AProposalforthePaulScherrerInstituteπM1 beam line Studying the Proton “Radius” Puzzle with µp Elastic Scattering J. Arrington,1 F. Benmokhtar,2 E. Brash,2 K. Deiters,3 C. Djalali,4 L. El Fassi,5 E. Fuchey,6 S. Gilad,7 R. Gilman (Contact person),5 R. Gothe,4 D. Higinbotham,8 Y. Ilieva,4 M. Kohl,9 G. Kumbartzki,5 J. Lichtenstadt,10 N. Liyanage,11 M. Meziane,12 Z.-E. Meziani,6 K. Myers,5 C. Perdrisat,13 E. Piasetzsky (Spokesperson),10 V. Punjabi,14 R. Ransome,5 D. Reggiani,3 A. Richter,15 G. Ron,16 A. Sarty,17 E. Schulte,6 S. Strauch,4 V. Sulkosky,7 A.S. Tadapelli,5 and L. Weinstein18 1Argonne National Lab, Argonne, IL, USA 2Christopher Newport University, Newport News, Virginia, USA 3Paul Scherrer Institut, CH-5232 Villigen, Switzerland 4University of South Carolina, Columbia, South Carolina, USA 5Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey, USA 6Temple University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA 7Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA 8Jefferson Lab, Newport News, Viginia, USA 9Hampton University, Hampton, Virginia, USA 10Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel 11University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia, USA 12Duke University, Durham, North Carolina, USA 13College of William & Mary, Williamsburg, Virginia, USA 14Norfolk State University, Norfolk, Virginia, USA 15Technical University of Darmstadt, Darmstadt, Germany 16Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Israel 17St. Mary’s University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada 18Old Dominion University, Norfolk, Virginia, USA About 1.5 years after the radius of muonic hydrogen was found to be 5σ inconsistent with earlier determinations from atomic hydrogen level transitions and ep elastic scattering, no resolution to the puzzle has been found. We propose to measure µ±p scattering, which will allow a second de- termination of the consistency of the µp interaction with the ep interaction. If the µp scattering is consistent with muonic hydrogen measurements but inconsistent with ep scattering measurements, the confirmation of consistency between lepton scattering and Lamb shift measurements but differ- ences between electron- and muon-based measurements of ep and µp systems would provide strong evidence for beyond standard model physics. BEAM REQUIREMENTS Beam line: πM1. • Beam properties:Mixedπ/µ/e beam. Estimated fluxes of each particle type with 2 mA • primary proton beam and full channel momentum acceptance aregiveninTableI.Theπ and e numbers are estimated from the πM1 beam website, while the µ numbers are rough guesses based on limited information of beam particle types.Channelacceptancewillbe limited to keep the rate to no more than about 10 - 15 MHz. TABLE I. Estimated beam flux. Momentum Polarity Total Flux π Flux µ Flux e Flux (MeV/c) (MHz) (MHz) (MHz) (MHz) 115 + 9 0.6 2 6 153 + 18 8 2 8 210 + 70 60 5 6 115 - 6 0.06 0.2 6 153 - 9 0.8 0.2 8 210 - 12 6 0.5 6 Duration of the experiment:Weexpecttheexperimenttolastaboutthreeyears,withabout • 2monthsoftestsfromlate2012–early2013,andabout6monthsofproductionrunning after equipment is constructed, about late 2014 – mid 2015. Special conditions:none. • Beam time request for the first period after approval:Twomonthsoftestsfromlate2012– • early 2013. 2 PA U L S C H E R R E R I N S T I T U T – S A F E T Y S H E E T R i n g µ S R S I N Q I n j e c t o r 1 S L S o t h e r Declaration List of Hazardous Sample/Target Material and Experimental Equipment (one form for each item/experiment) Title of Experiment: Studying the Proton ``adius'' Puzzle with μp Elastic Scattering Experiment Number (if known) Instrument / Beamline / πM1 Date of Experiment (if known) from to SAMPLE name of substance liquid hydrogen (LH2), carbon and CH2 foils TARGET chemical formula H2, C, CH2 form of material powder [ ] liquid [ X] solid [ X] other [ ] amount of material ~0.3 g/cm^2 in beam for all targets size of material a few liters of LH2, a few grams of C and CH2 container/sealing: to be determined transport: by user [ ] shipped separately [ ] already at PSI [ ] removed: by user [ ] stored at PSI [ ] disposed off by PSI [ ] Toxic no [ X ] / yes [ ] , specify: ingestion [ ] inhalation [ ] skin contact[ ] eye contact [ ] other [ ] , specify: contact person: P. Hasler Already radioactive: no [x ] yes [ ] activity: Bq isotopes: IAEA supervision [ ] Activation expected: no [ ] yes [ X] activity: Bq isotopes: IAEA supervision [ ] Target cells or C will be mildly activated material. contact person: A. Fuchs Bio. Hazard no [ x] / yes [ ] , specify: contact person: K. Ballmer Reactive: no [ ] / yes [ x ] , specify: Hydrogen is potentially flammable inflammable: [ ] explosive: [ ] corrosive: [ ] in contact with: air [ ] water [ ] heat [ ] other: contact person: P. Hasler Equipment during transport/experiment/ contact person transp. exp. storage storage: magnetic field Tesla C. Wernli [ ] [ ] [ ] pressure kbar, m^3 S. Bondt [ ] [ ] [ ] heating K, Watt P. Hasler [ ] [ ] [ ] cryogenics K, coolant