The FINITE STRING Newsletter Calls for Papers FUTURE COMPUTING SYSTEMS tatively differentiate between present capabilities and This Journal will begin publication quarterly in spring research requirements. Practitioners have been selected 1985. Research and survey papers are sought with stra- and invited to present papers on their work by confer- tegic and futures themes in all areas of computing includ- ence chairpersons in conjunction with keynote speakers. ing: device technology, machine architecture, software This will be an annual conference structured to encour- engineering, human-computer interface, artificial intelli- age maximum interaction between participants during gence, robotics, and socio-economic impacts. Contact sessions and social events. Conference attendance is Dr. M.L.G. Shaw limited. Exhibits will be open to the public. Department of Computer Science FEATURED SPEAKERS York University Among the notable speakers with expertise in the area of North York, Canada M3J 1P3 artificial intelligence, the agenda will include Dr. W. (416) 667-3928 Bledsoe, MCC; Brig. Gen. P. Bouchard, Vice Comman- der, Aeronautical Systems Division; Dr. B. Chandrasek- CONFERENCE ANNOUNCEMENTS aran, Ohio State University; Dr. M. Fox, CMU; Dr. T. Garvey, SRI; Dr. V. Lesser, University of Massachusetts; THE SEVENTH ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF THE COGNITIVE SCIENCE SOCIETY Prof. D. Michie, University of Edinburgh; Prof. J. A. Robinson, Syracuse University; Dr. W. Rouse, Georgia 15-17 August 1985 Institute of Technology; Dr. E. Sacerdoti, Teknowledge; University of California, Irvine Dr. M. Stefik, Xerox PARC; and Dr. E. Taylor, TRW The goal of the annual conference of the Cognitive Company. Science Society is to provide a forum for the presentation SELECTED SESSIONS of interdisciplinary scientific results in the various disci- - Avionics plines that comprise Cognitive Science, including Cogni- - Decision Support Systems tive Psychology, Artificial Intelligence, Linguistics, - Expert Systems and Building Tools Neurobiology, and Philosophy. The 1985 conference is - Maintenance jointly sponsored by the Cognitive Science Society, the - Man-Machine Interface Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, and the Biological Sciences - Manufacturing Division of the Office of Naval Research. The confer- - New Architectures ence will be held immediately preceding the International - Programming Languages Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), which will be held at the University of California, Los Angeles. OSTERREICHISCHE ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE-TAGUNG 1985 MAJOR ADDRESSES 24-27 September 1985 Endel Tulving, Department of Psychology, University of Universit/it Wien, Hauptgeb/iude Toronto; Allen Newell, Department of Computer Science, Carnegie-Mellon University; Shimon Ullman, The Austrian Meeting on Artificial Intelligence will take Laboratory for Computer Science, Massachusetts Insti- place at the University of Vienna; it is organized by the tute of Technology; Roger Schank, Department of Austrian Society for Artificial Intelligence (OGAI). Computer Science, Yale University. Papers concerning many aspects of AI will be In addition, the conference will feature state-of-the- presented and published in the proceedings. Conference art symposia in Language, Learning, and Perception. languages are English and German. Speakers so far scheduled to appear include: Bob In addition to the Meeting, a one-day tutorial offering Berwick, Ken Wexler, Jim McGaugh, Jaime Carbonell, an introduction to AI will be held on 24 September, and Dave LaBerge, Gary Lynch, Pat Langley, Michael it is possible to visit several tutorial concerning main Posner, Don Hoffman. fields of AI on 25 September. For more detailed infor- mation on these tutorials, or on the Meeting, write: AEROSPACE APPLICATIONS OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE Institut ft~r Medizinische Kybernetic 16-19 September 1985 und Artificial Intelligence Dayton Convention Center, Dayton, OH Universit~it Wien Freyung 6/1 The annual AAAIC '85 Conference will be held in Dayton A-1010 