HYDROIDS FROM THE THETA, VEMA AND YELCHO CRUISES OF THE LAMONT-DOHERTY GEOLOGICAL OBSERVATORY by W. VERVOORT Rijksmuseum van Natuurlijke Historie, Leiden, Netherlands with 83 text-figures (Contribution 1766 from the Lamont-Doherty Geological Observatory of Columbia University) CONTENTS Introduction 6 List of the Stations 6 Taxonomic Report 13 Family Corymorphidae ..... 13 Subfamily Branchiocerianthinae 13 Branchiocerianthus norvegicus Brattström, 1956 13 Family Tubulariidae 15 Tubularia spec ...... 15 Family Corynidae 15 Coryne pusilla Gaertner, 1774 15 Family Bougainvilliidae 16 Dicoryne spec 16 Hydractinia echinata (Fleming, 1828) 17 Leuckartiara octona (Fleming, 1823) 17 Leuckartiara abyssi (G. O. Sars, 1874) 19 Family Eudendriidae 20 Eudendrium laxum Allman, 1877 20 Eudendrium rameum (Pallas, 1766) 21 Family Haleciidae 21 Halecium jaederholmi nov. spec 21 *Halecium macrocephalum Allman, 1877 24 *Ophiodissa arborea (Allman, 1888) 25 Halecium halecinum (Linnaeus, 1758) 25 Halecium muricatum (Ellis & Solander, 1786) 27 Halecium delicatulum Coughtrey, 1876 27 Halecium beanii (Johnston, 1838) 30 Halecium spec 34 Family Campanulinidae 36 Calicella syringa (Linnaeus, 1767) 36 1) Species marked * are discussed in the present report but not represented in the collection. 4 ZOOLOGISCHE VERHANDELINGEN 120 (1972) Eucuspidella pedunculata (Allman, 1877) 36 Phialella chilensis (Hartlaub, 1905) 38 ? Opercularella denticulata (Clarke, 1907) 40 Opercularella spec 42 Family Lovenellidae 42 Stegopoma fastigiatum (Aider, 1860) 42 Stegopoma plicatile (M. Sars, 1863) 43 Family Lafoeidae 44 Acryptolaria conferta conferta (Allman, 1877) 44 Acryptolaria longitheca (Allman, 1877) 45 Cryptolarella flabellum (Allman, 1888) 47 F ilellum serpens (Hassall, 1848) 49 ? Filellum serratum (Clarke, 1879) 51 F ilellum spec 53 ? Filellum spec 55 Grammaria abietina (M. Sars, 1851) 56 Grammaria borealis (Levinsen, 1893) 56 Grammaria magellanica Allman, 1888 58 Halisiphonia megalotheca Allman, 1888 60 Hebella striata Allman, 1888 62 Hebella spec 64 Lafoea fruticosa (M. Sars, 1851) 66 Zygophylax convallaria (Allman, 1877) 74 Abietinella operculata (Jäderholm, 1903) 79 Family Campanulariidae 82 Billardia subrufa (Jäderholm, 1904) 82 Campanularia (Campanularia) groenlandica Levinsen, 1893 84 Campanularia (Campanularia) laevis Hartlaub, 1905 85 Campanularia (Orthopyxis) everta Clarke, 1876 87 Tulpa tulipifera (Allman, 1888) 90 Laomedea (Clytia) pelagica (Van Breemen, 1905) 91 Laomedea (Obelia) bicuspidata (Clarke, 1875) 92 Laomedea (Obelia) longicyatha (Allman, 1877) 93 Laomedea (Obelia) longissima (Pallas, 1766) 94 Family Sertulariidae 95 Parascyphus repens (Jäderholm, 1904) 95 Abietinaria abietina (Linnaeus, 1758) 98 Amphisbetia operculata (Linnaeus, 1758) 98 Diphasia digitalis (Busk, 1852) 99 Diphasia paarmanni Nutting, 1904 101 Diphasia fallax (Johnston, 1847) 103 Sertularella antarctica Hartlaub, 1900 105 Sertularella picta (Meyen, 1834) 111 Sertularella gayi gayi (Lamouroux, 1821) 116 Sertularella gayi robusta Allman, 1873 118 Sertularella geodiae Totton, 1930 120 Sertularella conica Allman, 1877 123 Sertularella cylindritheca (Allman, 1888) 126 Sertularella edentula Bale, 1924 127 Sertularella robusta Coughtrey, 1876 129 Sertularella parvula (Allman, 1888) 131 VERVOORT, HYDROIDS 5 Symplectoscyphus plectilis (Hickson & Gravely, 1907) 133 Symplectoscyphus elongatus (Jäderholm, 1904) 136 Symplectoscyphus subdichotomus (Kirchenpauer, 1884) 140 Symplectoscyphus milneanus (d'Orbigny, 1846) 147 Symplectoscyphys magellanicus (Marktanner-Turneretscher, 1890) . 