© Entomologica Fennica. 7 September 1995 Hemiptera of Iraq. V. Heteroptera, Lygaeidae Rauno E. Linnavuori Linnavuori, R. E. 1995: Hemiptera of Iraq. V. Heteroptera, Lygaeidae. - Entomol. Fennica 6:29-38. An annotated list is presented of the 102 species of Lygaeidae known to occur in Iraq. R. E. Linnavuori, Somersoja, F/N-21220 Raisio, Finland Received 10 January 1994, accepted 15 April1994 Very few records have been published on the 14.XI.I979, 8.V.l981; Qora, 16.Xl.l979; Rashidiya, Lygaeidae fauna oflraq (Hoberlandt 1949, 1953, 8.VI.1981; Zawita, 15.XI.1979; Duhok, 17.Ili.I944, M. Linnavuori 1984, 1990, Seidenstiicker 1960). A list Hassan; Mosul, LXII. J961, S. Al-Safar; Sardoor, 13.XI.l965, J. Alani; Shaqlawa, 22.1.1968, collector unknown; of 102 species is published below, based on mate­ Sulaymaniya, 27.I.1968, Ronak; Zakho, 29.1X.l952, S. rial I collected in 1979-1981 in Iraq. From the Alyasiri, in coil. AG (Abu Ghraib); Bishapur (Hoberlandt zoogeographical point of view a strong penetration 1949:3). - On hilly steppes of northern Iraq. - Euro­ of the Mediterranean element into the steppe and Siberian. mountain regions of northern Iraq is noticeable. Note: L. equestris v. murinus, recorded from Shaqlawa This region also has numerous species of Syria­ by Hoberlandt (1953:378), undoubtedly refers to dark speci­ mens of L. equestris. The genuine L. murinus Kiritshenko, Anatolian or Irano-Turanian origin. The fauna of 1913, is, according to Winkler & Kerzhner (1977), a valid the semi desert and desert zone resembles that of the species, which occurs in Middle and Central Asia. adjacent parts of Saudi Arabia, although many spe­ cies typical to the main parts of the Arabian deserts seem to be absent, undoubtedly owing to differ­ Lygaeus creticus Lucas, 1854 ences in climatic and edaphic factors. The material collected is the property of the 3 exx Abu Ghraib, 19.IX.1967, J. Khalil; 2 exx Baghdad, American Museum of Natural History, but at 25.X1.1964, I. Gargis; I ex Mansur, 2l.XI.l964, N. Babik, present is kept in the author's collection. Some in coli. AG. - Pontomediterranean; recorded from Iraq material preserved in the Plant Protection De­ (Stichel 1959:311 ). partment of the Ministry of Agriculture (AG), Abu Ghraib, Iraq, is also included. The material is presented in the following order: number of Spilostethus saxatilis (Scopoli, 1763) specimens, collection locality, and the date; if no collector is mentioned, the material has been col­ Many exx from Qora, l6.XI.l979; Amadia, 24.IX.1956, A. Isa; Grdelle, 27.lll.l944, Y. Fathi; Sandoor, 7.X.1967, lected by me. Possibly notes on collecting habi­ F. Matti; Sulaymaniya, l2.1V.1954, collector unknown, in tats and/or methods, and finally remarks on the coli. AG. Also recorded from Bishapur and Shaqlawa general distribution of each taxon are also given. (Haberland! 1949:3, 1953:379). - On hilly habitats of northern Iraq.