Wien to establish the present state of the art in artificial intelli- Austria, Europe gence in selected areas of importance. Each session will be keynoted by a prominent researcher who can authori- CHAIRMAN: J. Retti, Vienna PROGRAM CHAIRMAN: H. Trost, Vienna 188 Computational Linguistics, Volume 11, Numbers 2-3, April-September 1985 The FINITE STRING Newsletter Calls for Papers PROGRAM COMMITTEE: Pauline Jacobson, Brown University - Bounded Disconti- W. Bibel, Munich nuities. B. Buehberger, Linz Almerindo Ojeda, University of Wisconsin - Discontinuity E. Buchberger, Vienna and Phrase Structure Grammar. W. Horn, Vienna Ivan Sag, Stanford University - Continuous Analyses of H. Kaindl, Vienna Discontinuous Constituents in Head Driven Phrase P. Raulefs, Kaiserslautern Structure Grammar. I. Steinacker, Linz Susan Steele, University of Arizona - On Constituency. R. Trappl, Vienna Farrell Ackerman, University of California, Berkeley - H. Weseslindtner, Vienna Wandering Parts of Predicates. W. Wahlster, Saarbriicken Livia Polanyi, BBN and University of Amsterdam ,- Discontinuous constituents in Discourse Syntax. CONFERENCE PROVISIONAL PROGRAMS INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON DISCOURSE PROCESSING CONFERENCE ON DISCONTINUOUS CONSTITUENCY 15-16 July 1985 7-8 July 1985 St. Patrick's College, Dublin, Ireland University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois 7 JULY 1985 organized in conjunction with the Fourth European Confer- ence on Reading Goeffrey Huck, University of Chicago - Opening 15 JULY 1985 Remarks. Yoshihisa Kitagawa, University of Massachusetts - Redoing Arthur Cater, University College, Dublin - Conceptual Reduplication. Primitives and Their Metaphorical Relationships. John McCarthy, Bell Labs - The OCP and the Edges of Roger Schank, Yale University - From Meaning Repre- Morphemes. sentation to Learning and Explanation. Jerrold Sadock, University of Chicago - Discontinuity and Noel Sharkey, University of Essex. Autolexieal Syntax. Anthony Sanford, University of Glasgow - Process Models Stephen Lapointe, Wayne State - An Argument for an of Discourse and Rhetorical Phenomena. Autosegmental Approach to Syntax. Michael McTear, University of Ulster - Conversational Susan Schmerling, University of Texas - Discontinuous Competence: Acquisition and Disorders. Constituents versus Discontinuous Dependencies. Brian Torode, Trinity College, Dublin - Automatic Discri- James D. McCawley, University of Chicago - Some Addi- miniation of Discourse Fields: A Contribution to tional Cases of Discontinuity. Computational Linguistics. Mark Baltin, NYU- Degree Complements. Panel Discussion chaired by Ronan Reilly, ERC, St. Kent Wittenbrug, University of Texas Extraposition from Patrick's College, Dublin. NP as Anaphora. 16 JULY 1985 William O'Grady, University of Calgary - Discontinuous Constituency in a Free Word Order Language. Henry McLoughlin, University College, Dublin - Perso- Richard Oehrle, University of Arizona - Gapping and the nae: User Models for Dialogue Understanding. Analysis of Discontinuous Dependencies. Giacomo Ferrari, University of Pisa. Emmon Bach, University of Massachusetts. Ronan Reilly, ERC, St. Patrick's College, Dublin- Model Failure in Dialogue: Some Detection and Repair Tech- 8 JULY 1985 niques. Donald Hindle & Mitchell Marcus, Bell Labs Phrase Owen Egan, Linguistics Institute of Ireland- Induction Structure and Intonation Breaks. and Decision Making in Discourse Processing. Susan Stucky, .CSLI- Configurational Variation in John Harris, Linguistics Institute of Ireland - The English. Progress of Immediate Structural and Lexieal Process- Martin Kay, Xerox PAR C. ing as a Function of Sentence-Internal and Discourse- Hans Uszkoreit, SRI - Linear Precedence in Discontin- level Informational Dependencies. uous Constituents. John Wilson, University of Ulster - Towards the Delimita- Anthony Kroch & Aravind Joshi, University of Pennsylva- tion of Conversation as a Speech Event. nia - Extraposition in Tree Adjoining Grammars. Computational Linguistics, Volume 11, Numbers 2-3, April-September 1985 189 .
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