.n Jne neW5 .n.5 "eel Withdrawals Wednesday, April 11, is the last day a student can drop a course and receive a grade of W. If a course is dropped after this date, the grade will be recorded as F. Freshman Advisory Board e e Applications for the Freshman Advisory Board are available at the control desk. VOLUME 27 - NUMBER 15 / WIDENER COLLEGE / CHESTER, PA. / THURSDAY, MARCH 22, 1973 Anyone interes ted must complete an ap­ plication Clnd reUI n it to Carol Blasscyk (Box 942) or Steve Collins (Box 577) be­ fore April 4. Preregistration Today (Thursday) is the last day a stu­ dent can preregister without paying a $25 fee. If you haven't already preregistered, do ' so at once to avoid an unwanted cost. Italian Consul-General to Speak Philip Anfuso, the newly appointed Italian Consul-General, will speak at 2 p.m. Thursday, April 5 in the Red Lounge, McMorland Center. The talk will be Mr. Anfuso's first col­ lege engagement since receiving · his ap­ pointment. His topic will be "Italy: Prob­ lems and Hopes." Political Science Club's Reborn At a meeting held in Kapelski Learning Cen­ ter on Thursday March 15th, the long dormant Left to right: Eagles Coach Mike McC.ormlck, President Moll, Leonard Tose and George Hansell at Eagle's press conference. Political Science Club was brought back to life. The students and faculty members involved in the newly revitalized organization hope that it Eagles at Widener will become an important part of the Widener 5GA Looks Toward Ralhskellar In a move that had been rumored for some College community in the near future. By JACK LABEREE The SGA is also expecting the administration time, the Philadelphia Eagles of the National The raison d'etre of the resurrected P.S. Club cooperation in initiating a change of interest to Football League announced last week tha~ they The SGA recently learned that among the is to provide a forum where issues and divergent married students. In response to a request sub­ would leave their training camp at Albright Col­ political views can be discussed openly. Possible changes soon to take place at Widener may be mitted to him by the Student Government, lege in Reading, Pa. and instead train at Widener areas of discussion might center on internation­ a revised housing program. The new plan may President Moll will present a formal request to for the next three years. The Eagles still had al, national, state or local politics. include the establishment of new fraternity the Board of Trustees to extend the use of the During the course of the first meeting 21 stu­ one year left on an existing contract with Al­ houses, leaving the old ones on "Fraternity gym facilities to the spouses of Widener stu­ bright. dents signed up as members. Officers were also Row" for resident married students. The loca­ dents. elected at the first meeting. Ed Barrett was Eagle's owner Leonard Tose had received tion of the new houses will not be determined The success of a new effort for a campus elected president, Tony Iannacone was chosen good reports about Widener from former gen­ until the school finds a means of coming to beautification program depends upon the sup­ as vice-president and Bruce Livingston was eral manager Pete Retzlaf last season, but serious terms with Chester's intricate zoning laws. port of the student body. Though a crew of named as secretary. After the election, the newly negotiations began in mid-February after new Less crucial but perhaps of equal interest to landscape improvement experts have been hired designated officers were directed by -the other head coach Mike McCormick inspected the the campus community is the proposal to es­ to decorate the campus environment with more members of the club'Lo~devlop ideas for a con­ facilities at Widener and found them t'J his lik­ tablish a lathskeilar on campus where stu­ shrubs and flowers, they do nol have enough stitution and submit them at the next meeting. ing. In his efforts to bring a winmng football dents may congregate to consume adult bev­ foliage on hand to make a significant improve­ The next meeting is scheduled for 9:30 a.m. team to Philadelphia, McCormick believes that erages such as beer and wine. The plan will ment on the campus. Therefore, the SGA re­ Thursday, April 5th in the third floor lounge of the change of training camps "is essential." apparently be initiated when the Board of quest concerned students to donate any mov­ Kapelski Center. Anyone interested in joining The Eagles will report to Widener sometime Trustees, in cooperation with the