WESTERN PACIFIC J1,[~~p'~Sls In response to many queries re­ Pacific m ileposts the present editor's garding the pictures of Western P a­ worries would some day be over. cific's mileposts which have ap­ He was stumped, however, when peared in the first and second issues he recall ed that the first three mile­ of MILEPOSTS' masthead, we offer posts on the main line are out in San Vol. I OCTOBER , 1949 No . 3 this explanation. Francisco Bay. Inasmuch as our Department of Public Relation s, 526 Mi ss ion Street, San Francisco Much thought and consideration photographer did not have in his Lee Sherwood, Ed itor Arthur Lloyd , Jr., Associat. Editor was given to choosing a name for possession, or know how to use, a this little magazine, which first ap­ diving suit, the idea of coming up CORRESPONDENTS peared in August. From a long list Ruth Crane, Sacramento Northern . Hal.el Petersen, <?akland from the bottom of the bay with a Frank Lind ee, Tidewater Southern Bill McGrath, Ch,cago of many names submitted by all good snappy negative was aban­ Nevada Michelson, Elko • Gene Trace, S~o ckton concern ed , MILE POSTS seemed to doned. Neither did the editor want Jim Mills, Molly Fagan, Rita Connolly, San FrancISco stand out like a clear block in the to confuse his readers by publishing H . A . Q ' Rullian , Irene Burton, Sacramento dark. a first issue numbered 31,6, the mile­ ~ 7 It seemed appropriate, also, to in­ post at Oakland Pier. Then he re­ Page clude a picture of the Western P a ­ membered the San J ose branch line. INDEX cific milepost coinciding with the Many of you readers have no Western P acific Mileposts . 3 number of the issue on each mast­ doubt already identified these Our Cover. 3 head, and especially so when it was photos. F or those who have not de­ Don't Throw Your $'s Away 4, 5 discovered that with 928 Western Sacramento Northern P assenger Business tected our subterfuge, we might add Shows Upward Trend . for Two Days 5,6 that within a very short time MILE­ "Railroad Hour" to F eature Musicals. 7 Our Cover POSTS will be running on the main Up the Ladder. 7 line bound for milepost 928 in Salt WP Sponsors San Francisco Cable Car 8, 9 Perched on president Whit­ Lake City. Kids Like WP Train Crews 9 man's shoulder, Donna Wall, In Memoriam . 9 "Little Miss Red F eather" of For the Old-Timers 10 this year's Community Chest WP's 40th Anniversary. 10 Campaign, notices that the fa­ WP Will Remember 10 miliar red feather made fa­ Welcomes Mileposts 11 mous by this worthy campaign Don't Be Half Safe 12 bears a striking resemblance Caboosing 13, 16, 18, 23 to the one shown on the aiesel WP's Brushless Train Wash er 14, 15 locomotive of WP's California Fair Enough? . 16 Zephyr. Box Cars Belong on Tracks 17 Recognizing the importance Models' Society Formed 19 of this year's campaign, WP "Ticket, Please!" 19 employees came to the rescue Sports 20, 21, 22 by exceeding their quota by Railroad Lines 24 twenty-three per cent. 2 M I LEPOSTS DON'T THROW YOUB S'S AWAY! SACRAMENTO NORTHERN PASSENGER BUSINESS SHOWS UPWARD TREND ... FOR TWO DAYS Of particular importance to all tation company if the shipment ar­ Sunday, S eptemb er 25, 1949, well as from Auburn, Fresno, Los Western Pacific railroaders, part of rives at its destination in poor con­ marked the first operation of a pas­ Angeles and Modesto. All were an address given by Mr. R. L. Goh­ dition. senger train on the Sacramento equipped with camer as of varying mert, assistant freight claim agent, "Not only must we furnish suit­ Northern Railway between Sacra­ shapes, sizes and dimensions, and a before the eastern division staff able equipment, but we must also mento and Chipps Island (east bank conservative estimate would set meeting held at Elko in September, keep records of inspections made Suisun Bay) since May 25, 1941. The each fan's exposure during the day is quoted below: before placement of the empty car. Bay Area Electric Rail road Associa ­ at five rolls of film. "For the month of July, 1949, Defects in equipment occur during tion chartered a two-car train which Western Pacific paid out of its treas­ The excursion operated over all of transit, and it is under such circum­ left Front Street a nd Capitol A ve­ ury the sum of $44,000 for payment the electrified trackage east of the stances that we want to be able to nue, Sacramento, at 10: 15 a. m. The of claims, an increase of $1,000 over Suisun Bay car ferry, and actually show that we made proper inspec­ party aboard numbered 69 railfans July, 1948. Between