1982 OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. (SLATER'S Bury' Co-operative Manufacturing Cb. Ltd. Haugh Cotton Spinning & Manufacturing Co Park Road Spinning Co. Ltd. Dukinfteld Wellington mills, Elton, Bury Ltd. Newhey, near Rochdale Parkside Spinning Uo. Ltd. Royton Bury Cotton Spinning and Manufacturing Co. Ha.worth Richard & Oo. Ltd. Egerton, Tatton Patrrson F. G. & Co. 13 St. Ann l't Ltd. Barnbrook mills, Bury Ordsal 1.< Tbrostle Nest mtlls, Ordsal, Salforcl Pearl Mill Co. Ltd. Glodwick, Oldham Busk Mills Co. Ltd. Busk mills; Blli!k, Oldham Heginbottom B. & Sons, Ltd. Junction milLs, Peel Ro:5er & Jame& Henry, Frceto>vn and Butterworth Alfred, Glebe mills, Holllnwood Ashton-unrler-Lyne Hope mills, Bury ButlA'rworth Edwin & Co. Pollard st Hey Spinning Oo. Ltd. Sun Hill mill, Hey, Peel Spinning and Manufacturing Co. Ltd. Byrom J. R. (Joseph Byrom & Sons), Royal, Lee~, near Oldham Chamber hall, Bury A.l bion and Victoria. mills, Droylsden Hirst R.& Sons. Firth Street mills, Huddera field Peers Robert, Brookllmouth mill, Elton, Bury Bythell J. K. Sedgley park, Prestwich Hobson T. A. S. 26 Corpoi"!ltion st Phillips Frederick, 96 Deansgate Campbell H. E ..Manche3ler Hollinwood Spinning Co. Ltd. Hollinwood, Pick up J ames & Brother, Ltd. Spring and Isle Canal Mills Co. (Ciayton-le-Moors), Ltd. Clay- near Oldham of Man mills, Newcb.urch ton-le-Moors Holly Mill Co. Ltd. Royton Pine Mill Co. Ltd. North Moor, Oldham Carver Brothers & Co. Ltd. 30 St. Ann st Honeywell Cotton Spinning Oo. Ltd. Ashton Platt Bros. & Co. LW. Oldllam Castle Spinning Co. Ltd. Quay st. Stalybridge rd. Oldham Platt Ed. Ld. Clough mill~, Hayfield) near Central Mill Co. Ltd. Wood~tock ~t. Oldbam Horrockse<J, Crewdson & Co. Ltd. Preston; and Stock port •Ohadderton Mill Co. Ltd. Oldham Moses Gate 0 Portwood Spinning Co. Ltd. Stockport Chad wick Jas. & Bro. Ltd. Eagley Mills, Bolton Hoyle Joshua & Son~, Ltd. India, Plantation Prince or Wales Spinning Co. Ltd. Rlpponden ChriBty W. M. & Sons, Ltd. FairfielO., Droylsden and Beech mill!!, Bacup and at Shawforth rd. Olrlham , Churchill W. W. ( Purshotam, Vishrnm & Oo.), Hugbes, A udley & Co. 10 Corporation st Reis & Oo. Oxford Streer. mill~, Salford 2 Marsden st. Manch,8ter Hutchinson J. II. & Co. Orleans house, EJ.- Reyner Frederick, Albion mills, A.shton- Ciel('l:( E. & Son, Ltd. Shore mills,Littleborough mund st. Liverpool nnder-Lyne Clegg John, Sandy Lane mill;;, Shaw Ireland 0. W. & Co. 10 and 12 Hopwood aven RhodeH G. Wood, Mer.;ey mills. Hollin;l'worth Oleg~ S. L. 12 Tith£:1Jarn st. Liverpool "lrwell Bank Spinning Co. Stoneclough, Ma.n- Ridgefield Cotton Spinning Co. Ltd. Ridge­ Clough Cotton Spinning Co, Ltd. Springhead, chester . fipJrl mill, Failsworth Lees, near Oldlla.m Isherwoort T. & Co. Ltd. Railway Street mills, Rig by Charles, 15 Cross st Coldhurst Cotton Spinning Co. Ltd. Rochdale Heywooa Ripponden Commercial Co. Ltd. Ripponden, rd. Oldham Jones William C. Ltd. 6 Appleton st near Halifax Collinfle, Lancaster & Co. Ltd. Burnley and 37 Junction Spinning Co. Ltd. Middleton Junc- River & Tower mills, Dukinfield Dickinson ~;t tion, Oldham Roach Mill Spinning & Manufacturing Co. Commercial Mills Spinning Co. Ltd. Falcon st. Kay Richard & Brother, Ltd. Heywood Ltd. Heywood Ash ton rcl. Oldltam OKenyon James & Son, Roach Bank mills, Bury Rochdale Co-operative ~Ianuractnring Society, Coomer John (J. Tattersall & Sons), Victoria & Kershaw,Leese & Oo.Ltd.lndia milLs,Stockport Ltd. Mitchell Hey mills. Hochdal e Gregge StrPet mills. Heywood and Pittfield King Spinning Co_ Ltd. Royton, near Oldham lWchdale Cotton Spinning Co. Ltd. Vavasour mill~, Bamford, Rochdale Knowles Arthur, Xewtown mill, Pendlebt;ry st, Rocbdale Cotton Buying Co. Ltd. Bank st. Manchester; Kummer Charles, C'ross st Rostron Noah, Sun mills, Rarlcliffe The Alba.ny, Liverpool & Yorkshire st. Langworthy Brotbers & Co. Ltd. Greengate, Rowan & Glover, 7 Cheapside, ~ln.uchester Oldham Salforri Royal Mills Co. Ltd. Featherstall ru. North, Orawford Spinning Co. Ltd. Crawford st. 0 Larrinaga & Co. Liverpool Old ham Ruchdale Lees Brook Spinniug Co. Ltd. Lees, nr. Old ham Royton Spinning Co. Ltd. High Barn st. Crornpton A. & A.. & Co. Ltd. Park and Wood- Lees Brothers, Ltd. A.lbcrt milLs, Hollinwood, Royton end mill~, Shaw, near Oldham , Oldham Ruby Mill Co. Ltd. Watersl!edtlingl', Oldhsm Crook Peter, Ltd. Robin Hood mills, Lever st. Lees Union Mill Co. Ltd. Union milli!, L•-"tl.l, RylllJlds & Sons, Ltd. New High st. anJ at Bolton I mmr Oltlham Wigan Crook Tbomas, 8 Exchange st 1 Leigh Artlmr & Brother, 12 lla.nk st Schofield J. K. & Co. Ltd. Springfield mill, Dawn Mill ('o. Ltd. Shaw Leigh T'. & J. Stockport Bllry Dean John, Eanam Bridge mill, B:ackburn Lilly John & Sons, 28 Oxford Et Schofield G. A.. Westtleld, Greenfielcl. Oldham Derby Street Spinning Co. LW. Bolton Lime Mill Cu. Ltd. f,ime mill, Victor st. Hol· Shaw Spinning Co. Ltd. Milnrow rd. Shaw, Dews P. 3 Victoria 8t linwood, near Oldbam near Oldham Donnell Josepb, Pad: hill, Disley, Cheshire Lion Spinning Co. Ltd. Royton Shepherd James, Holmes miJ;s, Bacnp Dowry Spinning Co. Ltd. Waterhead, Oldham Liviugston F. & Co. Booth Street milLs, Shiloh Spinning Co. LW. Ruyton DuchPss Spinning Co. Ltd. Shaw, nr. Oldham Gorton Simpson & Godlee, Dean!'! mill, Swinton Duke Spinning Co. Ltd. Shaw, near Old ham Longworth S. & Sons, Wballey, nr. Blackburn Sinkinson J. & R. King Street mills. Oldha.m Eagle Spinning Co. Ltd. Lower pl. Rochdale Lowfield Spinning Co. (1900). Ltd. Milnrow Smallbrook Spinning Co. Ltd. Shaw, near Earl Mill Co. Ltd. Dowry st. Oldham Macara C. W. (H. B:.mnerman & Sons Ltd.), Old ham Earwaker Albert, 3 Cromford court 33 York st Rprrrth Spinning Co. Lid. Rochdale EdingtonG.T.(NeillBros.),7Mincing la.London •McClure Robert & Sons, Ltd. Stockport Spinner 1<'. Al bert sq Elm Spinning Co. Ltd. Sha.w, near Oldham ~:\{anchestcr Liners. Ltd. Manchester Spring-head Spinning Co. Ltd. Springhead, Emmott & WRlshaw, Ltcl. Vale, C!egg Marria~e & Pinuock, Ltd. Withneil mill, near Oldbam Street, Greaves Street, Albion, Di,mcmd Chorley Stahel Johan Rndolf, Newmarket pi '.Yallsbaw & German mills, Oldbarn Mayall A. T. 19 Victoria buildings, Hackim Stalybridge Cotton Mill Co. Lt•l. Stalybridge Empire Cotton Spinning Co. Ltd. Heyside, Hey, Liverpool Standard Spinning Co. Ltd. Rochdflle Oldham Mellodew Thos. & Co. Moorsiue mills, Oldham Stanley Spinning Co. Ltd. Lees, near Olrlha!71 Equitable Spinning Co. Ltd. Huddersfield rd. Mellor Robert, Royton Stansfield Edwin & Sons, Richmond mill, Oldham Mellor W. H. 28 De!Wsgate Hollinwood Fern rotton Spinning Co.Ltd. Shaw, nr.Oldhm Merrifield Ziegler & Co. Half Moon st Star Spinning Co. Ltd. Ro:rton '"Fielden Bros. Ltd. Waterside, Todmor<len Millgate & Facit Cotton Spinning, MllJlufac- Stewart Charles, Cotton Exclmnge buildings, Fine Cotton