Index of 2017 Newsletters

Index of 2017 Newsletters

Ever Upwards Index 2017 Abbreviations: p = photograph, obit = obituary Index to Departments Day P—N48p DeHart RL—N6p/obit ACF E-News—January DeJohn C—N37p Aerospace Physiology Society—N54 de Rooy D—N53 Association News—N1, N5, N10, N14, N18, N21, N28, N46, Dervay J—N47p N61, N64 DeWeese R—N35p Corporate News Bites—N4, N9, N13, N20, N27, N44, N59, Dibiase C—N25, N67 (news N63, N67, N69, N73 bite) In Memoriam—N1, N2, N6, N10, N18, N58, N68 Dillinger T—N25, N30p, N55, N56p Life Sciences and Biomedical Engineering Branch News— Dillenkoffer RL—N71obit N55 Dodson W—N25 Meetings Calendar—N2, N7, N11, N17, N20, N27, N44, Draeger J—N68obit N60, N66, N70 Eidson MC—N40p New Members—N1, N5, N10, N15, N18, N26, N43, N58, Evans A—N30p N62, N66, N68, N71 Faaborg T—N55p News of Corporate Members—N3, N8, N12, N16, N19, Fang X—N63 N26, N43, N59, N63, N67, N69, N72 Fer DM—N53 News of Members—N5, N15, N61, N71 Filler R—N53 Obituary Listing—N2, N7, N11, N66, N68, N71 Flatau P—N58 Society of U.S. Air Force Flight Surgeons News—N58 Fong K—N49p Space Medicine Association News—N53, N54 Fonne V—N30p, N36p U.S. Army Aviation Medicine Association—N57 Forster E—N28p Fraser JR—N36, N37p Friedman E—N53 Index to Names Frieling M—N33p, N53p, N54p Garbino A—N42p, N54p Allnut RA—N35p Gaydos S—N57p Alvarado LV—N2obit Gerzer R—N54 Anderson BG—N58 Gradwell C—N47p Anderson G—N39p Gradwell DP—N29p, N30p, N31p, N32p, N33p, N34p, Antuñano M—N1, N38p N35p, N36p, N37p, N38p, N39p, N40p, N41p, N42p, Anzalone F—N18 N46p, N47p, N48p, N49p, N50p, N52p Barratt M—N25, N49p, N61 Gradwell R—N47p Barson J—N57p Guenzel T—N69 Beers K—N68obit/p Guyton S—N52p Berry MA—N5p, N49p Guzman A—N69 (news bite) Blue R—N65p Haas C—N53 Bonato F—N61p Hadbavny E—N6p/obit Bopp G—N40p Hall SA—N53 Borgie RC—N23p, N30p Harclerode Z—N70 Boudreau E—N65 Hark WH—N18p/obit Boyd D—N57p Harvey JR—N21p Brandt K—N25 Hayes J—N25 Broadwell K—N49p Hill R—N19 Bryant A—N66obit Hinkelbein J—N18 Carter G—N48p Hodkinson PD—N24p Chandra A—N53 Holland D—N55, N56p, N71 Charles JB—N22p Hudson M—N30p Choisser DC—N58obit Ivan D—N41p Chumbley EM—N58 Jacobs S—N56p Cohn JV—N56p Jarrett A—N44 Collier M—N57p Johnston SL—N65p Coppini M—N54p Kildall S—N48p Crowley J—N57p Kipp R—N52p Curry I—N25 Klingenberger JK—N24p, N34p Damann V—N30p Kutz C—N49p Davis D—N34p Lapelusa M—N49p Davis J—N53 Laurent B—N31p, N49p Davis W—N55p Lee K—N52p Lee P—N65 Salisbury D—N30p Leino T—N5 Santambrogio J—N55p Leland D—N35p Scarpa PJ—N29, N30p Lestage DB—N29p Schiemer A—N14p, N49p Lowry C—N25p Schroeder D—N30p, N32p MacDonald V—N49p Scheuring R—N33p Mapes P—N15p Self B—N56p, N57p Marotte H—N37p Sides M—N65p Marshall-Goebel K—N1p Siedenburg J—N30p Martindale V—N46p, N47p Silberman W—N25p, N30p, N40p Massa T—N55p Singh J—N30p Masterova K—N54p Sirek A—N65p Mathers C—N25, N54p Smyrski JA—N24p, N25, N37p, N57p McBride W—N58 Snyder Q—N30p McIntire L—N56p Souvestre PA—N21p McLoughlin D—N31p Stumpf J—N58 Monberg R—N21p Suffredini JM—N53p Moungsiharat P—N58 Suresh R—N14p, N49p Myers J—N53p Sutton J—N54p Nunneley S—N48p Sventek J—N32p, N42p, N47p, N50p, N65 Nusbaum DM—N41p Taddeo T—N53p Oh T—N57p omson D—N25 Ong K—N52 Tilton F—N30p Oord D—N67 (news bite) Trigg R—N48p Organ B—N53 Tripp L—N65 Owolabi MA—N61p Trumbo RB—N10p/obit Pace P—N63 Vanderploeg J—N25p Pavela JH—N14p Vargas G—N48p Polk JD—N25 Vermerien R—N25, N30p, N46p Powell DMC—N22p Veronneau