H12766 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE November 6, 2007 Today, we offer our support and com- Representatives and the people of the There was no objection. fort to the students who were injured United States for the victims of the Mr. LYNCH. Mr. Speaker, as a mem- in this terrible accident. We will con- devastating flooding that occurred ber of the House Committee on Over- tinue to pray for their full and speedy across many parts of Ohio in August sight and Government Reform, I’m recovery. 2007 and commending the communities, pleased to join my colleagues in the Additionally, we must recognize the volunteer organizations, churches and consideration of H. Res. 728, which is a brave members of the local fire depart- emergency response agencies for their bill that expresses the support and ments and emergency personnel, as continuing work to restore the affected sympathy of the House of Representa- well as the Ocean Isle Beach citizens areas across the state. tives and the people of the United who responded to the fire and called for The Clerk read the title of the resolu- States for the victims of the dev- help. tion. astating floods that swept across Ohio Again, I want to thank my colleague The text of the resolution is as fol- in August of 2007. and long-time friend Congressman JIM lows: H. Res. 728, which has 51 cosponsors, CLYBURN for bringing this resolution to H. RES. 728 was introduced by my friend, Rep- the floor. Whereas heavy rainstorms brought severe resentative Jim Jordan, on October 10, Mr. LATOURETTE. Mr. Speaker, this past flooding to Ohio and the upper Midwest over 2007. H. Res. 728 was reported from the weekend, more than 600 people gathered at the week of August 19, 2007; Oversight Committee on October 23, Whereas, in many parts of Ohio, this was Federated Church in Chagrin Falls OH, to the worst flood since 1913 with nearly 15 2007, by voice vote. mourn the loss of Allison Walden, 19, a 2006 inches of rain in some areas; Mr. Speaker, during the week of Au- graduate of Chagrin Falls High School and the Whereas the record storms and flooding gust 19, 2007, Ohio received over 15 daughter of Terry and Diane Walden of Cha- were responsible for up to 18 deaths across inches of rain in a violent storm that grin Falls. parts of the upper Midwest—some of these in swept across the State. Firefighters Allison was one of seven students to die in Ohio; and volunteers from that State per- the tragic beach house fire in North Carolina. Whereas over 500 citizens were forced to formed great acts of heroism in res- Her father, Terry, said she was a wonderful flee their homes and businesses and many cuing people from life-threatening con- hundreds of homes and businesses were dam- girl and full of life. She had a scholarship to aged; ditions. University of South Carolina, where she was a Whereas, on August 21, 2007, Allen, b 1230 sophomore studymg pre-med and a member Crawford, Hancock, Hardin, Paulding, Put- of the Delta Delta Delta sorority. She had nam, Richland, Seneca, Van Wert and Wyan- The storm caused major flooding planned to return to her beloved Chagrin Falls dot counties made initial local emergency that damaged many homes and busi- after graduation and study anesthesiology at declaration; nesses, and the water forced at least Case Western Reserve University. Whereas, on August 22, 2007, Governor Ted 500 families from their homes in sev- This senseless fire that took the lives of Strickland issued a State disaster declara- eral northern Ohio towns. seven wonderful young people capped a very tion for Allen, Crawford, Hancock, Hardin, Governor Ted Strickland of Ohio de- Putnam, Richland, Seneca, Wyandot and difficult year for the Walden family. clared states of emergency in nine Van Wert Counties; counties in northwest and north cen- Their son, Greg, a 2005 Chagrin Falls grad- Whereas, on August 27, 2007, President uate, is a student at Virginia Tech and was George W. Bush issued a Federal disaster tral Ohio. This was, indeed, the worst there in April when a deranged student shot declaration for Allen, Crawford, Hancock, flooding for Ohio since 1913. up the campus, killing 33 people Fortunately, Putnam, Richland and Wyandot Counties I now rise in support of the victims Greg, an honors engineering student, was and later added Hardin and Seneca Counties; in this disaster and to commend the unharmed in that horrific attack. I can’t imag- and State, local and Federal officials and ine as a parent going through that, and then Whereas Michigan, Minnesota, Wisconsin, emergency personnel for their response Illinois, Iowa and Indiana also experienced losing your only daughter just five months later to this crisis situation. serious, storms, flooding and tornadoes: I commend my