1 •" ...••—--^i. '• • v Z/'* -_•:,..•. .V^" - -.^r^-^S'aJ OC -=%Ql f-wont, ad - . ..••—T171J.V7 .-. ,J.r _-_-_- -j / *Vc>^_, ^? ?!£jr %'.- .1 is easy foTpGceT' -^H«686-77dO Publl.h.d Eve, Thu.idoy by T.^mor Publl.hlng Co.p. 41 MounKjIn ew... Spflr.gll.ld, N.J.070B1 - 6S6-77OO itcond Clott Po«top» VOL. 41. No. 21 . • Malting Arfdrw»»r-T ^ "• SPRINGFIELD, N.J.r THURSDAY, MARCH-5,-1970 ••' rs Per Co(>y P.O. Bo» 69, Spnngli.U, N.J. 07081 J6.5O Y.orly Paid Gl Spr.ngli.ld, MJ. I will s on join |pr meeting T-renton plans expected to have-wide /oca/ effecf :-f| —7 The-Springfield PTA Council this week an- I nqunced final plans for the meeting on • <wnat*» 3<he Future of.,Qur.Local Schools7" to behelS .. Monday at 8 p.m. lntheglrls*gymnaBtunior1 Florence Gaudlneer School;— . Dr~~ Victo r J. Podesta,'« New Jersey's — assistant ^ commissioner—of—education, „will—" speak on "Consolidation and Reglonaiiza- tlon in the Schools."- , ' IP His talk is-expected to deal with several _; current proposals ' for consolidation of the" state's smaller school districts. Including. — | the so-called Mancuso Report prepared for the'_• State Department of Education. •'' That report urged that, all districts with less than 3,500 students In grades kindergarten J: througfnU be merged to create larger-school systems. Springfield has-somc 2,000 In grades K-8, plus another l.OOCmrlflgti school. It; also called for expansion of all regional* | high school districts downward by absorbing; -•- ~—the elementary—^school—sending—districts^: rB;i'.ts."j>-.-.; •Springfield is-a.membei^gf such a xegional high school district. • ' !• " -•- ==• - . The SprlngfleliT Board of Education last.' | month officially voteaicoppoisltiontothnpro,-. ;_^-These three Springfield children, who Podesta, assistant state..commissioner of education, at a* combined posals as a threaun.locaLAluonomy In educa- will be attending local schools'tor manyyears^^hardly-reallzt^that -meeting of the Springfield PTA Councltidonday at-8 pjn. at the tion, their futures -will be deeply affected by current' proposals for" -Florence Gaudlneer Srtnnl._jjhirwnt..friitn ltft. TT-N**T*yTTrTfflrF^ ' - -••• 'districts*, to be dlscussed.by Dr. Victor J, -,(PhoBo by Bok' Baxter) Leonard Harris, president of the Jonathan Dayton Regional High School PTA. will be n*S ALWAYS PAIR WEATHER — Springfield Girl Scouts are busy preparing for their fair, moderator for questions from the audience. celebrating die 58th anniversary of-Girl Scouring, to be held Saturday from 10 a.m. to Mrs: John Knowles Is president of the PTA 4 pjri. at St. lames Church. Poster girls, from left, are Patricia Duffy, Karen Caul- ; Council. ' ' '^ fleld and Deborah Scelfo. T. i:: - r ~~ (Photo' by .Ted Coweliy '... _DiU.iODESTAis_an alumnusof Jersey City- $tate~€ollege and holds the degrees .of rhaster- * -of education and doctor of education fromlfc*- gers University , He continued his advanced. studies-at Harvarf University. Dr.--Podesia- t^hlgh school plans for the forthcoming Red Cross Bloods , Pnenn-JUco. or glB; has been honored as the outstanding alumnus mobile visit to Springfield are well underway. In addition to securing credits-forwholeWood, L Drug addiction. These words are often re- .of Jersey City State. —— ported as striking fear into th» hearts of It will take place on Wednesday. March 18, donoraZand group members are,entitledtofree anniversary ion As osslntnat commissioner of education, he parents who wonder ILtlieir child will become from l;30 to 6:30 pjn. at Temple Beth Ahm, blood derivatives, such as gamma globulin for Is responsible for internal administration of the addicted. Now the story of addiction will be- -Baltusrol-way. ----- ' .,( nreasles and hepatitis prevention. Ig^ which an- invitation has been extended to Department of. Education and coordinates tho J_Donara_muat be hfrwrwi IMil. In good , Amiirica are preparing to celebrate their the community of Springfield. It"wlll be held -told-as-tt-iflraccording" to membersof ALERT— work of all divisions. He also maintains lial- tlie Springfield committee Organized to combat maintain at all times a large Inventory of blood health, and weigh over 110 pounds. Persons 58th birthday, proclaiming the wjek starting on Saturday, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at St. - son- with the governor's office, the legislature, and-blood derivatives. Fresh blood Is usable . between'18 and 21 who are not married otjn_ Sunday as Girl Scout Week. James Church. local drugZjiroblems. They will sponsor the other state'agencies, the federal government, "original Broadway castTof-tKe/'play. 