Nueces County General Nueces County, Texas Official Results Election Registered Voters Nueces County, General Election 128098 of 212048 = 60.41% November 3, 2020 General Election Precincts Reporting 0 of 127 = 0.00% 11/3/2020 Run Time 2:38 PM Run Date 11/17/2020 Page 1 President and Vice President - Vote for None or One Choice Party Absentee Voting Early Voting Election Day Voting Total Donald J. Trump/Michael R. Pence REP 5,006 31.54% 50,822 53.26% 8,789 54.83% 64,617 50.75% Joseph R. Biden/Kamala D. Harris DEM 10,728 67.59% 43,352 45.43% 6,845 42.70% 60,925 47.85% Jo Jorgensen/Jeremy "Spike" Cohen LIB 114 0.72% 988 1.04% 302 1.88% 1,404 1.10% Howie Hawkins/Angela Walker GRN 17 0.11% 258 0.27% 93 0.58% 368 0.29% Brian Carroll/Amar Patel (W) 6 0.04% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 6 0.00% Gloria La Riva/Leonard Peltier (W) 1 0.01% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 1 0.00% Tom Hoefling/Andy Prior (W) 1 0.01% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 1 0.00% Cast Votes: 15,873 100.00% 95,420 100.00% 16,029 100.00% 127,322 100.00% Undervotes: 133 512 120 765 Overvotes: 11 0 0 11 United States Senator - Vote for None or One Choice Party Absentee Voting Early Voting Election Day Voting Total John Cornyn REP 5,429 34.73% 50,845 54.03% 8,284 53.18% 64,558 51.52% Mary "MJ" Hegar DEM 9,991 63.91% 40,745 43.30% 6,444 41.37% 57,180 45.63% Kerry Douglas McKennon LIB 155 0.99% 1,802 1.91% 607 3.90% 2,564 2.05% David B. Collins GRN 47 0.30% 709 0.75% 241 1.55% 997 0.80% Ricardo Turullols-Bonilla (W) 10 0.06% 5 0.01% 0 0.00% 15 0.01% Cast Votes: 15,632 100.00% 94,106 100.00% 15,576 100.00% 125,314 100.00% Undervotes: 385 1,826 573 2,784 Overvotes: 0 0 0 0 United States Representative, District 27 - Vote for None or One Choice Party Absentee Voting Early Voting Election Day Voting Total Michael Cloud REP 5,400 35.63% 51,874 55.34% 8,101 52.33% 65,375 52.56% Ricardo "Rick" De La Fuente DEM 9,516 62.78% 39,842 42.51% 6,746 43.58% 56,104 45.11% Phil Gray LIB 241 1.59% 2,018 2.15% 633 4.09% 2,892 2.33% Cast Votes: 15,157 100.00% 93,734 100.00% 15,480 100.00% 124,371 100.00% Undervotes: 856 2,198 669 3,723 Overvotes: 4 0 0 4 Nueces County General Nueces County, Texas Official Results Election Registered Voters Nueces County, General Election 128098 of 212048 = 60.41% November 3, 2020 General Election Precincts Reporting 0 of 127 = 0.00% 11/3/2020 Run Time 2:38 PM Run Date 11/17/2020 Page 2 Railroad Commissioner - Vote for None or One Choice Party Absentee Voting Early Voting Election Day Voting Total James "Jim" Wright REP 4,960 32.95% 48,961 52.76% 7,920 51.79% 61,841 50.21% Chrysta Castañeda DEM 9,764 64.87% 40,535 43.68% 6,456 42.22% 56,755 46.08% Matt Sterett LIB 194 1.29% 2,029 2.19% 554 3.62% 2,777 2.25% Katija "Kat" Gruene GRN 134 0.89% 1,283 1.38% 363 2.37% 1,780 1.45% Cast Votes: 15,052 100.00% 92,808 100.00% 15,293 100.00% 123,153 100.00% Undervotes: 963 3,124 856 4,943 Overvotes: 2 0 0 2 Chief Justice, Supreme Court - Vote for None or One Choice Party Absentee Voting Early Voting Election Day Voting Total Nathan Hecht REP 4,940 32.75% 48,923 52.65% 7,707 50.34% 61,570 49.93% Amy Clark Meachum DEM 9,951 65.97% 41,593 44.76% 6,823 44.57% 58,367 47.33% Mark Ash