Sept. 25, 1956 A. R. KNIGHT 2, 764,698 CONTROL SYSTEM Filed Nov. 23', 1942 3 Sheets-Sheet 1 F/ ‘6. .2. /MM a“F E C MM V a, a.1 Em C m0 W k m d ,a b 5J WWW/1%? FIG. 3. F76; 4 . TIME 7/045 F 16.5 . 77,15 Sept. 25, 1956 A. R. KNIGHT 2,764,698 CONTROL SYSTEM Filed NOV. 25, 1942 5 Sheets—Sheet 2 m+ _ lzvve/vraq 42 TH up 2 K/waw 7 United States Patent '0 2,764,698 Patented Sept- 25, 1956 2 Figure 21is a sirnilar‘view of 'a reference image on an other iconoscope for purposes that will appear later. 2,764,698 Figure "3 illustrates the ‘relationship of'lig'ht- intensity with‘respect to time ‘fortheiicon'oscope mosaic of Fig CONTROL SYSTEM ure '1. 1 Arthur¢R.‘=Kniglit, Dayton,‘ Ohio Figure 4"il1u'stra-tes the relationship ‘of the'light' intensity with respect 'toltime ‘for‘th‘e iconoscope‘mosaic .of Fig Application November 23, 1942, Serial ~No.-.466,972 ure 2. ~ . ‘Figure 5 illustrates the differential light intensity with 8‘Cla'ims. (Cl; 250-214) I 10 ‘respect to‘ time (of the two iconoscope mosaics represented (Granted under Title 35, U.:S. Code ‘(1952), sec. .266) in Figures 1'and'2. Figure 6 illustrates‘the circuit diagram of one form of my invention. Figure 7 illustrates the. time relationshiprof the square The invention described herein may be-manufactured vwave voltage of the circuit, the sweep voltages of the and .usedby or ‘for vthe Government for governmental iconoscope, and the differential output voltages ‘of the purposes, without .the payment to='me of any royalty two iconoscopes. .thereon. ‘Figure ‘8 illustrates a bomb’having the invention there This invention relates to systems-of indication'and/or on. ‘ ' controland more particularly to indication or controlzof Figure 9.-.is a block diagram of-mytinventioncwhen used direction wherebyan object may be guided .to a‘ pre-v with an indicator. 1 determined location. ‘Figure 10 is -a "block diagramwof. my inventionwhen One-object of this invention is toprovide improved used to operate the direction control means of~an»‘air .means‘ of' indication and/or- control. Another object is to craft. .provide .means for guiding an ‘object into a ‘source of Referring now to Figure this apparent vthat-the target electromagnetic radiation. Another-object'is .to provide is square and'located-directly at the center-of the mosaic. means ofv direction control-in which the device controlled This is donev for purposes of illustration-only. ‘As’the is guided in "several ~ directions. beam sweeps from points a.to vbitis assumed-thatadark The inventionmay' be utilized in;-conjunction with background is swept. From .points :12 to -»c ‘the target various typesof movi g bodies incorporating direction emanates radiations which causes-an increase-in-~voltage - control means. The.principal application 'of=the1inven at the iconoscope. Fromt- to.-~d there iisiandark- back tion is forzguiding axbom‘b which ' has been. releasedifrom ground. The voltage vvariation (rnoththe sactual voltage) .-an aircraft =into. a-~source~of-radiations suchvas af-battle is illustrated inEigureJ'. Figure >4villustrates-the varia ship, ;.searchlight, powersiplant ‘or the Flike. Anotherzap tion inllightr-with. respectcto time :on the second iconoscope fplication isi‘forguidingza vwater-born'e; torpedo .boat into of. Figure. 2. This iconoscope is-exposedionl-y-:toiamef 12116116113]; warship. Still‘ another:applicationeresides Iin erencefimageeentered on the mosaic. , ' .theégui‘danee and landingaof aircraft. The . dilferential .light intensity ofthe two \iconoscopes The principle underlying :my invention willbefdescribed is .illustratedIin-Figure 5 which shows =two<main surges: of very; precisely : as» it : is ea‘pplied v'to ?the :'mode of use \which energy, . which .are transformed ‘into - corresponding surges eatwpresent appears :to " be the most ‘important ‘and ibest. 40 of voltage. These twosurges» of voltage'are compared ' The radiations'ofathe-targetftoward’whichlthe device is~to with .each :other .and' ‘when i one -is- stronger than ‘the > other be guided :are intercepted:hyz-anaiconoscopeiof wellknown the vanes-t of the I bomb‘ are operated to'change \the "course .vform. The?image impressed on‘ th‘ezicon‘oscope is‘sWep't of the bomb. ‘by ~.the tbeam'zandwthe :image ‘resulting ‘on one half" of the vApparatus for-carrying out therinvention' as just de mosaiccisicompared ‘in; intensity with that on vthe other scribed -is illustrated .in vFigure -6. In ithis-t?gurerthe (half; -Assuming .: as would 'be the‘lcase You a dark night iconoscope 20 .hastwo‘horizontal-plates 21 ‘and 22*Iand "or on‘ a- day in which; confusing rre?ections' ' were ‘absent vertica-laplates 123 and..24. ‘By horizontal and vertical that~ the :radiating ‘targetxto (be destroyed ‘by the ‘bomb ,p1ates,-~I..do not mean they have rsuch‘relation's'liip' with emits large. quantities.