HAE l' I ii I l, hrblication No.16 20l0i6_2 bo f;, I $ i ] $ 3! ls q) O 3i N^n t- b0 *, * 5i tS += Ps i sI ii bo< E; q-= d dE; 0i *i Ei s* ti r'-L '\ U tt ti IE 1i $* - s **i:*$i is:l EET l.l4 8-U= Os vr gl'- -s F'$ r-96 -(al .: $ 5i iis ii ii ii (r) 3;€ oi fV :-g q) tiN 3-:e l+{ o 6(/) } EI LN oP co a\q Itsi+iii$ss$'iit 7..36b*g ()*aS 6 P ss i :t i9t i$ l:s $Ys s d(r) iP: trE B o0s { L=tIg ss q) q)- s €!i sis ii$ $ >-O O $: oE e alS ti i us) Loq) 'FlP a- N r$ r1 _;3H ts'i tiisilltiisttiiii u 3 !-o- s \SS ) Aq i sr lsi :: ss$ $ss tr o q- 9Y H $$rs$iiiiisiiiiiI .h\ ss S Ir nE$ St EiE $sS * =\t\! 4 o -grn TL +Otgg o o'= vtgr 3 E -L s o tr Eq) q) z U cL q) o )Z v) cd \ -sFq) Ee (/) q) +=v) (r) q) og \ \FO-l ) vto + ooN \ oO--. NI E€IE F q) ! F- -= _Yo u{> CL vrq) o, td. Is E EI q) * -oIOE tu< PJ. FUvt 'C 3€ (/)H (rEvr* - "6 <6 N a -o=i \.1 FPq) +L TU i/0 .J tL vr o n >' q) d< C,r 3. c,9l- L= =J H o q) C,t+ I\) E t-n i U l- =(., (,)O a EIE q)8 H(n .9 :-9 E \ AbP rE OL = (Y)o 'E o -tr+ \ f E= XH g ok iu o p 4 F.o6 LI uJF $) tro avt IIL fr P5 EO FO q) ':srPr \ odor -o ggIq, !- E'n ta ? lL) L q -rE' LT, E] () ! gloo'E q) oq) PP p3 v) 8t !n _o i5 \ !-H \ ji_d E} z_, v)= q) ov) d3 tuF qb gO q)f t^ >x o frF€# LU tl,J L + -a =9s .zE q) t 6.!=q)a? JD >z 3 bH q T s= Ztn -Y q tl q) f i EgE oo.F trvr <It- \ o) E E =tuo : '6tf o o - q) =EoI^SCL = N L U-ot,t B o \ 6s'c - LL=> o 3 +si UHU=E4 vt t= J g L\Jt) z\Z lo U ?-gl q) t> vr ql q) f -3 o Iul.* o = :iI d'c IL aa 9 TTY H Front Gardens and Baskets Competition Editorial fgirl pretty OITETS arurd tLE pa:i.*r. elcome to the l6th edition of the Chalgrave News. You are receiving this a bit later than we had hoped - no good excuses except that 'life'got in the way. Also the Chalgrave Games were nearly upon us so we waited to include some pictures ofa really super day out. We hope you are managing to keep cool during this glorious summer weather. The gardens around the parish are looking wonderful despite the lack of rain and the results of the judge from Poplars are amongst the pretty photographs featured in this edition. The schools have broken up for the long summer break and many of you will be getting ready to go on holiday. Make sure you take adequate safety precautions to make your property safe while you are away - 50% of burglaries occur while the house is empty. Ask a friend to keep the garden tidy and collect the post. We should have been reporting the great parachute jump which was due to take place in June, but one of the team failed the medical - would you believe it - HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE! We are waiting to see if the Doc will give the OK next month. This edition is again full of interesting and relevant articles. You might also chance upon a few frivolities the team are getting a bit saucy methinks! Millenrtium Av,arcl Thank t'olt Chalgrave Parish Council Dear Lesley Please extend mine and Alan's thanks to the Parish Council members for selecting Jade to receive the Millennium Youth Award. It's a wonderful way to reward her for all her efforts. I have sent a couple ofphotos that I took when she received her award from Phil in case you consider it news worthy enough for the Parish magazinel \ Again many thanks for the recognition. Warm Regards fil/ Samantha and Alan Stubbs 3 What's happened in Chalgrave since the Last Chalgrave News Chalgruve As we go to print the gross hos Hove you oll seen the new formot been cut olong the verges of the Toddington & District NewsletterZ Church roods leoding in Tebworth ond We of the Cholgrove News ore very Wingfield. f lottered thot the Toddington Pity it is not eorly Jonuory rother editoriol teom hove chosen to copy thon lote June, os the verges would the formot of the Cholgrove News! Welcome from All Saints Parish Church then be receivtng o cutl They do soy thot imitotion is the Services and special events at All Saints. Still connot believe thot our council sincerest form of f lottery! would ollow it's gross cutting Your Cholgrove News is o very locol Usual Sunday Services. controctors