FEDERAL ! REGISTER VOLUME 33 • NUMBER 63 Saturday, March 30, 1968 • Washington, D.C. Pages 5193-5245 Agencies in this issue— Agricultural Research Service Atomic Energy Commission Civil Aeronautics Board Civil Service Commission Coast Guard Commodity Credit Corporation Consumer and Marketing Service Defense Department Federal Aviation Administration Federal Communications Commission Federal Power Commission General Services Administration Interior Department Internal Revenue Service International Commerce Bureau Interstate Commerce Commission Maritime Administration Mines Bureau National Bureau of Standards Packers and Stockyards Administration Patent Office Securities and Exchange Commission Small Business Administration Detailed list o f Contents appears inside. , j- n il: I S 'Y ear Compilât ions of Presidential Documents Supplements to Title 3 of the Code of Federal Regulations The Supplements to Title 3 of the Code the President and published in the Federal of F e d e ri Regulations contain the full text Register during the period June 2, 19 38- of proclamations, Executive orders, reor­ December 31, 1963. Tabular finding aids ganization plans, trade agreement letters, and subject indexes are included. The in­ and certain administrative orders issued by dividual volumes are priced as follows: 1938-1943 Compilation* 1949-1953 Compilation—$7.00 1943-.1948 Compilation— $7.00 1954-1958 Compilation— $4.00 1959—1963 Compilation— $6.00 Compiled by Office of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Service, General Services Administration Order from Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office Washington, D.C. 20402 * Temporarily out of print V Published daily, Tuesday through Saturday (no publication on Sundays, Mondays, or on the day after an official Federal holiday) , by the Office of the Federal Register, National FEDERAIÄREGISTER Archives and Records Service, General Services Administration (mail address National Area Code 202 Phone 962-8626 Archives Building, Washington, D.C. 20408), pursuant to the authority contained in the Federal Register Act" approved July 26, 1935 (49 Stat. 500, as amended; 44 U.S.C., Ch. 8 B), under regulations prescribed by the Admin­ istrative Committee of the Federal Register, approved by the President (1 CFR Ch. I). Distribution is made only by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402. The Federal R egister will be furnished by mail to subscribers, free of postage, for $1.50 per month or $15 per year, payable in advance The charge for individual copies varies in proportion to the size of the issue (15 cents for the first 80 pages and 5 cents for each additional group of 40 pages, as actually bound). Remit check or money order, made payable to the Superintendent of Documents, U S. Governm ent Printing Office, W ashington, D.C. 20402. The regulatory material appearing herein is keyed to the Code of Federal R egulations, which is published, under 50 titles, pur­ suant to section 11 of the Federal Register Act, as amended. The Code of Federal R egulations is sold by the Superintendent of Documents. Prices of books and pocket supplements ate listed in the first F ederal R egister issue of each month. There are no restrictions on the republication of material appearing in the Federal R egister or the Code of Federal R egulations. Contents AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH CONSUMER AND MARKETING FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS SERVICE SERVICE COMMISSION Rules and Regulations Rules and Regulations Notices Brucellosis; modified certified Hops of domestic production; Hearings, etc.: transfer of allotment bases____ 5198 Berwick Broadcasting Corp. and areas_______ ________________ 5209 Lemons grown in California and P.A.L. Broadcasters, Inc____ 5232 Arizona; handling limitation__ 5197 Upper Peninsula Microwave, AGRICULTURE DEPARTMENT Meat inspection regulations; mis­ In c________________________ 5235 cellaneous amendments________ 5210 V.W.B., Inc___________________ 5236 See Agricultural Research Service; Milk handling : Commodity Credit Corporation; Certain marketing areas______ 5198 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Consumer and Marketing Serv­ Oklahoma Metropolitan and ice; Packers and Stockyards North Texas marketing areas. 