CA PDF Page 1 of 92 Energy East Project Part B: Saskatchewan and Manitoba Volume 16: Socio-Economic Effects Assessment Section 5: Traditional Land and Resource Use This section was not updated in 2015, so it contains figures and text descriptions that refer to the October 2014 Project design. However, the analysis of effects is still valid. This TLRU assessment is supported by Volume 25, which contains information gathered through TLRU studies completed by participating Aboriginal groups, oral traditional evidence and TLRU-specific results of Energy East’s aboriginal engagement Program from April 19, 2014 to December 31, 2015. The list of First Nation and Métis communities and organizations engaged and reported on is undergoing constant revision throughout the discussions between Energy East and potentially affected Aboriginal groups. Information provided through these means relates to Project effects and cumulative effects on TLRU, and recommendations for mitigating effects, as identified by participating Aboriginal groups. Volume 25 for Prairies region provides important supporting information for this section; Volume 25 reviews additional TRLU information identifies proposed measures to mitigate potential effects of the Project on TRLU features, activities, or sites identified, as appropriate. The TLRU information provided in Volume 25 reflects Project design changes that occurred in 2015. 5 TRADITIONAL LAND AND RESOURCE USE Traditional land and resource use (TLRU)1 was selected as a valued component (VC) due to the potential for the Project to affect traditional activities, sites and resources identified by Aboriginal communities. Project Aboriginal engagement activities and the review of existing literature (see Appendix 5A.2) confirmed the potential for Project effects on TLRU. The NEB also requires detailed information regarding effects on TLRU when proposed projects cross Crown land (NEB 2014), which is the case for this project and was therefore another trigger for the inclusion of this valued component. This TLRU section provides information regarding potential Project effects on Aboriginal groups’ current use of lands, waters and resources for traditional purposes. The objective of the TLRU assessment is to understand and document current use of land and resources for traditional purposes by Aboriginal peoples, identify mitigation strategies and characterize anticipated project effects. Activities associated with construction, operation, decommissioning and abandonment phases of the Project have the potential to affect current use of lands and resources for traditional purposes by Aboriginal peoples. Information regarding Energy East’s Aboriginal engagement program and the parameters for community inclusion in TLRU studies can be found in Consolidated Application Volume 10. 1 The term “traditional land and resource use” or TLRU is conceived broadly in its use throughout this Environmental and Socio-Economic Assessment (ESA) to include all aspects of terrestrial and marine environments, in recognition of the inextricable link between the environment that supports traditional land and resource use, the use activities themselves and Aboriginal culture. Energy East Pipeline Ltd. May 2016 5-1 CA PDF Page 2 of 92 Part B: Saskatchewan and Manitoba Energy East Project Section 5: Traditional Land and Resource Use Volume 16: Socio-Economic Effects Assessment 5.1 Saskatchewan Aboriginal Communities Through Energy East Aboriginal engagement activities to May 2014, TLRU study discussions were initiated with: • Carry the Kettle First Nation • Ocean Man First Nation • Cowessess First Nation • Ochapowace First Nation • George Gordon First Nation • Okanese First Nation • Kahkewistahaw First Nation • Pasqua First Nation #79 • Kawacatoose First Nation • Peepeekisis Cree Nation No. 81 • Little Black Bear First Nation • Pheasant Rump Nakota First Nation • Métis Nation-Saskatchewan (MN-S) • Piapot First Nation • Muscowpetung First Nation • Sakimay First Nations • Muskowekwan First Nation • Standing Buffalo Dakota Nation • Nekaneet First Nation • Star Blanket Cree Nation • White Bear First Nation Profiles for these potentially affected Aboriginal groups can be found in Appendix 5A.1, and community locations are shown in Figure 5-1. Energy East is committed to ongoing engagement with potentially affected Aboriginal groups and there is the potential for additional groups to request TLRU studies. 5.2 Manitoba Aboriginal Communities Through Energy East Aboriginal engagement activities to, May 2014, TLRU study discussions were initiated with: • Birdtail Sioux First Nation • Manitoba Métis Federation (MMF) • Canupawakpa Dakota First Nation • Roseau River Anishnabe First Nation • Dakota Plains Wahpeton Nation • Sagkeeng First Nation • Dakota Tipi First Nation • Sandy Bay Ojibway First Nation • Gamblers First Nation • Sioux Valley Dakota Nation • Long Plain First Nation • Swan Lake First Nation Profiles for these potentially affected Aboriginal groups in Manitoba can be found in Appendix 5B.1, and community locations are shown in Figure 5-2. Energy East is committed to ongoing engagement with potentially affected Aboriginal groups, and there is the potential for additional groups to request TLRU studies. 