![Page 1 118 775 THS DISTRIBUTION of the POLEMONIALES in MICHIGAN THESIS for the DEGREE of M, S. Marie Mooar 1933 Page 2 THESIS Poly Moniaceae Wagenword & Co](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
|| \ 7 ‘ ‘ ll W l V DISTRIBUTION OF THE PDLEMONIALES m MICHIGAN THESIS FOR THE DEGREE OF M; s ' Marie Mooar‘ 1933 DIJTRIL’TILM'LE‘ZKLLPC1;LLLIJL~J IE L.CLIUJL Shesis Presented for the uegree of -. L .1. , 13.;39'31‘ o: QCthCb‘, lkichig an State College .. 3 7 I" "I. LMI'iU A.IE CG 1953 “HES”: Acknowledgments. The “Titer is Very gratemi to Dr. H. :3 C d H {J given through- ’0 U) C» U) (D CL Burlington for advic L r“; out tiis stujy; to Dr. L. a. Lessey for sugiegtiogs and his interest in tLe study; and to Ur. Adgur i. ‘.r'"“ T,’ ‘ .«x . w . J- J‘ <4 U‘ U) (D "J (D (1: ”herrJ for U15 1180 or s a SJ O ('6 b. d O O ’11 JP ,0 .H in various herbaria in tb East. 10:35.3215‘3 DISTRIBUEICN Ch‘TIiIECIgL£EIaLEJ IN NICHIGAN This distributional stud' J was nsde to correlate with similar surveys, including those of the Cruciferae by 5.'Y A. nelpole, Compositee by 5. n. Wolff, Orchidaceae by H. ['l L. Darlinéton, and Yiolecese by Eerthe E; . “1'1; on}: son . All availuble herberium material has been csreiully studied from herbsris of Lichigsn Jtite College, the University of hichigsn, the V“ Field Luseum of Ciicago, and the privUte herbaris of Lessrs. to R no lepole of Best Lensing and C. J. Felines of Fetoskey- ell available pullished and unpubl‘shed lists were consulted. In addition, records of plants w ich have been sent in for identificstion to the Lichirln state Colle Botany Defartneut were consulted for additional distribution data. A few of these specimens have been kept for reference. These letter records ere nurled with an asterisk (i). The nine of the person who sent in the sgecimen is followed by the initicl o? tle perscm Lho identified it, Dr. H. ;. Jerlinaton, Dr. A. n. Bessey, Dr. A. :. hoodcock, Dr. dichsrd de Aeeuw, and Julie Helnich. The nomenclature of tre second edition of Britten and Erown's ”Illustrated filers of the horthern Unite; otetes ung Canada" is followed except for the genus QEEOEEi which is covered by T. b. Yunckers "The Genus Cuscuts in Lichigsn" in the layers of the Lichi;cn.ncsdery of Science .rts and letters for 1921:183—189. The key to Quecutg used here— in wss taken from Yuncker's work. The order Polenonieles is considered in the nsrr wer sense to include the six families Convolvulecese, Cuscutecene, Iolenonisceee, o Hydrophyllaces, Ereginaceee, and dolensceae- In Iiehi gin there are in— cluded in the53 fenilies 2d genera and 70 sgecies, 33 of wrich i are native, 20 have been definitely naturalized, end 13 are escenes wfich ne y be ad- ventive. Cf those which have been neturulized 12 are netive of Europe, 7 of IrOpicel -ierica, and one of Peru. The following table illustrates the general distribution ale .3 duration of the families of the 0rd oer Ioleioniule _ --.---_---__. ..... "’“‘“"r‘“ _..--_-,--_- I“ Emily i 1‘321;£9_........11t_".g,}_l_T-..._ 3.1:. c. IL. 4 1.4;? Ier- .sn.4 n1. Ier.. -.