twa*/ ff « MEDEDEELINGEN VAN DE LANDBOUW- HOOGESCHOOLT EWAGENINGE N(NEDERLAND ) U ONDER REDACTIE VAN EEN COMMISSIE f UITDE NSENAA T i SECRETARIS PROF. DR. G. GRIJNS f f DEEL 29 VERHANDELING 1 REPORT ON A COLLECTION OF RECENT SHELLS FROM OBI AND HALMAHERA (MOLUCCAS) BY DR. C. H. OOSTINGH H. VEENMAN &ZONE N —WAGENINGE N — 1925 ^cSte GEDRUKTTE RALGEMEEN ELANDSDRUKKERI J The present paper deals with a collection of recent shells, chiefly marine, from the islands of Obi Major and Halmahera (or Gilolo) in the Moluccas (East Indian Archipelago). This collection forms part of the conchological collections kept in the Geological Museum of the Agricultural University at Wageningen (Holland). The shells from Halmahera have been collected on the East coast by the Rev. Maan, missionary at the mission Buli- and Weda-bay, E. coast of Halmahera, The shells from Obi Major were collected on the shores by Mrs. Ham when accompanying Prof. S. P. H a m, now in Wageningen, during a stay at that island in 1899. As I thought it useful to give a summary of the whole littoral marine and submarine molluscan fauna of the neighbourhood, I have included all the shell-bearing species which have hitherto been recorded from the ObiIs . and from Halmahera and surroun­ ding islands 1). Owing to the kindness of Dr. Fr. Haas, I was able to prepare part of this paper at the Senckenberg Museum in Frankfurt-on- Main, where I could avail myself of the excellent library. As to the part of this work made in Wageningen, I am much indebted to Prof, van Baren for his help in procuring the most indis­ pensable literature. Mr. J. J. Ve r wi jn e n has greatly obliged me by the loan of books from the rich library of Teyler's Museum. In conclusion, I have to express my thanks to Miss W. S. S. van Benthem Jutting, of the Zoological Museum at Amsterdam, and to Dr. Ed. La my , of the Museum d'Histoire naturelle in Paris, who have kindly assisted me in the identifi­ cation of certain critical specimens. A summary of previous work on the marine Mollusca of the northern Moluccas may now be given. Between 1860 and 1865 the region under consideration has been explored by Dr. H. A. Bernstein who collected for the 1) The names (and synonymy) of species not in the collection are printed in smaller type. 4 Leyden Museum at Halmahera, Rau, Morotai, Ë a ch an and the Obi Is.1). A considerable number of Prosobranchia and one species of Chiton, collected by him, were listed in the Catalogue of the Leyden Museum by HORST and SCHEPMAN (63). Moreover some shells from T e r n a t e, collected by Dr. Semmelink, were mentioned in that catalogue. In 1862 Halmahera and the islands west of it (the Moluccas proper) were explored for shells by Professor EDUARD VON MARTENS. Collections were made by him at Halmahera, Ternate, Tidore, Mareh, Motir, Makian, Kajoa, (Great-) T a w a 1 i, K em a , and B a ch a n. Apart from the terrestrial Mollusca, the results of his investigations were published in his monographs of Neritina (104), Navicella (106), and Nerita (108) in the Conchylien-Cabinet, in MAX WEBER's „Zoologisch e Ergebnisse einer Reise in Niederländisch Ost- Indien" (109), and in the „Rumphius Gedenkboek" (110). In 1889 Dr. Adolf Strubell collected some shells at B a ch a n, which were described by