colleague, Represent- in another tragedy. It is just unspeakably cruel. Now, therefore, be it As their father said, ‘‘What is the chance Resolved, That the House of Representa- ative JORDAN, for seeking to express that out of all the schools in the country that tives— support and sympathy for the Ohio our children would go where tragic events un- (1) expresses its support and profoundest flood victims. fold?’’ sympathy for the victims of the devastating Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of On behalf of the 14th Congressional District, flooding that occurred across much of Ohio my time. and the surrounding region in August 2007; Mr. JORDAN of Ohio. Mr. Speaker, I my sympathies go to the Walden family on (2) conveys its gratitude to the local, State their horrible loss, and may they find comfort too rise in support of this resolution. and Federal officials and emergency per- Obviously, as a result of these dev- in their family, friends, faith and community. sonnel who responded to this emergency and Mr. JORDAN of Ohio. Mr. Speaker, I continue working to restore normalcy in the astating floods this summer, we had yield back the balance of my time. affected counties; eight counties that were declared dis- Mr. LYNCH. Mr. Speaker, I yield (3) thanks the many volunteers, charitable aster counties in our State, 41⁄2 of those back the balance of my time. organizations, business and individual do- counties I had the privilege of rep- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The nors, churches and religious organizations resenting. The other 31⁄2 counties were question is on the motion offered by for their generosity in responding to this cri- represented by our late friend, Con- sis; and the gentleman from Massachusetts gressman Paul Gillmor. (4) commends the people of Ohio for their I want to commend Congressman (Mr. LYNCH) that the House suspend indomitable spirit and for the grace and the rules and agree to the resolution, magnanimity with which they have sup- Gillmor’s staff for the help of Paul, of H. Res. 787. ported one another during the flooding and course, when he was with us, and then The question was taken; and (two- continuing recovery. his staff for the great assistance they thirds being in the affirmative) the The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- provided our office and others as we rules were suspended and the resolu- ant to the rule, the gentleman from worked through this. tion was agreed to. Massachusetts (Mr. LYNCH) and the I also just want to take a moment to A motion to reconsider was laid on gentleman from Ohio (Mr. JORDAN) thank those local leaders, both our po- the table. each will control 20 minutes. lice, our fire, our EMS people, our local f The Chair recognizes the gentleman public officials and our State public of- from Massachusetts. ficials who did just an outstanding job EXPRESSING SUPPORT AND SYM- GENERAL LEAVE and also commend our Federal offi- PATHY FOR VICTIMS OF DEV- Mr. LYNCH. Mr. Speaker, I ask unan- cials. FEMA was there in Ohio, the ASTATING FLOODING THAT OC- imous consent that all Members may leaders were there, Director Paulison, CURRED IN OHIO have 5 legislative days within which to as well as Mr. Preston with the SBA, Mr. LYNCH. Mr. Speaker, I move to revise and extend their remarks. and then they have been in Ohio for suspend the rules and agree to the reso- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there several months serving families and in- lution (H. Res. 728) expressing the sup- objection to the request of the gen- dividuals and local governments who port and sympathy of the House of tleman from Massachusetts? were devastated by these floods. VerDate Aug 31 2005 03:41 Nov 07, 2007 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00026 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K06NO7.043 H06NOPT1 cnoel on PRODPC60 with HOUSE_CN November 6, 2007 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H12767 The thing, I guess, that really stands where in the country for what it is try- Also, we talked about our local offi- out for me, in the midst of this devas- ing to accomplish. At the center of this cials. I don’t know if we mentioned our tation, it was so neat to see how com- assessment is the understanding that two U.S. Senators who have been very munities come together, how people we must better manage our fresh water helpful in this effort as well, looking at work together and all kinds of acts of asset for the future. this in a broad way. kindness from family member to fam- It is our competitive advantage, Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance ily member and from neighbor to without question, in the Great Lakes of our time.
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