5-2 May 2016 Energy East Pipeline Ltd. CA PDF Page 3 of 92 376 Hum b oldt Saskatoon Swan r e v River i 14 51 Biggar 9 R 49 S g w n a i n 83 r Little R a Kerrob ert Preeceville iver o Quill Wadena R Big 7 Lake 31 Quill 219 Lanigan Lake 5 317 Wynyard Watrous 45 W Canora Foam h it Lake es ALBERTA a Rosetown n Kamsack d Kindersley 16 R iv 310 e SASKATCHEWAN Outlook r 44 MANITOBA Last Gordon86 Rob lin Mountain 20 Yorkton r Lake e v 2 i 11 R l l e h 15 S Stationcontrôlede A r 6 de la pressionlade de m Melville 41 R 342 iv BurstallBurstall / e Langenb urg r Russell PressureControl Station Qu'Appelle River Lake Assiniboine River Saska Diefenbaker Regina Cabri 32 South tchewan Fort Liebenthal Rive Beach 22 r 42 Qu'Appelle Esterh azy 4 Herb ert Lum sden Chaplin Stewart Belle Pilot Caron Butte Indian Valley Balgonie Plaine Head Regina 37 1 WhCity ite Moose Kendal Jaw Regina Grenfell Wh itewood Moosom in Swift Current 48 363 Moosom in Old Wives T erm inalréservoirsde Lake Moosomde / in M MoosomTank in Term inal oo 47 se Maple r Ja 33 ve w Creek 43 i R R iv d e S r o o 334 u A o r n i t W s le Crom er R r R iv e iv r e r 21 Shaunavon Weyburn Carlyle 36 13 Prem ièreNation de BlackLittle Bear/ Prem ièreNation de TheCarry Kettle/ Prem ièreNation de Muscowpe tung/ Prem ièreNation de Pasqua no 79 / Stationde contrôle de pressionla Pressure Control/ Station Little BlackLittle Nation BearFirst NationtheCarryKettle First MuscowpeNation tungFirst PasquaNation First #79 35 MétisNation ofSaskatche wan(MN / S) Prem ièreNation de Cowessess / Prem ièreNation de Muskowekwan / Prem ièreNation de PiapotNation / First Stationde pom pagePump / Station Fr MétisNation ofSaskatche wan(MN S) CowessessNation First en MuskowekwanNation First 361 ch 39 m Prem ièreNation nakota de Pheasant Rump / a Autre réserveAutre de Prem ièreNation / Prem ièreNation de Ge orgeGordon / n Prem ièreNation de Ne kaneNe / ekane t Nation First e t PheRump asant NakotaNation First TerminaldeTank réservoirs Terminal/ R Other First NationOther First Re serve GeorgeGordon Nation First i 34 v e r Prem ièreNation d’Oce anManOce / anManNation First Prem ièresNations de Sakimay Sakimay / Nations First N ationcrie de Pee pe e kisisno 81 / Prem ièreNation de Kahke wistahaw / N ouveaupipe lineNe / wPipe line 18 Oxbow Pee pe e kisisCree Nation No.81 Kahke wistahawNation First Prem ièreNation d’Ochapowace / Prem ièreNation de White White Bear/ Nation BearFirst Pipe linede conversion Conversion / Pipe line Carnduff N ationcrie Blankede Star / t Prem ièreNation de Kawacatoose / OchapowaceNation First PRop éservel de Prem s ièresNations – Estevan Star Blanke Star Cree Nation t KawacatooseNation First ar R Parcprovincial Provincial / Park Prem ièreNation d’Okane se/ plusieurscom miv unautésconc e rnéepar s er N ationdakota de Standing Buffalo / Prem ièreNation de BlackLittle Bear/ OkaneseNation First leProjet Oléod ucÉneNation First rgie/ Est Stand ingBuffalo Dakota Nation BlackLittle Nation BearFirst R éservenationale de fauneNational / Wildlife Area 0 20 40 60 R e serve–multiple com m unitiesengage d byEnergy PipelineEast Projec t NORTH Kilom ètresKilom / etres 123511954-0355 1:1,650,000 N AD1983UTM Zone 13N DAKOTA MONTANA NU PRÉPARÉPARPREPARED / BY PROJETOLÉODUC ÉN ERGIE ESTEN / ERGY EAST PIPELINE PROJECT SK UT T Rpar les com m unautésautochtones Saskatchewan –lade PRÉPARÉPOUR PREPARED / FOR AB Zone MB d'intérêt/ ProjetOléoduc Énergie Est Saskatchewan / Ab originalCom m unities AreaInterestof TEnergy LRU - East Pipeline Project FIGURENOFIGURE / NO. Sources: Données sur le projet fournies par TransCanada Pipelines Limited. Données de base fournies par les gouvernements du Canada, de l'Alberta, de la Saskatchewan et du Manitoba. / MT ND Sources: Project data provided by TransCanada Pipelines Limited. Base data provided by the Governments of Canada, Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba. 5-1 Dernière mod ification 3/30/2016par : africkleton / Last Mod ified : 3/30/2016 By: africkleton By: 3/30/2016 Mod : ified Last / africkleton 3/30/2016par : mod ification Dernière ÉBAUCHE –Réservée l'usageà interne DRAFT / For - Internal Use Only CA PDF Page 4 of 92 SASKATCHEWAN River son 20 Dauphin ONTARIO Wil W Dauphin Lake anipig ow Ri r ver e v i MANITOBA M an R r 68 igo l e ta l iv r g r a e R e n e v h i R n v S i Ebband R i io v l c e i R Flow52 i r Turtle River nd m e la r 10 r ce e h I V c Black River O Arborg Langenburg 17 83 Lake Winnipeg Russell 45 iver 8 rd R 50 Fort Bi Win Gim li Alexander nip Lake eg Manitoba 6 7 R Powerview-Pine iv Qu'A e pp r ell Falls e R Sandy iv er Bay Winnipeg r e 5 Beach v i R Little Saskatchewan River w o Br T erm inalréservoirsde rr ok A T eulon en h Umfreville e de Moosomde Moosom in/ in R a d e Lake R T ankTerm inal d i R v Whitemud River e i r Lacdu v e r Bonnet Minnedosa Neepawa Moosom in Crandall Pinawa Moosom in 24 Selkirk RapidCity Stonewall W h As Stony i sin Beausejour t ib St.
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