LIB 193 1.28% 2,403 2.59% 780 5.09% 3,376 2.74% Cast Votes: 15,084 100.00% 92,919 100.00% 15,310 100.00% 123,313 100.00% Undervotes: 933 3,013 839 4,785 Overvotes: 0 0 0 0 Justice, Supreme Court, Place 6 - Unexpired Term - Vote for None or One Choice Party Absentee Voting Early Voting Election Day Voting Total Jane Bland REP 5,072 34.18% 51,124 55.25% 8,306 54.61% 64,502 52.62% Kathy Cheng DEM 9,769 65.82% 41,410 44.75% 6,903 45.39% 58,082 47.38% Cast Votes: 14,841 100.00% 92,534 100.00% 15,209 100.00% 122,584 100.00% Undervotes: 1,175 3,398 940 5,513 Overvotes: 1 0 0 1 Justice, Supreme Court, Place 7 - Vote for None or One Choice Party Absentee Voting Early Voting Election Day Voting Total Jeff Boyd REP 4,853 32.69% 49,430 53.44% 7,897 51.93% 62,180 50.74% Staci Williams DEM 9,787 65.93% 40,869 44.19% 6,564 43.16% 57,220 46.69% William Bryan Strange III LIB 204 1.37% 2,196 2.37% 746 4.91% 3,146 2.57% Cast Votes: 14,844 100.00% 92,495 100.00% 15,207 100.00% 122,546 100.00% Undervotes: 1,172 3,437 942 5,551 Overvotes: 1 0 0 1 Nueces County General Nueces County, Texas Official Results Election Registered Voters Nueces County, General Election 128098 of 212048 = 60.41% November 3, 2020 General Election Precincts Reporting 0 of 127 = 0.00% 11/3/2020 Run Time 2:38 PM Run Date 11/17/2020 Page 3 Justice, Supreme Court, Place 8 - Vote for None or One Choice Party Absentee Voting Early Voting Election Day Voting Total Brett Busby REP 4,899 33.03% 49,018 53.16% 7,742 51.09% 61,659 50.46% Gisela D. Triana DEM 9,705 65.43% 40,976 44.44% 6,712 44.29% 57,393 46.97% Tom Oxford LIB 228 1.54% 2,211 2.40% 700 4.62% 3,139 2.57% Cast Votes: 14,832 100.00% 92,205 100.00% 15,154 100.00% 122,191 100.00% Undervotes: 1,185 3,727 995 5,907 Overvotes: 0 0 0 0 Judge, Court of Criminal Appeals, Place 3 - Vote for None or One Choice Party Absentee Voting Early Voting Election Day Voting Total Bert Richardson REP 4,879 33.24% 50,166 54.42% 8,108 53.54% 63,153 51.76% Elizabeth Davis Frizell DEM 9,800 66.76% 42,018 45.58% 7,037 46.46% 58,855 48.24% Cast Votes: 14,679 100.00% 92,184 100.00% 15,145 100.00% 122,008 100.00% Undervotes: 1,338 3,748 1,004 6,090 Overvotes: 0 0 0 0 Judge, Court of Criminal Appeals, Place 4 - Vote for None or One Choice Party Absentee Voting Early Voting Election Day Voting Total Kevin Patrick Yeary REP 4,956 33.67% 50,695 55.12% 8,296 55.16% 63,947 52.53% Tina Clinton DEM 9,762 66.33% 41,272 44.88% 6,744 44.84% 57,778 47.47% Cast Votes: 14,718 100.00% 91,967 100.00% 15,040 100.00% 121,725 100.00% Undervotes: 1,298 3,965 1,109 6,372 Overvotes: 1 0 0 1 Judge, Court of Criminal Appeals, Place 9 - Vote for None or One Choice Party Absentee Voting Early Voting Election Day Voting Total David Newell REP 4,931 33.87% 50,958 55.59% 8,310 55.40% 64,199 52.96% Brandon Birmingham DEM 9,626 66.13% 40,703 44.41% 6,691 44.60% 57,020 47.04% Cast Votes: 14,557 100.00% 91,661 100.00% 15,001 100.00% 121,219 100.00% Undervotes: 1,459 4,271 1,148 6,878 Overvotes: 1 0 0 1 Nueces County General Nueces County, Texas Official Results Election Registered Voters Nueces County, General Election 128098 of 212048 = 60.41% November 3, 2020 General Election Precincts Reporting 0 of 127 = 0.00% 11/3/2020 Run Time 2:38 PM Run Date 