Lord Hill Regional Park Plant Checklist Revised: 2012, 2017 Plants will often be at other locations besides those listed Key to locations: BLP = Beaver Lodge Pond PL = Parking Lot BP = Beaver Pond Trail QT = Quarry Trail BPE = Beaver Pond East Shore RB = Red Barn Trail Cut BPW = Beaver Pond West Shore RL = Red Line Trail BSA = Bike Skills Area RT = River Trail CRP = Cross Roads Pond RTCO = River Tr cut-off EW = E-W trail South of Meetcutter RVT = Riverview TR LTP = Lower Temple Pond Trail SHL = South Shore Hidden Lake M = Many sites including… STPL = South Temple Pond Loop MCT = Meet Cutter Tr TPCT = Temple Pond closed Trail MFP = Midway footpath TPES = Temple Pond East Shore ML = Marsh Lake TPVT = Temple Pond View Trail MT = Main Trail TPST = Trails south of Temple Pond MTC = Main Trail Cutoff TS = Tr. Head Spur NET = NE Trails Area VP =ViewPoint 630 ft NTP = North Temple Pond Loop VPT = View Pt Trail Spur PiT = Pipeline Trail WLT = West Loop Trails PiTTO = Pipeline Turn Out WPS = West Pond Shore Genus: Species: Some Locations: Common Name: Pojar pg: Abies amabilis MT Silver fir 33 Abies grandis MFP?WLT? PiT Grand fir 34 Acer circinatum M, BSA,MCT, BPW,STPL,WLT Vine maple 93 Acer macrophyllum M, VPT,MCT, RT,MFP,STPL Big leaf maple 45 Achillea millefolium PiT Yarrow 279 Achlys triphylla TPCT, BLP Vanilla-leaf 312 Adiantum pedatum NTP, QT Maidenhair fern 425 Agrostis sp. PiT Agrostis grass 367 Agrostis tenuis WLT Colonial bent grass 367 Alisma plantago-aquatica BPW, BPE, CRP Water plantain 337 Alnus rubra M, SHL,MCT,MFP,STPL, WLT Red Alder 44 Amalenchier alnifolia VP, VPT Serviceberry, Saskatoon 72 Anaphalis margaritacea QT Pearly everlasting 304 Anthelia sp. NET Anthelia liverwort LW45 Anthoxanthum sp. PiT Vernal grass 370 Antitrichia curtipendula MCT Hanging moss 465 Arcostaphylus uva-ursi VP Kinnikinnick 67 Asplenium trichomanes VPT Maidenhair spleenwort 425 Athyrium felix-femina M, TS, SHL, BPW, TPCT,WLT Lady fern 422 Atrichum selwynii RB Crane's bill moss 455 Atrichum sp. NET, PiT Atrichum moss species 455 Atrichum undulatum TS, LTP,TPVT,TPST Atrichum moss 455 Aulocomium androgynum TS, BPW Lover's moss 461 Bellis perennis PL English daisy 282 Blechnum spicant BP, BPW, TPCT, BLP Deer Fern 420 Brachythecium frigidum/asper. VPT, BSA, BPW, RB Golden short-capsuled mos 467 Brasenia schreberi BPE, WPS, CRP Watershield 348 Bromus inermis PiT, WLT Smooth brome 373 Bromus vulgaris NET,MCT, MFP,TPVT,STPL Columbia brome 374 Bucklandiella affinis MCT, VP Buckandiella moss FNA27:274 Calliergonella cuspidata PiT Spear moss 471 Calitriche heterophylla BP Diversed-leaved water starw 346 Campylopus atrovirens TPES Black fish hook moss 481 Cardamine sp. M, TPVT, Bitter-cress 146 Carex arcta? BPW Northern clustered sedge WIL88 Carex densa? RB Dense sedge WIL148 Carex hendersonii M, TPVT, STPL, RL Henderson's sedge 401 Carex interupta BPW Greenfruit sedge WIL220 Carex lenticularis STPL Kelog's sedge 399 Carex leptopoda MCT, MFP,TPVT,TPCT,STPL,WLT Dewey's sedge 395 Carex obnupta TS Slough sedge 400 Cephalozia sp. LTP, BPW (tiny liverwort) LW77 Ceratodan purpureus SHL Red roof moss 478 Ceratophyllum demersum BPE Common hornwort Circaea alpina M, BP, TS,M, MCT, TPVT,STPL,WLT Enchanter's Nightshade 210 Cirsium arvense PiT Canada thistle 306 Cirsium edule TPST Edible thistle 306 Claopodium crispifoium BP, LTP? MFP, RL Rough moss 466 Claytonia lanceolata TPVT Western spring beauty 134 Claytonia siberica MTC, VPT,MCT, TPST,STPL Siberian miner's lettuce 133 Clematis ligusticifolia/vitalba PiT Clematis H2:343 Cornus Sericea BP, BPW Osier dogwood 90 Corydalis scouleri TS?RT Scouler's corydalis 313 Corylus cornuta v. cal. MCT, RT, MFP Western hazel. 