158 Symplectoscyphus tricuspidatus (Aider, 1856) 166 Symplectoscyphus flexilis (Hartlaub, 1900) 168 *Symplectoscyphus glacialis (Jäderholm, 1904) 171 Symplectoscyphus bathyalis nov. spec I74 Symplectoscyphus paulensis Stechow, 1923 180 Sertularia cupressina Linnaeus, 1758 183 Sertularia robusta (Clarke, 1876) 183 Sertularia tenera G. O. Sars, 1874 184 Tamarisca tamarisca (Linnaeus, 1758) 184 Thuiaria alternitheca Levinsen, 1893 185 Thuiaria thuja (Linnaeus, 1758) 185 Thuiaria lonchitis (Ellis & Solander, 1786) 186 Thuiaria hippuris Allman, 1874 187 Dymella laxa (Allman, 1874) 189 Family Syntheciidae 193 Synthecium robustum Nutting, 1904 193 Staurotheca antarctica Hartlaub, 1904 198 Family Plumulariidae 201 Subfamily Aglaopheniinae 201 Aglaophenia acacia Allman, 1883 201 Aglaophenia cf. perpusilla Allman, 1877 202 Aglaophenopsis cornuta (Verrill, 1879) 204 Aglaophenopsis hirsuta Fewkes, 1881 205 Cladocarpus carinatus Nutting, 1900 208 Cladocarpus distomus Clarke, 1907 212 Cladocarpus paradiseus Allman, 1877 214 Cladocarpus sigma (Allman, 1877) 216 Thecocarpus myriophyllum (Linnaeus, 1758) var. orientalis Billard, 1908 219 Thecocarpus myriophyllum (Linnaeus, 1758) var. 1 221 Thecocarpus myriophyllum (Linnaeus, 1758) var. 2 224 Thecocarpus distans (Allman, 1877) 224 Subfamily Plumulariinae 227 Plumularia spec 227 Nemertesia antennina (Linnaeus, 1758) 229 Nemertesia incerta Bedot, 1916 229 Nemertesia cymodocea (Busk, 1851) 231 Nemertesia ramosa Lamouroux, 1816 234 Halopteris catharina (Johnston, 1833) 236 Unidentifiable material 237 References 238 6 ZOOLOGISCHE VERHANDELINGEN I20 (1972) INTRODUCTION The material reported upon below was received in 1968 from the American Museum of Natural History, New York, U.S.A., and constisted of 124 lots of unidentified hydroids, the majority of which originated from the con- tinental shelf bordering the Atlantic coasts of the American continent. A very significant part of the collection comprises material from localities along the Atlantic coast of southern Argentina, the Estrecho de Magellanes and Tierra del Fuego, an area of great zoogeographical interest and with a badly known though richly developed hydroid fauna. The hydroid material in the present collection in many instances consisted of small fragments or had been badly compressed, so that a fairly high percentage Gould not properly be identified. The localities, with some exceptions, are widely spaced, ranging from the deep sea to a few metres depth. I do not feel justified, therefore, to draw more than a few very tentative zoogeographical conclusions, expecting that the extension of the distributional range of certain species recorded below can later on be used when a more complete survey of the hydroid fauna of the southern part of South America is undertaken, preferably including material from more Pacific