7158 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD_-SENATE SEPTEMBER 17 Welsh; with amendment (Rept. No. 2464). There being no objection, the resolution Referred to the Committee of the Whole SENATE was ordered to be printed in the RECORD, House. as follows: · Mr. McGEHEE: Committee on Claims. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1942 H. R. 2217. A bill fQr the relief of Wilson N. UNITED STATES SENATE, Yost; with amendment (Rept. No. 2465). The Reverend James H. Phillips, Ph. D., REPUBLICAN CONFERENCE, Referred to the Commit tee of the Whole associate minister, Foundry Methodist September 17, 1942. House. Church, Washington, D. C., ofie1;ed the Resolved, That the Republican Conference Mr. RUSSELL: Committee on Claims. following prayer: recognizes the present situation with respect H. R. 3113. A bill for the relief of Cecil to living costs, that it believes action is nec­ Higginbotham; with amendment (Rept. No. God Qf our fathers, by whose will this essary, and will cooperate in an effort to work 2466). Referred to the Committee of the Nation was conceived and dedicated to out a wise solution of the problems pre£ented Whole House. the proposition that all men are created to the Senate and the country. ·free and equal, and in whose righteous­ COMMITTEE SERVICE PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS ness alone we shall gain true freedom, On motion of Mr. HILL, and by u~ani­ look with favor upon us in this solemn mous consent, it was Under clause 3 of rule XXII, public bills hour as we, a people; strive to endure in and resolutions were introduced ·and this. sacred faith of our fathers. Make · Ordered, That the-Senator from New York severally referred, as follows: ~Mr. MEAD] be excused fro_m further service each of us, we pray Thee, equal to the as a member of the Committee on Education . By Mr. WALTER: . high trusts bestowed upon us by our and Labor; and H. R. 7548. A bill to provide for the issu­ heritage, and by our determined commit­ ance of a · device in recognition of the serv­ ment to its preservation. Save us in On . motion of Mr. McNARY, and by ices of merchant sailors; to the Committee these days from false dependence upon unanimous consent, it was on the Merchant Marine and Fisheries:· might alone, but gird us for our task with Ordered, That the Senator from Colorado By Mr. ANDERSON of California: our fathers' faith that right makes might [Mr. MILLIKIN] be assigned to service on the H. R. 7549. A bill to amend the act of March Committee on Education an·d Labor to fill 5, 1942, relating to the plan,ting of guayule invincible. In this faith we shall win the existing vacancy. and other rubber-bearing plants; to the Com­ the victory of battle; in this- faith we mittee on Agriculture. shall wiri' t;he victory of an enduring EXECUT_IVE COM~UNICATIONS, ETC. By Mr. DICKSTEIN: peace. The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tempore H. R. 7550. A b111 to amend the Nationality ..So grant it, God, through ·Jesus Christ laid-before the Senate the following let­ Act of 1940 to preserve · the residence for our Lord. Amen. · ters, which were referred as indicated: naturalization purposes of certain aliens· who serve in the military or naval forces of NAMING A PRESIDING OFFICER PROTECTION OF NAVAL PETROLEUM RESERVE one of the Allied countries during the second No. 1 World War; to the Committee on Immigra­ The Secretary <Edwin A. Halsey) ··read A letter from the Secretary of the Interior, tion and Naturalization. · the following letter: transmitting a draft o:.:: proposed legisl~tion to protect .Naval Petroleum Reserve No. 1 UNITED STATES SENATE, (with an accompanying paper); to the Com- PRIVATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE, mittee on Public Lands and Surveys. · Washington, D. C., September 17,1942. LANDS AND AccouNTS OF WAPATO INDIAN IRRI- Under clause 1 of rule XXII, private To the Senate: GATION PROJECT, YAKIMA -RESERVATION, bills and resolutions were introduced and Being temporarily absent from the Senate, WASH. severally referred as follows: I appoint Hon. CLY.DE L. HERRING, a Senator from the State of Iowa, to perform the duties A letter from the Secretary of the Interior, transmitting a draft of proposed legislation By Mr. DIMOND: of the Chair during my absence. to eliminate certain lands from the Wapato H. R. r/551. A bill for the relief of Sigurd CARTER GLASS, Indian· Irrigation Project, Yakima Reserva­ J. E. Wallstedt; to the Committee on Claims. Preside,nt pro tempore. tion, Wash.;' cancel and adjust . · certain By Mr. PETERSON of Florida: charges, and for other purposes (with accom­ H . R. 7552. A bill for the · relief of ·Mrs. Mr. HERRING thereupon took the chair panying papers); to the Committee on In- Alethea Arthur; to the Committee on Claims. as Acting President pro tempore. dian Affairs. , · H. R. 7553. ·A bill for the relief of I. s. THE JOURNAL ACTS OF SECOND SPECIAL SESSION, FIFTpNTH Wotten; to the Committee on Claims. LEGISLATURE OF PUERTO RICO H. R. 7554. A bill for the relief of F. M. On request of Mr. HILL, and by unan­ A letter from the Acting Secretary of tQ.e Maloy: to the Committee on Claims. imous consent, the reading of the Journal Interior, t.ransmitting, pursuant tq law, cer­ ' By Mr. THOMASON: of the proceedings of Mond~y, September tified copies of fiv_e acts passed by the second H. R. 7555. A bill for the relief of El Paso special session of the fifteenth legislature of Electric Co.; to the Committee on Claims. 