92 Crataegus monogyna MFP, EW Common hawthorn 73 Cytisus scoparius PiT, QT Scotch broom 83 Dactylis glomerata M, STPL, WLT Orchard grass 371 Dianthus armeria PiT, and East of BLP Deptford pink H2:269 Dicentra formosa M, BP,TS, VPT,BSA,STPL,WLT Pacific bleeding heart 313 Dicranoweisia cirrata LTP Dicranoweisia moss 478 Dicranum howel/scoparium. M, BSA, MCT, BPW Broom moss 480 Dicranum tauricum MT, TS, SHL Pincushion moss S126 Digitalis purpurea VP, MFP, TPST Foxglove 161 Dryopteris expansa BSA, BPW, MFP, TPES, WLT, ML Spiny wood fern 422 Elymus glauca BPE, WLT Blue wildrye 363 Elymus sp. PiTxx E. glauca or hirsuta 363 Epilobium angustifolium BP, RL Fireweed 206 Equisetum palustre BP, PiT Marsh horsetail 430 Equisetum telmatia PiT, TPVT, Giant horsetail 431 Erythronium oreganum VP White fawn lily 104 Eurhynchium oreganum M, BPW, MFP,TPST, STPL Oregon beaked moss 470 Eurhynchium praelongum M, SHL, BSA,MCT, BPW,STPL Slender beaked moss 470 Festuca sp. PiT Fescue species Festuca subulata MFB, TPST, WLT Bearded fescue 376 Fragaria vesca PiT Woodland strawberry 183 Fregaria sp. VP Wild strawberry? 183 Fritillaria lanceolata VP, WLT Chocolate lily 110 Frullannia nisqualensis VPT Hanging millipede liverwort 444 Galium aparine M,VPT Cleaver. 330 Galium triflorum M, STPL, RL Sweet-scented bedstraw 330 Galium sp. BSA, MCT,MFB, STPL Cleaver. 330 Gaultheria shallon M, VP, TP, VPT, MCT,BPW, WLT Salal. 53 Geranium robertianum BP,M,TS, STPL Herb Robert 316 Geum macrophyllum M, MCT, RT, TPVT Large-leaved avens 185 Glyceria striata RB Glyceria grass H1:595 Hepataceae thalloid MCT Unknown thalloid liverwort Heracleum lanatum RT Cow parsnip 213 Heterocladium maccounii VPT Heterocladium moss FNA28:370 Holcus lanatus PiT, VP, TPVT Velvet grass 385 Holodiscus discolor VP, VPT, QT, RVT Ocean Spray; Creambush 71 Homalothecium fulgescens M, SHL, VPT,BSA,MFB, WLT Yellow moss 467 Homalothecium nuttallii RL Homalothecium moss FNA28:441 Hydrophyllum tenuipes MT, RT, WLT, BLP Pacific waterleaf 231 Hygroamblystegium varium RT Hygroamblystegium moss FNA28:303 Hylocomium splendens NTP Stair-step moss 474 Hypochaeris radicata PL Hairy cat's ear 274 Hypnum circinale VP, M, SHL, BPW,MFB Coiled leaf moss. 469 Hypnum sp MCT Hypnum moss FNA28:532 Ilex aquifolium TS, NTP, VPT, WLT, STPL English holly Wiki Isothecium myosuroides M, BSA, MCT, BPW, RL Cat-tail moss. 468 Isothecium stoloniferum RB Isothecium moss FNA28:621 Juncus effusus PiT, TPVT,TPES, BPE, WPS Common rush 410 Juncus mertensianus BPE Merten's rush 412 Juncus tenuis piT Slender rush 413 Lapsana communis WLT Nipplewort 276 Latuca muralis VP, VPT, TPVT,STPL, WLT, RL Wall lettuce 276 Lemna minor ML Small duckweed C132 Lepidozia reptans MFB, BSA Little hands Liverwort 441 Leskea