AN INTERNATIONAL RECORD Prepared under the supervision of The Universal House of Justice VOLUME XV 125, 126, 127, 128 and 129 OF THE BAHA'I ERA 1968 - 1973 BAHA'I WORLD CENTRE HAIFA 197 6 CONTENTS ix Page 3. Impressions of a BahB'i Youth from a Journey Round the World. by Gregory C . Dahl .............................. IV. THE BAHA'IFAITH AND THE UNITED NATIONS 1. The Beginnings of BahB'i Relationship with United Nations ........ 2. The BahB'i International Community and the United Nations ....... 3. Development of the Relationship Between the Baha'i International Community and the United Nations-1963-1968 .................. 4. The BahB'i International Community and the United Nations-1968-1973 . 5. Baha'i Proposals to the United Nations for Charter Revision ....... V. RECOGNITION OF THE BAHA'IFAITH -DOCUMENTATION 1. Incorporation of National Spiritual Assemblies ............. 2. Incorporation of Local Spiritual Assemblies .............. 3. A Selection of Other Documents Recording Official Recognition of the BahB'i Faith ............................... VI. IN MEMORIAM ............ Page 'AIB'i. Ni'mat ........ 448 Hamdi. Ahmad ........ Alexander. Agnes Baldwin ... 423 Hannen. Carl A ........ Allen. Jeanne Gwendolin ... 458 Himmati. Buzurgmihr ..... Almond. Percy Meade ..... 489 Holmes. Ethel May Bowman . Backwell. Richard ...... 525 Holmlund. Marie Ciocca ... Banani. Mbsa ........ 421 Jankko. Greta ........ Baxter. Evelyn ........ 456 Kabu. Tommy ........ Bergamaschi. Napoleon .... 503 Kelsey. Curtis DeMude .... Blue Mountain. Pacora .... 466 Kelsey. Harriet Morgan .... Blum. Alvin J......... 439 Kenny. Sara M ........ Bode. Mary Hotchkiss ..... 460 Kevorkian. Haik ....... Bolton. Mariette Germaine ... 43 5 -Khavari. Ihraq ........ Bosio. Maud ......... 443 Koestlin. Anna ........ Bouchoucha. Mustapha .... 462 Kruka. Aminda Josephine ... Brown. Ruth Randall ..... 463 Lamprill. Gretta Stevens .... Bullock. Matthew W ...... 535 Lawrence. Loyce Drugan ... Burton. Esmie ........ 505 Little. Marion ........ Buhru'i. Badi' ........ 545 Matthisen. Andrew F ...... Chee. Leong Tat ....... 527 Matthisen. Nina B ....... Christian. Roberta K ...... 497 Meyer. Eugenie ........ Collison. Mary Gale ..... 486 Montenegro. Luis ....... Coppock. William Paul .... 517 Mu'ayyad. Habib ....... Corbin. Doris Foye ...... 461 Muqbil. Kayausraw ..... Dean. Martha Ross ...... 507 Murray. Ethel ........ Dean. Sidney I ......... 508 Nordstrom. Addie ...... Earl. Joy Hill ........ 531 Otiniera. Barere ....... Evans. Winston ....... 540 Parke. Gladys Irene ...... Fantom. Mary Tilton ..... 529 Quant. Ella C ......... Fitzner. Harold Thomas .... 449 Rawhani. 'Abdu'l-Vahhab ... Furu&i. Parviz ........ 514 Rawhani. Murassa' ...... Graeffe. Etty ......... 453 Roberts. Charley ....... Grossmann. Hermann ..... 416 Rutfjall. Nils ......... Jjakim. Lutfu'llah ...... 430 Sadiqi. Parviz ........ CONTENTS Page Samandari. TarLzu'llah ... Thiele. Paul Fred ....... 522 Schopflocher. Florence (Lorol) Ullrich. Clarence ....... 465 Seto. Mamie Loretta .... Vujdani. Farimarz ....... 514 &aydan.&idi. Abu'l-Qasim . Walsh. Laura ........ 501 Simple. Peter ........ Ward. Forsyth ........ 451 Smith. Elton Mason ..... Weeden. Benjamin Dunham . 478 Snider. Howard J ...... Wright. Ionita ........ 434 Stamp. Elizabeth ...... Wrout. Stanley ........ 485 Steinmetz. Elsa ....... Yen. Hilda Yank Sing ..... 476 Sunshine. Rezsi ....... Yaganagi. Isfandiyar ..... 492 PART FOTJR THE WORLD ORDER OF BAHA'U'LLAH I . THE UNIVERSAL HOUSE OF JUSTICE 1. The Constitution of the Universal House of Justice ........... 2. The Second Intesna.tiona1Convention for the Election of the Universal House of Justice ............................. 3. The Relationship of the Institutions of the Guardianship and the Universal House of Justice .......................... I1. THE HANDS OF THE CAUSE OF GOD 1. The Hands of the Cause of God .................... 2. The Work and Travels of the Hands of the Cause ............ 3. The Travels of Amatu'l-Baha Ruhiyyihuanurn during.the Nine Year Plan . 4. Hands of the Cause who Represented the Universal House of Justice at Con- ferences and Dedications ....................... 5. Hands of the Cause who Represented the Universal House of Justice at Con- ventions for the election of National Spiritual Assemblies ......... 6. The Establishment of the Continental Boards of Counsellors ....... 7. The Relationship of Continental Boards of Counsellors to National Spiritual Assemblies, by Edna M. True ..................... I11. THE INSTITUTION OF THE MAS~RIQU'L-A~KAR 1. Foreword. by Horace Holley ...................... 2. The Spiritual Significance of the Ma~riqu'l-Aakar ........... 3. Dedication of the Mother Temple of Latin America and the International Teaching Conference. Panama .................... 