E Mail –[email protected] Website –www.deniliquin-h.schools.nsw.edu.au Phone –03 5881 1211 Fax –03 5881 5115 11th June, 2010 Principal: Andrew Collins Deputy Principal: Peter Astill DEPUTY PRINCIPAL’S REPORT Students arriving late to school Occasionally it is not possible for students to arrive Year 10 Work experience at school on time due to unforeseen circum- Year 10 students have recently completed one stances. When these occasions occur please pro- week of work experience. The students were vide your child with a note explaining why they placed in a large variety of workplaces, getting a are late. This note is to be given to the Deputy taste of potential future careers. I have spoken to Principal and in turn a late to class slip will be is- many students and have heard very positive com- sued to the student who then presents it to his/her ments about their experiences. Mrs Sinha and Mrs classroom teacher. Please remember that the Van Lieshout did a terrific job organising these school day starts at 8.50 at roll call. placements for all of the students in Year 10, and Student Absences their efforts have been much appreciated. Thanks Students who have been away from school need also to the workplaces of Deniliquin, who every to supply a note from their parent(s)/guardian ex- year very graciously give up their time to assist and plaining their absence. If a student has missed an support our students. assessment task as a result of an illness a Doctor’s certificate is required. It is important that your child has this note of explanation on the day of their return. Uniform Uniform is required to be worn by all students. It is important in helping to create a sense of pride and unity in the school. If for some reason your child does not have their uniform on a particular day a note of explanation is required. Notes of explanation are given to Mr Richards before roll call each day. Unwell Students If a students is unwell, they must go to the Boys/ Girls Advisor for a note to go to Henry Street Of- fice/Sick Bay. Ms Werner will then contact the Alex Hay on Work Experience at Advance Soil parent to collect the child if necessary. Students Mapping are reminded that this process must be followed on all occasions. Students must not contact their parents. North Tuppal Station Last Friday Mr Humphries and Mr Rae accompa- School Photos and Formal Assembly nied nearly fifty Ag/Science students to North Tup- A quick reminder that Deniliquin High School’s for- pal Station to view the re-enactment of the 72 mal assembly will be on Wednesday 23rd June. stand shearing shed in full swing. Teachers and stu- Another very important event is School photos. dents were interested and amazed to see how These will take place Thursday the 24th June. It is such a sheep station operated in the past. expected that students will be in full school uni- form. Picking up students from school DATES TO REMEMBER I would like to take this opportunity to remind par- ents that when picking up your child/children it 14th June Queen’s Birthday Public Holiday should be done from either Harfleur Street or Henry 18th June Riverina Cross Country Albury Street. Wellington Street is very busy of an after- noon at the end of the school day with buses 22nd June P & C Meeting 6.30pm Music Room coming and going very regularly. Students crossing 24th June School Photo’s the road in-between buses creates a major safety risk. 25th June Final payment due for Snow Excursion 11th May, 2010 NORTH TUPPAL STATION OPEN BOYS BASKETBALL HISTORICAL RE-ENACTMENT QUARTER FINALS On Friday the 4th of June Year 9 and 11 Agricul- At 10am on the 8th June 2010 the Deniliquin ture students travelled out to North Tuppal Sta- High School and Dubbo Senior College Bas- tion. The day was put on to showcase the spirit ketball teams competed at the Deni Sports and history of the sheep industry and sup- Park Stadium for a spot in the State finals held ported the Australian Shearing Team which is in Terrigal NSW. off to the Golden Shears World Championships The Deniliquin High School team consisted of in Wales later this year. During the course of Adam Bodey, Brett Macdonald, Jack Tyndall, the two days 5000 sheep were shorn requiring Jack Grimison, Hayden Barker, Lachy Holsch- a team of 300 people including blade and ier, Brayden Hall, Dominic Moore, Bill Walton machine shearers, wool handling and shed and Tom Parsons. staff. The students were able to see the recrea- First quarter saw Dubbo go