 Subject: Label Notification per PR Notice 98-10 Company: Atbea Laboratories, Inc. Product: Insect Repellent Towel (10088-97) Dear Mr. Johnson: Thefollowing bullet points have been added to the subject product label: • Soft, durable 12" X 12" towe1ette • Non-greasy insect repellent • Portable, resealable packaging • Contains: 1-12" x 12" Premoistened Towelette This notification is consistent with the provisions of PR Notice 98-10 and EPA regulations at 40 CFR 152.46, and no other changes have been made to the labeling or the confidential statement offormula of this product. I understand that it is a violation of 18 U.S.c. Sec. 1001 to willfully make any false statement to EPA. I further understand that if this notification is not consistent with the terms of PR Notice 98-10 and 40 CFR 152.46, this product may be in violation of FIFRA and I may be subject to enforcement action and penalties under sections 12 and 14 ofFIFRA. Please find (2) two copies of the final label for the subject product that contains the additional bullet points. If you have any questions or comments I can be reached at (414) 354-6417. Thank you, '/ j7/:c-' __ ~.cc7 Troy Munson Regulatory Compliance Specialist "", , .... , • I , • : i.s.' P.O. Box 240014 - Milwaukee, WI 53224 _- <,414) 354-6417 (800) 743-641 7 - Fax: (414) 354-9219 - _ www.athea.com .
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