-.—.—--4.- - ~ - —-—.o----.. _- 4- ~T"Z'T:'fik"-““.'LZ :3‘14?'::: V 2;."— r22;-.‘h"-I‘ZLZI.‘Z’::—1 Convolvul Q%#Z.--..- fl _H _$_ ___ __ _ 1,,_. L. 3 L Cuscuteceee '. 6 2 5 Io 1 er; o_n_i_s_c_e~a_e_ ’7 l 5 c - -..—-.—_.- .“a-1D-‘u- b- - -—---— - -....- -- —a— -—-—-‘b>-r-'- - .. —. — -.—- - '— Lydrophyllsceee . l M 3 T“orni.1____cese____“ 2 L ll 6 -_..-.t---..d....,_.1 ..... 1.. .--1....-_.-.. Sole eceee 4 .4 L—tfi-a— ‘u.’.‘O~-. -""I"£’.“L.. - c.‘ .u . .::~h.n I? 'VW-w‘nze-rxfi‘bevvrm $2.45”- -- ‘ L13. J__29__ r7. 1 9 22 [20 14. SJ L..._.. .m.—immml Per. — Perennial Bi. — Biennial 3. — Southern half of lower Ieninsula K. - Northern half of whole stute G. — General over whole state L. — local distribution Only -- usuully introduced escnpes L-I. ~ General over lovrer lenincili Iron this table it can be see? that in general there are about 2 or 3 perennial to one anndul native plant and about two annual to one perennial introduced plant; also that there e3e about one—third of the plants in the southern half of the lower yeninsule and about one-third of them ar-e generully distributed over the whole state. Iichigen is the northern limit for neny species, tne nerth~ eastern limit and the southern limit for others. In some ca see it is the nor+ vh;er1 linit for one sgecies and the southern linit for unetrer species of the suns genus. For exsngle,.CL10xlosJiu vi- inisnun is a _..m--_ southern species end 0- boreele is a northern sgecies; Ler’ensia Virginie: is southern and I- r" 1cu‘"ts 's Lorthe n. The only differ- -“ .-.-... H ences are uSdelly sniller flowers and more pubescence in the northern an species. In such csses it iv r [U t doubtful at times whether there is enough dif - rence to justify the fontstion of two Serarste srecie , esnecislly if there sms to be intergreding of tie tvo forms. A ‘ Slkllur '1’ Coed ..~,.:. la thst Cl .0 COHVOlVUlUS SL1? ...... l;ubheo Ufa LOLA? H... *“o-o—-.-—.~.—---.__--.— 1. i ”harry _ o: 1 the ._ Lniver51t7 v“. ' oi D ' enisyqunie \ sug-ests ... -‘m ttere ‘ , are - tvo . segdrete a .' tiecles, ‘ w - " r‘o. stins 1*: ' .1ctc., ~' w tLC i nortnein .~ ,~ ‘, -. 102:,:' -, end.,\ I C. s,1the .-~ " \ ' v seus ., L., the southern fort. The older botsnists di:tingu'sL3d tetaeen the 5 0 C q (2 C H F t \L' C C) ’4 t. r4 ”...: ,C £20 Sons “;ecigs hey u; civided into i Rt Le: of rsces uccordin\ to gubecCCnCG.-,, n .--< sin.- «1 sni,e.e‘. - of ' leives, ,_ , fJLgrqubo--. ,.,-)‘-,..-. o1 4‘ distriout "' 4., 't-.+-'-., on. r 1 e eClil f 4.-. u'u: - .0it: - I.s 1- L- A Ls lh Sell;- 3-2. 12;: 5-- llss ICIGJO‘‘ . - ”lie ". n.;‘ , ' 4.' , ' J, 4‘ . .I.‘ -.., H ., 4.3 1.... :y ‘ ,1.,'.. .‘. ‘. 4.-. [.4 .-fi to £113 £4111: 11152.1 c.1101” O uli‘j 13.: o If Cox; '3 1-.) Usinulri .Lll ST;I.1.L':11M tl.e 9J1?" UJ. rubesc~nce - I rs..e: II' - tnnn 1 1 the ‘l s-.“c -u. oi -fi t-e N. laivcs, ... LL: I,. inculu .p‘ ‘z hIVe t. I no trouble. ‘ r , v rev -r infidence ' '11 ~. to ; . s.ill l' ceiree '\ tne .‘ QletrlbuLIUn 1'f‘ .‘.\‘."“'>" a fee vv' swec.es -- ’\ 'l ere . adventive »- a . flee -—, . 