DAFTAR ELEKTRONIK JURNAL INTERNASIONAL (e-Journal International ) UNTUK : PROGRAM STUDI GEOLOGI-GEODESI-OSEANOGRAFI ( FITB)- TL-PWK SUBJEK : EARTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE Publisher: Springer Nature Switzerland AG. Part of Springer Nature. Terms & Conditions: Subscription period is Calendar Year (01 Jan 2019 – 31 Dec 2019). NO Judul e-ISSN p-ISSN Link Penerbit Publikasi Anotasi Indexed/Abstracted in 1 Advances in Atmospheric Sciences 1861-9533 0256-1530 https://link.springer.com/jo Science Press 12 issue(-s) Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, launched in 0 urnal/376 per annual 1984, offers rapid publication of original scientific papers on the dynamics, physics and chemistry of the atmosphere and ocean. It reports on the latest achievements and developments in the atmospheric sciences, including marine meteorology and meteorology-associated geophysics, as well as the theoretical and practical aspects of these disciplines. 2 Aerobiologia 1573-3025 0393-5965 https://link.springer.com/jo Springer 4 issue(-s) per Associated with the International Association for Science Citation Index urnal/10453 Netherlands annual Aerobiology, Aerobiologia is an international Expanded (SciSearch), medium for original research and review articles in Journal Citation the interdisciplinary fields of aerobiology and Reports/Science Edition, interaction of human, plant and animal systems on SCOPUS, EMBASE, Google the biosphere. Coverage includes bioaerosols, Scholar, AGRICOLA, transport mechanisms, biometeorology, climatology, Biological Abstracts, BIOSIS air-sea interaction, land-surface/atmospher NO Judul e-ISSN p-ISSN Link Penerbit Publikasi Anotasi Indexed/Abstracted in 3 Applied Geomatics 1866-928X 1866-9298 https://link.springer.com/jo Springer Berlin 4 issue(-s) per The official journal of the Italian Society of SCOPUS, Google Scholar, urnal/12518 Heidelberg annual Photogrammetry and Topography (SIFET), Applied ASFA, EBSCO Discovery Geomatics (AG) covers all aspects and information Service, Emerging Sources on scientific and technical advances in the geomatic Citation Index, Gale, Gale sciences. The journal publishes innovative Academic OneFile, Oceanic contributions in geomatics applications ranging from Abstracts, OCLC WorldCat the integration of instruments, methodologies and Discovery Service technologies and their use in the environmental sciences, engineering and 4 Aquatic Geochemistry 1573-1421 1380-6165 https://link.springer.com/jo Springer 6 issue(-s) per We publish original studies relating to the Science Citation Index urnal/10498 Netherlands annual geochemistry of natural waters and their interactions Expanded (SciSearch), with rocks and minerals under near Earth-surface Journal Citation conditions. Coverage includes theoretical, Reports/Science Edition, experimental, and modeling papers dealing with this SCOPUS, Chemical subject area, as well as papers presenting Abstracts Service observations of natural systems that stress major (CAS), AGRICOLA processes. 5 Archaeological and Anthropological 1866-9565 1866-9557 http://doi.org/10.1007/125 Springer Berlin 12 issue(-s) Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences Science Citation Index Sciences 20.1866-9565 Heidelberg per annual covers the full spectrum of natural scientific Expanded (SciSearch), methods with an emphasis on the archaeological Journal Citation contexts and the questions being studied. It bridges Reports/Science Edition, the gap between archaeologists and natural Social Science Citation scientists providing a forum to encourage the Index, Journal Citation continued integration of scientific methodologies in Reports/Social Sciences archaeological research. Edition, SCOPUS, NO Judul e-ISSN p-ISSN Link Penerbit Publikasi Anotasi Indexed/Abstracted in 6 Archives of Environmental 1432-0703 0090-4341 https://link.springer.com/jo Springer US 8 issue(-s) per Archives of Environmental Contamination and Science Citation Index, Contamination and Toxicology urnal/244 annual Toxicology provides a place for the publication of Science Citation Index timely, detailed, and definitive scientific studies Expanded (SciSearch), pertaining to the source, transport, fate and / or Journal Citation effects of contaminants in the environment. The Reports/Science Edition, journal will consider submissions dealing with new Medline, SCOPUS, INSPEC, analytical and toxicological techniques that advance EMBASE, Chemical our understanding of the source, transport, fate and Abstracts Service / or effects of contaminants in the environment 7 Biogeochemistry 1573-515X 0168-2563 https://link.springer.com/jo Springer 15 issue(-s) Biogeochemistry publishes original and synthetic 0 urnal/10533 International per annual papers dealing with biotic controls on the chemistry Publishing of the environment, or with the geochemical