polycarpa NET Leskea moss FNA28:352 Leucanthemum vulgare PiT, BLP Oxeye daisy 281 Leucolepis acanthoneura VPT, RT, M, MFB,TPST,STPL Menzies' tree moss. 459 Linnaea boralis TPES Twin flower 68 Lollium perenne PiT Perennial ryegrass 363 Lonicera ciliosa VP, VPT, MCT, RT, WLT Orange honey suckle 69 Lonicera involucrata BP Twinberry 69 Lophocolea bidentata BSA,MCT Lophocolea liverwort. LW135 Ludwigia palustris BP,BPE Water purslane C135 Luzula parvifolia VPT, MCT, BPW, TPVT Small-flowered woodrush 415 Lysichiton americanum TP, TS, SHL, BPW, BLP Swamp lantern 334 Mahonia nervosa M, TL, VPT, MCT,MFB, WLT Dull Oregon grape. 95 Maianthemum dilatatum BP, SHL, BPW False lily of the valley 103 Melica aristada NET Melica annual grass H1:615 Melica subulata MCT, BPW Alaska onion grass 372 Myosotis laxa TPES, BPW Small flower forget-me-not 240 Neckera douglasia TS, VPT,MCT, MFB Douglas' neckera. 464 Niphotrichum elongatum* VP Roadside rock moss 483 Nuphar polysepalum? PiTTO, TPES Yellow pond lily or other Nu 349 Oenanthe sarmentosa MCT Pacific water parsley 216 Oemlaria cerasiformis M, VPT, RT Indian plum 72 Opoplanax horridus LTP, BP, SHL,BSA, RT,STPL, WLT Devil's club 82 Orthotrichum consimile M Orthotrichum moss 476 Orthotrichum lyellii M, VPT, BPW, MFB Lyell's bristle moss 476 Orthotrichum pulchellum M Orthotrichum moss FNA28:63 Osmorhiza chilensis TS, TPST Mountain sweet cicely 217 Paxistima myrsinites NTP Oregon boxwood 95 Peelia neesiana PiT Pellia liverwort LW156 Phalaris arundinacea PiT, SHL,TPVT,TPES,TPCT, WPS Reed canary grass 370 Phleum pratense BPE Timothy 368 Plagiomnium insigne MTC, BP, MCT, MFB Coastal leafy moss 457 Plagiomnium venustum VP, MCT, RT, RB Magnificent moss 457 Plagiothecium caviflorum TPST Plagiothecium moss FNA28:486 Plagiothecium undulatum M, ,BSA Wavy-leafed cotton moss 475 Plantago lanceolata M English plantain 329 Plantago major M Common Plantain 329 Plectritis congesta VP Sea blush 333 Pleuropogan refractus MCT Nodding semaphore grass 373 Poa palustris EW, STPL, BPE, WLT Fowl bluegrass 378 Pogonatum sp. TS, Pogonatum moss LW220 Polygonum ambiguam? BPW Queen's water thumb 342 Potamogeton richardsonii BPW Richardson's pondweed 343 Polypodium glycyrrhiza M, VP, VPT,BSA,MFB, BLP Licorice fern 424 Polystichum munitum M, VPT, BSA,MCT, BPW, WPS Sword fern 421 Polytrichum juniperinum VP Juniper haircapped moss 452 Populus balsamifera… BP,MCT, TPVT Black cottonwood. 46 Porella navicularis M, BSA Tree-Ruffle liverwort. 444 Porotrichum biglovii TPST Porotrichum moss FNA28 Potentilla palustris BPW Marsh cinquefoil 339 Prunella vulgaris PiT, TPVT, WLT Self-heal 246 Prunus emarginata VPT,MFB, TPVT, WLT Bitter cherry 48 Prunus sp. WPS Non-native cherry H3:157 Pseudotaxiphyllum elegans MCT, MFB, NET Flat moss 475 Pseudoscleropodium Pseudoscleropodium purum PiT moss FNA28:452 Pseudotsuga menziesii M, VPT, TPES Douglas-Fir 32 Pteridium aquilineum M, PiT, SHL, MCT, TPES, STPL Bracken 420 Radula complanata NET Flat-Leaved liverwort. 443 Ranunculus repens M, TS, TPVT Creeping buttercup. 176 Ranunculus uncinatus BP Little buttercup 177 Racomitrium aciculare TS Black tufted rock moss 482 Radula multfidina BSA
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