S—N31p Powell-Dunford N—N57p Walgren HN—N11obit Rausch M—N52p Walker SC—N53 Rayman R—N30p, N35p Wallace JM—N7p/obit Redha W—N53 Webster N—N61 Ricaurte E—N39p, N40p Weien R—N57p Rios Tejada F—N32, N33p Westphall J—N24, N25p Roedig E—N31p White DJ—N1p/obit Roden SK—N23p Wolbrink A—N52p Rodriguez-Jimenez W—N54p Yamane GK—N2obit Salazar GJ—N38p York R—N42p, N58 Salicrup C—N30p, N38p Young PA—N58 Index to Subjects Passing the gavel—N46p Past President's gis and pin—N47p Aerospace Medical Association News Past President’s song—N48p 2016 Annual Scientific Meeting President's citation—N42p Fellows 2017—N25p Raymond F. Longacre Award—N36p Fiy-year pins—N48p Sidney D. Leverett, Jr. Environmental Science Honors Night Award—N35p Arnold D. Tuttle Award—N40p eodore C. Lyster Award—N36, N37p Boothby-Edwards Award—N29, N30p omas J. & Margaret D. Tredici Award—N41p Eric Liljencrantz Award—N35p Walter & Sylvia Goldenrath Award—N32p Harry G. Moseley Award—N38p Won Chuel Kay Award—N32, N33p Joe Kerwin Award—N33p Plenary Lectures John Ernsting Award—N31p Eugen Reinartz Lecture—N49p John A. Tamisiea Award—N40p Harry G. Armstrong Lecture—N49p John C. Adams Award—N29p Louis H. Bauer Lecture—N49p John Paul Stapp Award—N39p RAM Bowl—N52p Julian E. Ward Award—N42p Speed mentoring—N52p Kent K. Gillingham Award—N31p Trumbo 5K Run-Walk—N10, N52p Louis H. Bauer Founders Award—N28p Anita Mantri scholarship winner—N14p, N49p Marie Marvingt Award—N37p Annual Business Meeting minutes—N50 Mary T. Klinker Award—N34p Anzalone & Hinkelbein interviewed—N18s Announces multiple Asian contracts (news bite)—N12 AsMA elected officers—N46p Announces three chamber projects—N3 AsMA Staff—N48p Awarded multiple ADMS contracts—N59 Barratt quoted in Bloomberg—N61 Contracted to deliver ADMS training systems—N43 Bellagio II wrap-up—N65p Essex Industries Bonato named provost—N61p New trailer introduced (news bite)—N4 Constituent Organization Presidents—N21 Partners with Tulmar Safety Systems—N12 Fellows scholarship winner—N1p Receives Boeing excellence award (news bite)—N20 Hilton Anatole: art, history, & science in one—N64p To attend Arab Health 2017 (news bite)—N9 Jeffrey R. Davis scholarships—N14p, N49p Flying Feet Mapes quoted in article—N15p Newest AsMA corporate member—N72 Mohler scholarship winner—N49p Human Solutions New award & changes to award rules—N1 Demonstrates 3D body scanning—N69 Owolabi gives guest lecture—N61p Gains new customer in China (news bite)—N44 Webster publishes article on NTSB—N61 Is newest corporate member—N26 Aerospace Human Factors Association (AsHFA) Manikin focus of RAMSIS User Conference (news bite)— Souvestre is incoming President—N21p N67 Aerospace Medicine Student & Resident Org. (AMSRO) Presents first VR room for collection coordination—N72 Scholarship winner—N14p Inomedic, Inc. Aerospace Nursing Society Employees inducted into Space Worker Hall of Fame Klingenberger continues as President—N24p (news bite)—N67 Aerospace Physiology Society (AsPS) Internatl. Assoc. of Military Flight Surgeon Pilots (IAMFSP) Harvey is President—N21p Monberg becomes President—N21p Hitchcock Award—N55p Internatl. Congress of Aviation & Space Medicine (ICASM) Partnership in Education—N55p Scholarships to 2017 ICASM offered—N2, N7, N11, N16 Paul Bert Award—N55p Internatl. Federation of Airline Pilots Assocs. (IFALPA) Wiley Post Award—N54p Invited to participate at AVSEC2017 (news bite)—N69 Air Canada Rejoins