5200 Notices Administration. St. Louis, Mo., marketing area_5199 Texas Eastern Transmission Corp. Wichita, Kans., marketing area. 5200 et al.; oral argument__________ 5238 Oranges grown in Arizona and ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION California; handling limita­ GENERAL SERVICES Rules and Regulations tions : Navel________________________ 5197 ADMINISTRATION Miscellaneous amendments to Valencia_____________________ 5197 chapter______________________ 5212 Notices Proposed Rule Making Delegations of authority; revoca­ Notices Milk in Cincinnati marketing tion ---------------------- -------- ----- 5238 California Nuclear, Inc., and Nu­ area; recommended decision; clear Engineering Co., Inc.; correction ___________________ 5220 INTERIOR DEPARTMENT transfer of license_____________ 5231 DEFENSE DEPARTMENT See also Mines Bureau. CIVIL AERONAUTICS BOARD Rules and Regulations Notices Civilian pay allotments__________ 5216 Statement of changes in financial Notices interests: Hearings, etc.: FEDERAL AVIATION Hugo, Robert V______________ 5229 Aerolíneas Peruanas, S.A_____ 5232 Kline, John H________________ 5229 ADMINISTRATION McNeer, Charles S____________ 5229 AITS, Inc., et al_______________ 5231 Rules and Regulations Control zone; alteration (3 docu- INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION ments)___________________ 5213, 5215 Notices Notices Control zone and transition area; alteration (3 documents)__ 5214, 5215 Offers in compromise; delegation Nurses, Pierce County, Wash.; ad­ Federal airway; alteration---------- 5213 of authority regarding accept­ justment of minimum rates and Federal airways and reporting ance or rejection_____________ 5229 rate ranges.__________________ 5232 points : Alteration ___________..._____ 5214 INTERNATIONAL COMMERCE Redesignation____ ______ 5215 BUREAU COAST GUARD Jet route; alteration (2 docu­ Notices Rules and Regulations ments) ______________________ 5215 Proposed Rule Making Huth, Claus; consent order deny­ Appeals and review of examiners’ ing export privileges__________ 5230 decisions _____ ____________ 5217 Control zone and transition area; alteration and designation____ 5221 Control zones and transition INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMERCE DEPARTMENT area; a l t e r a t i o n (2 docu­ COMMISSION ments______________-_____ 5220, 5221 See International Commerce Bu­ Federal airway; extension (3 Notices reau; Maritime Administration; documents)_______________ 5223, 5224 Fourth section application for National Bureau of Standards; Federal airway segment; altera­ relief---------------... ___________ 5239 Patent Office. tion (2 documents)________ 5223, 5224 Motor carrier temporary author­ Helicopters, small; carriage of ity applications_______________ 5239 extra aviation fuel------------------ 5227 Motor carrier transfer proceed­ COMMODITY CREDIT Jet routes; designation and exten­ ings -------------------------------------- 5241 CORPORATION sion __ ,______________________ 5227 Jet routes, reporting points, MARITIME ADMINISTRATION Rules and Regulations transition areas, and offshore Grains and similarly handled com­ controlled airspace; designation Rules and Regulations modities; farm storage reseal and alteration________________ 5225 Merchant marines; training on Restricted areasj alteration_____ 5226 subsidized vessels..._____ ____ 5218 loan program____ ____________ 5201 Transition area : Honey; price support regulations Alteration ___________________ 5222 MINES BUREAU for 1968 and subsequent crops_ 5203 Designation __________________ 5223 Mohair; payment and deduction Transition areas; alteration____ 5222 Proposed Rule Making rates for 1967 marketing year__ 5208 VOR Federal airway : Helium; purchase by Federal Wool; payment rates for 1967 Designation _________________ 5225 agencies and their contractors_5219 Extension ________________ ___5224 marketing year_________ 5208 VOR Federal airways; exten­ (Continued on next page) sion---------------------------------------- 5225 5195 5196 CONTENTS NATIONAL BUREAU OF PATENT OFFICE SMALL BUSINESS STANDARDS Rules and Regulations ADMINISTRATION Notices Notice of appeal from Primary Notices Examiner to Board of Appeals. 5216 Radio stations; standard fre­ New Hampshire; disaster loan . area_________________________ 5239 quency and time broadcasts___ 5231 SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE PACKERS AND STOCKYARDS COMMISSION TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT See Coast Guard; Federal Avia­ ADMINISTRATION Notices tion Administration. Notices Hearings, etc.: La Salle Street Capital Corp 5236 TREASURY DEPARTMENT Tallula Auction Co. et al.; posted Roto American Corp__________ 5239 stockyards______________ !___ 5229 See Internal Revenue Service. List of CFR Parts Affected The following numerical guide is a list of the parts of each title of the Code of Federal Regulations affected by documents published in today's issue. A cumulative list of part$ affected, covering the current month to date, appears at the end of each issue beginning with the second issue of the month. A cumulative guide is published separately at the end of each month. The guide lists the parts and sections affected by documents published since January 1. 1968. and specifies how they are affected. 7 CFR 9 CFR 30 CFR 907 ________ 5197 78___ 908 ________ 5197 316— 5210 PR0p0SED Rules: 910_____________ 5197 317^1 5210 2----------------------
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