JACK SPEAK SCRAN ‘E’ Sweeteners Action Man Pillows Ravioli Adam and Eve on a raft Two fried eggs on toast Adam’s Ale Drinking water Admiralty Ham Tinned meat Anorexic Norman Skinless chicken AOS Any old shit Apples Cider Argument Roll Artic Roll Arries Tomatoes Arrigonis Tomatoes Babies heads Steak and kidney Baby sick Sandwich spread Baby Spew Parmesan Cheese Ballerina shit Pink angel delight Bambi Venison Banjo Sandwich Beagle balls Rissoles Bee Shit Honey Beetle bait Jam or treacle Bevvy Drink Big Nancy Surprise 6 week old Tuna Sandwich Bio in a Burberry Scampi Bits Beans in Tomato Sauce Bitsa Soup Bit of this bit of that soup Black Death Rum Black Ham Corn beef Black Lead Brown Sauce Black on Black Chocolate pudding with chocolate sauce Blood pumps Hearts Bollock naked Spaghetti Bolognese Bonsai Trees Broccoli Bright Eyes Rabbit Bubbly Grog or rum Bully beef Corned beef Bunghole Cheese Bunny grub Salad Burgoo Porridge Cackle Berries Eggs Car smash Tinned tomatoes with bacon Cardiff Virgin Welsh rarebit Catholic Steak Fish Char Cup of tea Cheese ‘ush Quiche Cheese possessed Processed cheese Chicken Chernobyl Very hot arse stinging curry Chicken on a Raft Egg on Toast Chicken shit Sweet corn Chinese wedding cake Rice pudding Clacker Pastry Close stowed bag meal Oggie 1 Coffins Yorkshire pudding Colon Collapser Vindaloo Comanche bollocks Tinned tomatoes Corned dog Corned beef Council house pepper White pepper Covered wagon Meat or fruit pie Cow juice Milk Cow Pie Steak Pie Cowboy’s breakfast Bacon and beans Cuisine on a Limousine Take Away Dalmation Pudding Rice Pudding with Currants or Raisins in Dark and dirty Rum and coke Dark and Stormy Rum and Coke Dead babies arm Jam rolly polly Dead Mans Leg Meat Roll with Egg Dead Mans Teeth Sweet Corn Dead steam Water Deep sea steak Kipper Devils toe nails Parmesan cheese Disco juice Lager Dockyard Slide Butter/Marge Dockyard tortoise Cornish pastie Dogs Bollocks Tinned Potatoes Dogs Logs Beef Olives Dogs Willies Tinned Carrots Dr Gip Dr pepper Electric lemonade Strong lager Elephants footprints Deep fried battered spam Elephant Jizzum Semolina Elephants Toe nails Left over footprints Elephants Toenail Pastie Elephants Trunk Sliced Spam Engineers soup Mushroom soup Eskimo’s Prick Artic Roll Ethnic Minorities in the woods Black Forest Gateau Ethnic Minorities Penis Black Pudding Excreta A’la Kontiki Saute Kidneys on Toast Farting Fodder Brussel Sprouts Fartleberries Baked beans Fat pill Bread roll Festive Norman Turkey Figgy duff Suet based pudding Fighting irons Knife and fork Flap valves Stuffed hearts Fly Sandwich Garibaldi Biscuits Frog in a bog Toad in the hole Frog Spawn Tapioca Fuller’s Earth Pepper Gary glitter Gammon Gash Bag Weights Haricot Beans Germolene Sandwich Spam Fritters Ghandi’s Nappies Nan bread Gobbling Rods Knife and Fork 2 Goffa Tinned drink Gorilla shit Banana angel delight Grease Butter or margarine Grease Filters Fried Bread Green Grenade Heineken Lager Grenade Scotch egg Grog Rum Growler Pork pie Guard rails Edge of pie Gyppers Gravy Hammy, cheesy eggy Toasted ham and cheese with egg on top Harbour cotters Large fish fingers Hawaiian Wedding Cake Rice pudding with pineapple Hens Grenades Eggs HITS Herrings in tomato sauce Horse’s Neck Brandy and Ginger Irish ice-cream Mashed potatoes Irish light ale Guiness Irish turkey Corned beef Italian tea bags Ravioli Janner Kebab Pastie Japanese Wedding Cake Rice Pudding Jewish Hand Grenade Pork Chop Jewish steak Pork steak Jippers Gravy Jock Cackle Berries Scotch Eggs Jock pie Scottish mince lamb pie Jock Roast Mince and Tatties Jock Shit Butterscotch Angel Delight Jock slop Porridge Jock soup Porridge Jockanese cackleberries Scoth eggs John Holmes Jumbo sausage John Wayne stew Left over breakfast Julie Andrews Coffee/Tea white with one sugar Kye Hot cocoa Labradors arse holes Sausage rolls Lepers Eye Balls Bananas and custard Lepers Eye Balls Gooseberries in Custard Lepers Hanky Pizza Lepers Phlegm Lime Marmalade Light and dirty Bacardi and coke Limers Powdered soft fruit drink Lisa Stansford Manchester tart Little Black Workers Prunes Little Dogs Willies Tinned Carrots Lobscouse