11/17/2020 Page 4 State Senator, District 18 - Vote for None or One Choice Party Absentee Voting Early Voting Election Day Voting Total Lois W. Kolkhorst REP 94 45.63% 1,370 74.66% 187 78.90% 1,651 72.48% Michael Antalan DEM 112 54.37% 465 25.34% 50 21.10% 627 27.52% Cast Votes: 206 100.00% 1,835 100.00% 237 100.00% 2,278 100.00% Undervotes: 33 69 10 112 Overvotes: 0 0 0 0 State Senator, District 20 - Vote for None or One Choice Party Absentee Voting Early Voting Election Day Voting Total Judy Cutright REP 4,366 29.57% 46,309 50.61% 7,301 48.38% 57,976 47.78% Juan "Chuy" Hinojosa DEM 10,401 70.43% 45,186 49.39% 7,789 51.62% 63,376 52.22% Cast Votes: 14,767 100.00% 91,495 100.00% 15,090 100.00% 121,352 100.00% Undervotes: 1,007 2,533 812 4,352 Overvotes: 4 0 0 4 State Representative, District 32 - Vote for None or One Choice Party Absentee Voting Early Voting Election Day Voting Total Todd Hunter REP 4,087 50.22% 33,533 62.73% 4,737 61.59% 42,357 61.14% Eric Holguin DEM 4,052 49.78% 19,919 37.27% 2,954 38.41% 26,925 38.86% Cast Votes: 8,139 100.00% 53,452 100.00% 7,691 100.00% 69,282 100.00% Undervotes: 563 1,059 345 1,967 Overvotes: 1 0 0 1 State Representative, District 34 - Vote for None or One Choice Party Absentee Voting Early Voting Election Day Voting Total James Hernandez REP 1,481 21.43% 17,572 43.57% 3,231 41.63% 22,284 40.51% Abel Herrero DEM 5,430 78.57% 22,759 56.43% 4,531 58.37% 32,720 59.49% Cast Votes: 6,911 100.00% 40,331 100.00% 7,762 100.00% 55,004 100.00% Undervotes: 402 1,090 351 1,843 Overvotes: 1 0 0 1 Nueces County General Nueces County, Texas Official Results Election Registered Voters Nueces County, General Election 128098 of 212048 = 60.41% November 3, 2020 General Election Precincts Reporting 0 of 127 = 0.00% 11/3/2020 Run Time 2:38 PM Run Date 11/17/2020 Page 5 Justice, 13th Court of Appeals District, Place 4 - Vote for None or One Choice Party Absentee Voting Early Voting Election Day Voting Total Jaime Tijerina REP 4,778 33.40% 50,757 55.27% 8,322 55.35% 63,857 52.70% Migdalia Lopez DEM 9,529 66.60% 41,081 44.73% 6,713 44.65% 57,323 47.30% Cast Votes: 14,307 100.00% 91,838 100.00% 15,035 100.00% 121,180 100.00% Undervotes: 1,707 4,094 1,114 6,915 Overvotes: 3 0 0 3 Justice, 13th Court of Appeals District, Place 6 - Vote for None or One Choice Party Absentee Voting Early Voting Election Day Voting Total Clarissa Silva REP 4,725 33.10% 51,391 56.09% 8,551 57.05% 64,667 53.49% Nereida Lopez-Singleterry DEM 9,552 66.90% 40,231 43.91% 6,437 42.95% 56,220 46.51% Cast Votes: 14,277 100.00% 91,622 100.00% 14,988 100.00% 120,887 100.00% Undervotes: 1,737 4,310 1,161 7,208 Overvotes: 3 0 0 3 District Judge, 214th Judicial District - Vote for None or One Choice Party Absentee Voting Early Voting Election Day Voting Total Inna Klein REP 7,501 100.00% 68,212 100.00% 11,866 100.00% 87,579 100.00% Cast Votes: 7,501 100.00% 68,212 100.00% 11,866 100.00% 87,579 100.00% Undervotes: 8,516 27,720 4,283 40,519 Overvotes: 0 0 0 0 District Judge, 28th Judicial District - Vote for None or One Choice Party Absentee Voting Early Voting Election Day Voting Total Greg Perkes REP 4,053 27.49% 45,610 49.36% 7,425 49.24% 57,088 46.71% Nanette Hasette
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