AMERICAN SQUARE DRNCE JANUARY 1983 Single Copy $1. JACK LASRY Professional Profile Personality CALLERS are calling for the ASTATIC 810A microphone. The 810 is rapidly becoming to Square Dance Callers what the ASTATIC ii D104 is to Ham Radio enthusiasts. With outstanding performance, appearance and dependability, the ASIATIC 810A is a standard to be judged by ST,MTIC IS IIIIIIINIMIIIIIK For further information write or phone: The ASTATIC CORPORATION, P.O. BOX 120 CONNEAUT, OHIO 44030/Phone 1-216-593-1111 Attention: Commercial Sound Sales Division 2 AMERICAN ri) SQURRE DRNCE VOLUME 38, No. 1 JANUARY. 1983 THE NATIONAL MAGAZINE WITH THE SWINGING LINES ASD FEATURES FOR ALL ROUNDS 4 Co-editorial 5 By-Line 16 Roundalab 7 Meandering 21 A Little Bit of Etiquette 11 The Explosion 63 Facing the L.O.D. 13 Professional Profile 64 RID Pulse Poll 15 Here Today, Here Tomorrow 77 Flip Side/Rounds 23 Rhyme Time FOR CALLERS 25 Linelight 27 Hemline 44 Easy Level Page 29 Dancing for the Public 58 Creative Choreography 35 Encore 62 PS/MS 41 Best Club Trick 65 SID Pulse Poll 42 Dancing Tips 78 Flip Side/Squares 43 Calling Tips 82 Steal A Peek 46 Plumb Line 84 Underlining 53 Sketchpad Commentary 93 Callerlab Confab 56 Quest 66 People SQUARE DANCE SCENE 68 International News 31 Coming Up Roses 81 Puzzle Page 48 32nd National Convention 83 Product Line 55 Challenge Chatter 88 Dandy idea 72 Speaking of Singles 97 Book Nook 86 Date-Line 99 Finish Line 100 Square Up OUR READERS SPEAK 6 Grand Zip LEADERSHIP TIPS 33 Feedback 14 State Line 33 Straight Talk 19 Leadership 47 Rave 37 V is for Vigilance Workshop Editors Ed Fraidenburg Publishers and Editors Bob Howell Stan & Cathie Burdick Feature Writers Harold & Lill Bausch Dave & Shirley Fleck Member of NASRDS Mary Jenkins National Association of S&R/DSuppliers Russ & Nancy Nichols Gene & Thelma Trimmer AMERICAN SQUAREDANCE Magazine Editorial Assistants (ISSN 0091-3383) is published by Burdick Mona Bird Enterprises. Second class postage paid Virginia Bridgman at Huron, Ohio. Copy deadline first of Mary Fabik month preceding date of issue. Sub- Bob Mellen scription: $9.00 per year. Single copies: Mef Merrell $1. each. Mailing address: Box 488, Record Reviewers Huron OH 44839. Copyright 1982 by Bur- Frank & Phyl Lehnert dick Enterprises. All rights reserved. John Swindle American Souaredance. January 1983 The date, January 1983, means that this is the first issue of the 38th volume of American Squaredance. Originated as American Squares in 1945 by Charlie Thomas, a New Jersey lawyer, the maga- zine was to be a means of communica- tion for those engaged primarily in American square dancing, then an in- tegral part of the folk dance scene. In 1983, the thrust of ASD is still to square dancers. Now the other phases— rounds, contras, clogging, mixers— are all considered part of the American Square Dance scene, and the American Square Dance is our national folk dance. But the original purpose of ASD has not changed— to be a means of communications. Last week we received a request to re- print a 1977 article by Allen Finkenaur on sides of an argument may be aired, even economics. The ideas in the article had when we editors feel strongly about one become discussion points at the St. aspect. We pledge an effort to objective- Louis Mini-LEGACY and now the bulletin ly consider all submissions. Our one re• editors wanted to share the whole article striction is that we will not publish per- with their readers. sonal remarks that constitute an attack "We're filters for square dance infor- on another reader or writer, rather than mation," we agreed. We cull from orig- an attack on an idea. inal submissions and from "researched" Our only other restriction applies to articles what we think applies to the advertising— ads must deal with the present-day square dance activity. We square dance activity: products, books, sometimes think we present material in tapes, records, festivals, tours. We do "shotgun" fashion— a whole load at a turn down ads submitted by non-dance time. Some items find a mark and some advertisers to all magazines. This pro- don't. The ones that have an effect are tects you, the readers, to some extent. sometimes very surprising. Some of the So here we are, moving into the 38th best ideas seem to go unnoticed— until year of a publication with the proud years later when a reader asks for a copy history of being the oldest square dance or for permission to reprint. monthly publication extant. Not to say Once again, in ASD's 38th year, we that ASD is a fuddy-duddy; you readers repeat our pledge to readers: ASD is and keep it young and modern and up-to- will remain a means of communication date by sending reports of changing between dancers, a filter for thoughts ideas and reactions and new sugges- suggestions, program ideas, discussion, tions for teaching and programs. Keep it controversy, a publication where both up! C.C. RIDER APPROVED 04 RECORD & TAPE SERVICE 5104 N.CLAREAAONT • CHICAGO,ILL.