SGA suc­ able .shrubbery, flowers, even packets of seeds the Political Science Club is strongly urged to around the 15th of July and will stay in Sharp­ ceeds in finding a safe loophole in the state and that they might have on hand. Volunteers wil­ attend that meeting or to talk to Professors Ies Hall. Coach McCormick's office will also local liquor laws. ling to aid in the actual work are also needed. Park, Rolofson or Goldstein. Park and Rolof­ be in Sharples Hall and the school has offered son's office is located in LC 239 and Goldstein's the Eagles office space and meeting rooms on office is in LC 207. the second floor of MacMorland Center. To All the Students of Widener College The ·Circus Comes to Widener The Board of Trustees of Widener College The nationally known Hanneford Circus is hours and includes 34 acts in 20 displays. It scheduled to appear here on Monday, April 2. embraces many startling and unusual features, ranging from a Siberian tiger riding atop the Requests the pleasure of your company The circus, which performs exclusively in back of an Indian elephant to a European sports arenas and coliseums, will be held at the daredevil who literally bathes in fire. Bernard Lee Schwartz Physical Education Cen­ The Hanneford Circus is a major attraction to honor ter with shows at 2:30 and 8 p.m. The en­ with a company of over 60 persons and re­ gagement is being sponsored by the Social Af­ quiring 25 vehicles for its transportation. It fairs Committee. carries complete floor covering material to per­ EDITH ROBB DIXON The Hanneford Circus presents a polished mit the transformation of the Schwartz Center and sophisticated performance that includes all basketball floor into a circus arena without and of the traditional circus features against a pro­ damage to the surface. It also carries an im­ duction background one would normally ex­ pressive complement of spotlights, overhead pect in a Broadway show or a major ice show. lights, sound equipment, aerial rigging and The performance runs a very fast paced two properties. F. EUGENE DIXON, JR. On the occasion of the conferring of The Degrees of DOCTOR OF LA WS Honoris Causa Tuesday, April 10, 1973, 3:15 p.m. Alumni Auditorium Widener College Chester, Pa. Reception following Wolfgram Memorial Library Classes cancelled after 2:50 p.m. on April 10 Photo by STEVE FRA TON I GO: The start of the two mile run In the MAC Indoor Track Championships. Get Off Your Ass· For almost 18 months now the Dome has college newspaper, let alone a good weekly col­ been operating with a skeleton staff and, con­ lege newspaper. We have tried to recruit, per­ sidering the scarcity of people willing to work suade and coerce people into joining the Dome on the paper, it is a credit to those few who did staff, but we have met with no success. all of the work that the Dome is still in exist­ Because of the apathy that exists on campus, ance. In these 18 months we have tried to put we have had to do double and triple . work to out a good paper and, in spite of the small staff, publish the Dome while all you done is to sit we have succeeded on several occasions. on your asses and bitch whenever the paper doesn't come out. The people who do all of the We have tried t~ present a large amount of work on the Dome are students just like you. diversification in what we print in order to give­ something of interest to nearly everyone'. We We are enrolled in the same courses as you. Yet, have printed articles on campus news, the arts, you expect three or four people to put out a paper every week. It is getting to the point, how­ music, drama, campus personalities and ath­ ever, where we can not even put a paper out letics. And we believe that people do read the Dome because now that we are publishing every every other week. other week instead of every week, people are It is very possible that this might be the complaining that we should be coming out every last semester that the Dome will be published. week. ' We do not need much to keep us alive, just two or three hours per week of work from you. The In order to publish a paper with such a small reporter isn't the only person a newspaper nee4s staff something has to be sacrificed to make sure to survive. We need typists, people who are will­ that the work gets done. Our sacrifices have ing to learn how to do layout work, or even to been in the areas of our school work, our social run errands, as well as reporters. We intend to life and our sap.,ity.
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