out to a flying tion of the Tom start with two three pointers from their cap- Robert’s painting tain Michael Townsend. Bradyen Hall was ‘Shearing the quick to retaliate with two points, backed up Rams’ when 72 by Brett Macdonald with four consecutive blade shearers points. At the end of first quarter it was Deni took to the stands 13 to Dubbo 23. to shear the rams. Dubbo’s captain continued to be their top Students were also scorer with 10 points into the second quarter, given a guided however, some sloppy play by their defence tour around the allowed Deni to grab a few quick goals from shed, where they Brayden Hall assisted by Bill Walton. With were able to see the historical shearing shed team fouls gathering and Brett Macdonald come to life along with facts and figures about hurt from a body clash, both sides were de- the massive shed which was built in 1902. Stu- termined to dominate. The end of the sec- dents were also able to visit other displays, see ond quarter saw Deni 22 to Dubbo 40. working horses and Half time allowed the Deni team to re-group steam engines as well and focus their attentions back on a tight de- as try tasty lamb prod- fence. Jack Tyndall came out strong in the ucts. Overall, the day third quarter only to be fouled off with 5 per- provided a real oppor- sonal fouls. After medical attention and four tunity to see an impor- stitches to the head, Brett Macdonald came tant part of not only back and made an impressive 9 points. Deniliquin’s history but Adam Bodey stepped up for Brett Mac- Australia’s. Well done to donald and scored 2 points. Dominic Moore the students for their as team captain kept his side together with a patience and excellent few quick fast breaks and steals, enabling his behaviour and a special thanks to Mr Rae for team to score 17 points to Dubbo’s 14 in the driving the bus for us. fourth quarter. This impressive fight back was also attributed to Tom Parsons who man- aged to rebound and steal the ball from Dubbo on numerous occasions. At the start of the last quarter the score was Deni 39 to Dubbo 57. Brayden Hall, Tom Par- sons and Dominic Moore all stepped up a gear and scored basket after basket. They were assisted with Hayden Barker in defence and Lachy Holschier as front guard. Lachy did well to provide some assistance to Brett Macdonald who scored a staggering 11 points to help pull the game back to a close 11th May, 2010 finish. Both Brayden Hall and Dominic Moore ham saw Deni overpower Barham 33-6. Sarah were impressive with scoring 6 and 4 points re- Nisbet had 8 points, Georgie Mathewson 10 spectively. However, despite their valiant ef- points and Maddy Price 4 points. Deni’s strong forts Deni was defeated by Dubbo 65-77. defence from Demi Blake, Chelee Williams, Well done to the boys coming this far and be- Maddy Couroupis and Chelsea McNamara ing Riverina B Finalist, as well as playing a fan- proved too good. Fantastic effort from the girls tastic game against Dubbo Senior College. who have now made it into the next round in Deniliquin High School would like to thank Albury and overall best players Demi Blake, Maddy Price and Leanne Landy for umpiring Georgie Mathewson and Sarah Nisbet. The on the day, John Arthur for using the facilities team consisted of Chelsea McNamara, Demi and providing the BBQ amenities. Blake, Maddy Price, Maddy Couroupis, Chelee Mrs McDonald would like to thank Graeme Williams, Georgie Mathewson, Henrietta Brad- Macdonald for coaching the boys on the day ford-O’Sullivan, Tess Parsons, Gaby Ives and and for the fantastic support received from Sarah Nisbet. Coach: Leanne Landy. the public and school body. The fourth game on the day was Deni High We hope next year with the experience they School boys versus Barham High School boys. have learnt this year that the boys will be able A few quick goals from Brock Close, Will to make it to the state finals and go all the Jennings and Lachy Holschier saw the Deni way. High team gain a quick lead and with a cou- ple of excellent assists from Keana Hall to La- chy Holschier saw the Deni side win convinc- ingly 22-11. Lachy Hoslchier racked up an easy 14 points with Keana Hall assisting with 4 points. The last game for Deniliquin High School boys was against Finley High School. Finley’s de- fence was strong and made the Deni boys work hard for their baskets. Deni started off well but was quickly held back by some sharp shooting from Finley High.
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