REPRESENTATION OF AMERICAN DREAMS IN THE GOOD LIE (2014) FILM A Thesis Submitted to Faculty of Adab and Humanities In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for The Degree of Strata One (S1) LUTHFI FADLAN 1112026000106 ENGLISH LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE FACULTY OF ADAB AND HUMANITIES STATE ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY SYARIF HIDAYATULLAH JAKARTA 2017 ABSTRACT Luthfi Fadlan, Representation of America Dreams in The Good Lie Film. A Thesis: English Language and Literature, Faculty of Adab and Humanities, State Islamic University of Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, 2017 The Good Lie is a 2014 American drama film written by Margaret Nagle, and directed by Philippe Falardeau. This thesis aims to observe the manifest of American Dreams value through representation of each Sudanese and American character construction. Using the Descriptive analysis and qualitative method to reveal the findings thus, this research describes the character construction of each Sudanese and American Characters through Stuart Hall Representation concept with constructionist approach and using the result as reflection of American Dreams from James Truslow Adams. All the data collected from the dialogues and the pictures of the film. The findings of this research explains the construction of Sudanese immigrant and American characters is in line with the value of American Dreams concept. It is seen with the achievement of Sudanese and American characters by looking; the success of Sudanese characters in achieving freedom, the success of Sudanese characters in realizing their own dreams, as well as the success of Sudanese and American characters in solving their own problems. The writer also find that the depiction of Sudanese and American character with their attainment in America can be seen as a film that reflects America as a capable place of giving freedom, equality of opportunity, to every Sudanese immigrant, and portrays America as a place that can accommodate individual or collective motive. Keywords: Representation, Character Construction, American Dreams. i DECLARATION I hereby declare that this submission is my own work and that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, it contains no material previously published or written by another person nor material which to a substantial extent has been accepted for the award of any other degree or diploma of the university or other institute of higher learning, except where due acknowledgement has been made in the next. Jakarta, July 19th, 2017 iv ACKNOWLEDGMENT In The Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful All praise be to Allah, the lord of the world that gives us many opportunities and challenges till this thesis could be completed as the requirement to obtain for the degree of strata one. Peace and salutation are always be upon to our beloved prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon Him) who had changed the world from the darkness into the light. Many thanks the writer says to his important person Syahriar Syamsu and Kiki Falkia as the parents who always advised, supported, and prayed the writer in every situations. And also to his big family who always become a spirit to finish this thesis. The writer also would like to thank to his advisor Mr. Addy Hasan M. Hum, for his time and guidance. The writer also would like to express grateful and respect to: 1. Prof. Dr. H. Sukron Kamil, M.Ag. a s the Dean of Letters and Humanities Faculty. 2. Drs. H. Saefudin, M.Pd as the Head of English Language and Letters Department 3. Elve Oktafiyani, M.Hum as the Secretary of English Language and Letters Department. 4. All lecturers of English Letters Department who have given much knowledge and understanding, especially in literature studies. v 5. All my friends from Rusabesi, who have helped the writer in finding references. 6. All my friend from Genggong, Abrar, Aca, Adam, Adit, Alifaiz, Fachrial, Fajar, Fauzier, Nanda, Padel, Reza, Zaki. Who help me a lot to know how the world works. 7. All my friends from English Letters Department as family for the writer and as home to learn, to talk, and to develop to be better. 8. The writer’s sister, Salsa Chaerunisa and the writer’s brother, Fajar Reza Pahlevi. 9. To all the writer friends who support the writer in any situation that cannot be mentioned one by one. May Allah SWT always blesses and protects them. Finally, the writer hopes this thesis will be useful for the writer himself and for all people who read it. Jakarta, July 2017 The Writer vi vii TABLE OF CONTENT APPROVAL SHEET ................................................................................................ ii LEGALIZATION .................................................................................................... iii DECLARATION ..................................................................................................... iv ACKNOWLEDGMENT ........................................................................................... v TABLE OF CONTENT .......................................................................................... vii CHAPTER I ............................................................................................................. 1 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................... 1 A. Background of Study ...................................................................................... 1 B. Focus of Study ............................................................................................... 5 C. Research Question .......................................................................................... 6 D. Significance of Study ..................................................................................... 6 E. Research Methodology ................................................................................... 6 1. The Objective of Research .......................................................................... 6 2. The Method of Research ............................................................................. 6 3. The Technique of Data Analysis ................................................................. 7 4. The Instrument of the Research ................................................................... 7 5. Unit Analysis .............................................................................................. 7 6. Time and Place ........................................................................................... 8 CHAPTER II ............................................................................................................ 9 THEORITICAL FRAMEWORK .............................................................................. 9 A. Previous Research .......................................................................................... 9 B. Concept of Representation ............................................................................ 11 C. Characterization ........................................................................................... 14 1. Characterization Through Appearance ...................................................... 14 2. Characterization Through Dialogue .......................................................... 15 3. Characterization Through External Action ................................................ 15 vii viii 4. Characterization Through Internal Action ................................................. 15 5. Characterization Through Reaction from Other Character ......................... 16 D. American Dreams......................................................................................... 16 CHAPTER III ......................................................................................................... 19 RESEARCH FINDINGS ........................................................................................ 19 1. The Representation of Sudanese Immigrant .............................................. 20 1.1. The Construction of Mamere Character ................................................. 21 1.2. The Construction of Jeremiah Character ................................................ 26 1.3. The Construction of Paul Character ....................................................... 31 2. The Representation of American Character ............................................... 35 2.1. The Construction of Carrie Davies Character......................................... 35 2.2 The Construction of Jack Forrester Character ........................................ 41 2.3. The Construction of Pamela Lowi. ........................................................ 43 3. The Manifest of American Dreams value in The Good Lie Film. ............... 45 3.1. Freedom: The Meaning of Life in Depends of Sudanese Immigrant .......... 46 3.2. Equality of Opportunity: The Success of Immigrant .................................. 48 3.3. Individualism and Collectivism: The Success of Both Motive ................... 50 CHAPTER IV ......................................................................................................... 54 CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION .................................................................... 54 A. Conclusion ................................................................................................... 54 B. Suggestion.................................................................................................... 55 BIBLIOGRAPHY ................................................................................................... 56 APPENDICES .......................................................................................................
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