Founded 1994 Il Piccolo Giornale August, 2018 Il Piccolo Giornale is the official newsletter of Club ItaloAmericano of Green Bay, Wi. Website: http://clubitaloamericano.org/ Facebook: Club Italaloamericano of Green Bay Board of Directors Send contributions/comments to: [email protected] Officers: President L. V. Teofilo Vice President Patrick Kloster Treasurer Vicky Sobeck Secretary Mary Prisco Past President FERRAGOSTO clude races such as the well-known es is piccione arrosto (roast pi- Richard Gollnick Palio di Siena on August 16th, fire- geon). Another holiday entre is By Mary Prisco works, parades, live music, and pollo ai peperoni (chicken stewed Directors Ferragosto is an Italian public holi- dancing (notably Rome’s city-wide with peppers). Side dishes might Ron Cattelan day celebrated on August 15, the dance party, the Gran Ballo di Fer- include pomodori al riso (tomatoes Dominic Del Bian- same day Roman Catholics cele- ragosto). stuffed with rice), and salads, such co. as panzanella (Tuscan bread salad). brate the Assumption of the Virgin The typical holiday meal for Ferra- Marlene Feira Typical desserts might be water- Mary into heaven. The name gosto is held at midday, and is Janice Galt comes from the Latin Feriae Augus- melon, gelo di melone / gelu di Lisa Iapalucci ti, the festivals of the Emperor muluna (Sicilian watermelon pud- ding), and biscotti or donuts fla- Mark Mariucci Augustus, holidays which date back vored with anise. Darrell Sobeck to 18 BC. The Feriae Augusti were Lynn Thompson held at the same time of year as Door County Road Trip other ancient Roman festivals which celebrated the harvest and By Mary Prisco Ambassador at offered a time of rest after months Large On the warm, sunny afternoon of of intense physical labor. Today Riccardo Paterni July 15th, 18 club members and Ferragosto marks the semi-official guests met at Stone’s Throw Win- start of summer vacation time in Editor ery in Bailey’s Harbor. The first Italy. often a picnic. Cold or room tem- Paul Marino order of business was tasting some perature foods are customary In addition to activities commemo- of the many wines made at Stone’s (August is hot in Italy!), as are dish- rating the Assumption (for exam- Throw from California grapes. es featuring the fresh produce of ple, processions where statues of the season. While fish fries and Then two-person teams were cho- the Virgin are carried through barbeques are not uncommon, one sen at random for an informal boc- town), Ferragosto festivities in- of the best-known Ferragosto dish- ce tournament, with ample time between rounds for wine drinking and While the preference would be for the Bon Appetite ! relaxing on the winery’s deck. award to be given to someone with an ITALIAN CUISINE "Italianisimo" effort, it could also be given Shortly after 5 pm, we regrouped at Vil- to any person or group going above and ENJOY AUTHENTIC ITALIAN CUISINE laggios restaurant in Fish Creek. We were beyond the call of duty for some general FROM THE FOLLOWING FOOD VENDORS shown to a private upstairs dining room, good deed within the community. where we enjoyed delicious Italian food main course ordered off the menu. Our meal was We are asking you, our members, to bring ANTONIO'S PIZZA made even more appealing by the singing forth any nominee you feel may be wor- CRISPIGNA'S ITALIAN MARKET and concertina-playing of event organizer thy of recognition. Ideally, there will be John (Giovanni) Contratto, who entertains enough candidates for the award to be NORTHSIDE NOODLE COMPANY there regularly. given on a yearly basis but the Club may dessert choose not to do so. Additionally, current Mille grazie, Giovanni, for a delightful Board members will not be eligible to re- GIGI'S CANNOLIS outing! ceive the award. MATILDA'S EARS The nominations received will be vetted If anyone would be interested in or- by the board of directors and sent to the Green Bay Club ganizing a car pool/road trip to either Feira family. The final recipient will be of these, please contact Vicky Italo-Americano decided by Marlene, her family and one C.I.A. Board Member. (Piccione) Sobeck, 865-7229 or dvso- Pete & Marlene Feira [email protected] You may contact Victoria Sobeck with Founders Award your nominee. When doing so, please provide a description of "who, what and why." This will be most helpful in the IMPROMTU vetting process. A small group of club members meet on It is our wish to present this award at the first Monday each month at the Glass Cena de Natale. Nickle Pizza Co., 416 Dousman Street. We meet at 5:00 and most order the $5.00 Monday pizza. ANOTHER ROAD TRIP If you care to join us, there is no need to Italian Fest in Iron