r' The weather Vote Variable cloudiness, mild today, chance of brief showers, You can still cast your ballot in high low to mid 70s. Fajr the municipal and school elec­ tonight, low upper 40s, low 50s. tions. Polling places will re­ main open until 8 p.m. Manchester—A City of Village Charm SIXTEEN PAGES PRICE: FIFTEEN CENTS MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1975 - VOL. XCV, No. 30 ^8 I Ford names his ^guys’ summary >|; Compiled from ;$ to tpp security posts :j;I United Press International ^ WASHIN&TON (UPI) - President tial assistant for national security af­ theJdW'big shake-up, the “Saturday State I fairs^ Night Massacre” of 1973, wodld Ford has decided two former con­ f e d MERIDEN — The Connec- |; gressmen, an Air Force general and James R. Schlesinger is out as become secretary of commerce, ticut Judicial Review Council Henry Kissinger will make a better secretary of defense and Director replacing' Rogers C.B. Morton, who, % has agreed to examine Meriden national security team than the old William E. Colby will leave the CIA. sources said, would assume j^a major Record president Carter H. § one — an expert on nuclear war, a The usual formality of a resignation role” in Ford’s campaign. White’s complaint that a teen- spy, and Kissingerl was not mentioned. Richard Cheney, RumsfelS’s assis­ J;; ager’s manslaughter sentence “These are my guys and the ones The President declined to expand tant, will run the White House staff. was too lenient. The newspaper that I wanted,” said the President, on another of Monday’s startling an­ The President said: ‘‘Secretary publisher charges a two-to- emphasizing that the major nouncements, that Nelson A. Kissinger will have the dominant li:; four-year suspended sentence rearrangement in his cabinet and top Rockefeller did not wish to be his. role in the formation of our foreign of Ronald G. Wulff was “a level advisers were his personal 1976 running mate. In a letter. policy.” travesty of justice.” The |i;i selections and that the administra­ Rockefeller told Fo'rd he did not want That statement iriay resolve uncer­ review has. been tentatively set “ jij tion would keep seeking detente with to complicate the President’s tainty over Kissinger’s efforts to •:;i for Nov. 24. the Soviet Union. political decisions as the campaign reduce tension between the super­ At a Monday news conference. drew closer. Many Republicans said powers, to get an agreement to stop HARTFORD — The Connec- Ford introduced the team: Rockefeller’s departure would help the nuclear arms race. Schlesinger ji; ticut Citizen Action Group and Kissinger, still secretary of state; Ford with the conservative wing of and other Pentagon officials have g Connecticut United Auto S his White House chief of staff, the GOP. said that despite detente, the United Workers Union have urged ^ Donald Rumsfeld, becoming Ford hinted that Bush and States must strengthen its national iji three Connecticut con- jj: secretary of defense; his am­ Rumsfeld might come under con­ security and increase arms spending. (Herald photo by Pinto) gressmen to support a federal j:; bassador to China, George Bush, sideration as his running mate. But, Ford told the reporters, re­ consumer protection agency j| heading up the Central Intelligence Almost as an aside. Ford an­ cent acrimony between State and Sixth Graders have election, too bill. Asked to back the Senate- Agency, and Kissinger's old White nounced another change: that Elliot Defense was not a factor. ll passed bill in the House were iji House deputy, Air Force Lt. Gen. L. Richardson, the Boston brahmin He said, “I wanted a change in the Going through the actual mechanics of the American voting Reps. Ronald A. Sarasin and Brent Scowcroft, becoming presiden­ who left the Nixon adminstration in Defense Department because I process, sixth graders at Martin School elect class officers using ji: Stewart B. McKinney, both % wanted, in that case, a person that I a'Voting booth made from a refrigerator carton. From left at the have known and worked with in­ Republicans, and Christopher table are Brad Jones, voter; Nancy Berggren, election worker; S Dodd, Democrat. , timately for a long period of time, a Republican leaders person who is experienced in the field Andy Danahy, election worker; and Bill Badeau, moderator. The of foreign policy and who has served project was in conjunction with a study of the election process Regional in the Department of Defense as a by Mrs. Margery Bialeck’s social study class.