quinas A C s o a l Thomas Aquinas College Newsletter m l e o g h e T Spring 2014 C 1 al 7 if 19 Volume 42, Issue 2 ornia - Prayers and Gratitude Archbishop Gomez Blesses Plaques Honoring Dr. Dillon and Chapel’s Benefactors iving thanks to God “for Dr. Dillon of the major contributors to the Chapel’s Gand for all the kind and generous design and construction. They also single people who have built this school,” the out for special commendation Dr. Dillon, Most Rev. José H. Gomez, Archbishop the Chapel’s patron, and the Dan Murphy of Los Angeles, visited Thomas Aquinas Foundation, the principal benefactor for College on April 15. The day marked both the project. The Archbishop additionally a solemn occasion and a joyous one — the blessed a new Book of Gratitude, which fifth anniversary of the death of President is now displayed just inside the Chapel’s Thomas E. Dillon, and the blessing of two main doors, listing the name of every bronze plaques and a Book of Gratitude donor to the Chapel project — some that honor the benefactors of Our Lady of 3,200 in all. the Most Holy Trinity Chapel. His Excellency incensed the book and On April 15, 2009, Dr. Dillon was both plaques, ensconced in the loggia’s killed in an automobile accident while limestone north and south walls, then traveling in Ireland for an academic con- sprinkled them with holy water. In his ference on the College’s behalf. His tragic blessing, he noted that, “the College has death came less than six weeks after the the great benefit of a worthy temple in completion and dedication of the Cha- which to offer prayers to Your divine maj- pel, a project to which he gave himself bishop Gomez’s priest-secretary; and two Most Holy Trinity, she who is the daugh- esty, ‘a chapel that teaches,’ and teaches tirelessly for the last 13 years of his life. of the College’s chaplains, Rev. Joseph Illo ter of the Eternal Father, the mother of the one thing necessary for man’s salva- Fittingly, five years later, the community and Rev. Michael Chaberek, O.P. Vested the Eternal Word, and the Spouse of the tion: knowledge of God.” that Dr. Dillon so faithfully served came in violet for the Lenten season, the clergy Eternal Spirit. We thank you, O Father Following the blessing, President together, once again, to pray for the eter- processed into the Chapel with the Col- Almighty, for the gifts you lavishly bestow McLean thanked Archbishop Gomez nal repose of his soul and the consolation lege’s student acolytes, while the Thomas upon the members of this community and the Chapel’s benefactors, particularly of his family, as well as to honor the many Aquinas College Choir filled the building within these sacred walls, and beg you to Richard Grant, president of the Dan Mur- benefactors he inspired to fund the con- with sacred music from the Chapel’s choir bless them with further gifts as they pur- phy Foundation, “for the Foundation’s struction of the College’s glorious Domus loft. sue a genuinely Catholic education on magnificent generosity and leadership in Dei. “As you all know, [Dr. Dillon’s] mis- this venerable campus.” the design and construction of this cha- “My brothers and sisters in Christ, it is sion and dedication were a guiding force Immediately following the Mass, the pel.” Mr. Grant, in turn, remarked that a joy for me to celebrate this Holy Eucha- for this chapel and for this great school,” congregation reassembled in the Chapel’s even though his predecessor, Sir Daniel rist with you in this beautiful chapel this the Archbishop observed in his homily. loggia, where Archbishop Gomez blessed Donohue, “was oftentimes reluctant to morning,” said Archbishop Gomez, who “It is a great legacy he gave to the Church two new plaques that recognize the build- have his name on anything,” he would served as the principal celebrant and and to the Archdiocese of Los Angeles.” In ing’s major benefactors and those whom have been “absolutely overjoyed” about homilist. Joining His Excellency at the the prayers of the Faithful, His Excellency they chose to honor through their gifts. his name’s prominent placement on the altar were Msgr. Joseph Hernandez, the sought the intercession of the Chapel’s Designed by a graduate of the College new plaques. “This chapel was a great joy Vice Chancellor of the Archdiocese of patroness: “We entrust the College to the and Dr. Dillon’s son-in-law, Domiane to him as it came into fruition, and now it Los Angeles; Rev. Brian Castañeda, Arch- maternal intercession of Our Lady of the Forte (’00), the plaques contain names is the focal point of this campus.” Honoring the Educator by Aiding His