The Price of This Paper is 3 cents everywhere—Pay no more Four 12 Pages Today Comic Section CARTERET PRESS Two Sections VOL. XI, No. 10 CARTERET. N. J., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18. \<n> PRICE THREE CENTH Jr. Woman's dub Members j Coach Recovering Carterel P.T.A. In Hear Talk On Gifts New Relief Plan Offi"" Famous Physician To Carteret Man Killed An interesting talk on "Chriatmns Officprs wore elected Monday j After Auto Crash Busy Session (lifts" was given before the mem- Calk For Work at a mpptinjc of Fire Company No Speak At Dinner By Train Here '• bers of the Junior Woman's Club held in the hall in the firehoiw The Speaker Tells Of Fight Monday night at a meeting held in Those Receiving Aid Under offlears named are: Chief, Harold Francis McCarthy Will Soon oraevs named are: Chief, Harold pionMlr |n Fight Against Tu- World War Veteran Died In- » . r~ , . _ .the Borough Hall by Miss Zita Mel- i - _. M „, _ Be Back With Team Of Car- Against Tuberculosis; Pres- on who was formerly in charge of State Plan Must Give Serr- DonovanDoUn; secon; foremand assistan, Chnrlet chiefn ,Green John; | bercutosi_ ..__...-s To Talk At Seal• stantly — Skull Fractured ident Tells Of Convention. thi> (rift department of a lai-jjo de- ice In Return — Longfellow assistant foreman, Jo«t>pn Sarrilln; and Neck Broken — Was teret High — Was Knocked partment store in Newark. Miss senior warden, JVed Mueller; junior Meeting. llon Street Job To Start Soon. Born In Russia. Unconscious When Car Skid- The Cnrtoret P. T. A. met Wed N" w now a resident of Carter*. WHrden, Howard Burns; president, Jchn S. Olbreoht; vice president, Dr. 13 S. Pollak, considered one of ded Into Pole. nesday night in the auditorium of | £ A new mandate of the State Wsclaw Pultorek, ag*d about 38 Louis Peterson; recording secretary, the pioneers in tuberculositubert s work in the Columbus school. Mrs. Charles attendance. Emergency Relief Administration re- Rdward .1. Coujrhliti; finanrinl secre- of 27 IVrnhlng avenue, waa nssooint ion America, has ecu red by the years Coach Francis Me Carthy of Car- Morris, presK!lent of the •Aft<M- business of the meeting was quiring that those, who receive aid tary, Charles (Ireen. Middlesex CountWey nTuberculosi s> s Lea- Tuesday afternoon at 4 OR o'- teret high stchool wa3 badly injured Rave a detniltaile( d report of th recent. over Miss Wanda Knorr, chairman of shall in return give certain hours The offices of treasurer anil band ' gur as the chief *pe»kor for it. ' rlo<* ty train No. 73119 on the C.r- early Saturday morning when a car convention of the state rnnKrew of tlii! hospitality committee served ro- of service was the subject of an maniiR:» were left np<- nnd will b» Christmas Seal dinner meeting to b«! teTft divitlon of tho Central Rail- parents and teachers nt Atlantic ; r n in which he was ridiBg skidded on . 1 executive session of the Mayor and fillfd nt. the nest meeting. I held in the New Picker llouv., Perth ™ad of Now Jersey. Hi* skull wag wet pavement and struck an electric > City. It \ro stated that tin ('nr I Council Wednesday night in the ' Amboy, on Monday, November 28, nt fractured, hi* ne<-k broken and his light pole. Mr. McCarthy was knock-1 terot association receive,! h norahlp Borough hall. The work may bo li:U> o'clock right thigh broken midway Ixttwwn «d uncunsuiuus and waa taken in that mention nt the state gathering, road improvement, cutting wood for Th« dinner is being arranged by th<1 niP ""'' kne<- Thl- hn.ly was re- condition to the Perth Amboy Gen-1 The principal speaker at the meet fuel purposes filling, in low places Mrs. John J. Ouinn, of Perth Amboy, moved to I.yman's funeral parlors in. oral Hospital. For a time it wan ing last night was Muss June Pack- Young Democrats on school or park property, or any Church Wedding For president of the county tuberculusta' Locust street. thought that he had a fractured skull | ard, orf the County Anti-Tuberculosis other form of labor for public bene- n *J league, assisted by community chair. The accident happened near the and relatives were not permitted to I.paguo who told of the fight beinjc fit. I men of tho county. Some of the, com- I'nion street crossinic n block from the League against To Visit Washington Imunity chairmen of this section of , the Chrome station of the railroad. visit him. carried on hy Under the conditions laid out by nHflP the disease and the. progress that is _, tne Btat(! administration, each mil-, I the county who are assisting are:! Sergeant Joseph Dowling of the Car- On the second day in the hospital being; made through institutions. The Blanche Stawicks*iMSi anVd Mrs. Emil Stremlau, of Carteret;! teret police department said that Mr. McCarthy began to show signs Members Of Joint Group Plan nicipality must work out the pro- \ Miss MI S treatment at a preventorium is more gram of service and the session last u ru • f ii .