O. BOETTGER (13). Prof. W. KÜKENTHAL in 1893—94 made zoological collections at Halmahera, Ternatej and Ba c h an . The results of his voyage were published in a series of articles by several zoologists. Some articles deal with testaceous Mollusca (191) (192) (193). As to the Mollusca collected by the Siboga expedition (1899—1900), I have included the shells collected near Laiwui (Obi Major), and north of Salomakiëe- island near the southern peninsula of Halmahera. A consi­ derable number of Gastropoda were recorded from these localities by M. M. SCHEPMAN (155), moreover some Chitons by H. F. NlERSTRASZ (203), and a single representative of the family Pectinidae by DAUTZENBERG and BAVAY (39). In 1910 PH. DAUTZENBERG (38) listed a collection of marine shells sent from Halmahera to the „Musée Océanographique" at Monaco. N.B.: In the systematic portion authors' names are printed in capitals, names of scientific travellers who collected molluscs are in ordinary type. The numbers in parentheses following authors' names refer to corresponding numbers in the Bibliography given at the end of this paper. *) All the islands mentioned here have been indicated on the appended sketch-map. 3Ldo/a£? TAWALl^) OBI AMPHINEURA. FAM. ISCHNOCHITONIDAE. 1. Craspedochiton tesselatus Nierstrasz. 1905 Craspedochiton tesselatus nov. spec. NIERSTRASZ, Chitonen der Si­ boga (203), pp. 43—46, nr. 1, pi. I, figs. 12— 14; pi. Ill, figs. 93—94; pi. IV, figs. 95—%. Salomakiëe-islaud, reef (Siboga exp.). FAM. ACANTHOCHITIDAE. 1a . Leptoplax varius Nierstrasz. 1905 Leptoplax varius nov. spec. NIERSTRASZ, Chitonen d. Siboga (203), pp. 52—53, nr. 1, pi. II. figs. 24—25; pi. V, figs. 134— 140. Salomakiëe-island, reef (Siboga exp.). FAM. CRYPTOPLACIDAE. 1b . Cryptoplax bnrrowi (E. A. Smith). 1905 Cryptoplax burrowi E. A. Smith. NIERSTRASZ, Chitonen der Siboga (203), pp. 71—73, nr. 1, pi. II, figs. 26—27; pi. V, figs. 141—145; pi. VI, figs. 146—150. Salomakiëe-island, reef (Siboga exp.). FAM. CHITONIDAE. 1c Tonicia (Tonicia) confossa Gould. 1905 Tonicia confossa Gould. NIERSTRASZ, Chitonen der Siboga (203), pp. 90—91, nr. 1, pi. II, fig. 31; pi. VI, fig. 165. Salomakiëe-island, reef (Siboga exp.). 1d . Acanthopleura spinigera (Sowerby). 1902 Chiton (Acanthopleura) spiniger Sow.. VON MARTENS, Rumphius , Gedenkb. (110), p. 129. 1908 Acanthopleura spinigera Sowerby. HORST et SCHEPMAN, Cata­ logue. (63), p. 527. Halmahera and Morotai (Bernstein, Leyden Museum). Bachan (collected by VON MARTENS). 1 e. Schizochiton incisus (Sowerby). 1905 Schizochiton incisus Sowerby. NIERSTRASZ, Chitonen der Siboga (203), pp. 104—105, nr. 1, pi. VI, figs. 162—164. Laiwui, Obi Major, reef (Siboga exp.). GASTROPODA. PROSOBRANCHIA. FAM. PATELLIDAE. 2. Helcioniscus testudinarius (Linné). For the synonymy and the distribution of this species see my paper on shells from Java (129), pp. 9—10. The following references may be added: 1757 Bouclier, de couleur d'écaillé de Tortue. D'ARGENVILLE (4), part. I, p. 189, pi. 2, fig. P. 1764 Patella testudinaria. LINNÉ, Mus. Lud. Ulr. (95), p. 693, nr. 420. 1769 Lepades vertice & limbo integro depressiores, ovatae, Testudinis clypeum colore reterendes. MARTINI, Conch.- Cab. (122), vol. I, pp. 104—106, pi. VI, figs. 45—48. 