VOLUME 25 • NUMBER 6 • 25 VOLUME FCW.COM Strategy and Business Management for Government Leaders | March 28, 2011 FCW.COM And the winners are... BOTTLENECK.GOV SOLVED. Today, government agencies rely on optimized connectivity. We get it. With dedicated account managers, solution architects and partnerships with leading vendors like Cisco, Brocade and Avaya,wecanhelpyoudesignandbuildasolutionthat’sfast,flexibleandsecure.Onenetwork, reliable, with bandwidth and communication for all. Get things moving at CDWG.com/networking ©2011CDWGovernmentLLC.CDW®, CDW•G® andPEOPLEWHOGETIT™aretrademarksofCDWLLC. Rising to the challenge...again his year’s Federal 100 awards be it the earthquake in Haiti or the Deep- program is a reminder that water Horizon oil spill — when time is excellent work goes on, even of the essence and options are limited. It’s in the toughest of times. the art of the possible raised to its highest TAnd times were tough in 2010, make no form. mistake about that. Civilian agencies and Federal 100 winners oft en seem to look their contractors felt the pinch of budget at the world from a unique perspective. It’s uncertainty as the year progressed and not that they don’t see obstacles. But they Congress could not reach agreement on come at problems from a slightly diff erent an appropriations bill. Many defense agen- angle. Th ey see ways around obstacles that cies also faced austere times, as two wars others might have missed. Th at vision and continued to demand a steady fl ow of their ability to share it is what makes them resources. Yet the 2011 Federal 100 award leaders. winners rose to the challenge. But the most important distinguishing Th ey developed strategies to ease the mark of Federal 100 winners is simple: federal government’s transition to cloud Th ey step up. Th at’s something we see computing. Th ey improved the quality again and again in the nominations we of care provided to our service members receive. Th e work that results in a Federal returning from combat. Th ey gave federal 100 award is oft en something that is dif- offi cials a crash course in how to protect fi cult, time-consuming and, in many cases, themselves against an imminent cyberse- beyond the winner’s job description. But curity threat. And they even put together they step up to it and get the job done. It’s national programs to nurture the next that simple. generation of cybersecurity experts. Aft er 22 years of the Federal 100 awards Th at’s one of the marks of Federal 100 program, you would think we had seen winners every year: Th ey have an uncanny it all. But this year’s program just goes to ability to fi gure out how to get a job done show that excellence never gets old. with whatever resources are available. Th at quality is especially valuable in a crisis — — John Monroe Editor-in-Chief March 28, 2011 FCW.COM 3 FCW.COM VOLUME 25 • NUMBER 6 EDITOR-IN-CHIEF MANAGING EDITOR/PRINT John Stein Monroe Terri J. Huck MANAGING EDITOR/ SENIOR EDITORS DAILY REPORT Matthew Weigelt Michael Hardy John Zyskowski EDITOR-AT-LARGE Wyatt Kash In Th is Special Issue STAFF WRITERS Amber Corrin, Henry Kenyon, Alyah Khan, Alice Lipowicz, Dan Rowinski CONTRIBUTING WRITERS 6 8 Alan Joch, John Moore, Brian Robinson COLUMNISTS 2011 Federal 100 judges Winners list Chris Bronk, Steve Kelman CREATIVE DIRECTOR DIRECTOR OF OPERATIONS 26 Jeff Langkau Michael Protos ART DIRECTOR ASSISTANT ART DIRECTOR Winners profi les Sam Votsis Dragutin Cvijanovic COPY EDITORS Whitt Flora, Donald White 16 WEB DESIGN Biswarup Bhattacharjee, Martin Peace George Bressler EDITOR-IN-CHIEF/ONLINE A new twist on disaster response Susan Miller WEB PRODUCERS 18 Heather Kuldell, Alysha Sideman, Natalie Willis Robert D. Childs IT education changing by degrees PRESIDENT AND GROUP EDITOR-IN-CHIEF 20 Anne Armstrong VP/GROUP PUBLISHER Lt. Col. Al Di Leonardo Jennifer Weiss PUBLISHER A mandate to innovate Larry Fishbein DIRECTOR OF MARKETING 22 Mark J. Feldman Devin B. Holmes New connections for combat vets PRESIDENT AND CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER 24 Neal Vitale SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT AND CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER Capt. Mike Ryan Richard Vitale Data sharing makes a splash EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT Michael J. Valenti 58 SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT, AUDIENCE DEVELOPMENT & DIGITAL MEDIA Back Talk Abraham M. Langer VICE PRESIDENT, FINANCE & ADMINISTRATION Christopher M. Coates VICE PRESIDENT, INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY& APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT Erik A. Lindgren VICE PRESIDENT, ATTENDEE MARKETING