W. Gloor [ ] [ x ] [ ] thin window L. Simons [ ] [ x ] [ ] X-ray kV A. Fuchs [ ] [ ] [ ] laser , W T. Lippert [ ] [ ] [ ] high voltage kV M. Huser [ ] [ x ] [ ] other: P. Oggenfuss [ ] [ ] [ ] Other Safety Aspects: no [ ] / uncertain [ ] / yes [ x ], specify: See proposal. contact person: P. Oggenfuss I confirm that the information above is correct as well as to respect all safety regulations valid for PSI. Date: Jan 22, E-Mail: [email protected] Signature: 2012 Please return this form (include attachments if necessary) not later than 3 weeks prior to the experiment to: INTRODUCTION The proton radius was thought to be reliably determined to be 0.88 fm for several years, by atomic hydrogen and ep scattering measurements. The hydrogen atom≈ experiments led, in the 2006 CODATA analysis [1], to r =0.8768 0.0069 fm. The electron-proton scattering analysis led p ± to rp =0.895 0.018 fm in the analysis of [2], which discussed the needed Coulomb corrections and choice of± an appropriate paramaterization to fit form factor data. This situation changed in summer 2010 when a Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) experiment [3] reported that the radius determined from muonic hydrogen level transitions is 0.842 0.001 fm, about 5σ offfrom the nearly order of magnitude less precise non-muonic measurements.± We refer to this situation as the proton radius puzzle. The proton radius puzzle is quite possibly more puzzling now than when it first appeared. First, while there have been a number of suggestions of possible resolutions to the puzzle, several appear to be ruled out or severely constrained based on other measurements, and none are generally accepted. Second, two new electron scattering experiments have reported their data along with new analyses of the proton radius, which increase the discrepancy to be greater than 7σ.One experiment was a precise cross section measurement [4] at Mainz that determined 1400 cross sections in the range Q2 =0.01 1GeV2.TheMainzanalysisofonlytheirdatawithawide≈ range of functional forms led to a proton→ electric radius of 0.879 0.008 fm. The second experiment [5] at Jefferson Lab measured #e p e!#p to determine 1% form factor± ratios in the range Q2 =0.3 0.8 GeV2.Aworldanalysisofdata(excludingtheMainzdataset)resu→ lted in a radius of 0.870→ 0.010 fm, consistent with the Mainz electric radius determination – although there were differences± in the magnetic radius determination. A partial summary of recent proton radius extractions is shown in Fig. 1. The proton radius puzzle has attracted wide interest. There are several possible explanations for the puzzle. Beyond standard model physics. Several articles have appeared that propose possible novel • physics that distinguishes µp from ep interactions. At this point we are unaware of any proposed physics that is generally accepted as an explanation. As an example, in [6] the possibility of a new U(1)R gauge symmetry is discussed, which leads to different µp and ep interactions. A proposed test is enhanced parity violation in µp scattering, orders of magnitude enhanced from the expected parity violation from Z0 exchange. However, Ref. [7] points out that this model involves a new vector gauge boson with mass around tens of MeV, which could be radiated from muons. The lack of observation ofsuchabosonin,e.g,K µν → FIG. 1. A summary of some recent proton electric radius determinations, taken from [5]. 3 severely constrains such models. Additional experimental limits on this idea are discussed below. Novel two-photon exchange effects. When the interaction in the bound atom or in the scat- • tering process involves the exchange of two photons, the intermediate state is an off-shell proton, possibly an excited state of the proton. The relativistic bound state problem remains adifficultandarguablyunsolvedproblem.In[8–10],itwassuggested that the two-photon exchange correction has an effect from the proton being offshell, leading to larger correc- tions in the µp case than in the ep case. The idea is controversial, and it appears at present consistency with other data makes this effect too small to explain the radius puzzle [11]. Unexpected aspects of proton structure. Extracting the radius from the muonic hydrogen • Lamb shift requires a proton structure correction. Atomic physics calculations result in th 2 3 th L (meV )=209.9779 5.2262 rp +0.00913 rp (2) where L is the measured Lamb shift, 2 − $ %3 $ % rp is the proton radius, and rp (2) is a correction from the third Zemach moment of $ % 3 $ % ∞ 4 2 2 2 the proton, given by rp (2) =(48/π) !0 (dq/q )[GE(q) q rp /3 1]. The third Zemach $ % 2 2 − $ % − 3 moment depends mostly on GE (Q )atlowQ .DeR´ujula[12,13]suggestedthatrp (2) might be anomalously large. This result is inconsistent withstandardfitsoftheproton$ % electric form factor [14, 15]. This issue was investigated further in [16], which demonstrated 2 2 3 that one can add bumps to unmeasured low Q regions of GE(Q )thatresultinlarge rp (2).
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