to cut the verges in news ond informotion magozine, lst and 3rd Sundays of the month 9.30am Parish Communion mid winter when not needed ond concentroting on issues thot - then when the gross is growing not directly off ect Chalgrove Porish 2nd Sunday - Family Service I lam (For people of all ages lasting about 35mins) do more regulor cuts!! while the Toddington mogozine is 4th Sunday - Family Communion llam Oh well it's only our council tox for more church focused ot the Nick McNeil - Rector being wosted! moment. Perhops it should be colled the Front Garden Competition - Page !2 Toddington ond District P ewsletterl Only joking! We wish them evety Receive a Copy of The Vondolism Agoin! Thousonds of success ond hope thot our two CHAL6IIAVE CHALGRAVE gollons of wqter were lost when mogozines con run side by side over NEWS Chalgrave lr{ews by Post NEWS vondols turned on the Tebworth the yeors oheod. The editorial team have had several requests from fire hydront on Wednesdoy lOth people living outside Chalgrave Parish who would Moy lost. The f orce of woter wqs The rood from the A5 ond through like to receive regular copies of the Chalgrave so strong thot Angliqn woter the villoge hos now hod o new layer News. Unfortunately the cost of producing the magazine in its present colour format is extremely engineers hod Toddington of tormoc. All wos done well within to 9o to expensive and whilst some of these costs are to turn off the pumps. the time they hod ollowed ond covered by our adverlising income there is still a substantial shortfall each year. The vondolism took ploced 2pm olthough the troffic hod to be ot We therefore have to organise fund raising events, such as the very successful recent Christmas ond it was 2 hours 6ef ore the re-routed some of the time it Fun Night, to bring in additional income in order to keep the magazine going. engineers could turn off the didn't seem to couse too much Please support these events whenever you can. hydront which wos cousing water to inconvenience. We won't need to Our aim is to provide every house in the parish of Chalgrave with a free copy and so we regret spurt t5 f eet into the oir. Well wrestle with the steering wheel to that we are not in the financial position to be able to give away free copies of the Chalgrave done to the idiots who coused this stoy on the stretch of the News to non-residents. Howeveq in view of the number of requests we have received the Chalgrave News editorial team have decided to offer the following service:- ot o time when it is very importont Hockliffe Rood for the time being. We will post each copy of the Chalgrave News to anywhere in the UK for an to conserve water. It's now o lovely smooth ridel." annual subscription offl5.00. (There are 4 copies produced each year). The Games - Poge 19 For delivery outside ofthe UK please contact any ofthe editorial team for details. 4 33 ,,lnturtd lheor.qunituliotts. conlinuel The good news is that we have a number of Cricket' will be on 3rd September with of new members. COUNCIL TAX BOMBSHELL matches taking place throughout the day Lisa Scanes from Wingfield Once again the annual bombshell that is total of 23 areas including Chalgrave, and and a BBQ being provided for teams and Barbara Jackson from Tebworth & Mick our council tax has landed on our for a band A property in Chalgrave Parish spectators. Make a note in your diary. McDonagh from Tebworth 'Heights' doormats. the annual Council Tax is f931.17 with For the latest news and scores visit us at the cheapest being So the new committee is as follows:- Various promises of past years to keep Streatley at f926.37. Chair Roger Masters -' 'these to a minimum have once again The most costly band A area is Dunstable Mike Wells- Chairman Vice-chair Ken Green proved false - although it depends on at f994.84 and second highest is Treasurer Debbie Parry your of 'minimum'. something .. interpretation of a surprise as it is Houghton Cltalsrave Memoriil HaA Secretary Lisa Scanes Regis at f990.42.
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