Spinners' & Doublers' A.ssocia turing and Mining Co. Ltd. Shawforth, near Liverpool tion Ltd. St. Jamlli!' sq Rochdale Stott A. & Sons, Os borne mills, Busk, o:dham Fitton Richard, Watersheddings mill, Oldham Milton Spinning Co. Ltd. Mossley, near Man- Stott James, Ltd. Coldhurst Hall mills, and Shawside mills, Shaw, near Oldbam chester Rochriale rd. Oldham Gaddnm & ro. Ltd. South 8t Moorfield Spinning Co. Ltd. Shaw, nr. Oldham Stott Robcrt, Alexandm, Acre, Paradise and Gartside & Co. (Manchester) Ltd. Wellington Moss Lane i:ipinning Co. Ltd. Springfield mill. Crabtree mill;t, Old ham mills, Ashton-under-Lyne Oldham Snmmervale Mill Co. Ltd. Manchester ~t, Gellcr C. 82 Beaver st. New York, U .S.A.. Mossley Spinning Oo. Ltd. Russel st. Mossley, Old barn •Gibraltar (1 he) Mill Co. Ltd. Gibraltar mills, near Manchester Sumner Frnncis & Co. Ltd. Wren Nest mills, Denton Moss Spinning Co. Ltd. Woodbtne st. Rochdale Glo~sop GlaristoneSpinningCo.Ltd. Firs mill,Failsworth Mutual Spinning Co. Ltd. Aspinall st.Heywood Swan Cotton Spinning Co. Ltd. Mlddleton Glodwick Cotton Spinning Co. Ltd. Glodwick Newchurch Spinning and Weaving Co. Ltd. Junction, Oldham mill, Oldham Victoria works, Cloughfold, nr. Rawtenstall Tatter.;all Cornelius, E office, Royal Exchange Gordon Spinning Co. Ltd. Hollinwood Newhey Spinning Co_ Ltd. :Milnrow, near Taylor Beaumout, 12 Bank ~t Granville Mill Co. Ltd. Derker, Oldham Rochdale Taylor G. B. Alexandra building~, Ormond st. Grape Mill Co. Ltd. Royton, Oldham New Ladyhonse Cotton Spinning Co. Ltd. Bil- Liverpool ; and Barton arcs tie Greaves James & Co. l3 Ridgefield son st. .Milnrow Taylor W. Oak mills, Shaw Greenacres CottJn Spilming Co, Ltd. llud- Newton Moor Cotton Spinning Co. Ltd. Vic- Textile Mill Co. Ltd. Chadderton, Oldham dersfield rd. Old ham toria and Albert mills, Hyde Junction, Duk- Thornham Spinning Co. Ltd. Royton Greenhalgh & Sbaw,Ltd. Halliwell mills, Bolton infield Tootal Broadburst Lee Co. Ltd. ~unnyside Green Lane Cotton Spinning Co. Ltd. Middle- New York lUll Co. Ltd. Heywood mills, Bolton; and at Newton Heath anti ton Junction, near Old ham Norman Mill Co. Ltd. Oldbam Atberton Grimshaw Lane Spinning Co. Ltd. Grirnshaw Nuttall T. & Sons Ltd. Oak mills, Farnworth Townley Mill Oo. LW. ~ricl.dleton la. Middleton Junction. near Oldham Oak Spinning Cu. Ltd. Hollinwood, Oldlmm Tunniclitre & Hampson,Ltd.Firs mills, Lcigll, Grove Mills Ltd. Rocl:.dale Oldham Albion Spinning Co. Ltd. Hollinwood, Lanes Guide Bridge Spinning Co.Ltd. Ashton-under- Oldbam United Spinning- Co. Ltd. Olilham Lyne Oldham & Lees Spinning Co. Ltd. Waterhead, Vernon Cotton Spinning Oo. (Stockport), Hague S. & Co. Hawthorn and Newland mills, Oldham Ltd. Portwood, Stockport Oldham Oldham Cotton Spinning Co. Ltd. Melbourne •Vine Mill Co. (Royton), Ltd. Hoyt'ln Rail Robert & Sons, Ltd. Kingston mills, Hyde mills, Old ham Wainwright & Riley, Ltd. Britannia mills, Ilargreaves John & Sons, Ltd. Bridge End Oldham Twist Oo. Ltd. Brook milLs, Hollin- Oldham mills, Whitworth, near Rochdale wood, Oldham Waithman Harry, :16 Brown st.l\Ianchester Harper Twist Oo. Ltd. Mossley rd. Ashton- Olive Spinning Co. Ltd. Olive mlll, North Walker J. & G. Ltd. Larktleld, Spotland nnder-Lyne Moor, Oldham New mills anil Wellfleld ~ew mill, Rochdale Harrison T. A. & Co. Ltd. Chapel Street and Osborne Mill Co. Ltd. Werneth, Oldham Walker Robcrt & Sons, Ltd.
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