jg Hightstown Gazette. P HIGHTSTOWN. MERCEK COUKTY, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, JUNE 10, 1943 Children to Reign Suprepiej McFarland, Dubell Graduated. NEWS Puleeze: Wash, Flatten Those Tin Cans Before from the III Three Churches Sunday;! Putting Them in Barrel Fighting Front Special Programs Planned i Because of the vital necessity of salvafing tin for war effort, four Once a year in the l o c a l churches William Spencer, “Cutting the Grass." white barrels have been place<l at comes the day when the ehildrcn are convenient locations in the center of Alao, Margaret Ann Stiff, “The town. decked out in all their regal splendor Time"; Linda Kay Thompson, Aboard Battleship.. and_ go ----forth... to... conquerwviivjast.* themv, world-WUI1U~* "Marsh-mallowM ,,.Z----- Clouds";•^ewwe.m , aTgmg||MVSMargaret There have been many dirty and unfiattened cans placed in these bar> with p oem s, music, and recitations, i ' S ’— rels. These can not be used. NOTH­ That day is known as Children’s Day! j . ”- » h 9 V " and is held in June ^ ' , i? * ! Sara Kay Mulligan, "A Lit- ING should be put in them except tin cans which have had the labels re- p.:?e‘ in^“t « •“■‘r i &t"erlanPresbyterian churchess swith more than I enS B.tfhl'T’ui^ i ^ 100 tots taking part. terick, *'How Do Yo D o" a vocal : ****• Mnderingthe process of sal- duet. ' ' vaging this vital war metal. METHODIST CHURCH r o u p will close by singing : ARE YOU DOING YOUR PART? Your Salvage Committee urgently l/lr'^.I’c*n*^ Methodi.st church the Chil-! Among the members of the junior d c -' asks your cooperation in this matter. drcns Uay program includes recitations : partmcnt who will have parts in the i SANGER ROBINSON , n, TT Edward Foster. Harold C. f Chairman Ull ^ How- ; Cox, Jr., Jack and Kidiard Ely, Lowell ell— Your lurn . Marv Ellen Grrpn.— A I anrl t.. i__nr.t i Left to right: Chester Ralph McFarland, son of Mrs. HUma I. Suy- dam of York road, and George Jo s^ h Dubell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hartzell Dubell of 190 Center street, who were among those who were graduated Monday morning at the Peddle sebooTs 78lh commencement exercises which were held in the First Baptist church. Dr. Wilbour E . ’ Saunders, headmaster, presided. The bapUsm of several children wUl Thonias Septak, Theodore . E i y . l F O U l l d T l l C S d S Y take place following a song by the Harry Guidice, Robert Lugianni, Robert | d McFarland entered Peddie S^>tember 1949, having previously at­ junior choir. Then comes the recep- Butcher, Patsy Davi- t ^ * * i ^ | • tended Trenton Central high school. He was a member of the Peddle lion of membership classes. More if? "' ^3h»rley Nichols, Inez Mitchell, U U f i l l 2 o l a C k O l l t News staff and was elected to Cum Laude, secondsury school scholastic recitations will follow. I^ctty Mount, and Betty Johnson. ) ® ^ honor society. Tnvr.a «;»iiifc will r\ Others who will participate include [ j Dubell entered Peddie in September 1942, having formerly attend­ tkmr” ^nd t Ipn Barrett, Janet Cottrell, Marilvn ^ “Tuesday night's test air raid was the ed Hightstown high school. He was a member of the varsity soccer (dvo thp Marjorie Perrinc, Loretta and most successful ever under- team. He received a certificate of completion of the Radio Communi­ H iln, 1n,h, 1 Taylor, Betty Cottrell, Janet Dey, Au-iKone," said Commander Ellis Cottrell! cations course which was ^onsored by the Rutgers university E. S. Reed *Nan''e*^v Sedie^^T^'f’t 1 <lrcy Gordon, Beth Shivers, Nancy , yesterday morning after surveying re-i M. W. T. division under the auspices of the United States Office of RICHARD DAWSON. G. M., 3/c Weed, Peggy Weiscl, and D o r o t h y i ports from all his subordinates who' Education. Dubell achieved a satisfactory standing on the joint Army- Horence Sitko Miriam Danser, Mary ; echoed his sentiments in their resume Navy pre-induction qualifying test. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dawson of Ann bwam, and the junior choir. t i r , , of the blackout 217 Wilson avenue have received word The beginner’s departrpent will ren-;„,-^ excitement were the from their son, Richard, that he has dcr a song. William Mielckc, Robert » 10 casualties handled by the first aid been promoted to gunner's mate third Wilson, and Robert Vetick are listed as i . A™ £'«■"« Belly Mals- station in the fire house and the fact Peddie School Holds 78th class. Dick is aboard a battleship rcciting "Boy Helpers.” Loretta Cronce ; Nichols will open that the fire engines were called out somewhere in the Pacific and is sec­ has “Children’s Day Flowers" as