PROCEEDINGS OF THE STATUTOEY GENEEAL MEETINGS, AND LIST OE MEMBEES ELECTED AT THE ORDINARY MEETINGS FROM NOVEMBER 1881 TO NOVEMBER 1882. ( 667 ) STATUTORY MEETINGS. NINETY-NINTH SESSION. Monday, 28th November 1881. At a Statutory Meeting, Professor MACLAGAN, Vice-President, in the Chair, the Minutes of last General Statutory Meeting of 22nd November 1880 were read, approved, and signed. The Ballot for the new Council was then taken, Messrs TENNANT and MACCUXLOCH being requested to act as Scrutineers. The following Council was elected:— The Eight Hon. LORD MONCREIFF, President. DAVID MILNE HOME, LL.D. Sir C. "WYVILLE THOMSON, LL.D. Professor DOUGLAS MACLAGAN, M.D. \ Vice-Presidents. Professor H. C. FLEEMING JENKIN, F.K.S. Bev. "W. LINDSAY ALEXANDER, D.D. J. H. BALFOUB, M.D., F.K.S. Professor TAIT, General Secretary. Professor TURNER, F.E.S. -n , « ,, ,,.,« > Secretaries to Ordinary Meetings. Professor CBUM BROWN, F.E.S. j J 6 ADAM GILLIES SMITH, C.A., Treasurer. ALEXANDER BUCHAN, M.A., Curator of Library and Museum. COUNCILLORS. Professor CAMPBELL FRASER. Professor A. DICKSON. Professor GEIKIE, F.E.S. The Eight Eev. BISHOP COTTERILL. Eev. Dr CAZENOVE. The Eev. Professor DUNS. DAVID STEVENSON. Dr EAMSAY TRAQUAIR, F.E.S. Professor CHRTSTAL. JOHN MURRAY. Sheriff FORBES IRVINE, of Drum. "WILLIAM FERGUSON, of Kinmundy. The TREASURER'S Accounts were submitted and approved. On the motion of Professor TAIT, seconded by Mr MACCULLOCH, the Auditor was re- appointed. Professor CRTJM BROWN gave notice of the following motion for alteration of a part of the Laws, viz., To change in Law XIV. the words " November to June " into " December to July." 668 APPENDIX.—PROCEEDINGS OP STATUTOKY MEETINGS. HUNDREDTH SESSION. Monday, 27 th November 1882. At a Statutory Meeting, Professor MACLAGAN, Vice-President, in the Chair, the Minutes of last General Statutory Meeting of 28th November 1881 were read, approved, and signed. The Ballot for the new Council was then taken, Professor SWAX and Professor DiCKSON being requested to act as Scrutineers. The following Council was elected:— The Right Hon. LOED MONCBEIFF, President. Professor DOUGLAS MACLAGAN, M.D. Professor H. C. FLEEMING JENKIN, F.R.S. The Rev. W. LINDSAY ALEXANDER, D.D. T TT -r, ,, -r. Yice-Presidents. J. H. BALFOUR, M.D. THOMAS STEVENSON, M.Inst. C.E. ROBERT GRAY, Sec. Roy. Phys. Soc. Professor TAIT, M.A., General Secretary. Professor TURNER, F.R.S. ) _, _, , „ -p, -r^-r>c > secretaries to Ordinary Meetings. Professor CRUM BROWN, F.R.S., j JO ADAM GILLIES SMITH, C.A., Treasurer. ALEXANDER BUCHAN, M.A, Curator of Library and Museum. COUNCILLORS. Professor GEOBGE CHEYSTAL, M.A, WILLIAM FERGUSON, of Kinmundy. ALEXANDER FORBES IRVINE, of Drum. Professor JAMES COSSAR EWAET, M.D. Professor ALEXANDER DICKSON, M.D. Professor JAMES GEIKIE, F.R.S. The Right Rev. BISHOP COTTERILL, D.D. Professor WILLIAM ROBERTSON SMITH, The Rev. Professor DUNS. LL.D. RAMSAY H. TRAQUAIR, M.D., F.R.S. STAIR A AGNBW, M.A. JOHN MURBAY, Director of " Challenger" Commission. Read Letter from the Treasurer apologising for absence on account of illness, and explain- ing the apparent surplus shown by the Financial Statement, The Auditor's Report on the Treasurer's Accounts was read and approved. On the motion of Dr CBUM BBOWN, the Auditor was reappointed. ( 669 ) The following Public Institutions and Individuals are entitled to receive Copies of the Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh:— London, British Museum. London, United Service Institution, Whitehall Royal Society, Burlington House, Yard. London. University College, Gower Street, Anthropological Institute of Great Bri- London. tain and Ireland, 3 Hanover Square, Zoological Society, 11 Hanover Square. London. ... The Editor of Nature, 29 Bedford British Association for the Advancement Street, Covent Garden. of Science, 22 Albemarle Street, The Editor of the Electrician, 396 London. Strand. Society of Antiquaries, Burlington Cambridge Philosophical Society. House. University Library. Royal Astronomical Society, Burlington Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshire. House. Leeds Philosophical and Literary Society. Royal Asiatic Society, 22 Albemarle Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society. Sweet. Oxford, Bodleian Library. Society of Arts, John Street, Adelphi. Yorkshire Philosophical Society. Athenaeum Club. Chemical Society, Burlington House. SCOTLAND. Institution of Civil Engineers, 25 Great Edinburgh, Advocates Library. George Street. University Library. Royal Geographical Society, Burlington College of Physicians. Gardens. Highland and Agricultural Society. Geological Society, Burlington House. Royal Medical Society, 7 Melbourne Royal Horticultural Society, South Ken- Place, Edinburgh. sington. Royal Physical Society, 40 Castle Hydrographic Office, Admiralty. Street. Royal