1964 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - HOUSE 18625 By Mr. BEERMANN: portionment of any State legislative body; By Mr.PATMAN: H.R. 12287. A bill to authorize the Burt to the Committee on the Judiciary. H. Con. Res. 346. Concurrent resolution County Bridge Commission, a public body By Mr. WHALLEY: authorizing the printing of additional copies politic and corporate in the county of Burt H.R. 12296. A bill to amend title 28, United of hearings on the Federal Reserve System; and State of Nebraska, to refund the out­ States Code, to provide for a temporary stay to the Committee on House Administration. standing revenue bonds of said Burt County of proceedings in any action for the re­ By Mr. WILLIS: Bridge Commission heretofore issued to fi­ apportionment of any State legislative body; H. Con. Res. 347. Concurrent resolution nance the cost of construction of a bridge, to the Committee on the Judiciary. authorizing the printing of additional copies together with the necessary approaches and By Mr. COHELAN: of House Report 176, 88th Congress, 1st ses­ appurtenances therefor, from a point located H.R. 12297. A bill to provide for the erec­ sion, entitled "Annual Report for the Year in the city of Decatur, Burt County, Nebr., tion of a monument on Alcatraz Island to 1962, Committee on Un-American Activities"; across the Missouri River to a point located commemorate the founding of the United to the Committee on House Administration. in Monona County, Iowa; to the Committee Nations in San Francisco, Calif., in 1945, H. Con. Res. 348. Concurrent resolution to on Public Works. and to serve as a symbol of peace; to the print as House docwnents the publications By Mr. GLENN: Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs. "World Communist Movement--Selective H.R. 12288. A bill to establish a National By Mr. POAGE: Chronology, 1818-1957, vol. 2 and vol. 3," and Hwnan Resources Development Commission; H.R. 12298. A bill to extend the Agricul­ to provide for the printing of additional to the Committee on Education and Labor. tural Trade Development and Assistance Act copies; to the Committee on House Admin­ By Mr. JENSEN: of 1954, and for other purposes; to the Com­ istration. H.R. 12289. A bill to establish the Lewis mittee on Agriculture. By Mr. PUCINSKI: and Clark Trail Commission, and for other By Mr. TOLLEFSON: H. Res. 825. Resolution to amend House purposes; to the Committee on Interior and H.R.12299. A bill to amend title 28, United Resolution 444, 88th Congress; to the Com­ Insular Affairs. State Code, to provide for a temporary stay mittee on House Administration. By Mr. KYL: of proceedings in any action for the reap­ By Mr. WILLIS: H.R. 12290. A bill to establish the Lewis portionment of any State legislative body; H. Res. 826. Resolution authorizing the and Clark Trail Commission, and for other to the Committee on the Judiciary. printing of additional copies of "Communist purp0ses; to the Committee on Interior and By Mr. AVERY: Economic Warfare-Consultation With Dr. Insular Affairs. H.R. 12300. A bill to require the Secretary Robert Loring Allen, April 6, 1960"; to the By Mr. MOORHEAD: of the Army to enter into agreements for the Committee on House Administration. H.R. 12291. A bill to amend section 312 of compensation of certain school districts be­ H. Res. 827. Resolution authorizing the the Immigration and Nationality Act to ex­ fore he acquires real estate for the expansion printing of additional copies of a publica­ empt certain additional persons from the re­ of Fort Riley, Kans.; to the Committee on tion entitled "The Irrationality of Commu­ quirements as to understanding the English Armed Services. nism-Consultation With Dr. Gerhart Nie­ language before their naturalization as citi­ By Mr. SCHWENGEL: meyer, August 8, 1958"; to the Committee on zens of the United States; to the Committee H.J. Res. 1154. Joint resolution to desig­ House Administration. H. Res. 828. Resolution authorizing the on the Judiciary. nate Monday, October 5, 1964, as Free Enter­ By Mr. PATMAN (by request): . prise Day; to the Committee on the Judici­ printing of additional copies of a publication H.R. 12292. A bill to eliminate cwnulatlve ary. entitled "A Communist in a Workers' Para­ voting of shares of stock in the election of dise-John Santo's Own Story," 88th Con­ directors of national banking associations By Mrs. KELLY: gress, 1st session; to the Committee on House H. Con. Res. 343. Concurrent resolution ex­ Administration. unless provided for in the articles of associa­ pressing the sense of the Congress with re­ tion; to the Committee on Banking and spect to the enforcement of the provisions of Currency. article 19 of the United Nations Charter; to By Mr. TUCK: H.R. 12293. A bill to amend title 28, United the Committee on Foreign Affairs. PRIVATE BILLS AND RESOLuTIONS States Code, to provide for a temporary stay . By Mr. MAILLIARD: Under clause 1 of rule XXII, private of proceedings in any action for the reappor­ H. Con. Res. 344. Concurrent resolution expressing the sense of the Congress with bills and resolutions were introduced and tionment of any State legislative body; to the severally referred as follows: Committee on the Judiciary. respect to the enforcement of ~he provisions By Mr. WELTNER: of article 19 of the United Nations Charter; By Mr. FARBSTEIN: H.R. 12294. A bill to amend the National to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. H.R. 12301. A b111 for the relief of Dr. Pura Housing Act to fac1litate sales of one- to By Mr. BROWN of California: Vargas and Dr. Andres Vargas; to the Com­ four-family residences in locations adversely H. Con. Res. 345. Concurrent resolution ex­ mittee on the Judiciary. affected by airports constructed or expanded pressing the sense of the Congress that the By Mrs. KELLY: with Federal financial assistance furnished President should instruct the U.S. mission H.R. 12302. A bill for the relief of Serafino under the Federal Airport Act; to the Com­ to the United Nations to bring the Baltic Toma.ssetti and his wife Luisa Maria Tomas­ mittee on Banking and Currency. States question before that body with a view setti; to the Committee on the Judiciary. By Mr. WESTLAND: to the liberation of Lithuania, Latvia, and By Mr. COLLIER: H.R. 12295. A bill to amend title 28, United Estonia from illegal Soviet occupation, and H.R. 12303. A bill for the relief of Clara States Code, to provide for a temporary stay the conduct of free elections in these nations; S. Chann; to the Committee on the Judi­ of proceedings in any action for the reap- to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. ciary. EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS Frank Darling ments in his industry-radio parts man- The city of Chicago, the State, and the ufacturing. ' Nation have lost a distinguished citizen He was a resourceful individual in the and patriot; the union labor movement a EXTENSION OF REMARKS trades movement--somewhat of a grand dedicated and sincere leader. May God OF promoter of the spectacular in connec­ grant him the blessings of everlasting HON. ROLAND V. LIBONATI tion with enormous gatherings of union grace and peace. members-his organizing ability of book­ OF ILLINOIS ing theatrical starts in his presentments IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES at these affairs was for him the sobriquet, Friday, August 7, 1964 the Ziegfeld of the labor movement. Poverty and Politics Mr. LIBONATI. Mr. Speaker, the It is unfortunate that the Harvester death of Frank Darling, president of of Souls called him to an early reward. EXTENSION OF REMARKS But God's will be done. He leaves a local 1031, International Brotherhood of OF Electrical Workers, removes from the great heritage to his family. We the ranks of labor one of its most consci­ members of the Illinois delegation, join HON. ED FOREMAN entious and versatile leaders. He was a his many friends and fell ow unionists in 01' TEXAS vibrant exponent of true Americanism extending our heartfelt condolences to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES and for years fought against the at­ his lovely wife, Mildred, and five daugh­ tempted inroads of Communists into ters, Mrs. Patricia Kaelin, Mrs. Shirley Friday, August 7, 1964 wiion membership. He successfully pre­ Collins, Mrs. Teresa MacKay,. Mrs. Diana Mr. FOREMAN. Mr. Speaker, we vented the infiltration of subversive ele- Kroning, and Mrs. Karen Troescher. have heard so much about poverty in this ... .. 18626 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - HOUSE August 7 country recently from the politicians who country and the world to dream of a day We, the members of the Illinois dele­ would propose to solve all our problems when povety might be abolished. It is gation, extend our sincere and heartfelt with new welfare doles, that it is appar­ American freedom, and that alone, which condolences to his dear wife, Mabel and ent that a dangerous disservice is being is the only really new idea, the only darling daughter, Mrs. Ann Kelly, of done to our people, here and abroad. It genuine "bold new program" in all his­ Washington. May God rest his soul with is wrong to picture this country as a land tory for the production o~ wealth for all. the blessings of peace and heavenly bliss. of hunger and privation. To do so dam­ Socialism is the latest form of an age-old ages us throughout the world. There fraud, that something can be created out are some who are in need, of course, but of nothing, that we can get wealth by the problems affecting them can be merely wishing for it or claiming it as a South Dakotans Pay More Tax solved without discoloring the true pic­ right, that government can plan a man's ture which prevails in our land.
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