Carmel McDonagh VICE PRESIDENT, EVENT OPERATIONS David F. Myers CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD Jeffrey S. Klein HOW TO REACH THE STAFF You can reach staff members of 1105 Government Information Group. A list of staff members can be found online at www.fcw.com. E-mail: Staff members can be reached by using the naming convention of fi rst initial followed by their last name @1105govinfo.com. COVER ILLUSTRATION BY DRAGUTIN CVIJANOVIC DRAGUTIN BY ILLUSTRATION COVER Falls Church Offi ce (weekdays, 8:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. ET) (703) 876-5100; Fax (703) 876-5126 3141 Fairview Park Dr., Suite 777, Falls Church, VA 22042 Corporate Offi ce (weekdays, 8:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. PT) (818) 814-5200; Fax (818) 734-1522 9201 Oakdale Avenue, Suite 101, Chatsworth, CA 91311 Federal Computer Week (ISSN 0893-052X) is published 23 times a year, two issues in Jan. through Nov. and one issue in Dec by 1105 Media, Inc., 9201 Oakdale Avenue, Ste. 101, Chatsworth, CA 91311. Periodicals postage paid at Chatsworth, CA 91311-9998, and at additional mailing offi ces. Complimentary subscriptions are sent to qualifying subscribers. Annual subscription rates payable in U.S. funds for non-qualifi ed subscribers are: U.S. $125.00, International $165.00. Annual digital subscription rates payable in U.S. funds for non-qualifi ed subscribers are: U.S. $125.00, International $125.00. Subscription inquiries, back issue requests, and address changes: Mail to: Federal Computer Week, P.O. Box 2166, Skokie, IL 60076-7866, email [email protected] or call (866) 293-3194 for U.S. & Canada; (847) 763-9560 for International, fax (847) 763-9564. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Federal Computer Week, P.O. Box 2166, Skokie, IL 60076-7866. Canada Publications Mail Agreement No: 40612608. Return Undeliverable Canadian Addresses to Circulation Dept. or XPO Returns: P.O. Box 201, Richmond Hill, ON L4B 4R5, Canada. 4 March 28, 2011 FCW.COM The 4G mobile offi ce with built-in peace of mind. What does 4G get you? Freedom from worry on the road. Because when government employees are on the go, security follows. You can run apps securely, download massive fi les and access surveillance systems safely and quickly. 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Pricing, offer terms, fees and features may vary for existing customers not eligible for upgrade. Other restrictions apply. See store or sprint.com/4G for details. ©2011 Sprint. Sprint and the logo are trademarks of Sprint. Th e 2011 Judges Th e editors of Federal Computer Week thank the following people, who donated their expertise, energy and time in the selection process for this year’s Federal 100 awards. Robert Carey Th omas M. Davis Bruce McConnell Deputy CIO and Deputy Assistant Director of Federal Government Senior Counselor for the National Secretary of Defense for Aff airs Protection and Programs Directorate Information Management, Deloitt e and Touche Homeland Security Department Integration and Technology Formerly chairman of the House Govern- Bruce McConnell advises DHS on strat- Defense Department ment Reform Committ ee, Tom Davis egy and policy to protect and increase the Given his extensive career at DOD, Robert retired from Congress in 2008 aft er work- resilience of critical infrastructure, with Carey understands IT’s role in a global ing on several key IT and procurement particular att ention to cybersecurity. From organization. He is helping to lead the measures, including the Federal Acquisi- 2000 to 2008, he created, built and sold consolidation of DOD’s IT enterprise and tion Reform Act and the Services Acquisi- two boutique consulting fi rms, McConnell building on his previous experience as tion Reform Act. He was also chairman of International and Government Futures. CIO at the Navy and director of strategy the National Republican Congressional Before those ventures, McConnell was and policy at the Navy’s Fleet Cyber Committ ee in 2000 and 2002. chief of information policy and technology Command. at the Offi ce of Management and Budget. Priscilla Guthrie Teresa Carlson Former Intelligence Community CIO Stan Z. Soloway Vice President of the Global Public Offi ce of the Director of National President and CEO Sector Intelligence Professional Services Council Amazon Web Services Priscilla Guthrie is chairwoman of the In the 1990s, Stan Soloway served concur- Teresa Carlson brings more than 20 years Cyber Panel of the Strategic Command’s rently as deputy undersecretary of Defense of business experience to bear in assessing Strategic Advisory Group.
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