Students College Launches Thomas E. Dillon Memorial Scholarship Fund n the fifth anniversary of the ment to classical liberal education and its pledged an additional $125,000, and Odeath of Dr. Thomas E. Dillon, discipleship to St. Thomas. All the while, individuals some $50,000, bringing the Thomas Aquinas College President his uppermost priority was to preserve Fund’s current balance to $525,000. Michael F. McLean announced the cre- Thomas Aquinas College’s fidelity to the The Thomas E. Dillon Memorial ation of a new scholarship fund, named Magisterium of the Catholic Church. Scholarship Fund is an annual fund des- in memory of the College’s late president. Surrounded by many of Dr. Dillon’s ignated for immediate assistance to wor- The Thomas E. Dillon Memorial Schol- family and dearest friends, Dr. McLean thy students. The first $1 million raised arship Fund will support the 78 percent announced the new fund at the blessing in this fiscal year will cover the College’s of Thomas Aquinas College students ceremony for the plaques honoring the remaining financial aid costs for the who require financial assistance in order major benefactors of Our Lady of the 2013-14 academic year, with any surplus to afford a genuinely Catholic liberal Most Holy Trinity Chapel. (See story, funds directed into an endowment in education. above.) “Everything Tom did for the Col- Dr. Dillon’s name. “Our hope is that the A former student of Founding Presi- lege was for the sake of our students: to Tom Dillon Fund will provide not only dent Ronald P. McArthur, Dr. Dillon first provide them with an education for the for our current students, but also help came to Thomas Aquinas College as a mind and the soul,” said Dr. McLean. to secure the College’s future,” explains member of the teaching faculty in 1972, “We can think of no more fitting way to Dr. McLean. one year after its founding. From 1976 to honor him than to ensure that our present Noting that there is little time left 1981, he served as assistant dean for stu- and future students can benefit from that to raise the remaining $475,000 before dent affairs, and then as academic dean including the library, the laboratory build- same education.” the end of the College’s fiscal year on from 1981 until his first appointment as ing, five residence halls, the faculty and Among those present at the ceremony June 30, Dr. McLean respectfully asks president in 1991. administration building, and Our Lady was Richard Grant, a good friend of Dr. friends to contribute generously, and Over the course of his 18-year tenure, of the Most Holy Trinity Chapel. He also Dillon and president of the Dan Murphy soon. Donations can be sent to Thomas Dr. Dillon labored to secure the College’s worked to strengthen the faculty, and with Foundation, which has made an extraor- Aquinas College, 10,000 Ojai Rd., Santa financial well-being, raising some $100 his fellow tutors refined the academic pro- dinary lead gift of $350,000 to inaugu- Paula, CA 93060, or made online at million and building nine new structures, gram, reaffirming the College’s commit- rate the Fund. Other foundations have thomasaquinas.edu/dillonfund. From the Desk of the President The Sacraments: Magnificent Gifts of God Note: Dr. Michael F. McLean delivered the following remarks His gaze away from them and not holding them against at a Legatus-Aquinas Forum, held on campus on March 22, us. As he says in his Commentary on Galatians, “sin is 2014. indeed always in us, and the godly do feel it, but it is cov- ered, and is not imputed unto us of God for Christ’s sake.” atholic liberal education is best characterized as This is not the teaching of St. Thomas or the teach- Cfaith seeking understanding. Both the teacher and ing of the Catholic Church. While faith alone might begin learner believe the fullness of the Christian message and the process of justification, more is required: “If I have all desire to understand it more perfectly — to see, as much faith so as to remove mountains,” says St. Paul, “but have as is possible, what is first believed. not love, I am nothing.” God is love, and to be completely At Thomas Aquinas College we pursue this under- justified we must have God within us. standing guided by our patron, St. Thomas Aquinas, as For Catholics, sacraments are not merely signs of has been encouraged by the Church for many centuries, grace. As St. Thomas says, “our sacraments bothcontain up to and including the recent pontificates of John Paul and cause grace” (A.4, ad. 2). Sacraments really cause the II and Benedict XVI.
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