1832 Patela (p. err. typ.!) testudinaria. DESHAYES, Encycl. méth. (49), vol. III, p. 707, nr. 8. 1869 Patella insignis Dnk.. VON FRAUENFELD, Nicobaren (55), pp. 872, 897. — — testudinaria L.. VON FRAUENFELD, ibid., p. 873. 1880 Patella testudinaria Linné. VON MARTENS, Mauritius (105), p. 299. 1901 Helcioniscus testudinarius (L.).MELVIL L and STANDEN, Persian Gulf (124), I, p. 343. ObiMajor, 2 specimens. East coast of Halmaher a, 1 specimen. Specimens from the Obi. Is., from Northern Hal- mahera and Morotai, collected by Dr. Bernstein, are in the Leyden Museum. VON MARTENS collected this species at Bachan. Add to distribution : Nicobar Is. (Novara); Mekran Coast of Baluchistan and Southern Persia (MELVILL and STANDEN). — Mauritius (Robillard). 3. Helcioniscus eucosnrius Pilsbry. 1902 Patella variegata Reeve. VON MARTENS, Rumphius Gedenkb. (110), p. 124. Bachan (collected by VON MARTENS). Synonymy and distribution in : „Recent shells from Java" (129), p. 10. 8 FAM. FISSURELLIDAE, 4. Fissuridea ticaonica (Reeve). 1908 Glyphis ticaonica Reeve. SCHEPMAN, Siboga (155), p. 86. North of Salomakiëe-island, coral bottom and Lithothamnion (Siboga exp.). 5. Snbemarginula tricarinata (Born). 1908 Subemarginula tricarinata Born. SCHEPMAN, Siboga (155)» p. 93. North of Salomakiëe-island, Lithothamnion-bottom (Siboga exp.). 6. Scutus unguis (Linné). 1908 Scutus unguis (L.). R. BERGH in SCHEPMAN, Siboga (155), p. 99. North of Sâlomakiëe-island (Siboga exp.). 6 a. Scntns grannlatus (de Blainville). 1897 Scutus granulatus (Blainv.). BERGH, Opisthobranchiaten v. Kükenthal (191), pp. 124—127. Near Temat e (Kükenthal). FAM. HALIOTIDAE. 7. Haliotis (Haliotis) varia Linné. 1705 Auris marina. RUMPHIUS (151), p> 121, pi. XL, fig. G. 1758 Haliotis varia. LINNÉ, Syst. Naturae, edit. X (94), p. 780, nr. 650. 1764 — — LINNÉ, Mus. Lud. Ulr. (95), p. 684, nr. 404, 1767 — — LINNÉ, Syst. Nat. XII (96), p. 1256, nr. 743. 1769 Auris marina 5 foraminibus pervia, etc.. MARTINI, Conch.- Cab. (122), vol. I, pp. 183—184, pi. XV, fig. 144. 1791 Haliotis varia. GMELIN, Syst. Nat. (56), p. 3688, nr. 4 (exclusive of several synonyms!). 1817 — , — DILLWYN, A descriptive Catalogue of recent shells, vol. II, p. 1010, nr. 7. 1843 — — Lin.. DESHAYES in DESHAYES—LA­ MARCK, An. s. vert. (86), vol. IX, pp. 31—32, nr. 17. 1846 Haliotis viridis. REEVE, Proc. Zool. Soc. (144), p. 56. — — semistriata. REEVE, ibid., p. 57. 1846 Haliotis varia. REEVE (145), vol. Ill, Haliotis, pi. II, fig. 4. — — viridis. REEVE, ibid., pi. XIII, fig. 40. — — semistriafa. REEVE, ibid., pi. XIV, figs. 51 a, b, c. 1854 Haliotis varia, Linn.. H. and A. ADAMS, Genera (3), vol. I, p. 442. — — semistriata, Reeve. H. and A. ADAMS, ibid., p.442 . — — viridis, Reeve. H. and A. ADAMS, ibid., p. 442. 1855 Haliotis varia. HANLEY, Ipsa Linn. Conch. (58), pp. 411—412, 544. 1869 — —, Linneo. ISSEL, Mar Rosso (65), p. 230. 1880 — — Linne. VON MARTENS, Mauritius (105), p. 298. 1882 — — , Linnaeus and var. semistriata Rve.. SO- WERBY, Thesaurus (167), vol. V, p. 28, nr. 46, pi. 428, figs. 5—7, 11, 12; pi. 435, fig. 61. 1883 — — Linné. WEINKAUFF, Haliotis (185), p. 10, pi. 3, fig. 4. 1886 — —, Linne. BOOG WATSON, Challenger Ga- sterop. (182), p. 677. 1890 Haliotis fs. str.) varia Linné and vars .
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