!»8 MANCHKSTKR HKHAU) Wt-dnc-sduy, Oct 24. I9H4 LOOK FOR THE STARS... ♦ Meet Bolton vet Mercler runs Play Bingo Look for the CLASSIFIED ADS with STARS; stars help you get Allan Leventhal tough campaign and win cash better results. Put a star on your od and see what a page 11 ... page 3 ... page 2 ■k difference it makes. Telephone 643-2711. Monday-Frfday, 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. ki.________________ __ Clouds tonight; Manchester, Conn. ICARS/TRUCKS little change Friday Thursday, Oct. 25, 1984 PETS FOR SALE r — see page 2 Single copy: 254 AKC STANDARD 1969 CHRYSLER STA­ llVa''Doll Clothes HJanrlfpatFr Mrralft SCHNAUZERS — Cham TION WAGON — Good Dion sired tor show or pet. running condition. Needs Janet... Shots. 12 weeks old. Call Call some body work. Asking B75-1944. $375 or best otter. Coll Break for taxpayers 646-5030 nights, 646-1995 Automotive days. CHEVROLET CHEVETTE, 1978 — One at 643-2711 owner. New exhoust sys­ ICARS/TRUCKS tem, shocks, battery, ra­ JFOR SALE Tax indexing dial tires. Excellent con­ Your classified ad representative d itio n . $1 800. C all 1952 PLYMOUTH CON 295-9728. VERTIBLE — Good run­ if you want to: ning condition. $1950. 742- 9600, keep trying. 1974 OPEL MANTA 1900 — Radial tires, sun roof, ready to go 1973 VOLKSWAGON SU new brakes, will pass PERBEETLE — Semiau­ Inspection, good condi­ I tomatic, AM/FM radio, tion. $600. Call 295-9728. By Morv Beth Franklin "No longer can Congress allow 40,000 miles. $1200. Call Crocijie l United Press International inflation to do the dirty work of raising 232-5869 evenings, 566 1977 SCIROCCO — 4 cy­ taxes,” he said. "If members of 6213 days. linder, 4 speed, good gas WASHINGTON Taxpayers whose Congress want to raise taxes, they will mileage. Body great incomes increase by 4 percent or less have to vole to do so.” 1971 CHEVY CONCOURS shape, extras. Asking 2569 next year will be protected from Dole, who estimated indexing would WAGON — 350, V-8, auto­ $2000. Call between 12and traditional "bracket creep" tax hikes save taxpayers nationwide about $6 matic, power steering, 3pm, weekdays, any time under a new “indexing" program billion in 1985, took advantage of the radio, positracllon, de- weekends, 289-4980. hailed as a victory for working announcement to praise President fogger, roof rack, more. Americans. Good winter vehicle. Reagan and criticize Democratic pre­ Needs timing chain. $400. Q-1S2, To Give or The Treasury Department an­ sidential candidate Walter Mondale. 1979 CHEVETTE — Auto­ Utc calico, gingham nounced Wednesday that tax withhold­ Call 643-2880. matic, air conditioning, Keep, has a lovely "This president understands what or lolid color fabric co selection of gift ideas ing tables, beginning in January, will bracket creep did to the average low mileage. $2500, ne­ make thcac Playful be adjusted by 4.08 percent. The 1973 CHEVY IMPALA — gotiable. Coll 646-8767. for 40 items in Knit, American and he believes in being Good condition. 50,000 Pup* and delight chc Sew, Embroider? and Internal Revenue Service will send the honest and fair with the taxpayer,” miles. $1000. Call 649-2373. youngftcr*. Nice for Crochet with full updated withholding tables to employ­ Dole said. "I wish Walter Mondale gifu. No. 2569 has directions. Pillow MOTORCYCLES/ ers by Dec. 15. shared that attitude, but unfortunately pactern pieces; full transfer is also The "indexing" provision, as it is BICYCLES directions for 10-inch he never misses an opportunity to take Bank I included. $3.25. called, was part of the 1981 tax bill, a swipe at tax indexing. ... Everyone toy. which provided for the largest tax cut Repossessions To order 0-132. "To Give Of Keep." knows Mondale never met a tax he 1977 YAMAHA 650 — Low To Ofder send $?00 plus S0< lot in history. It was designed to keep tax mileage. Good condition. poslage and tiandling for each send S3 2S (iocludM postage and didn’t like.” handNng) Print name, address with panetn Print name, address zip rates low once President Reagan's 25 In the past, taxpayers often were F O R S A L E Asking $800. Call after zip code Send to code and style number percent across-the-board tax cut was in 6pm, 742-7207. NEEDLEWORK bumped into higher tax brackets, m Gh«v Vigi SI. Wg. *1500 NEEDLEWORK place. which are set by law, if their annual 1911 Oldimobil* Culliis *1695 Mandissttr Htrald MsNclisstsr HftfaW The 4.08 percent calculation is based I9K Mirk IV Lincoln *2300 26" THREE SPEED Co­ raises merely kept place with inflation. lombia Glrl'sBIke — Like PO Box too P 0 Box too on the just-released Consumer Price Tax rates rise progressively with each I91S Mirk IV Lincoln *1950 Radio City Station Radio City Sutton I9H) Pontlic Firebird *5200 new. Call 643-8888. $95. Index for September that shows tax bracket from II percent to 50 Call 643-8888. New York. NY 10019 New York. N Y. 10019 inflation increased 0.4 percent last percent. 