-J AJ " - James Dunne, of Woodbridge, trainmen told him Pultorek walked of improvement and on Monday he successful than home treatment, the To Attend Roosevelt Inaugu- Menry Chomicki Uruted At . , j into the train. Kurther inquiry by improved rapidly. He was taken to I night was devoted to working out ilm)per Mrs B( n cnsen of Korils speaker sniil because there is no ele- , a program. The object of the plan Holy Family Church — Big and' Mrs" . Haie"" l Hall"" , of Iselin. the police revealed that Pultorek has his home in South Amboy on Tues- ration On March 4 — Vic- I)r llll nRS e dau-yj when it was established that ha ! ment of earclossne^s. Tlhe Heath D ,. c-.i r ' - P° k J"»t completed a I >* " out of work about three years. ha- d a concussio• n of....= the brai_ n an__.di I| rat,.„!e„ L,,ha,s lxnm greatly reduced tory Dance For New Years Keception rollows V-ere- twenty-five year period of service as He formerly worked in local indus- tri nothing more serious. He wanted to i through institutional treatment, Miss Night. At a regular meeting of the coun- mony. i Medical Director of Hudson County's | »l plants. Packard said. cil a resolution was adopted setting I Tuberculosis Sanatorium. He is also, At the rooming house in Pershing return to his duties at the school Hvenue w here but his physician ordered him A program of songs and instru- At a meeting of the Young Demo- forth that the borough requires Miss Blanche Stawicki, daughter medical director of Hudson's extens-iUce ""ri> Pultorek lived the po- ?G,000 from the state relief for the ive'systeni'o'f county ""chest clinics. I le»med that Tuesday afternoon to remain at nome in bed for nine mental music was given by school of Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Stawicki, He is director of the New Jersey Tu- he had been out for n while snd that days. pupils under the direction of Miss needs of the unemployed in Car- • • • • • ' h<> came in, packed his belongings in- teret, There are about 1,000 per- The accident happened in Convery Mnrion • • ,u i. i was decided to form a group to at- , p vu we un D u u vlle to a large suit case and left with it, i*-itenmd thMiec iiuutmiuuiinaugurationi «•at. .i«...ington ' sons who require aid in the borough, Stanislaw Chomicki, of 10 Somerset! S, . , "'" .°" . ' "»»»"•• apparently intending to leave town. boulevard in Perth Amboy. There I of ^imwiopenin^ m ^schoolsg number .wait "Amer- street, were married Sunday at 3 p. | Tuberculosis Association. He has I> 1 1> l had been a gathering o played by the school orchestra, on March 4. Those who enter into | The poor committee reported hav- . American delega-! " >° *««• »'d that he rarely . hathy'd sbee friendn a sgatherin at his ghom of eMr o.n McCnrFriday- the arrangement arc to register with ! jiff received a car load of flour which m, in the Holy Family CHtholic uns t0 of the Intel-nation-''" "nyonc, that h<' used to sit alone .li.hn (imlmanstadt played an accor- U being distributed. hurch. The ceremony was perform-)t'^ ">eet'"g night and when the party broke up Joseph Shutello. A plan is being Unjon at in his room tvfotr hour*. At meal time* lian solo. Jutia dyiire playe<l a L r. T-. it. i l. Vv - j I »i union /viruinn. i uuertuii)»i* nu ; * • •••--»- the coach took some of the guests worked out to finance the trip by The road committee reported that I'ed by Rev Father Joseph Dziados* ; ! h violin solo. The other members of by Rev. Father Joseph Dziadosi , Lond parf LBtlsanne, Brussels, >' never spoke to any of the other home in his car. He was on his way systematic saving. the roads of the borough generally in the orchestra besides those mention- the presence of a great many | Q^ and Wa^hington and wa9 ap_ roomers. home after leaving a manual training Plans were also made for a victory are in good condition;. Work on friends and relatives of the couple. , jnt , b Presiden~ '' l Coolidge to rep-1 ' v Among the mnn s belongings in ed are: Irene Fedlem and Irene dance to be held in the Nathan Hale Longfellow street which is to be im- The maid of honor was Miss Stella \^^ ^ *.
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