M O H v'i;' •'. r ,\^ ‘ Average Dafly Net P re « Ron Tba W a M t .. FataMwl of V. B. Waatlip MONDAY, FEBRUAKY 10, 1M4 . For tba Waek Ended PAGE SIXTEEN iOanrh^Bt^r lEvBnina Herald Fibru ary 8, 1964 Oleaztag, t M kaafgkt. le «r Members of the Mandieater 13,892 •hoot la EiwBomiir aiiaty Police D^Murtment and Police Chal*ter Briefing ag-aad aot aa aeti. Hlgki $■■* JO About Town 'Auxiliary, who do not hold ac­ Kambar o f the Audit tive first aid cards, may attend For Board Today REMODEL W IT H ROSSETTO— ^ Bureau of Otroulattoa Manehetter^A Citf o f Viitago Charm ]ffiMKliest«r AasenAly, OrAer tonight's first aid class at 7 at renodried, narpmUaa zoona, UtdWB m Mp police headquarters. The class, aeta, Fom dea top#, nnflnlibed rooma oomptotad. ate. «C Rainbow for Olris, wiM have The first of two informal which concerns two hours of In­ a buaineMB meeting tonight at meetings of the board of direc­ (OlaMlflad Advarttatag tm Page 14) PRICE SEVEN CENTS 7:80 at the IMaaonic Temple. struction on first aid technique, VOL. LXXXm , NO. 112 (SIXTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN„ TUESDAY, FEBRUARY ll, 1964 is one of similar classes being tors with the Charter Revision Commission (CRC) will be held R O S S E n O XI Gamma Chapter, Beta held each Monday through March 2. tonight at 8 In the hearing CONSTRUCTION COMPANY Mgma Phi, will meet tomor­ room of the Municipal Build­ row at 8'p.m. at the home of ing. Mrs. Stanley Peareon, MorHne Cub Scout Pack 112 of Wash­ 218 West Center SL~649-0308 ington School will have its Blue This meeting, and the one Dr., Vernon. Mrs. Andrea Massa scheduled for Feb. 18, were set BoUden aad Oeoarai Cantraatoia will .he incharge of program. and Gold banquet tomorrow at and Indnatzial CanstnMttaa 6:30 p.m. at the school. Parents up to brief the board members Republicans to Appeal Members are reminded to bring on the significance rind possible identtScatlon cards. are reminded to bring assigned main dish, and place setting of effects of the 32 recommended Plan... dishes and silver. Each cub charter changes. The Aamy-Navy Auxiliary When the work is completed, the 3. A neighborhood shopping center; must be accompanied by at least The public hearing on the T h « Manchester Redevelopment wBl sponsor a card party to- valuation of the North End will leap 4. A public or commercial building, one parent. changes will be held Feb. 24 in Agency (MRA) thU morning re­ night at 8 at the dObhouse. the Waddell School auditorium; by 65 per cent, and bring to the possibly a branch post office; leased firm cost eetimates for the town and the Eighth District an in­ 6. A light industrial or heavy com­ The chorus of Chaminade the board will then have 15 days (Mrs. Bdwin McConnell o f 57 to decide which of the proposals proposed North End Renewal Project, crease In tax revenue estimated at mercial center; Order Jor Redistricting Musical Club will rehearse to­ 6. An office or apartment building. Branford St. was recently in­ will be placed on a town wide the Anal step before the plans for $20,000 annuallys stalled as secretary of the Man­ morrow at 8 p.m. in the choir The M R A also sent out today the The plan also shows N. Main SL referendum. the project are submitted for federal chester WATES. room at Manchester High proposed site plan f o r , the renewal and N. School St. resituated from H A R TF O R D (A P ) — Repub-<S "One, It invalidates the con-Mrlctlng of the Senate, legal # x-^ lawsuit. He and other atat* The CRC had worked toward officials — all Democrats — » Bcboot. review later this month. area. It shows: their present locations, shown on the llcans announced today that cept of unit representation perts point out it 1s necessary the goal of an April referendum, were named defendants in tha WxUiam Steiner o f 111 Tan­ The total coat of the project will 1. The Robertson School, built aerial photograph. to appeal the whole decision be­ but Mayor Francis Mahoney they will appeal a federal court which Is at the heart of our fed­ action, filed by 10 citizens who ner St. was recently elected Frances Herron Council, top $2.25 million, but the lion's share around the school addition the town For complete details on renewal order to reapportion the State eral system. cause the matters are interre­ hss indicated that he will rec­ claimed they were denied th« chairman of the board of dea- Pythian Sunshine Girls will will be taken on by federal govern­ board of education is aiming to begin costs, see the story on page two. lated. ommend that the referendum be House of Representatives and “Two, It appears to put the equal protection of the lawa ooos of Center Congregational meet tonight at 6:30 for a Val­ ment. 