“Fiat mihi secundum verbum tuum.” Pastor: Rev. Mark J. Betti “May it be done to me Pastoral Associates: 596-2210 according to your word.” - Luke 1:38b Sister Theresine Gildea, C.D.P. Sister Maxine Tancraitor, C.D.P. Office Hours Monday through Thur: 10 AM-12 PM Mass Schedule - Horario de Misas Sunday - domingo 10:00 AM English Clinton Sunday - domingo 12:00 PM Español Clinton Sunday - domingo 6:00 PM Español Ingold Tuesday - martes 9:00 AM Traditional Latin 12:15 PM parish/parroqia Wednesday -miérc. 7:00 PM parish/parroqia Thursday - jueves 8:00 AM parish/parroqia Friday - viernes No Mass/no hay misa Saturday - sábado 6:00 PM Español Clinton 1st Saturday of month 5:00 PM English Clinton Reconciliation - Confesiones Saturday-sábado 5:00-5:30 PM Or anytime by appointment/o por cita Baptism - Bautizos English: Call Church office to schedule. Español:. Los horarios de Bautizos y platicas serán publicados en este boletín, Marriage - Matrimonio Please make arrangements with the priest at least six (6) months in advance of wedding date. Se debe consultar con el párroco con 6 meses de anticipación. IMMACULATE Faith Formation - Catequesis 4:00 PM- 5:30 PM Clinton (Spanish) sábado CONCEPTION 11:00 AM 12:00 PM Clinton (English) Sunday CATHOLIC CHURCH 4:30 PM- 6:00 PM San Juan, Ingold (domingo) 104 EAST JOHN STREET Confirmation CLINTON, N.C. 28328 Mondays 6:30 –8:00 pm Clinton O: (910) 592-1384 Emergency phone number: 910-305-9947 Website: www.icclintonnc.org Parish email: [email protected] Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time WEEKLY SCHEDULE February 5, 2012 [The LORD] tells the number of the stars and calls Saturday 04 February 11:00 AM Confirmation class in hall them by name. -- Psalm 147:4 Sunday 05 February 8:30 AM Choir rehearsal in church Please attend a weekday Mass! MASS INTENTIONS Monday 06 February 6:30 PM Confirmation class in hall Saturday 04 February Tuesday 07 February 9:45-10:45AM Breakfast in Hall, served by Fr. Mark 5:00 PM Richard Allen + Wednesday 08 February 6:00 PM People of the Parish 6:00PM Altar Society meeting in conference room Sunday 05 February Thursday 09 February Friday 10 February 10:00 AM Elizabeth Miller 12:00 PM Nan, Mary & Ray Jensen + Saturday 11 February 6:00 PM (Ingold) For Peace in Columbia 11:00 AM Confirmation class in hall Sunday 12 February 8:30 AM Choir rehearsal in church Monday 06 February No Masses Tuesday 07 February READINGS FOR THE WEEK 9:00 AM (Latin) Agata & Kaya Kusmierczuk (Birthdays!) Monday: 1 Kgs 8:1-7, 9-13; Mk 6:53-56 12:15 PM Mary Cooper + Tuesday: 1 Kgs 8:22-23, 27-30; Mk 7:1-13 Wednesday 08 February 7:00 PM Dominica Gacan Wednesday: 1 Kgs 10:1-10; Mk 7:14-23 Thursday 09 February 8:00 AM Carol Michel Thursday: 1 Kgs 11:4-13; Mk 7:24-30 Friday 10 February No Masses Friday: 1 Kgs 11:29-32; 12:19; Mk 7:31-37 Week of Sunday 12 February Saturday: 1 Kgs 12:26-32; 13:33-34; Mk 8:1-10 Saturday 11 February 6:00 PM People of the Parish Sunday: Lv 13:1-2, 44-46; Ps 32; 1 Cor 10:31 — 11:1; Mk 1:40-45 Sunday 12 February 10:00 AM Raymond Barcomb + ORGANIZATIONAL CONTACTS 12:00 PM No intención solicitada Parish Council: Next meeting: Wednesday 7 March 6:00 PM (Ingold) Maria + after the 7 PM Mass. PAC meetings are open to all parishioners. Prayer Book of Life Altar Society: Meets Every 1st Wednesday of the Please pray for all the intentions written in our month in Conference Room: 6:00 PM. All ladies of the “Prayer Book of Life” located in the vestibule. Any- parish are welcome! Contact Donna Leerkes at 590- one with any need is invited to write prayer re- 3077. quests in the book. Knights of Columbus: Meet 2nd Tuesday of month at “Let us pray for one another” 7:00 PM at Fred S’s House. Contact Frank Quinata. OFFERTORY REPORT Columbiettes: Next meeting: in parish hall. Contact Weekly budget required: $2,500.00 Maggie Mello at 531-3353. Comite Hispano: llame a Jose Romero 290-2725. Offertory received Jan. 29 $2,324.45 Father Thomas Frederick Price Bautizos Family Life Center REQUISITOS Registrarse en la oficina por favor lla- As was revealed publically for the first mar al 592-1384, o 290-2725. time during our Groundbreaking Ceremony celebrated by Bishop Burbidge, our new El día que se va a registrar, traer una building will be named after the first native copia del Acta de Nacimiento de la North Carolinian ordained to the Roman persona que será bautizada Catholic Priesthood. Fr. Price was also the co-founder of the Maryknoll Mission Society Los padrinos deben estar casados (see: http://www.maryknollsociety.org/ por la Iglesia Católica y haber recibi- index.php/home). The