^ still like Rockefeller naval aviator.” i:|: BOSTON — Prelim inary |;:i agreement has been reached on HARTFORD (UPI) - Rep. Ronald vince Rockefeller to drop out. a $2.9 billion budget package A. Sarasin, R-Conn., says Vice Presi­ “I think it might have had a great iS which will cut Massachusetts dent Nelson Rockefeller could still be bearing on it,”' O’Neill said. state spending for the first on the 1976 Republican ticket despite “Rockefeller is the former governor Voter turnout moderate time, in 35 years but still will his decision to drop out of the of New York. He personally made a •:< require $325 million in new presidential race. pitch for help for New York City, and D today (from 6 a.m. to noon), 767 had taxes. The compromise an- Sarasin said Rockefeller’s decision the President has apparently turned By SOL R. COHEN the unaffiliated vote is considered. voted during the firsfchour, 832 the nounced Monday night was Monday leaves the possibility that his back on the city.” Herald Reporter The Democrats have been running second hour, 915 the third, 1,226 the coupled with a warning of im- Rockefeller might secure the Biebel said he believes As of noon today, six hours after on their record, pointing with pride minent default on $131 million nomination for vice president at the Rockefeller’s decision will have a the polls opened and under comfor­ fourth, 4,914 the fifth, and 5,509 the to their accomplishments and to sixth. ^ in housing notes. GOP national convention. “unifying effect on the Republican table, though cloudy weather con­ their low tax rate. The Republicans Connecticut Republican State party.” ditions, a total of 5,909 voters had A total of 26,382 voters are eligible are stressing the lack of accoun­ to cast ballots today — 10,519 tability by the Democrats and claim :§ BROCKTON, Mass. — Rita Chairman Frederick K. Biebel said “Since his selection as vice presi­ cast ballots in the town’s 10 voting Democrats, 8,262 Republicans and 7,- they can service the town better with Warren says the Supreme Rockefeller is so well liked in the dent, he and his philosophy have, districts — for 22.4 per cent of those 601 unaffiliated. The registration available funds. Several Republican ji: Court gave her the “brushoff” state that he would have been a deservedly or not, become controver­ eligible. The polls close at 8 p.m. figures are about 800 below those of a candidates have injected extraneous and she wants a hearing on her strong asset as President Ford’s run­ sial subjects,” Biebel said. “His (^he noon total averages out to 985 year ago and about 900 below two issues into the campaign, which the suit to allow recitation of ning mate. decision not to run rernoves this an hour. If the same average is held years ago. In 1972 Manchester Democrats have labeled “smears.” prayer in school buildings Biebel said' he doubts the vice potentially divisive situation.” to 8 p.m., a total of 13,790 or 52.3 per president has any intention of trying Sen. Abraham A. Ribicoff, D- cent of the electorate will have voted boasted 28,700 eligible voters. It was Both town committees are holding ;§ during class hours. She was ito 23,238 in 1970. “Win-Lose-or-Draw” parties tonight j:j leave for Wa^shington today to to wrest the nomination for president Conn., called James Schlesinger’s when the polls close. However, mid­ Being elected today are all nine — the Democrats at their Hartford •ach g try to meet with Chief Justice from Ford. removal as defense secretary afternoon voting usually is light. House Majority Leader William “disturbing.” He blamed the ouster Heavy voting is expected again from members to the Board of Directors, Rd. headquarters, the Republicans in >•: Warren E. Burger and get the six to the nine-member Board of the American Legion Hall. p. rod, green ji: court to reconsider its refusal O’Neill, D-East Hampton, Biebel’s on Secretary of State Henry about 5 p.m. on. 3 2 o z b o ttle Democratic counterpart, said Ford’s Kissinger. Estimates for today’s turnout Education, a .town treasurer, all And, as to be expected, both party >ii to hear her appeal from an three members of the Board of chairmen are predicting victory — jiji adverse lower court ruling. reluctance to give New York City ranged from a low of 50 per cent to a federal aid may have helped con­ high of 66.7 per cent. Both party Selectmen and seven constables. Ted Cummings fo^ the Democrats headquarters are offering rides to There is only one referendum ques­ and Nathan Agostinelli for the National the polls and both have workers man­ tion on the'voting machines. It is for Republicans. 9 9 '= Chief Lannan announces ning the phones — to get out the vote. a $2,373,000 appropriation for ad­ An inovation this year — believed jij NEW YORK — President The Democrats’ number is 647-1661 ditions and alterations to Bentley and to be a first in the state — is a jii; Ford’s over-all standing with and the Republicans' 643-2427.
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