localities than at present I have at my disposal. I want to extend my sincere gratitude to Dr. Ernst Kirsteuer and Mr. Gerald W. Thurmann, both of the American Museum of Natural History, New York, who made the collection available to me. The majority of the material is now preserved in the Rijksmuseum van Natuurlijke Historie, Leiden ; duplicates have been deposited in the American Museum of Natural History. For the loan of some additional material I am indebted to Dr. P. F. S. Cornelius, British Museum (Natural History), London, and Dr. D. L. Pawson, United States National Museum (Smithsonian Institution), Wash- ington. LIST OF THE STATIONS *) Theta 1-6, 31°41'-31°43'N, 68°o8'W, 26.9.1956, EBT, 5159 m (sub-tropical Atlantic, Ber- muda area): Aglaophenia cf. perpusilla Allman; unidentifiable species (probably Hale- cium and Sertularella). Theta 1-7, 32°2i.5'-32°i6.4'N, 69°i34'-690o8.8'W, 27.91956, EBT, 5352 m (sub-tropical Atlantic, Bermuda area) : unidentifiable species (probably Halecium). Verna 12-8, 22°4i'S, 03°i6'E, 9.5.1957, SBT, 4981 m (tropical south-eastern Atlantic) : unidentifiable species. Verna 14-1, 40°26'S, 6i°i3.5'W, 30.1.1958, SBT, 37 m (shelf off Bahia Blanca, Buenos *) EBT = epibenthic trawl; SBT = standard bottom trawl. VERVOORT, HYDROIDS 7 Aires, Argentina) : unidentifiable species. Verna 14-6, 4Ó°477'S, Ó2°4/W, 4.2.1958, SBT, 105 m (shelf east of Cabo Blanco, Santa Cruz, Argentina) : Symplectoscyphus subdichotomus (Kirchenpauer). Verna 14-10, 53°i4'S, 68°2o'W, 8.2.1958, SBT, 17 m (coastal waters of Tierra del Fuego, near Punta Arenas, Argentina): Laomedea (Obelia) bicuspidata (Clarke). Verna 14-14, 54°23'S, 65°35'W, 19.2.1958, SBT, 75 m (shelf north of Peninsula Mitre, Tierra del Fuego) :Lafoea fruticosa (M. Sars) ; Abietinella operculata (Jäderholm) ; Laomedea (Obelia) bicuspidata (Clarke) ; Amphisbetia operculata (L.) ; Sertularella picta (Meyen) ; Sertularella geodiae Totton; Sertularella robusta Coughtrey; Symplec- toscyphus subdichotomus (Kirchenpauer) ; Symplectoscyphus milneanus (d'Orbigny) ; Symplectotoscyphus magellanicus (Marktanner-Turneretscher). Verna 14-19, 52°4i'S, 59°09'W, 22.2.1958, SBT, 108 m (south-western Atlantic between the Falklands Islands and Burdwood Bank) : Acryptolaria conferta conferta (Allman) ; Sertularella geodiae Totton ; Symplectoscyphus subdichotomus (Kirchenpauer) ; Sym- plectoscyphus magellanicus (Marktanner-Turneretscher). Verna 14-28, 45°34'S, o6°02,E, 28.3.1958, SBT, 4618 m (south-eastern Atlantic south-west of South Africa) : unidentifiable species. Verna 14-29, 4i°03'S, 07°49'E, 30.3.1958, SBT, 4961 m (south-eastern Atlantic south-west of Cape of Good Hope, South Africa) : Halisiphonia megalotheca Allman. Verna 14-32, 34°35'S, i7°3i'E, 6.4.1958, SBT, 1861 m (south-eastern Atlantic south-west of Cape of Good Hope, South Africa) : Cladocarpus distomus Clarke ; unidentifiable species. Verna 14-34, 34°05.5'S, i8°o6'E, 6.4.1958, SBT, 179 m (off Cape of Good Hope, South Africa) : Dicoryne spec. Verna 14-35, 29°44'S, 37°i5'E, 26.4.1958, SBT, 5013 m (Indian Ocean east of Natal) : unidentifiable species. Verna 14-38, 20°io/S, 56°23.5'E, 7.5.1958, SBT,
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