Mutton stew Loop de Loop Soup Ma Bees Tinned Sponge Pudding Mad dogs spew Sandwich spread Mary Poppins Tea, white with sugar Matlow Rose Mateus Rose 3 Meals on Wheels Take Away Menstrual Maggots Chopped Spaghetti in Tomato Sauce Mermaids Piss Vinegar Monkey Spunk Semolina Monkeys spew Sandwich spread Moo Juice Milk Mothers little farter starters Beans in Tomato Sauce Mouse trap Cheese Mrs B’s Rich sponge pudding topped with evaporated milk Mrs P’s Tinned Steamed Pudding Muck on a truck Take Away Musical veg Baked beans Mystery meat Pussers ham NATO Standard Coffee/Tea white with two sugars Nazzer Meat of the bone Nellie’s Footprint Deep fried battered spam Nellie’s Hooves Deep fried spam Neptune’s revenge Oxtail soup Nicki Lauda Austrian smoked cheese Nicki Lauda’s ears Pork Scratchings N*****s Dick Black pudding N*****s in the snow Rice pudding with sultanas Night Sights Carrots Ninety Foot Pud Any Duff (Pudding) heavy enough to put you to sleep Norman Chicken Nuts and Bolts Lamb stew with small bones in Nuts and bolts with an awning Steak and kidney pie Nutty Sweets One-eyed steak Kipper Oriental Afterbirth Left over Breakfast Pea-do Pea Soup Periscope Cheese Processed Cheese Pigskin Pie Bacon Roll Piss filters Kidneys Piss flaps Liver or Hamburger Piss pumps Kidneys Pixies Pillowcases Ravioli Pom Smash, powdered potato Pom in a Jacket Potato Croquettes Popes Pillows Ravioli Port and starboard scran irons Knife and fork Pot Mess Stew Prairie Chicken Rabbit Prairie Dog Corned Beef Puppy Dogs Pooh Butterscotch Angel Delight Pussers Dust Coffee Rats coffins Pasties RBG Rich brown gravy Readers wives Liver and bacon Red death Mc Ewans ale Red Grenade McEwans Ale Red Lead Tomato Sauce 4 Ring Stinger Hot Curry Rise and Dive Powdered Fruit Juice Rosy Lea Tea Ruby Curry Sailors soup Vegetable soup Scouse pie Lasagne Sea dust Salt Seggies Tinned grapefruit segments Shake and Pigmy Snake and Kidney Pie Sheilas Congealers Tomato Sauce Shit Sautéed Kidneys Shit on a Chassis Take Away Shit on a raft Sautéed Kidneys on fried bread Shithouse flap valve Burger Shits Spaghetti Hoops in Tomato Sauce Sinker Suet Dumpling Sits Spaghetti in tomato sauce Skin heads Baked beans Skin heads on a raft Baked beans on toast Sleepy Juice Strong Drink Slide Butter Slingers and Gyppo Sausages and Gravy Smeggers Semolina Pudding Smelly feet Parmesan cheese Smokers teeth Sweet corn Snake and Pygmy Pie Steak and Kidney Pie Snarlers Sausages Sneeze Pepper Snorkers Sausages Snorkers in Fearnought Battered Sausage Sphincter Pulverizer Tindaloo Curry Spit head pheasant Kippers Spotted dick Sponge pudding with currants in. Spring Loaded Chicken Rabbit Squam Square Ham Stagger Juice Any spirit but normally Rum Stanleyville Massacre Black Pudding and Tomatoes Steel -beach Barbie BBQ held onboard Submariners night mare Leek soup Suds Beer Summa Soup Some of this some of that soup Summer soup Leftover soup Sunny Periods Manchester Tart Surf and turf Steak and scampi Tank tracks Pork spare ribs Tea and Stickies Afternoon tea Teddy’s bears ears Turkey escallops / Prawn Crackers Texas Strawberries Beans in Tomato Sauce Thickers Condensed Milk Thumper Rabbit Tiffies Toenails Parmesan Cheese Tinned cow Evaporated milk Tinned Tiger Corn Beef 5 Tits Tomatoes in Tomato Sauce Toddy Rum or Whiskey with hot water and lemon Tonsil Varnish Strong Tea Torbay Steaks Faggots Tortoise Any Pie Train smash Left over breakfast Trees Broccoli Under water Gary glitter Salmon Underground Chicken Rabbit Underwater Norman Tuna Underwater Norman in a Burberry Fried fish in batter Veeps on yer ‘am Gammon in wine sauce Victoria Beckham Manchester tart Vino Collapso Wine Yellow Peril Smoked Haddock Wedge up Sandwich Wheaties Cereal Whippets Willies Tinned/Frozen Carrots Whoopee Black Nun Wine Wicked Chicken Grouse Widows Memories Sausages Wife beater Stella Artois Woolly Beef Lamb Wooly Bull Angle Irons Lamb Chops Worms in Red Lead Tinned Spaghetti Wrens digits Fish fingers Wrens knickers Rice pudding and jam sauce Yellow peas Sweet corn Yellow peril Smoked haddock Zeplins In the Clouds Bangers and Mash 6 .
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