14, 1942, was dispensed with, and the Puerto Rico, June 15-16, 1942 (with accom­ . ' Journal was approved. panying papers); to the Committee on-Terri­ MESSAGES FROM THE PRESIDENT tories and Insular Affairs. PETITIONS, ETC. RESOLUTION OF THE DELAWARE RIVER Messages in writing from the President Under clause 1 of rule XXII, petitions · YACHTMAN'S LEAGUE - WATERWAY and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk of the United States submitting nomina­ ACROSS NEW JERSEY and ·referred as follows: tions were communicated to the Senate by Mr. Latta, one of his secretaries. Mr. DAVIS presented a resolution 3318-. By Mr. BURGIN: Petition of Ruth adopted by the Delaware River Yacht­ McCain and other members of the woman's MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE man's League, of Philadelphia ·and vi­ auxiliary of the Waxhaw Presbyterian Church, A message from the House of Repre­ cinity, Pennsylvania, favoring the enact­ Waxhaw, N.C., favoring the passage of House ment of House bill 7397, proposing to au­ bill 4000; to the Committee on Military sentatives, by Mr. Calloway, one of its Affairs. reading clerks, announced that the House thorize the construction of a waterway 3319. By Mr. TALLE: Petition of Etta Nut­ had passed a joint resolution <H. J. Res. .across the State of New Jersey so as to ting and ot hers urging the enactment of 344) authorizing extensions of time for complete the chain of waterways giving _Senate bill 860; to the Committee on Military filing return of capital stock tax in 1942, safe inland -water transpprtation to car­ Affairs. in which it requested the concurrence of goes from Florida to the New England . 3320. By Mr. MARTIN of Iowa: Petition of the Senate. · -coast, which was referred to the Com­ Mrs. Rob Campbell and members of the Unity mittee on Commerce. Presbyterian Church of Tiffin, Iowa, urging RESOLUTION OF REPUBLICAN PRESERVATION OF FREEDOM-LETTER the passage of l6gislation that will prevent CONFERENCE . the sale of liquor at our Army camps; to the FROM DISTRICT SUPERINTE~DENT AND Committe on Military Affairs. Mr. McNARY. Mr. President, !desire MEMBERS OF THE EAU CLAIRE (WIS.) 3321. By Mr. HAINES: Petition of Mrs. to make a brief statement. This morn­ METHODIST CHURCH -Philip W. Hodgson, Jr., and 101 ot her mem­ bers of Red Run Church (St. Pauls Union), ing I called a conference of the Repub­ Mr. WILEY presented a letter from the urging elimination of alcoholic liquors in lican Members of the Senate. The con­ district superintendent of the Methodist and aroun d our camps; to th e Committee on ference adopted a resolution which I ask Church of Eau Claire, Wis., and several Military Affairs. · to have inserted in the RECORD. members of that church, which was re- 1942 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-BENATE 7159 ferred to the Committee on Military Af­ and Senators, to forbid, ..Qr to pass such leg­ Lawrence CountY-------------------· 283 islation as will forbid, the manufacture, dis­ Ottawa_____________________________ 36 fairs and ordered to be printed in the Sandwich___________________________ 27 RECORD, as follows: tribution; and sale of all alcoholic liquors throughout the United States, except for Streator__ ~------------------------- 41 EAu CLAmE, Wis., September 14, 1942. med:cinal. industri~l, and scientific pur­ Sullivan_____________________________ 47 DEAR M..ADAM OR SIR: The treacherous and poses, for the duration of the war. Sumner ______________ _: _______ __:_____ 24 unprovoked attack on American vessels at "We urge our governmental authorities to Thawville___________________________ 73 Pearl Harbor on Sunday, December 7, 1941, take all possible measures to the end that INDIANA with great loss of life, caused Americans more the ·men serving in the armed forces of our Vincennes ___________ .:.______________ 78 than ever to realize that this World War is an country may not be subjected to the temp­ MARYLAND attack by Satan upon tne people of Christian tations of gambling, prostitution, and alco­ Baltimore _____________________ :..____ 50 principles and their allies. holic indulgence. And we petition the Pres­ That the Axis Nations (those who contend ident and Congre~s to take immediate and MASSACHUSETTS for national sovereignty) would, if able, take favorable action on the Sheppard bill (S.
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