• 60625 CALL ANY.TIME THE MOST COMPLETE AND INFORMATIVE, RECORD AND TAPE SERVICE GOING! JACK .1,1,1 PAT BERG , ' ..k.%---.0 0 [ NEW RELEASES CATALOG-CUE SHEET AUTO-RIECORoS CUSTOM SERVICES • j W ;' I WRITE FOR "FREE" SERVICES CATALOG TAP! SERVICE, C LLLLL ,CUER CLASSIFIED C.C'e HOT HiTS ART OESIOTE A merican Squaredance. January 1983 Will the eighties bring an explosion in our activity? The editors of the National Square Dance Directory, Gordon Goss and Charles Waelde are predicting one. Read their New Year's forecast, and follow it with Jeanne O'Hara's conviction that square dancing is here today and will be still here tomorrow. Jeanne's article appeared in the Delaware Valley Convention program book and was forwarded to us. Following the New Year theme, Mary Heisey has described the square dance year in verse. We hope 1983 will bring the happiest dancing ever to all our readers! Ralph and VeVe Hay, LEGACY trustees, share their thoughts on leadership, which Ralph used as an intro to a discussion at LEGACY '81. Further thoughts on leadership appear in "V is for Vigilance." author unknown, which your editors adapted to square dancing and used at the Prairie Conclave. The audience requested copies, so we share it with you all. Art and Fran Moore discuss round dance teaching etiquette that certainly applies to all aspiring leaders who are practicing their "listening" techniques. One new feature appears along with the new year: "Plumb Line." We collected feature stories on many of the square-dancer-owned/built halls around the country and will be publishing them regularly. The first centers on the Hayloft, a hall in which we danced often during our four years in its area, and which we recall with fond memories. -512=11- 411 \• 0 0 * OO F N, THE BRIGHTEST IDEA EVER LISTEN FIRST - BUY LATER The only way for a really "bright" caller to keep current with all the great new music coming out. Add to this the convenience F and speed of toll tree ordering of records, and you have the finest tape service anywhere in the world. • 3-Year S&RID Calendars Available 81/2 "x11", 1983, 1984, 1985 z HANHURST'S 3508 Palm Beach Blvd. Fort Myers, Florida 33905 I (813) 332.4200 Need Records in a Hurry? Call Toll Free 1.800-237-2442 American Squaredance, January 1983 pleased to find you have included the liornsteins, a very wonderful and deserv- ing couple whom we are proud to call our friends. Bob & Martha McNutt Benton City, Washington So nice of you to mention my wonder- ful tribute in your fine magazine. It was truly and honor, and very much appreci- ated. Thanks. Gerrie Purcell Avon, Massachusetts Attention: Soo-Z-Q's International Square Dance Club of Soo, Mich. and Soo, Canada, are going to hold a 25th Enclosed check for a year renewal. anniversary Reunion Dinner Dance the In behalf of the Plum Creek Prom- weekend of July 22, 1983. Anyone read- ing this who knows of former members enaders of Lockhart, Texas, I 4ant to and their addresses, please contact thank you for the feature story on our Basil & Jean Smith, 1910 Riverside Dr., float. We received first place in the Soo MI 49783 or Alex & Marge Arm- Watermelon Thumb Parade. but only a strong, RR2 (Island Lake), Soo, Ontario good showing in the Aqua Festival P6A 5K7. Parade. Lawrence & Janice Tubman Ed & Colleen Lang Austin, Texas Soo, Michigan ...Just received my November issue What a good feeling it was to see men- and was very pleased to see the ex- tion of our Pie Squares in "Product Line, cellent coverage you gave our North September issue. It provided such an ex- Shore Square and Round Dance Associ- hilarating lift to have our effort to im- ation with our picture and all. It's an prove our gratifying activity recognized honor to get a picture in your national and acknowledged. Although consider- magazine. I truly look forward to every able initial expense was involved to pro- month's issue. The number of ideas I duce the dies we have purposely kept have received, not to mention the insight the cost within easy reach and do not and motivation from the many articles I mind having it take a while to recover the have read, are uncountable in my 15 cost. Many thanks for the editorial plug. years of dancing. You two are to be com- Russ Hoekstra mended for the fine job, as well as your Longmeadow, Massachusetts excellent staff.
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