4-1 the — v-' nest, LS I ao]_;ni. r~mV\- rostrcuin | - ,- +\ iorn eiltxle. 1-.. Gilie ' :. rutrs :..,1e ,.1 SufiLlhf 4... .' .' v . n NQSue-n 4. v. -1, ,.;nu + ...1' 411C: I ireiuentl;.0- e . es aged from cultivdtion- '4‘. " rw- Ar‘u‘f L A “.‘r‘ - '1' I r‘f‘.~ -L ,_ 3 35:1.“4l03 .. ,‘fe bC'»; 4.; Q ULLCL .. C4“, ,L: O “lgln Wnlch are pro— D; O H' :3 bebly not rersistent and therefor e hgve not bee included. These are: .wuanoclit3q33noclit, , . V . lyc *crLicon lvcco013-con . letunis L . :Alllflrls letu is --.—--- _..-- :~— . ----. ——u.—«_--—. ----.— 129.133.0512.. 3 ml 392.33% 31.3131198131- In some CL.e:, 3 e01 'ee hav eb33n included for Wlich ti:r 3 are but one or two records. These #63: incFUded b3csuse they are probubly more common t‘nn the records show, since in nearly all cases they are in Cnterio. Chio, fiisconsin, and hinnesota. Ksny genera in fl'is fenily are of grest econonic inportence. Sore are troublesone weed3,as:93f g3tn, {olgnurv Eggvclvulns, ggno; los unv EEEEBAEJ lithfo re r1unn,§;h 117 sil1:, Lnd nature. ¢S 3 rule those species --.-.._. which have been introduced in seeds tec01e sou-3 of our worst wee d" EX- snplee ere: §*1vglyglis rvenL1LCuLputu spiunfnun, Cynoglossun officin— sle, lquuls Lsypuls, Qgturs strunonium, dolsnun Unlcsnsrs, and solanw; rostrutun. nodder (Cuscutuiis one of the worst enenies of nichigsn's 30st irportent crop, clover. The Petuto:.39¥£¥¥£J§§5¥§E}Ey and tomato, LX99£3§3§39EH;"”OVPT icon, are t.o fool; glsnt; u icL forl fiOLC of the meet iiiporttint groducts of Lickiisn. 33119.9}.13 ifrs_111«:l_i_nii_hss only been re corded fra. Isle Boys le, where it sypears to be indigenous. done S‘GCiEb sr-: characteristic of noist deciduous woods of the A 8111 wouthern part of the state, such as PhloX diVLr_ C.&§33 ff drorryllj; species. -c-o-uggu-..- ":A _L£:33sp ernun_ {KQLiKEQES is characteristic of enbryonic heath: and rejuven=.1ted dune as around tie shores of the Great LsLes. cone f the in distribution records seen to be similar to ZEst of Lit dosffftux 0““0l1h,- . l but inr ost cases this is due to the fact that the interior of the state h as not been oot nized Ior thut psrticu 1 3r s;_ecinen su‘ficientlJ. This i c. especiill'r true for the central portion of tie upper hslf of the lows" peninsula. however, this reg'on differs essentially erL other ur>ss in Lichigsu. It is sandy and quite barren. Then, too, records are especial- ly inedeguate for the upper peninsula except for a few counties. PUMA/-1 1311-345 Fruit a pod or berry- Styles 2-6. Pod 2—6- -seeded Plants parasitic......................... II. Cuscutacege. Plants not parasitic..................... I. Convolvulaceae. Pod many-seeded............................. IV. Hydroghylla eae. Style 1. Branches of style or stigma-lobes 3. Plants twining........................... Iponoea VP'L ). Plants not twining....................... III. Iolemoniecese. Ere a1cle: of style or stirra-lobes 2. or stivma capitste 589 eds f8: (4-6)...................o.....
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