1919 Pbadt 9*lt«< Mu *3350 The New ALBUM with Free Pattern Herald photo by Tarquinio The above can be aaen at: Stciion-S3 00 postpaid month. The Treasury Department used In 1981, congressional supporters, Sivingi Bank of Mincheiler that figure and the average inflation backed by Reagan, argued that such Two workmen raise a cloud of dust as they wipe Mill building on Wednesday. Both John Hartzell, 913 Miln SI. rate of the previous 11 months to "bracket creep” discouraged savings off what experts say is the last existing car from left, and Max Miller, right, work for the Valley ■ MISCELLANEOUS ANNUAL TOWN MEETING calculate the indexing rate. TOWN OF ANDOVER, CONNECTICUT and provided the government with a the old South Manchester Railroad, also known Railroad of Essex — where the car has been ■a u t o m o t iv e The electors ond citizens quqllfled to vote In Town Meetings Co-authors of the indexing provision, windfall of revenue that encouraged In the Town of Andover ore hereby notified that the Annual Sen. William Armstrong. R-Colo., and federal spending. as “Cheney’s Goat." The two helped remove the donated. Town Meeting will be held at the Andover Elementary tank car from a brick shed behind the Clocktower TWO 14" RIMS — For School, Andover, on Monday, October 29, 1984 at 8:00 P.M. Senate Finance Committee Chairman Opponents argued then, and still do, Oldsmobile. $20. Coll any­ for the following purposes: Robert Dole, R-Kan., hailed the that such a tax cut is inappropriate in MUST SELL — 1983 announcement. Buick wagon with V-6 for time, 647-1372. 1. To choose a moderator for sold meeting. light of the nation's huge budget deficit. 2. To hear and accept the reports of the various Town Of­ “Tax indexing is finally here and By increasing the income range of good mileage. Will sacri­ ficers and Boards os presented In the Town Report. with it comes tax reform for middle fice for $8,500. Call 649- each tax bracket by the inflation level TIRE — Firestone steel 3. To nominate and elect two members to the Memoriol America, a more honest and fair tax recorded during the previous fiscal Last Cheney car going away 2286 after 6 p.m. belted radial tubeless Day Committee for three yeor terms. law and an end to the government's year, Americans would be guaranteed raised white letters, size - 4. To see If the Town will vote an additional appropriation profit from inflation," Armstrong said that their annual raises — if smaller or to the 1964-1965 Budget of a sum not exceeding$14,000.00 By Sarah E. Hall About a year ago, Robert C. Bell "arch-bar trucks” not used since the 1977 DODGE ASPEN — 4 721, 190/70 R 13. New tit for the purchase of a Va Ton, 4 wheel drive pickup truck, in a statement from his Washington equal to the inflation rate — would not Herald Reporter door, power steering, 1976 Olds Starfire. $30. w/plow, to Item 02, Capitol Expenditure-Highway De­ office, be taxed away. spotted the tank car as he was surveying 1930's — groaned as the workers strained power brakes, am/fm Call 649-9947. partment as recommended by the Board of Finance. the tracks of the old Cheney railway to on the car. stereo cassette player, 5. To see if the Town will vote to allocate a sum not ex­ Workers hauled what is said to be the make a model of it for his business. He is "It’s like opening King Tufs tomb, ” ceeding $14,000.00 to be token from the Town Owned last existing car of the historic South $1295. 1976 VEGA — 2 Equipment Fund and tronsferred to the General Fund the owner of the Train Exchange and Bell said when the enormous green doors SNOW TIRES — 560 15for Manchester Railroad from its would-be New England Hobby Supply Company on door, standard with VW Bug. Like new. $20 for such purchose. enclosing the tank ear were pryed open am/fm. $850. Call 643- 6. To see If the Town will vote to authorize and empower Americans mark tomb Wednesday afternoon. Hilliard Street, and also runs the gift with pickaxes and sledge hammers. pair. Call 742-6165 otter the Board of Selectmen to moke the purchase of such Va The relic — a 17-ton tank car 1161. 5pm. shop for the Valley Railroad Company. Ton, 4 wheel drive pickup truck, w/ptow. discovered in a shed behind the Clock- "I’m sure emioyees knew of it and saw After the ear was pulled out, one of th# 7.
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