THURSDAY, ^EPTEMBER 22, 1966 F A C E TWESTk iianclr^^ti^r Eii^nittg Ifierali:: A veitige Daily Net Press Run The Weather For the Week Xktd^ Fair and co(4 toRlglit, IMV la million dollar Interest charge September 17,1966 ■ Five,members of the Man­ Cub Pack 143 will have its attached to the package. 40s; mostly sunny and eon* chester 4H Homemakers Club first meeting of the year to­ "Recent public statements by tlnued eool tomorrow, Mgli la About Town will give demonstrations tomor­ morrow al 7:15 p.m. at Nathan Need Not Question the Democratic leadtfrdhlp that 14,663 mid 60bl The Women* Guild of Trini­ row n't the Eastern States Ex­ Hale'School.' All cubs and boys ‘the elected party will receive a Mancheeter—^A City of i'Ulage Charm ty Oovenent Church will meet position, Springfield, Mass. They wishing to be cubs should attend bonanza,’ following the revalu­ tomorrow *t 8 p.m. at the ard Miss Marjorie Peila, Miss this registration meeting ac­ In Vote; DellaFera ation program of Manchester's church. Gueet speaker will be (dasslfled Advert|sing on Page $01 PRICE SEVEN CENT! Janet Ackerman,^, Miss Sylvia companied by at least one par­ 'GOP Town Chairman Fr-ancis DellaFera said today property, and that the ‘Denao- yOL. LXXXV, NO. 301 (TWENTY-FOUR PAGESr-TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1966 Mrs. John R. MoElraevy. She Peila, m Iss Carol Pelia and ent, ^ will on ‘'What Manches­ Miss Susan Nelkon. that the issue in the proposed $2.5 million Capital Im- “ "f * ,,'"“ '^‘2 ter is Doing for its Mentally Friendship Lodge of Masons provements Bond Issue - s »'’''her .^ o v e m e ^ Retarded Children." Hostesses will have a Grinder Sale are or are not needed. Rather, it is the adamant des^ire voters not wishing to Charles Keller Gowen. son of Christian Science are Mrs. Maurice Swenson, Mrs. Saturday. Orders may be of the Democratic majority t o ------------------ - ^ deny the necessary school re­ Ballots Ready Fred Schaefer and Mrs, Arnold Mrs, and Mrs. Raymond B. placed with any '^officer or deny the electors of Manches- minded that severaLyears ago pairs will vote for the entire ENTITLED Johnston. ThoS^e attending are Gowen of 50 Plymouth Lane, member of the lodge. Chairman HAR’TFORD (AP)—Civil­ has entered St. Paul’s School ter the opportunity to choose the recommendatiohs to bring package, supports the judgment T o w n M a n reminded to brin§ Gleaner en- is Marshall Hodge of 121 Falk- ian absentee ballots became in Concord, N.H., as a member '-utilities to thO'^uckland, Ad- I have demonstrated, "CHRISTIAN SCIENCE REVEALS MAN'S yelopee and a favorite recipe. those Items they would support ^^eas were "It may be that the Demo- available today for use in of the third form (ninth grade). nor Dr. on a priority ’ . coni|>leteiy ignored by the ma- crats are willing to take ‘cal- POWER TO THINK RIGHTLY" the Nov. 8 state election. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Odell of St. Paul's is an Episcopal pre­ The Connecticut section of Applications for absentee paratory school for boys. Gowen Nov .8'’'ref°e«ndum, haS been Jo.’l t y S that the provisions -culated risks’ with taxpayers Lecturer: Lela IMtl^ Aultman, C.S.B., Denver Colorado. 812 E. Center St. recently ac­ the .jTAmerican Institute of for’' swimming pools at ther, money. I can state unequivocal- in N .Y .R a id ballots must be made companied their daughter. formerly attended Bennet Jun­ Metallurigical Engineers will labeled by DellaFera as "a sub- Membehof the Board of I.«ctureshlp of The Mother through local town clerks. ior High, where he was an hon­ -■ . .u„/Waddell School and Robertson ly that the Manchester Repub- Marybeth, to the University of have a dinner meeting tonight tle form of blackmail, and contained in licans- are not." Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist In Civilian ballots are avail­ Montana at Missoula. Miss or student and active in school at 6 at the Yankee Silversmith,. ;♦ NEW YORK (AP) __ A the Apalachln meeting, and H. Hehtel said he planned to able to voters who cannot W ith Killing the Republican program. --------- ^--------■ ■ ■. -------------- Boston, MassacMisetts. Odell is a member of the fresh- affairs. Wallingford. State Supreme Court jus- underbos* of a New York (k>sa subpoena the 18 to appear at a appear at the polling places special meeting of the board, "He should be further re- Place: First, Church of Christ, Scientist ^tice today held 13 Cosa Rostra family. ^ special grand jury session, m- because of absence from the Jhan class. Mr. and ^Mrs. Odell VISIT THE were guests o‘f Prof, and Mrs. The Golden Age Club