term “Family Life Center” is do los sacramentos de iniciación, si commonly used in our diocese to describe a son solteros, deben ser mayores de parish hall/classroom building in which any 16 años y haber recibido los sacra- or all of the following may take place: Faith mentos de iniciación. Formation classes, groups of the parish meet- ings, funeral luncheons, Friday Lenten Los padres que no están registrados en meals, parish dinners such as for Valentines la parroquia, tienen que hacerlo al me- Day, St. Patrick’s Day, Our Lady of Guada- nos dos meses antes para poder bauti- lupe, and other such social gatherings. It is hoped that our new building will zar a sus hijos. provide the much-needed space to promote IMPORTANTE Favor de no traer niños a las platicas. the mission given to us by Jesus Christ. __________________________________ Cause for Beatification and Canonization of Preparación de Matrimonio REQUISITOS Registrarse en la oficina con anterioridad, Father Thomas F. Price para tomar las clases Traer los documentos necesarios: The Most Reverend Michael F. Burbidge has 1. Certificado de Matrimonio por lo civil o announced the diocesan phase of the Cause for una licencia para casarse Beatification and Canonization of Father Tho- mas Frederick Price will be open March 9, 2. Copia de Papeles de Divorcio (en dado caso) 2012. Father Price, who was born in Wilming- 3. Una copia “reciente” del Acta de Bautismo ton, NC, on August 19, 1860, was the first na- (del novio y la novia) con “notas marginales” tive North Carolinian to be ordained to the Priesthood. 4. Acta de Nacimiento (del novio y la novia) At the time of his ordination, some 800 people IMPORTANTE in the state identified themselves as Catholic. Father Price was committed to converting all No haga planes para la fecha de su boda residents of North Carolina to Catholi- hasta después de registrarse y asistir a las cism. The January/February 2011 edition of pre-matrimoniales. the NC Catholics profiled Father Price in a Favor de no traer niños a las platicas. cover story. Rev. Mark J. Betti and the Our Cathedral; One Faith, One People Campaign Leadership Committee cordially request your company at the Parish Hall Thursday, February 16 at 7:00 pm (English) (o miércoles, febrero 15 at 7:00 pm (Español) Please RSVP by Wednesday, February 8th by using the card printed below or by calling the parish office at (910) 592-1384. Refreshments will be served (Español al otro lado) Distribution of funds raised by the campaign: 1. First donations received will satisfy our goal for the 2012 BAA: $22,268 2. Donations received above the BAA will be split 80%-20% between the cathedral (80%) and our own parish (20%), up to $145,100 3. Donations received above $145,100 will be split 50%-50% between the cathedral and our parish. Parish use of funds raised by the campaign: Based on the recommendations of the Parish Council and the Finance Council, our portion of the funds raised in the campaign will be applied in the following order: 1. Finish the construction of the Fr. Price Family Life Center 2. Hire a part-time custodian to clean and maintain our buildings 3. Finish Phase II of our construction project: expand the church 4. Hire a part-time secretary 5. Catechesis 6. Hire a Youth Minister Please complete this card and return it by Wednesday, Feb. 8th, 2012. Favor de completar esta tarjeta y regresarla el miércoles, 8 de feb. 2012. Yes, I/we can attend the campaign reception on: Sí, puedo/podemos asistir a la reunión de la campaña: ____Wednesday, February 15th at 7:00 pm (Español) Miércoles, 15 de febrero a las 7:00 pm (Español) ____Thursday, February 16th at 7:00 pm (English) ____Domingo, 19 feb después de misa de 6:00 pm, San Juan, Ingold ____ # attending ____# de personas que asistirán ____No, I/We are unable to attend. No, no puedo asistir a la recepción Name/Nombre: ____________________________________________ Phone/ Teléfono:_____________________________________ Padre Mark J. Betti y el Comité de la Campaña Nuestra Catedral; Una Fe, Un Pueblo te invita cordialmente a una reunión informativa en El Salón Parroquial. Miércoles, 15 de febrero a las 7:00 pm (Español); Jueves, 16 de febrero a las 7:00 pm (Ingles); o Domingo, 19 de febrero después de misa de 8:00 am en San Juan Favor de confirmar su asistencia antes del miércoles, 8 de febrero usando la tarjeta abajo o llamando a la oficina (910) 592-1384. Se Servirán Refrescos y Bocadillos. (For English See Other Side) Please use a stamp or place in the Weekend Collection Rev.
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