AsMA as Corporate Member (news bite)—N59 Appoints new CCO (news bite)—N4 Releases safety bulletin regarding airport work (news Airline Medical Directors Association (AMDA) bite)—N73 Powell installed as President—N22p KBRwyle Air Line Pilots Association (ALPA) Acquires Sigma Bravo Pty Ltd (news bite)—N69 Charts future safety initiatives—N4 Awarded seat on NOAA program—N59 Issues statement commending DoT (news bite)—N73 Providing astronaut medical services for ESA—N72 Issues statement on medical certification (news bite)—N9 Providing base operating support to U.S. Navy—N44 Aircra Owners and Pilots Association (AOPA) Wins contract to support Navy—N67 Announces 2017 Flight Training Awards—N70 Konan Medical Announces scholarship application period—N16 Attains CE mark for EvokeDx (news bite)—N69 Attends GA Engine Summit (news bite)—N67 Life Sciences and Biomedical Engineering Branch (LSBEB) Debuts new app—N59 Hasbrook Award—N55, N56p Launches 2017 flight training survey—N26 Hodkinson is President—N24p Promotes aviation careers—N20 McFarland Student Award—N57p Signatory on letter to Congress about drones—N43 Professional Excellence Award—N55, N56p American Society of Aerospace Medicine (ASAMS) R&D Innovation Award—N56p Westphall becomes President—N24, N25p Mayo Clinic Armed Forces Benefit Association (AFBA) Discovers new prostate cancer biomarkers—N63 Board member receives Soldier-Citizen Award (news Donates stem cells to space launch—N13 bite)—N63 Florida campus is National Pancreas Foundation Celebrating 70th anniversary (news bite)—N59 Center—N27 Chosen by NGAC to provide life insurance (news bite)— Enrolls first patient into medication study—N8 N27 Finds immune response may predict survival—N69 Partners with American Equity to transition group Paramedic honored—N44 insurance (news bite)—N73 Recognized for environmental stewardship—N19 Army Aviation Medicine Association Revamps medical school—N59 Smyrski continues as President—N24p Schools ranked with best graduate schools—N16 Berry becomes new Federal Air Surgeon—N5p Studies age in neurosurgeons—N72 David Clark Co. Teams with NDSC to develop app—N67 Selected as a ‘Best of the Best’ (news bite)—N63 Monash University Environics To offer diploma in aviation medicine—N43 Announces Model 4000 expanded capabilities (news Natl. Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) bite)—N20 Appoints new division director—N19 Environmental Tectonics Corporation (ETC) Highlights 10 years of research—N63 Announces contract from European auto maker—N72 Introduces improved heat safety app—N43 New center to monitor risks & benefits of robot Awarded ‘Favorite Airline in Africa’—N60 workers—N70 Extends TotalCare service—N3 Presents hearing loss prevention award—N12 Relaunches website—N16 Presents innovation awards to mining companies—N73 Retains IEnvA status—N12 Releases ambulance crash test methods—N25 Rewarded for commitment to excellence—N69 Releases mining safety web tool—N16 Supports Toyota racing team—N8 Releases soware to monitor emergency responder Wins Air Cargo News award—N27 health—N67 Wins World Airline Award—N44 Releases youth safety curriculum—N3 Space Medicine Association (SMA) Renews partnership with OSHA & National STEPS (news Annual awards 2017 bite)—N9 Davis Scholarship—N54p Reports on safe administration of liquid AD—N59 Journal Award—N54p Neuro Kinetics, Inc.

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