'The Coh- as whole blood for only three weeks. By par- the armed services must have the written' The Springfield Community Girl Scouts «r« Mrs. Lee L. Andrews Jr., chairman of the ' -county superlntenddntn of oelioolo and thegen- ticipating ln~the program, groups: of individual consent of their parent or guardian. Women celebrating Girl-Scout week by having a fair. cept." This play dramatizes the life and fair, sold, "It is the Springfield Girl Scouts' eral public. Podesta formerly served as super- problems of a drug addict, and It will be ' donors assure tbemselves"6f"normal"blood" who have been pregnant within the past 12 way of demonstrating to the-community, what intendent of schools in ELainiield and In Vine- presented ot Jonathan Dayton^ Regional High needs in advance. The credits accumulated In months must postpone donations. aa aware and active group they are." land... - - " • - School on Sunday at 8:30 pjn. this_way are good anywhere "In tfie"TJ. S., At least eight weeks must elapse between Letters invite residents -• All-Brownie,—Junior, Oadette and Senior ; Mrs. Knowles.~as~PTA~ Council president, donations, and no person should glvomore troops arS-partlclpatlng,-Soihc troops will' than five times a year. Persons I _ was in charge of arrangements, assisted by Daytop Villager a drug~reKabllltatlon center. P tki dll display and demonstrate the arts and crafts delegates from all local schools. The The 1 ma Liebeskind pt cation on a regular basis should check their t&jgsL.iatajhe--swim they worked on throughbui:the "year. Some According to the New York Times, '''The acceptability" with"^Mrs^Danlel^KalBni^STfr--"":—; Sandmeler School PTA was represented by Concept' is an extraordinary playl Fasd- -U«ttfir»Jiave-gpne outtoalllastyear'smfm- troops will entertain wltKGlrT-Scout songs - Mrs. Martin" Grossbarth, Mrs. Edwin Corey, "~~0S82. Weight watchers and other reducers were bexJLOf the Sprlngfleia^MunidpalPoolTjrtth an~ ~aW~3BIC6B""aIlu' BUIIW uwps-wtH-display— and powerfull A wonderful commercial •to—chuck ~wldi—roelr-own-pbyslclaifc appllcatioa f or membership for the summer of work they have done, in homemaklng, citizen-— ". : . "-7 . (Contlnucrdcm poge 5) foi: Daytop, an even better one for the human The procedure for giving blood Is simple" 1970. those who wish to Join were urged to -ship, health and safety. Others will exhibit race." . ' . , ~~ and painless, and requires about one hour. tikl camping equipment and camping skills.. 4 Mrs. Jack Newmark, president of the Flor- Tuesday night Donors do not fast, but eat theirregular meals,- r.IBrnng-»p>IV-r--appltrinrinnB-fnr memlmi - - There will also be an. art shoUr with all ence Gaudlneer PTA, and Mrs, \ eonardNarrls, although rich, fatty feeds-prior to donation are ship will be open to other Springfield residents . Tournament starts president of Johathan payrony Regional Hitfa - Harold LleDoskInB7w1I5"last week criticized to be avoided. Temperature, pulse, blood- troops participating, Mrs. Dexter ( Force, c Mayor Henry J. Bultman Jr. for what he termed •_-- : who wish to join, and at that time they can ob- chairman of the art snow, stated" tHat there- School PTA, said.^'The SpyHn^ ld'PTAs are", -pressurer and hemoglobin areVcheckedV-to- tain an application at the Recreation Depart- v . The undefeated Jonathan Dayton Regional a_ failure to assist tenants In'Springfield ~ will be crayon sketches,"watcr colors,graphic~ High School bastetball team will launch Its" —aware oithe dangers of drug usage,-and-wel- case of doubt. the_donor Is seenbya pliysldanj—•—- ment office in .the Sarah Bailey Civic Center, acts, pastels, oil paintings, mosaics, wire,— = - come the opportunity to have the parents of apartments, this week announced thaLB-"Tfn-—who is at the scene at all times. One pint of quest for a.state Group II chuinpJt9nstU^lwlt£Jn ants" Rights" meeting will be-heWTVresdsy-ae—^blood is drawn-by'a skilled nurSSSf-merdbnSf""= Church Mall. -papiei mache_ Itmeets Rose lie In a state tounuuneut game iiuiT children gain ^greater insight into this grave social problem currently being faced by 8 D^m. at the National State Bank office, MorriB_ is servedJUghtlrefreshment and Is ready_to_ exhibits. tonight at 8 atWestfleld HighSchool. Tonights- 7 Any girl from ih«-«;«-nf-3-to 17 interested victor will .play the winner of the/; Warren all towns. The performance will be bene- and Linden avenues. Liebeskind will serve as—leave. •--, .-.•'_. •___ temporary chairman. , — ' . ^Transportation will be available to anyone In Joining Girl Scouts will be able to register >tllls«Dover game-^pme time next week. • — (Continued on pog'o-5)—— Cast that day with Mrs: Lee Jolmson, Girl"3cout Addressing his announcement to''all tenants—requiring it. Donors may call Mrs. Koleni at Piper. ""'•_-. •--"".- of Springfield,", he dcldeclared.'"Thi, s is a non- 376-0582 to arrange' for it. Appointments can listed by Players A local -scout spokesman stated: partisan meeting which will ••hel •p establis• •-• h• a be made through her, or through the Individual "Girl Scouting was founded in. the United community organization to help~ourselves." donor group chairmen. They are: Mrs. Edward The Springfield Community Players have States on-March. 12. 1912. by Juliette Gordon Recalling his previous- criticism of the Kaye, St»_James Church, Joint PTAs; Mrs.' announced the cast for their next production, Low.
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