Qujn for several weeks, returned to Lillian A- Baker to Raymond L#. Stlg- her home at Magnolia, Miss., Tuesday. mater June 27 at St. Joseph's parish, the Births Rev. Father Cahill officiating. Reported. '(Standard* A wedding of much Interest to so¬ The following births have been reported to the $ku>9/ork The Rev. Francis J. Humey, accompa¬ health department in the last twenty-four hours: tyfflayhington ciety which will take place on Satur¬ is that of Miss Suzanne nied by his mother, Mrs. Mary Hurney, George F. and Martha t\ Kane. boy. day, July 14, and his Miss O'Dea, left on Frederick B. and Elsie N. Morris, girl. Voss White, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. cousin. Mary Jotteph X. and Blanche V. Molloy. boy. ¦Horace W. White of the Knoll. Garri¬ Sunday for a three-week stay at Atlantic Andrew and Josephine Waahington, girl. cud B. City and northern resorts. Ernest J. and Harriett V. Marshall, boy. son, Md., and Mr. Edward "Whitman, Maiion and Emma Thomas, boy. son of Mrs. Matthew C. Butler of New Sidney P. and Elisabeth Houston, boy. York and Washington. They will be Arthur and Viola Cook. boy. married at St. Thomas* Church, Garri¬ Marriage Licenses. STORE HOURS: 8:30 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. oei^£ son Forest, at 5 o'clock by Rev. Hobart Closed all and President on Golf Links This Morn¬ States shipping board and Mrs. White, Smith, the rector. Miss Rebecca White CHASEBS TO BE INCREASED. day Saturdays during July August. Miss White and Miss Livingstone. will be her sister's maid of honor and Marriage license® have been Issued to the fol¬ the will lowing: Mrs. Wilson Motoring The minister, Mr. H. Bryn, only attendant, and wedding Some Later Join American ing, Norwegian be followed by a small reception at Oscar Webster and fliizabeth Clark. Hay is stopping at the Hotel La Fayette. Mr. Charles W. Bell and Mildred C. both A CLEARANCE SALE OF to Club With Him. their children are at the home of Mr. and Mrs. White. Bradley, Fleet in Watera. Mme. Bryn and is at at Philadelphia, of Palmer, Mass. European Blue Summit for the summer. Whitman present to increase the of where he is a captain in the regiment H. Lester Taylor of Cleveland. Ohio, and Steps greatly output . SEASONABLE APPAREL Mr. Russia's New Am¬ Senator Pomerene, who accompanied which has been raised by the Pennsyl¬ Marion Kinkendall of Kyle, Tex. Submarine chasers have been taken by the "\A7"E In Bakhmetieff, Mrs. Pomfiene to Mount Clements, vania railroad employes. Later he ex¬ Archie 8. Clark of Cedon, Ya.. and Sallie V. Navy Department and in the near future persist speak* » AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES Brilliant Mich., last week, has returned to Wash¬ pects to be. ordered to France and his Hart of Ooodio**, Ya. some of the small, light vessels of that V of llie built-in bassador, Giving- Mrs. Pomerene will remain him. James Jackson and Dorothy Curtis. hg ington. bride will probably accompany Carmel E. Paroni and Marie Coll. type may be added to the American fleet For Girls and Children Dinner three or four weeks at Mount Clements, in European waters. bath because we believe Misses, Tonight. Senator Pomerene Louis L. Helmintoller and Gracie B. Elmore, when she will rejoin Col. and Mrs. William C. Wheatley both of Clifton Forge, Ya. Now that the first of the standardized tbaf before will (FIFTH FLOOR.) at. their apartment at the Highlands. of Mr. and Mrs. chafers has successfully undergone her long ijou were amonpr the guests trial runs, officials are more than ever con¬ The President and Dr. Cary Grayson Junius Parker last Saturday night at realize tbe of SUITS at one The Misses will remain at vinced that, a type of great value in the advantage played golf this morning: of the Scdgley a farewell dinner at the Green¬ country clubs. Mrs. Wilson motored their Massachusetts avenue home until given Deaths Reported. light against submarines has been pro¬ one la For Misses and Small of the brier, White Sulphur. Mr. and Mrs. duced. Hundreds already are under con¬ installing tjour Women, out to the club with them, returning to the latter part month, when they week for Loon lake, the White after them at will go to Boston to make some visits Parker start this The deaths have been reported to the struction in navy yards and private plants Lome. See tbem in eur REDUCED House leaving to pass the sum¬ following and orders issued are to al¬ TO the club. She wore a white dress and in that vicinity, spending part of the in the Adirondacks, health department \z the last twenty-four hours: Just expected the New coast. mer. most double the number which will be Showroom. a Panama hat swathed with a soft fold summer on Egland James T. 8herier. 