January and marked the first time a passenger tion of the empty and that we fur­ and three railfanettes. These dyed­ July, 1949, payments amounted to train had r un the length of the Hol­ nished a car clean and ready for in- the-wool railroad boosters came $353,000, a decrease of $15,000 for the land Branch or had operated on any loading. from points around the Bay Area as similar period of 1948. However, we portion of the Vacaville branch. can take little comfort from this re­ "One of our heaviest lines of traf­ On the 18th of September the duction of three percent, and we will fic is perishables, moving eastward, ( Continued from Page 4) Northern California Railroad Club hope for a still better reduction in and packing house products and of the best claim payment preven­ operated a one-car train from Oak­ the months ahead. dairy products westbound. Proper tions to keep in mind. land to Pittsburg, on the west side "All will agree that the spending refrigeration and.proper ventilation "We have one shipper on our line of the Suisun Bay ferry. This trip of half a million dollars annually is are two essentials which must not be who spends hundreds of thousands had a passenger list of 55 rail fans just too much good money to strew neglected. In the handling of toma­ of dollars in producing the finest and the two trips together operated along the right of way. During the toes, potatoes, and similar commodi­ broccoli and celery that good agri­ over the complete electrified portion war years and several years follow­ ties which move under ventilation, cultural methods afford. His brand of the Sacramento Northern Rail­ ing, business was not hard to find. proper manipulation of ventilators outsells other brands by as much as way with the exception of certain Today we need but to travel our im­ is most important, and proper main­ two to three dollars per package. pOl·tant highways to see who is tenance of records are the factors Imagine how that shipper will feel reaching into our tonnage. which decide carrier liability. if through delay or other mis-serv­ "Good service means making and "Another important detail is that ice by the railroads that quality of keeping friends, shippers and re­ of making schedules. If we miss the merchandise arrives in a decayed or ceivers who will want to favor the deadline for our eastbound move­ deteriorated condition. rail lines if we will handle their ments by as much as five minutes "Marketing values have dropped shipments with care. One of the first and our connections decide to run and their expenses have risen. If, on and fundamental jobs of good rail­ and leave the car for the next regu­ top of this condition in . the market roading is to see that the individual lar scheduled train, we are charged situation, the railroads mishandle shipper of carload traffic is furnished with a full day's delay. In the case shipments, the company's treasury a good sound car that will keep out of perishables you can just count in and your paycheck will suffer. the elements of moisture and dust. round figures on a loss of one hun­ "Your freight claim department If we do not keep a car properly dred dollars per car for delay claim will assist you with any help you cleaned, or repaired against leaks, payments. K eep 'em rolling, is one may need. Let's do a good job of rail­ the liability rests with the transpor- ( Continued on Page 5 ) roading." 4 MIL EPOSTS MILEPOSTS 5 "Railroad Hour" In its review of "Showboat," star­ ring Gordon MacRae, Dorothy K irs­ To Feature Musicals ten and Lucille Norman in the first The months of November and De­ broadcast of "The Railroad Hou r" cember will continue the parade of on the National Broadcasting Com­ great m usic and famous stars on pany network on October 3, this "The Railroad Hour." Righ t through weekly tradepaper of show business to the end of 1949, the audience will said : h ear such shows as "The Great "The Railroad Hou r is back on the Wa ltz," with J a rmila Novotna; air with its winter season of oper­ "The Mikado," with K enny Baker ettas and musical comedies, to add and Lucille Norman ; "The Student a lush, melodious half-hour of m usic Prince," with J ane P owell; "The to Monday evening's listening. With Desert Song," with Dorothy Sarnoff; first-rate artists, good supporting switching operations in Sacramento, road Association, and is one of seven "No, No, Nanette," with Doris Day; chor al and instrumental ensemble, Marysville, and Oroville.
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