Institution, Albemarle Street, W. Royal Scottish Society of Arts, 117 Linnean Society, Burlington House. George Street. Royal Society of Literature, 4 St Mar- Royal Botanic Garden, Inverleith tin's Place. Row. Medical and Chirurgical Society, 53 Aberdeen, University Library. Berners Street, Oxford Street. Dundee, University College Library. Royal Microscopical Society, King's Glasgow, University Library. College. Philosophical Society, 207 Bath Street. Museum of Economic Geology, Jermyn St Andrews, University Library. Street. Royal Observatory, Greenwich. IRELAND. Pathological Society, 53 Berners Street. Statistical Society, 9 Adelphi Terrace, Royal Dublin Society. Strand, London. Royal Irish Academy, 19 Dawson Street, Royal College of Surgeons of England, Dublin. 40 Lincoln's Inn Fields. Library of Trinity College, Dublin. VOL. XXX. PART IV. 5N 670 APPENDIX. COLONIES, DEPENDENCIES, &C. Dorpat, University Library. Ekatherinebourg,LaSocieteOuralienned'Amateuis Bombay, Eoyal Asiatic Society. des Sciences Naturelles. Calcutta, Asiatic Society of Bengal. Erlangen, University Library. Madras, Literary Society. Frankfurt-am-Main, Senckenbergische Naturfor- Canada, Library of Geological Survey. schende Gesellschaft. Queen's University, Kingston. Geneva, Socie'te' de Physique et d' Histoire Montreal, Eoyal Society of Canada. Naturelle. Quebec, Literary and Philosophical Genoa, Museo Civico di Storia Naturale Society. Giessen, University Library. Toronto, Literary and Historical Society. Gottingen, Konigliche Gesellschaft der Wissen- The Canadian Institute. schaften. Cape of Good Hope, The Observatory. Graz, Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein fiir Steier- Melbourne, University Library. mark, Sydney, University Library. Haarlem, Socie'te Hollandaise des Sciences Linnean Society of New South Wales. Exactes et Naturelles. Eoyal Society of New South Wales. Musee Teyler, Wellington, New Zealand Institute. Halle, Kaiserliche Leopoldino - Carolinische deutsche Akademie der Naturforscher. CONTINENT OF EUROPE. Halle, Naturforschende Gesellschaft. Amsterdam, De Koninklijke Akademie van We- Helsingfors, Sallskapet pro Fauna et Flora tenschappen Fennica. Koninklijk Zoologisch Genootscbap. Societas Scientiarum Fennica (Society Basle, Die Schweizerische Naturforschende Gesell- des Sciences de Finlande). schaft. Jena, Medicinisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Gesell- Bergen, Museum. schaft. Berlin, Konigliche Akademie der Wissenschaften. Kasan, University Library. ... Physicalische Gessellschaft. Kiel, University Library. Bern, AUgememe Schweizerische Gesellschaft fur ... Ministerial-Konimission zur Untersuchung die gesammten Naturwissenschaften. der Deutschen Meere. Bologna, Accademia delle Scienze dell' Istituto. Kiev, University of St Vladimir. Bordeaux, Societe des Sciences Physiques et Leyden, Tijdschrift der Neerlandsch Dierkundige Naturelles. Vereeniging Brussels, Academie Eoyale des Sciences, des Let- ... The University Library. tres et des Beaux-arts. Leipzig, Prof. Wiedemann, Konigliche Siichsische L'Observatoire Eoyal. Akademie. La Societe Scientifique. Lille, Societe des Sciences. Bucharest, Academia Eomana. Lisbon, Academia Eeal das Sciencias de Lisboa. Buda, A Magyar Tud6s Tarsasag—Die Ungarische Sociedade de Geographia. Akademie der Wissenschaften. Louvain, University Library. ... Konigliche Ungarische Naturwissenschaft- Lucca, M. Michelotti. lische Gesellschaft. Lund, University Library. Catania, Accademia Gioenia di Scienze Naturali. Lyons, Academie des Sciences, Belles Lettres et Christiania, University Library. Arts. Meteorological Institute. ... Mus^e Guimet. Coimbra, University Library. ... Soci6t^ d'Agriculture. Copenhagen, Eoyal Academy of Sciences. Madrid, Eeal Academia de Ciencias. Danzig, Naturforschende Gesellschaft Comision del Mapa Geologico de Espafia. APPENDIX. 671 Milan, Eeale Istituto Lombardo di Scienze, Lettere, Paris, Eevue Scientifique, et Eevue Littdraire et ed Politique. Modena, Eegia Accademia di Scienze, Lettere, ed Prague, Kdnigliche Sternwarte. Arti. Koniglich-Bohmische Gesellschaft der Montpellier, Acade'mie des Sciences et Lettres. "Wissenschaften. Moscow, Socie'te' Impe'riale des Naturalistes de Eome, Accademia dei Lincei. Moscou. Society Italiana delle Scienze detta dei Socie'te Impe'riale des Amis d'Histoire XL. Naturelle, d'Anthropologie et d'Ethno- Societa degli Spettroscopisti Italiani. graphie. Comitato Geologico. L'Observatoire Imperial. Eotterdam, Bataafsch Genootschap der Proefon- Munich, Koniglich-Bayerische Akademie der dervindelijke "Wijsbegeerte. Wissenschaften (2 copies). St Petersburg, Acade'mie Imperiale des Sciences. Naples, Zoological Station, Dr Anton Dohrn. Commission Imperial Arche"olo- Societa Keale di Napoli—Accademia delle gique.
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