‘ of :infra-"redlight, it '~.Will -set up 50 respect to the :earthrbecauseto‘sot-view vthem ‘would. be a:voltage inrthericonoscopemir'cuit If the ‘image of ‘the misleading. lhcall them horizontab and 'vertical‘lsiinply ‘.o'ojectto be destroyed appears on :one side 10f the center ' because custom permits .understanding‘iof 1-the operation “of the-mosaic thewoltage-will be increased while that-side when . the plates- .are thus described. A :sweep :generator ris'bein-g‘swept. A comparisonvof the voltage intensities »2’5;energizes the. horizontal and verticali'platesof icono »on the respective halves .of 'thev'mosaic indicates which 55 scope 20. -A second iconoscop'e?tla has plates-26,27,215 side of :thettrue :line (of l 'direction'the ‘bomb is traveling. and'29 I'thataretrespectivelyelectrically in parallel With This ‘invention provides automatic means, hereinafter de- ' plates 21, 22, W23 and2tii A¥pulse generator 30-"is' pro scribed, for making this~comparison ‘and controlling the vided-to supply pulses to the rsweep:g'enera'tor 25 and asyn ‘bomb to'cause it'to'travel-on'the vtrue line. chronously -to {square wave _-_generator 61. v‘It ‘is noted "When the bomb‘is dropped from aircraft it must be 60 that as shown in Figure 7 the sweep circuit and the square controlledin two directions'whereas when the bomb is Wave \voltage are so vrelated'that {the square 'wave voltage in the. form of a water-borne boat only control in-vone A changes polarity precisely at the instant‘ the iconoscope plane .of'direction is necessary. For e?ectuating control beam sweeps past the-‘center 'line'of the ‘mosaic; of direction ‘in .two. ‘planes, the horizontal and vertical Theesignal-tplate circuits 'of iconoscopes 120 and‘ 20a sweep .circuits- of the iconoscope are. reversed intermit 65 ‘are connectedin opposition at :points llltlaand 1101. The tently-‘and the-output of the’ comparison :means is likewise di?erential output of the lic‘onos'eopes is 'then ampli?ed synchronously alternated betweenthe ‘vanes thati'respec andsfed 'intorthe control-circuit. ‘Before ‘discussing "the .tivelyicontrol the bomb inldi?erent-direction's. controls circuits, a-disclosure‘of'the-ifunctions of icono . iln ‘the ‘drawings: scopes \ZO‘and 20”" will -'be made. Iconoscope 20 corre . Figure lzisa yiewfo'f" the :mosaic-of ‘the iconoscope with 70 sponds to‘the iconoscope ‘of Figure 1. That'is, the image of the target 'its surroundings ‘is impressed on this theiirnage, r=infthis Lease (the target, shown thereon. iconoscope. ionico'noscope 20a only ‘the reference image 2,764,698 I 3 Iconoscope 20'I is inclosed 44 and 45 are operative and when the beam is sweeping .of Figure 2 is impressed. the image north and south the coils 4t) and .41 are op ' and is subject, to illumination only through a‘ slitted‘mern erative. The principle‘ underlying the above mode of ber 60 from a light source. The light falling on mosaic . application, justrdescribed, is onev of the inventive fea ‘61 of vthis iconoscope therefore has the ‘shape shown in tures of this patent. Stated brie?y, there are two sets Figure 2. ' - - ‘ of controls for two vanes thatrespectively control the The control circuit for comparing the surges x-y and North-South'dire'ction and the East—West direction. The z-——wv of Figure 5 will now be described by reference response of iconoscope v20is shifted from a North-South particularlylto Figure 6. The control circuit includes a sweep to an ‘East-West sweep intermittently and simul dual triode tube 102 having a common cathode 90, two 1O taneously with the shift from the coils controlling the . grids 34 and 35 respectively controlling current to two North-South direction to the ‘coils controlling the East anodes 38 and 39, and two sets of two relaycoils 40, West direction. ' ' 41'and 44, 45. When the switch 58' isyin itsup closed , 'The frequency at which switching mechanism 59 op» position, the coils 44 and 45 are inoperative and this crates the reversing switches 57 and'58 may be either conditionwill beassumed for the time being solely for greater or less than the frequency at which the complete purposes of’ description. The square wave generator 31 target is scanned but preferably the period ofoperation alternately blocks grids 34 and 35 ,thusforming a gating > , of switching member '59 should be several times longer . ‘circuit means. During the ?rst half‘of the time required required for the beam vto sweep one line . to'sweep each line of mosaic 61, the grid 34 is blocked, than the period of the mosaic. ‘but current can‘ freely ?ow from cathode 9t} toplate v39 One of the features of ' this invention resides in ‘an in a degree depending onthe magnitudeof the surge increase‘ in sensitivity of the iconoscope 20 to any light x'—y of Figure 5.. 7 During the second ‘half of the time ‘emitted by the target. The sensitivity is increased, in required to sweep eachline of, mosaic 61, the grid 35 several Ways any of which‘ may be‘ used alone or in current from cathode 90 to plate v39 >, will block ?ow of ‘ combination.
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