68 year*. Canal road, I). C. $15.00, $25.00, $35.00, of violet silk. They will conclude the season at the turned out within the next few months. White Colcrat* of 306 Susie I. Hadley, 59 years, 3031 7th street Tmler these conditions it is felt that it #*¦»* mountain^. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert northeast. will not be long before some of the little Southern Bld&., $45.00. Mr. Boris who presents West 76th street, New York, have from Flftaanth sad H St*., N. W. $18.50, $28.50, his credentials to the President this of their Mary J. Marr. 70 years. 1321 M street north¬ boats can be spared patroling Amer¬ Mrs. W. W. Galbraith, wife of Com¬ announced the engagement ican waters and sent to the foreign dan¬ MISSES' COATS.REDUCED TO afternoon as ambassador of Russia, mander Galbraith, who has been stay¬ vounger daughter, Miss Grace Hall west. Standard Sanitary Mfft. Co. R. 40 years. New ger zones. succeeding Mr. George Bakhmeteff, ing at the Shoreham since giving up "Oolgatev to Lieut. David Sheridan George Rhone, Ykrnum To secure a sufficient number of suit¬ $8.75, $15.00. $18.50, $25.00 and $35.00. who about two months their residence in R Is at At- S. A., who is now in Hotel. resigned ago. street, Rumbough. U. Dorothy M. Jones, 2 years, f>4 Pleree placr. able engines has been the greatest prob¬ Frafice with Gen. Pershing's forces. Eveline Tinner, 46 years, Freedmen's Hos¬ lem. but officials say that difficulty largely CHILDREN'S COATS.REDUCED TO Miss Colgate is a sister of Miss Flor¬ pital. has been overcome. $7.50 and ence Hall Colgate, whose engagement $3.75, $5.00, $9.75. OPENS SUMMER HOME. to Maj. Edwin St. John Greble. jr.. U. S. HATS.REDUCED TO A., was announced on Sunday. Lieut. MISSES' Rumbough is a son of the late Col. D. J." $5.00. $7.50. $8.75 and $10.50. Rumbough, IT. S. A., and a grandson of .1 the late Brig. Gen. David J. Stanley. HATS.REDUCED TO He was graduated from West Point in CHILDREN'S 1917. His brother, Stanley M. Rum¬ $1.00. $2.00. $3.75. $4.50 and $6.75. bough, married his fiancee's sister. Miss DRESSES Elizabeth Colgate. MIss Majgaret Howard, daughter of For Misses, Girls and Children Mr. and Mrs. B. R. Howard, and Miss Elizabeth Adams are stopping at Mount The Women's Store 1107-1109 G GREATLY REDUCED FOR IMMEDIATE Alto Inn. CLEARANCE. Mrs. Thomas Watt Gregory, president of the National Conference for Ele¬ MAR HOF DRESSES.At $4.50, $5.50 to $25.00. mentary Education, invites the judges of the Supreme Court, m<*mbers of the BATHING SUITS.for misses, girls and children Senate and House ot Representatives A to be her Great and their wives for to special guests Skirts size and material) (priced according- at the meeting of the conference to be Friday! Day At $1.50 to $7.50. held at the New Willard Friday evening at 8:30 o'clock. It will only be neces¬ KHAKI SUITS, DRESSES AND SKIRTS sary for them to present personal cards at the door of the large ballroom. Vice Sweaters. Middy Blouses, Underwear, President Marshall, Senator Francis G. Riding Habits, Wash Skirts, Hosiery. Newlands and Dr. Earle Wilfley will talk of the needs of the elementary school field and the plan and purpose of this conference. Mrs. Newton D. Baker, Mrs. Josephus tfcJhwt.Cbrnerthirteenth Daniels. Mrs. Champ Clark, Mrs. Steph¬ en B. Elkins, Mrs. John Hays Ham¬ mond, Mrs. George Barnett, Miss Flora Wilson. Mrs. James Hamilton Lewis, Mrs. Gilbert H. Grosvenor, Mrs. Delos Padgett, Mrs. T. De Witt Talmage, Mrs. John Temple Graves, Mrs. C. A. Devol, Mrs. Montgomery Maromb. Mrs. E. H. Liscum. Mrs. Fred T. Dubois, Mrs. Jou- ett Shouse, Mrs. George Thacher Guern¬ S!LOUVRE sey, Mrs. George C. Squiers, Mrs. J. Thompson Baker, Mrs. M. D. Owen- 11154117 F STREET Chahoon, Mrs. John Miller Horton, Mrs. James Pryor Tarvin, Miss Mary Temple, Store Hours: 9 to 6 Daily. Miss Mary Wilcox, Mrs. Sadie Stuart Wyeth, Mrs. Conrad Syme, Mrs. Tucker SILK SKIRTS Best in Wash Skirts Sands. Mrs. E. B. Berry, Mrs. Allan Da¬ You Will Want One of These vis and Mrs. F. L. Ransome are among Several hundred Smart Taffeta £ilk Skirts A wonderful lot of Wash Skirts in Gabar¬ the members aiding Mrs. Gregory. and Cream Serge Skirts; stylish; no dine, P. IC, Bedford Cord and other <> a "re Suits at These Reductions. Mrs. George M. Pullman of Chicago beautifully made in the popular *1%' good materials. Compare with * < The entire stock is included in three will again spend the summer at Elber- sport models.
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