- Earlier known from Europe. Lygaeinae Lygaeus equestris (Linnaeus, 1758) Spilostethus pandurus (Scopoli, 1763) Many exx from Aqra, 28.VIII.1980; Jabal Sinjar, Many exx from Rutba-Al Qaim, 5.V. 1980; Sinjar, 30 Linnavuori: Hemiptera of Iraq • ENTOMOL. FENNICA Vol. 6 14.Xl.l979; Abu Ghraib, 4.VII.1966, collector unknown; Lygaeosoma parvulum Kiritshenko, 1914 Ana, 9.V.l958, S. Ebraheem; Falluja, 21.VI.l966, collec­ tor unknown; Heet, 10.III.l958, S. Alyasiri; Nasiriya, 1 ex Ana, IO.IV.J 981; 1 ex Najaf-Shabakah, 23.VI.l981; 5.XI.1968, J. Alani; Kani Khesman, IO.III.1944, S. Hassan; Haditha (Seidenstticker 1960:7). - Under plants in dry Ramadi, 9.III.l958, Younis; Rutba, 16.IV.l969, J. Alani, habitats.- Irano-Turanian. coil. AG. Shaqlawa (Hoberlandt 1953:380). -In sandy habitats and fields. - Paleotropical. Orsillinae Melanocoryphus tristrami (Douglas & Scott, Nysius (Macroparius) graminicola (Kolenati, 1868) 1846) I ex Abu Ghraib, 11.1.1961, Haidari, in coli. AG. - =Nysius (Macroparius) graminicola karaganus Hoberlandt Pontomediterranean; recorded from Iraq (Stichel 1959:313). 1949:3-7. Numerous exx from Ana-A! Qaim, 5.V.l980; Aqra, 29.VIII.l980; Ash Sharqat, 7.IV.1980; Baghdad, VI­ Horvathiolus syriacus (Reuter, 1885) VII.l980; Dawra, 15.1X.l979; Dukan, 12.VI.l981; Falluja, 5.X.l979; Haditha-Tikrit, 6.V .1980; AI Hadr, 6.V .1981; Hilla, 1 ex Shaykh Addi, ll.V.l981; several exx from Chenchend, 2l.IX.I979; Jebel Sinjar, 14.XI.l979; Muharnmadi, 8.X.I979; 26.1.1968, collector unknown; Neneva, I O.XI.1965, collec­ Penjwin, ll.VI.l980; AI Qosh, 10.V.I981; Rashidiya, tor unknown; Sulaymaniya, 16.IV.l968, Ronak, in coli. AG. 8.VI.l981; Rawah-Al Hadr, 6.V.l981 ; Rutba-Al Qaim, 8- -On steppes in northern Iraq.-Irano-Turanian. 9 .III.l980; Samawa, 2l.X.J979; Shaqlawa, 16.Xl.1979; Shaykh Addi, 15.XI.l979; Tharthar lake, 20.X.1980; Wadi Mandali, 29.IX.l979; Karagan near Hanekin, Djebel Hamrin (Hoberlandt 1949:5).-Very common in semi deserts, steppes Horvathiolus kiritshenkoi Josifov, 1965 and fields.- Holomediterranean. Note: N. graminicola karaganus, based on two females 1 ex Abu Ghraib, ll.XI.l969, M. Younis; 1 ex Mosul, with an unusually broad pronotum, fits within the variation 15.XI.l967, S. Al-Safar, in coil. AG. - Caucasian, re­ of N. graminicola, and is not a distinct subspecies. corded from Armenia, Turkey and SW Iran. Nysius (Macroparius) cymoides (Spinola, 1837) Apterola lowni (Saunders, 1876) Numerous exx from Amara, 23-24.X.l979; Ana, 8.X.I979; 1 ex Darbandikhan, 13.V.1980; 1 ex AI Qosh, 17.XI.l979; 2 Ana-A! Qaim, 9.X.1979; Baghdad, V-VII.l980; AI Hadr, exx Salahuddin, 16.XI.1979; 1 ex Shah Razoor, 6.XI.1961, 6.V.1981; Khan Ruhaba, 24.VI.I981; Khorsabad, Haidar. - On hilly habitats in northern Iraq. - Ponto­ 1l.V.1981; Najaf-Shabakah, 23.VI.I981; AI Qosh, mediterranean. IO.V.1981; Rutba-A1 Qaim, 9.IV.1981; As Salman, 18.IV.1980; As Salman-Shabakah, 4.IV.l981; Sarsang, 25- 28.VIII.1980; Sinjar, 14.XI.l979; Sinoni, 8-9.V.1981; Lygaeosoma reticulatum (Herrich-Schaeffer, Waqisah, l.V.l980. - Very common in semideserts, 1838) steppes and fields.- Holomediterranean. 5 exx AI Qosh, IO .V.l981 ; Shaqlawa (Hoberlandt 1953:380). - On hilly steppes of northern Iraq. - Ortholomus jordani Hoberlandt, 1953 Holomediterranean, with a wide range in Central Europe and Central Asia. 1 ex Shaykh Addi, 1l.V.1981; Shaqlawa (Hoberlandt 1953:382).