4. La Inauguraci6n Del Templo Madre De Amkrica Latina ......... 5. The History of the Panama Temple.- Address by Robert W. McLaughlin . 6. Panama Temple Data and Statistics .................. IV. THE INSTITUTION OF THE NATIONAL SPIRITUAL ASSEMBLY 1. Introduction. by Horace Holley .................... 2. A Model Declaration of Trust and By-Laws for a National Spiritual Assembly 3. A Procedure for the Conduct of the Annual BahB'i Convention ...... V. THE LOCAL SPIRITUAL ASSEMBLY 1 . The Institution and Its Significance ................. 2. By-Laws of a Local Spiritual Assembly ............... IN MEMORIAM The exceptional number of years of Tarazu- '11ah Samandari's active service commenced in early youth and ceased only with his passing Tarazu'llah (Ornament of God) was the name in his ninety-fourth year. His service spanned given by BahB'u'llah to the son of Samandar,l the last years of the ministry of BahB'u'llah, one of the nineteen Apostles of BahB'uYllih, the whole of the ministries of 'Abdu'l-Bahk and and Ma'sumih manum Farhkdi, both from Shoghi Effendi, and extended through the families of early Babis. 'Abdu'l-BahB called period of stewardship of the Hands of the him Mirza Taraz and bestowed upon him Cause. He lived to witness the election of the many honorifics including Taraz-i-Ilahi (The Universal House of Justice in 1963 and 1968. Divine Adornment). The beloved Guardian Because educational facilities were limited in addressed him as Jinab-i-Samandari and ap- the Persia of his childhood, and often denied pointed him a Hand of the Cause, one of the to the children of BahB'is, Tarazu'llah was twelve in the first contingent, on December 24, taught at home by Mulla 'Ali who was praised 1951. by BahB'u'llah as the first teacher to put into Tarazu'llah Samandari was born in 1874, in practice the BahB'i principles of education. The Qazvin, Persia, and was brought up by his child learned Persian and Arabic grammar, the parents and his grandmother, who was one simple bookkeeping of that period and calli- of the companions of that immortal early graphy. At the age of thirteen he entered the heroine of the Faith, Tahirih. His upbringing office of his father who was a merchant. is described by 'Abdu'l-Baha, in a prayer TarAzu'llAh became one of the most dis- revealed for him : tinguished calligraphers of Persia. He records . I supplicate before the Throne of Thy that as soon as he could write well he started to mercifulness and the threshold of Thy one- copy Tablets and prayers, and this he con- ness that Thou mayest rain down Thy mani- tinued to do his whole life. Many volumes of fold confirmations and favours upon this Scriptures have been copied in his beautiful servant of Thine who was born in the cradle handwriting. By this means he became well of Thy love, nourished from the breast of versed in the Baha'i Writings and could refer Thy knowledge, reared in the lap of Thy to relevant texts on any matter discussed or servitude, nurtured in the bosonz of Thy life- problem presented to him. The Divine Tea- giving Faith, until such time as he was fully chings absorbed and sustained him; he felt developed through the outpourings of Thy no need to refer to other writings. Throughout bounty, attained maturity through Thy his long life and wide travels he was always loving kindness and turned his jace witlz accepted as a highly educated man; not even devotion toward Thy countenance, witlz his the learned imagined that he was without heart wholly centredon Thee and his reliance formal training. This was perhaps the fulfilment cornpletelyplacedin Thee. of a prayer revealed for him by 'Abdu'l-Baha: The life of Tarazu'llAh Samandari, his 0 Lord my God! Graciously aid him to character and the quality of his service to the attain this glorious bounty and to partake of Faith, are best described by the pens of this rare privilege. Gladden his bosom with 'Abdu'l-Baha and Shoghi Effendi. 'Abdu'l- the light of Thy knowledge and loose his Baha designated him in Tablets as "a lun7inous tongue through the vitalizing breaths of Thy candle", "a cause of happiness of souls", "a celestial might. Enable him to intone the mine of joy", and "a cause of happiness of verses of divine unity in the assemblies of hearts". the detached and to chant with sanctified n~elodyin the rose gardens of Thy singleness. Shaykh Kizim, surnamed "Samandar". See The Baha'i World, vol. 111, p. 80. Grant him the joy of gazing upon the resplen- IN MEMORIAM 411 dent light of Thy nzercy in the mystic Paradise Taraz Effendi and other friends accompanied and enable him to reveal the evidences of Thy the Blessed Beauty on His return to Bahji. grace amongst Thy servants by the manifes- An account of the celebration of the First tation in his
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