will Lawrence T. Scranton, son of of directors to rescind its ac- minded that the Democrats 447 North Main Street vestlgatlng the meeting. state during voting hours, Edward B. Dugan, acting dean meet tomorrow at 2 p.m. at the Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Scran­ tion and to spli>-fbe package, .were the chief architects in the Manchester, Connecticut •V' described in Senate testi- Hentel called the conference illness, or physical disability Mahoney, ,ofi Monday, turned destruction of the procedures MANCHESTER 1’1.3-miIlion bail after their Of the University School of club room. Linden and Myrtle ton of 267 Boulder Rd., has i j • L i mony is the Mafia’s Southern “an unuqual. and historic meet- or because their religion for­ down the/Kquest, and accused to provide a solution of the Date: Monday Evening, Septemlier 26th, at 8:15 o’clock Journalism. Sts. There will be a penny sale. been pledged to Tau Kappa SHOE BOX u r e s t yesterday, in w hat chitftaln and a onetime partner ing with great implications.” bids secular activity on Woliiap Shot Epsilon fraternity at Illinois Della of continually block- town's refuse disposal prob- FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST, MANCHESTER was described as th e big- of Frank Oostello. ’The original Apalachln meet- election day. ’The ballots ing/^ogressive actions, wheri Icms, simply because it was not 57 EAST CENTER ST. Wesleyan University," Bloom­ FINE WOMEN’S SHOES WELCOMES YOU. ^ e st raid in'volving crim a Santo 'Trafflcante, a Oosa ing waa believed to have been must be received by town At Honie^vof ington. ht waa a board member. politically expedient. syndicate fig u res since th e Nostra blgshot in Florida and called for the purpose of allocat- clerks by 6 p.m. Nov. 7, the DellaFera countered today "The issue in this case is not 1057 A nalachin conference former head of rackets in pre- ing territories. Police would not day before the election. 2 &OOD EATING Staff Sgt. George E. Bl^ni^h' with an accusation that Ma- whether improvements are or 'Bail wa* set at $100,000 each- Castro Cuba. speculate on the reason for new Her Parents ard, son of Mrs. N. F. Blanch- honey is resorting to "a vicious are not needed, rather it is the for the 18, all listed as promi- Others arrested were Don talks. 0 UCOJUJ2A, IN A LOAF of 23 S.' Alton St^ personal attack, in order to ob- adamant desire of the Demo- rt'ent members of the Cosa Nos- Along!, Aniello Della Croce of .Slnpe Apalachln, there have By WHJUAM COB centl.v retired ^om the U.S. scure the issue itself.” "atic majority to deny the tra’» national crime network by California, Prank Galliano of been reports of amaller scale 280 Planes And JOHN STAKNIS Air Force at Homestead AFB, ""DellaFera’s full statement electors of Manchester the op- underworld Informer Joseph New Orleans, Anthony Corallo syndicate meetings — in Wor- PInehurst ground meats pro­ follows: portunity. , to choose those Valachi. , of Louisiana and California, Jo- oester. Mass., in 1969, in Toron- A young Manchester fa­ vide tasty loaves that make Fla., after nr^re than 20 year* exciting main dishes. Sept. of service. He is a veteran of "A lack of logic to support items they would support on a »Justice Joseph M. OoDfoy *ald »eph Marcello of Texae, brother >0, Canada, in 1960, in Atlantic Ordered for ther of four today faced a Woman’s Day (here at 15c) orld^’^a r II, and has served an argument often leads to a priority basis. the men were being held se ma- Carlos, and Joseph Gallo of City, N.J., jand a new series in murder charge in the slay­ gives 34 meat loaf recipes and .ii Viet Nam. He has received well known method df using "In my judgment, the Demo­ terial witnesses in the investiga- New Orleans. He Is not con- New York. Viet Action ing of his 27-year-old wife, 12 new sauce recipes . and the Bronze Star and the Purple a vicious personal attack, in or­ cratically controlled board has Won of "major crimes’’ in nected with the Gallo brothefs New York’s meetings are usu- \yho was shot dead about 5 3 we feature at our service meat der to obscure the issue itself. not -given, this prerogative to queen* County. The group was of Brooklyn. ally of the banquet type, accord- p.m. yesterday at her par­ counter Apparently, this method has the voters. Criticism regarding remanded to civil Jail when they Detectives said the purpose of ing to police^ TOe city’sWASHING’TON Mafia (AP) — The Cadet Roy M. White, son of their claim of ‘Holding the Tax- Were unable to post bond. the raid was to keep track of expert, Sgt.
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