control of the structure and function of ecosystems. Cycles are considered, either of individual elements or of specific classes of natural or anthropogenic compounds in ecosystems NO Judul e-ISSN p-ISSN Link Penerbit Publikasi Anotasi Indexed/Abstracted in 8 Boundary-Layer Meteorology 1573-1472 0006-8314 https://link.springer.com/jo Springer 12 issue(-s) Boundary-Layer Meteorology offers several Science Citation Index, urnal/10546 Netherlands per annual publishing options: Research Letters , Research Science Citation Index Articles , and Notes and Comments . The Research Expanded (SciSearch), Letters section is designed to provide allow quick Journal Citation dissemination of new scientific findings, with an Reports/Science Edition, initial review period of no longer than one month. SCOPUS, INSPEC, The Research Articles section offers traditional Astrophysics Data System scientific papers that present results and (ADS), Google Scholar, interpretations based on substantial research AGRICOLA, ASFA studies or critical reviews of ongoing research. The Notes and Comments section comprises occasional notes and comments on specific topics with no requirement for rapid publication. 9 Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering 1573-1456 1570- https://link.springer.com/jo Springer 12 issue(-s) The journal offers a forum for presentation and Science Citation Index 761X urnal/10518 Netherlands per annual discussion of such matters as European damaging Expanded (SciSearch), earthquakes, new developments in earthquake Journal Citation regulations, and national policies applied after major Reports/Science Edition, seismic events, including strengthening of existing SCOPUS, INSPEC, Google buildings. Scholar, ASFA 10 Bulletin of Engineering Geology and 1435-9537 1435- https://link.springer.com/jo Springer Berlin 8 issue(-s) per The Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Science Citation Index the Environment 9529 urnal/10064 Heidelberg annual Environment is the official journal of Expanded (SciSearch), the International Association for Engineering Journal Citation Geology and the Environment and reports on the Reports/Science Edition, investigation, study and solution of engineering and SCOPUS, INSPEC, environmental problems arising from the interaction Chemical Abstracts Service between geology and the activities of humanity, as (CAS), Google Scholar, well as measures for the prevention or remediation AGRICOLA, ASFA of geological hazards. NO Judul e-ISSN p-ISSN Link Penerbit Publikasi Anotasi Indexed/Abstracted in 11 Bulletin of Environmental 1432-0800 0007-4861 https://link.springer.com/jo Springer US 12 issue(-s) The Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Contamination and Toxicology urnal/128 per annual Toxicology provides rapid publication of peer- reviewed articles describing significant advances and discoveries in the fields of air, soil, water, and food contamination and pollution as well as articles on methodology and other disciplines concerned with the introduction, presence and effects of toxicants in the total environment. 12 Bulletin of Volcanology 1432-0819 0258- https://link.springer.com/jo Springer Berlin 12 issue(-s) The Bulletin of Volcanology publishes papers on 0 8900 urnal/445 Heidelberg per annual volcanoes, their products, their eruptive behavior, and their hazards. Papers aimed at understanding the deeper structure of volcanoes, and the evolution of magmatic systems using geochemical, petrological, and geophysical techniques are also published. The journal is organized in three main sections: Research articles, including occasional reviews 13 Clean Technologies and 1618-9558 1618- https://link.springer.com/jo Springer Berlin 10 issue(-s) This journal publishes papers that aid in the Science Citation Index Environmental Policy 954X urnal/10098 Heidelberg per annual development, demonstration, and commercialization Expanded (SciSearch), of cleaner products and processes as well as Journal Citation effective environmental policy strategies. As its title Reports/Science Edition, suggests, the journal has two major thrusts: Clean SCOPUS, INSPEC, Technologies and Environmental Policy. Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS), 14 Climate Dynamics 1432-0894 0930- https://link.springer.com/jo Springer Berlin 24 issue(-s) The international journal Climate Dynamics provides Science Citation Index, 7575 urnal/382 Heidelberg per annual for the publication of high-quality research on all Science Citation Index aspects of the dynamics of the global climate Expanded (SciSearch), system.Coverage includes original paleoclimatic, Journal Citation diagnostic, analytical and numerical modeling Reports/Science Edition, research on the structure and behavior of the SCOPUS, INSPEC, atmosphere, oceans, cryosphere,
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