'Cost to the town Is set at In 1964; (Site plan by Raymond A May A s­ held in conjunction with either redistrict the state Senate. court In the position, not only guaranteed by the 14th amend* entine party at Memorial Pyth­ 1265,570, with about 8120,000 of that 2. A cluster of new garden apart­ sociates, New Haven; Aerial photo NEW HAVEN (AP) — The Church. Other officers are John the October town elections or "W e will, o f course, under­ of determining that something ment to the U.S. Constitution. ian Hall. In cash payments. ments; by Joseph Satemis.) General Assembly had a man­ Seavey, vice chairman, and the November national elec­ take an appeal," GOP State is wrong but also of deciding Democrats have acknowledged Mark HiB, secretary. Chairman A. Searle Pinney s >id precisely what changes shall be date today: Take prompt action tions, to insure a turnout o f the to redistrict the State Senate the need to redistrict the Sen­ The Presbyterian Ohurdi required 16 per cent of elec­ this afternoon. made in the legislative system ate — which they control — but Fhehe Circle of Bhnanuel Women’s Fellowship will meet He said that it is the view of without permitting the people and reapportion the State House tors. of Representatives, or a panel have insisted that the House be lutheran Church Women will tonight at 8 at the church. Mrs. Most of the criticism that has the Republicans that “the deci­ o f the state a voice in determin­ reapportioned at the same time. meet tomorrow at 8 p.m. in Charles Tabor of Hartford, a sion goes far beyond the line ing how they shall be gov­ of federal judges will undertake been directed at the proposed the ta.sk. The judges gave lawyers on Luther Hall at the church. Miae missionary to Africa, will charter changes has centered drawn by the U.S. Supreme erned." EMber Peterson will lead de­ speak. Refreshments will be To the consteiTiatlon of R e­ around two recommendations: Center Church God-Country Winners Court in two ways: The plans of the Republicans publicans, the judges — one of (See Page Fifteen) votions. The Rerv. Melwhi Peter­ served. (1) That the general manager A total of 24 years of study and service to the church lies behind the smiles worn by to appeal the decision apparent­ the three registering a partial son will continue a study of the be stripped of all executive these members o f Center Congpregational Church’s Scout Troop 25, who yesterday at morn­ ly precludes the possibility that dissent -- declared unconstitu­ catechism. Miss Mabel Olson, Hose Co. 1, Eighth District powers, and that they be placed ing services were presented with scouting’s “ For God and Coimtry” award. Each boy spent Governor Dempsey will call a tional yesterday the system of Fire Department, will meet to­ Mkis EMher M. Johnson and in the hands o f the mayor three years on various work projects . ushering, serving in the choir and so forth . to Excerpts special session. unit representation in the night at 8 at fire headquarters. Mtos Heoriet Casperson will be and/or board of directors. earn the award.. Left to right are Jon Kimball, 184 Hackmatack St.; Walter Simmers, 106 Pinney said the decision of House, where each town has at In W ake of Main and Hilliard Sts. bosteasea. (2) TTiat the board o f direc­ Plymouth Lane; Alan MacDonald, 27 Cambridge St.; Ted Blakeslee, 57 Marion Dr.; David the special three judge federal least one representative. R e­ tors be required to review the Chatel, 87 Falknor Dr.; Alan Baxter, 34 Olcott Dr.; and Roger Wilson, 100 Plymouth Liane. From Ruling court handed down late yester­ publicans control the House. B’nai B’rith will meet tomor­ Tbs liadin of St. James will performance of the general Absent when the picture was taken was R oy Johnson, 513 Lydall St. Troop 26 is led by day is “extremely far reaching." Gov. John Dempsey found Decision meet tonight at 7:30 at the John row at 8:30 pm . at M ott’s Com­ manager every five years, with Scoutmaster Harry W. Maidment, 18 Scarborough Rd. (Herald photo by Satemis.) NEW HAVEN (AP) — Ex­ Although the Republicans himself In the position of being F. Tierney Funeral Home, 219 munity Hall. Stanford Cohen, the granted power of summari­ cerpts from the majority opin­ are not opposed to the redis- 1 delighted that he had just lost NEW HAVEN (AP)— "It W.
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