European Union Foreign Affairs Journal eQuarterly for European Foreign, Foreign Trade, Development, Security Policy, EU-Third Country Relations and Regional Integration (EUFAJ) N° 2/3 – 2011 ISSN 2190-6122 Contents Editorial .................................................................................................................................................................................. 3 Democracy and Human Rights - The View of a Lawyer from Georgia Ioseb Kelenjeridze .................................................................................................................................................................. 5 "Globalisation → More Unity → More Integration ..." - A Remarkable Barroso Speech before the European Parliament: State of the Union 2012 Address ............................................................................................................................................ 9 What about Human Rights in Azerbaijan? After the European Song Contest in Baku......................................................... 26 EU Integration: The Case for Armenia and its Strategic Orientation – A View from Canada Christine Maydossian ........................................................................................................................................................... 51 The Features of Modern Terrorism as the Form of Conflict Expression Giorgi Bakholdin .................................................................................................................................................................. 56 Causes and Development of Terrorism in Russia and How It Should Be Fought ? Sergei E. Metelev .................................................................................................................................................................. 67 Metropolisation in the Former Soviet Union: Temptative Measurement through the Method of Hyperlinks Notoriety Uljana Agibetova and Ivan Samson ...................................................................................................................................... 74 Tibet – Time Is Running Out Wangpo Bashi ....................................................................................................................................................................... 79 Call for an EU Special Coordinator for Tibetan Affairs Kelsang Gyaltsen .................................................................................................................................................................. 87 EU Highlights Trade-Led Growth as Central to Modern Development Agenda .................................................................. 92 Most Egyptians Oppose U.S. Economic Aid, Favor Aid from Arab Nations Ahmed Younis and Mohamed Younis .................................................................................................................................... 94 The Systematics of Global Failure and Success: Between Theories of Action and International Relations Alec A. Schaerer ................................................................................................................................................................... 97 The Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Concept and its Implementation Discussed at Selected International Companies in Serbia Nebojša Vujković ................................................................................................................................................................ 130 Financial and Material Support Obligations in Kyrgyz Family Networks Altyn Kapalov ..................................................................................................................................................................... 206 Conferences & Events ........................................................................................................................................................ 212 Reviews .............................................................................................................................................................................. 214 Standpoint: Europe – A Model for World-Wide Democracy? Olivier Védrine ................................................................................................................................................................... 224 European Union Foreign Affairs Journal – N° 2/3-2011 www.eufaj.eu, e-mail: [email protected] 1 European Union Foreign Affairs Journal (abbreviated: EUFAJ) eQuarterly for European Foreign, Foreign Trade, Development, Security Policy, EU-Third Country Relations and Regional Integration ISSN 2190-6122 Published by: LIBERTAS – Europaeisches Institut GmbH, Lindenweg 37, 72414 Rangendingen, Germany Phone: +49 7471 984996-0, fax +49 7471 984996-19, e-mail: [email protected] Managing Director: Ute Hirschburger Registered at: AG Stuttgart, HRB 243253, USt ID no.: DE811240129, Tax no.: 53 093 05327 Internet: www.eufaj.eu, www.libertas-institut.eu Subscription rate: Zero. EUFAJ can be downloaded free of charge in the Internet; see www.eufaj.eu. * * * Chief Editor: Hans-Jürgen Zahorka Editor: Olivier Védrine, Kiev/Ukraine Junior Editor: Ofelya Sargsyan M.A. Editorial Advisory Board: Židas Daskalovski, Ph.D.,CRPM Skopje, University of Bitola,Macedonia Sergey Metelev, prof., Russian State University for Trade and Economy, Omsk, Russia Martin Pontzen, Dr. rer. pol., Bundesbank Director, German Federal Bank, Frankfurt/Main, Germany Viktor Yengibaryan, President of European Movement Armenia, Yerevan, Armenia Assistant Editors: Eka Meskhrikadze, Tbilisi, Georgia Meerim Oboskanova, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic Tamara Vatsadze, Tbilisi, Georgia All authors are responsible for their published texts. If no author is mentioned, the Chief Editor is responsible. All texts published under a name do not necessarily represent the view of the editors or Advisory Board members. EUFAJ is committed to different views and a public discussion. * * * Copyright: Copyright requests are welcome. Reprints of certain contributions are free of charge, for others a license fee may have to be negotiated. Please ask the publisher for copyright permission. Proposal/example for quotation: EUFAJ, 2-2010, then number of page (e.g. EUFAJ, 2-2010, 32) Papers, articles, reports, contributions: They should be sent to the Chief Editor by e-mail and as attachment in Word format (not in PDF). EUFAJ follows a generous policy towards authors, who may decide themselves if they write a scientific or more practical article, or with or without footnotes (please no end notes). We reserve the right of adding annotations and commenting shortly. No guarantee for unsolicited articles which, however, may remain in our archive. All contributions are requested in English language; abstracts in other languages are possible. EUFAJ is published in English. European Union Foreign Affairs Journal – N° 2/3-2011 www.eufaj.eu, e-mail: [email protected] 2 Editorial Dear readers, In this issue, we have, besides many other contributions, a closer look to the South Caucasus; we did this already before, but feel it is important to describe more topical aspects and views. Not all of these aspects may please everybody, but we have already shown for this part of the world, that we are proud to be an independent paper for free discussion. We also feel that European values should be communicated to Russian scientists, universities, and citizens, while also Europeans and e. g. Americans should get a better comprehension of the way of thinking when reading what and how their Russian colleagues cope with current issues. Finally, we have this time an article about Tibet. This may not be liked by many Chinese, but we are committed to the old Roman law principle “audiatur et altera pars” - “let us hear the other side, too”, therefore to the freedom of the press, to the interest for minorities – and of course we are open also to Chinese authors who may tell us their views. With best regards, Hans-Jürgen Zahorka European Union Foreign Affairs Journal – N° 2/3-2011 www.eufaj.eu, e-mail: [email protected] 3 The EUFAJ Blog - between our issues, for topical announcements and new publications: http://libertasblogs.wordpress.com With contributions on e.g. Scotland/Catalonia, Human Rights in Azerbaijan, Armenia and the Eurasian Cus- toms/Economic Union, the Eurasian Union, Vladimir Putin, the future of Ukraine, Ukraine's Maidan events, the language policies in the EU, Africa, the Caribbean etc. Your contributions - as a personal view - are welcome; please send them to EUFAJ. You can of course also subscribe the blogs - then you will be alerted via e-mail. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EUFAJ in Facebook https://www.facebook.com/pages/European-Union-Foreign-Affairs-Journal- EUFAJ/564823323568021 With news on activities, publications, conferences attended, and the contents of the new EUFAJ issues. Complementary to the journal itself and the blog. If you "Like" the page, you will be alerted via Facebook regularly. European Union Foreign Affairs Journal – N° 2/3-2011 www.eufaj.eu, e-mail: [email protected] 4 Democracy and Human Rights - The View of a Lawyer from Georgia Ioseb Kelenjeridze Ioseb Kelenjeridze from Tbilisi/Georgia is a lawyer who has also a degree in French. He achieved his (French) Master 2 at the University of Grenoble
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