Mountain, Michigan, call just show up! August 18. Join us as we celebrate Iron Mountain's CONDOLAZIONE We extend our sympathy to Beverly (Cavasin) Maigatter whose mother re- At the April 19th board meeting, a pro- cently passed away. posal was made to create an award pre- We are sorry for your loss. sented by Club ItaloAmericano in memory of our founders, "Pete" and Marlene Fei- ra, to recognize contributions from indi- ITALIAN CONVERSATION viduals, organizations, businesses and institutions for promotion of the Italian strong Italian heritage and enjoy all things CLUB -Change of Venue*** heritage within the Green Bay community. Italian. This year's festival is Saturday, Au- The next meeting of the Italian Conversa- gust 18th, 2018. Tickets are $8 at the door Presentation of the Founders Award will tion Club will be held on Saturday, August (free for ages 12 & under) Gate opens at also provide the club with an opportunity 11 from 10:00 to 11:30. Please note: The 11AM & shuts down at 11PM to bring awareness of the club's existence. Central Library will be closed on that day so we will meet at the East Branch Li- December 15, (15 dicembre)……….Cena di brary, 2255 Main Street, Green Bay. Natale Contact person: Angela Landt, aj- Chair: Marlene Feira [email protected] or 920-536-4097. Calling All Members SAVE THE DATE FOR THE We extend an invitation for all club mem- THIRD PASSEGGIATA bers to attend our monthly Board of Direc- The third Passeggiata is set for Tuesday tors meetings. Our plan is to create on September 11, 2018. open forum at the beginning of each meeting where members can share their We will take a stroll along the East River ideas, suggestions and/or concerns. off of Hoffman Rd. at 5:00pm and join the Mable Thome Patio. Our lessons often each other for dinner and socializing If you have an item or topic that you feel include listening sessions about some as- around 5:30pm at the Village Grill. needs extra time, please contact Presi- pect of the culture. Today we took ad- dent Teofilo be added to the agenda. The Village Grill is located at 801 Hoffman vantage of a perfect backdrop for learning Rd. Green Bay, Wi. We will be ordering off The meetings are held on the third Thurs- about typical characteristics found in for- the menu. day of every month. They begin at 5:30 mal Italian Renaissance Gardens. Of and are held at Luigi’s Italian Bistro on course, the lesson was presented in Ital- A flyer will be sent out mid-August with Manitowoc Road. ian, but pictures and gestures were abun- the information for the Passeggiata. The dant to help with the comprehension. We The next Board meeting will be on Thurs- hosts for the evening are Collette Arkens stopped plenty of times to answer ques- day 16 August. and Paolo Marino. tions and check the understanding. After ARTICLES FOR OUR NEWSLETTER our mini lesson, everyone was armed with a pictorial vocabulary list of objects they Club ACTIVITIES 2018 Please feel free to submit articles or pic- were to look for throughout the garden. tures for our newsletter. Information for May-September (Maggio-settembre)……. (This meant that I had gone to the garden each upcoming month needs to be sub- ahead of time to take the pictures and Every Sunday (weather permitting)— mitted to me by the 25th. (think Christ- compile a list of words that would be use- mas) of the month. You should email Club Bocce Activity 4:00 pm, Colburn ful to have on one’s vocabulary pool). Park articles as an attachment in Microsoft Word and pictures in a jpeg format. They also were given a Scavenger Hunt August 1 (1 agosto)....La Seconda Pas- that included a list of questions, in Italian, My email address is: seggiata that they were to answer as they strolled September (settembre)……………..La Treza [email protected] along. “Mano mano” they checked off Passeggiata Questions— call me at 612-360-8246 the vocabulary words as discovered here and there. Of course, we really tried to October 13, (13 ottobre) ………………... keep all conversation among us in Italian Twelfth Spaghetti Dinner and I must say, that over the past weeks Italian in the Garden and months there have been great strides Columbus Day Celebration (Italian Herit- made! age Month) Green Isle Park Pavilion, As a culminating activity, the Summer Ses- Allouez sion of Iniziamo Bene, a Beginners Italian Above all, they feel safe to experiment Conversation class, we headed out to the with this new language despite the errors October 23 (23 ottobre) ………Musicale XI, Green Bay Botanical Garden to be im- that are inevitable. That’s ideal when Art Garage mersed in the language and surrounded learning anything new.
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