her I *he prima^ departments part in the to extinguish a “fire” at the lace mill ond in charge of an anti-aircraft gun. piece. Carol Joan Schanck has “Chil-1 e x « « i« s by singing A Little Con- on Monmouth street which was started He may be reached at Box 4, c/o dren’s Love” for her subject, while Con- ,w>‘b tb« aid of the other by incendiary bombs. Commencement Monday; Postmaster, San Francisco. nie West will recite “A Pii/zlcr," ' TM- ,, Tx , ■". ">« STOup.iri • ij- t 1 Hightstown civilian defense officials Richard Danser is slated to s a y Elinor Dale\, Ann Elaine Hancock, received the yellow alert at 8:57 p. m, Staff Sgt. George W . Allen “Help Yourself to Happiness,” an d I ^ J o y « \Vethenll I’The first blue came at 9:15 and all but Local Boys Get Diplomas Marie Lou Parker will sing a solo. arc slated to lake pan m the exercise, j the street lights were turned off imme- 1 aiusics Are 1 romihcs. Rphert Bar- diaielv bv merchants and hmisr'hnPlt'rs Is Awarded Silver Star Georj^e J. DuIxJI, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harzell Dubell of Center ; den street, and Chester R. ilcFarland, son of Mrs. Hilma I. Suydam of For Gallantry in Action , bara 1 Lutchen, Kogcr liemiey, smney ouyee, *7 , ^ x x.xi.iu, «u.u x,vttv aiders hurrving to their posts, York road, \\ere amoni,' the i n youths graduated at the Ped'die school's i Louis Hoagland, Barbara Ann Clawson, Malsbury participate. ^ jj Clear at 10:40 Staff Sergeant George W. Allen, son /8tli commencement exercises held Monda}- morning in the First Bap­ of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Allen of Mor­ j Eleanor Comer, Margaret Swain, Bev-. Tiie boys in the department Nvill por-! At 9:37 caml the red or danger sig- tist church. * ------ 77;— 7—---------;— ::------------------ rison avenue, has been awarded the icrly Lewis, Patsy Zinn, Jacqueline Ve- tray “The Bible and Children’s Day.” nal. This lasted until 10:14 when the TT Tt 1 - -r» Hi, ot Freehold, \incent Bera- jlick, Alice Hoaglaml, Janice Biggar, Taking i>ari will be George Deemys, secund blue was sounded. During this H orace Roberson ot Bayonne, stego of Westfield. William p. Florcyk Silver Star for gallantry in action. The j and Shirley Fenton. Billy Fair. Philip I-'icld. David Ivong citation is as follows: Billy Fair Philip ImoUI David laong- 37-minute period three B-24 Liberator president of the hoard o f.— cornora- ' /"if TT exf Dix,T I. X.— WilliamW/ .11. —. ■. ■ E.L. p o&tcr andl street, Calvin Pernne. William Schei- bombers were seen flving overhead bvl‘ ^ corpora Fredericks Jr of “For gallantry in action in the vicini­ PRESBYTERIAN PROGRAM Red Banl^ ty of Paid, Tunisia, December i 1942, (Icier, Reginald Ely, Charles Field, ’ many officials. These. “enemyenemy planes”; ....... *'i"'^^ded , the diplomas,- and Dr. Erederick S. Howell...... of- New'New Brunswick, Sgt. Allen skillfuly rcorgani^d and i At the Presbyterian church the Ciiil- Bruce Pullen. Robert Barrett. Russell droned over much of the darkened area W illiour E launders, headmaster, ' Gordon R. Smith of Eatontown, and led his platoon into a final assault upon ‘ (Iren’s Day program will begin at 10:30 Cottrell, and Herberl .Sauer. in the lliree slates of l.iclaware. New , pi-L-sicIe<i [Richard 1 >. Sutton of Toms River. an enemy jiosilion. His extreme cour­ ■a. m. when the congregation will sing Daji.l Longstruet will recite “Koon, Jersey, ami New York which partici-|' ]n,l„,led it. the graduating da-s were ^ age in the face of heavy enemy fire in­ I “Brightly Gleam.s Our Ealher’s Ban- lor the Hoys, and the ettlire depart- pated. ' 55 .student, wit,, have (ptalified for a ’ spired his men to attack witli vicious­ ! ner.” meiit will clo.-e by singing “I Must V( at ' "r j* , , ’ specialized hrancl. ,,f the armed forces i Peddie Students ness and reckless abandon, Sgt. Al­ I Janice Probasco will then recite a Walk Carefully,” iimctionsh nol to return to normal.f"' '•d’ort‘ for active. duty- this. i len’s aggressive spirit contributed great­ I “Tiny Child'.s Welcome,” to be followed F'ivc go to the Army .Air | ly to the ultimate defeat and surrender i by Wilson Kimnacii and Robert Sher u r "" ""i two to ilie Xavv Air Corps, eight : Among 16 Men of the enemy occupying this position. j rard sin.ging a duet, “I^raisc Flim.” Bi­ Heaven Waited . firs -.nders, Leon l.abcock, duel a i : N .\iaHnc Corps College Program, „ . Kesiflencc of enlistment: llightstown, ble recitations will be given by Claude rai.l warden, reported 13/ ... h.s meti ,3 ,0 the Xavv V-12 colIcL-e pro-’ C u 11 f d A r m « N.
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