- On a hilly steppe.- Endemic. Lygaeosoma anatolicum Seidenstiicker, 1960 Camptocoris Longicornis (Puton, 1874) 2 exx AI Kabaish, 27-28.VI.l980; Mukdadia (Seiden­ stUcker 1960:8). -Under plants in a clayey habitat. - Several exx from Ana, 8.X.l979; Baghdad, IV-VIII.l980; Anatolian, recorded from Turkey and Iraq. Falluja, 5.X.l979; AI Hadr, 6.V.l981; Najaf-Shabakah, ENTOMOL. FENNICA Vol. 6 • Linnavuori: Hemiptera of Iraq 31 23.VI.1981; Rutba-Al Qaim, 9.IV.l981; As Salman, Dimorphopterus blissoides (Barensprung, 1859) 18.IV.l980; Shabakah-Waqisah, 5.IV.l981; Waqisah, 5.1V.1981. - Eremian, extending from North Africa to 1 ex Shaykh Addi, 11.V.l981.- On a hilly steppe in Middle Asia. northern Iraq.- Pontomediterranean. Henestarinae Camptocoris typus (Distant, 1918) Henestaris laticeps (Curtis, 1836) = Camptocoris lindbergi Wagner 1958:44 (Linnavuori & Al-Safadi 1993: 14-15). = Henestaris curtulus Horv th, 1910 (Pericart 1992:253). 4 exx Brozah, 13.V.l981; I ex AI Hadr, 6.V.l981; 2 = Henestaris cypriacus Wagner, 1949 (Pericart 1992:253). exx AI Qosh, IO.V.l981; 3 exx Sarsang, 26-28.VIII. 1980; = Henestaris oboussierae Wagner, 1954 (Pericart 1992:253). l ex Shaykh Addi , 1l.V.1981 ; Ash Sharqat, 7.1V.l980. ­ 2 exx Ain AI Tamar-Ramadi, 20.IV.l980. - On On steppes of northem Iraq. - Paleotropical; widely dis­ halophytes in a salt marsh.- Holomediterranean. tributed in Africa, Yemen, and Indi a. Engistus exsanguis Stal, 1873 Cyminae Numerous exx from Amara, 23-24.X.1979; Ana-A! Qaim, Cymus claviculus (Fallen, 1807) 5.V.1980; Brozah, 13.V.198 I; Hilla, 2l.IX.I979; Karbala­ Ain AI Tamar, 20.X.1979; Khan Ruhabah, 6.1V.1981; Muhammadi, 8.X.l979; Nasiriya-Abu Ghar, 15.IV.l980, I ex Dukan, ll.VI.1980; 2 exx Halabja, ll.VI.1980. - 3l.III.l981; Nukhayb- km 160, 8.IV.l98l; AI Qaim, On Cyperaceae and Juncaceae in damp habitats.- Euro­ IO.X.l979; Rawah-AI Hadr, 6.V.198l; Razaza lake, Siberian. 24.VI.198l ; Rutba-Al Qaim, 8-9.III.l980; As Salman, 5.III.1980; As Salman-Shabakah, 4.1V .l981; Sawa lake, 2l.X.l979; Tharthar lake, 2.VI.l980; Wadi Mandali, Cymus minutus Lindberg, 1938 29.IX.l979. Kuwait: AI Jahra, 17.III.l981. - On halophytes in sandy habitats and salt marshes.- Eremian. Several exx from Ana, 8.X.l979; Baghdad, IV-V.l980; Jalula, 27.XI.1979; AI Kabaish, 27-28.VI.l980; Karbala­ Ain AI Tamar, 20.X.1979; 50 km S Mosul, 13.XI.1979; AI Geocorinae Qaim, IO.X.l979; AI Salman-Samawa, 6.III.l980; Shaykh Addi, ll.V.1981.- On Cyperaceae and Juncacea in damp habitats; on Scirpus littoralis at AI Qaim. -From North Geocoris (Piocoris) erythrocephalus (Le Peletier Africa to Iran and Middle Asia. & Serville, 1825) Many exx from Aqra, 29 .VIII.1980; Brozah, 13 .V.l981; Cymus melanocephalus Fieber, 1861 Jebel Sinjar, 14.XI.1979, 8.V .I981; AI Qosh, 17.XI.l979; Shaykh Addi, ll.V.l981; Sinoni, 8-9.V.1981. Bishapur (Hoberlandt 1949:7). - Common in hilly scrubland in 1 ex Aqra, 29 .VIII.l980; I ex Halabja, l l.VI.l980.- Habi­ northern Iraq.- Holomediterranean. tats similar to those of the previous species. - Holomediten·anean, extending to Central Europe and Mid­ dle Asia.
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